Colon cleansing diet - a delicious menu for weight loss in 10 days

The consequences of malnutrition are disruption of the secretory and motor activity of the gastrointestinal tract, inflammation of the mucous membranes of the stomach and intestines.

Digestion is also affected by stress, bad habits, genetics, and concomitant diseases. With intestinal pathologies, the absorption of beneficial microelements is impaired, the intensity of the process of rotting and fermentation increases, which provokes flatulence, and the microflora is disrupted.

A diet to cleanse the intestines will normalize motility (which means it will eliminate symptoms such as diarrhea or constipation), eliminate increased gas formation, lower cholesterol levels, increase local and general immunity, improve liver function, and speed up metabolism. In addition, the diet has a positive effect on the functioning of the nervous, cardiovascular and endocrine systems, and improves complexion.

What foods weaken the intestines?

It is useful to eat laxative foods not only for treating constipation and cleansing. It is important to include them in the daily menu to maintain the functioning of the gastrointestinal tract. Laxative raw vegetables, especially tomatoes, cabbage, carrots, avocado, broccoli and leafy greens, are rich in fiber. There are also fruits that weaken the intestines, namely bananas, melons, apples, plums and all kinds of berries. Dried fruits, in particular dates and prunes, are great for relaxing.

Products containing Omega-3 fatty acids are natural laxatives and can lubricate the intestinal walls. For example, olive oil, avocado and flaxseeds. The same applies to dairy products - kefir and natural yoghurts, which are rich in bacteria and normalize the intestinal microflora. Having found out which foods weaken the intestines, it would be a good idea to look at some of them in more detail.

How to clean vegetables and fruits?

Almost any relaxing raw vegetable will do, especially cabbage, beets, cucumbers and tomatoes. Beets and tomatoes effectively cleanse the stomach and liver. In addition, tomatoes help fight free radicals. During cleaning, you should eat only vegetables that have not undergone heat treatment. You can prepare salads from cucumbers, tomatoes, red peppers and cabbage without salt, but with vegetable or olive oil. They will be even healthier if you add greens or lettuce. On average, it is advisable to eat up to 2 kg of vegetables per day.

The most useful and effective for cleansing are apples. A medium-sized apple contains about 5 grams of fiber. It is noteworthy that of the total amount of fiber, half is in the peel. Cleaning with plums will help improve peristalsis and remove salts and excess water from the body. These fruits have a diuretic and choleretic effect, and also help lower cholesterol levels. In addition, plum cleansing has a beneficial effect on the liver.

Citrus fresh fruits are used for a special one-day intestinal cleansing.

How are citrus fruits peeled?

Citrus fruits are an excellent detoxifier. For cleansing, juice is usually prepared and drunk throughout the day, every half hour. On average, 2 kilograms of oranges, 1 lemon and 5 grapefruits are passed through a juicer and diluted with water (in a one to one ratio). During cleansing, you should not eat anything other than juice, and the next day, you should eat only light food, preferably vegetables.

How do whole grain cereals cleanse the intestines of adults and children?

Whole grain cereals do not go through a thorough cleaning and polishing process. This is what makes them an extremely beneficial food for the human body. Whole grain cereals contain high amounts of fiber, vitamins and minerals. They not only relax the stomach, but also help cleanse the liver. In addition, regular consumption of cereals helps with colitis, dysbiosis, and also reduces the risk of developing stomach cancer. It is better to cook them in water with a minimum amount of salt and sugar. More useful substances are retained not in boiled porridges, but in soaked ones. It is enough to pour boiling water over the cereal and leave it to steep overnight or for several hours. Buckwheat is indispensable in the diet of both adults and children. For cleaning, you need to choose whole, unpolished buckwheat. Rolled porridge is recommended for intestinal diseases, obesity and arthritis. Netradicinė medicina, meilės požymiai, liaudiškos priemonės nuo pilvo pūtimo, nevaisingumas, sveikata, dietos, sveikas maistas, limfodrenažinis masažas, gintaras, opalas, koloidinis sidabras, galvos ir gerklės skausmas, alijošius, kukurūzai, chalva, aktyvinta anglis graikiškų riešutų pertvarėlės , kaip išsigydyti slogą, raumenų spazmai, želatina Hercules helps the liver and pancreas.

How does garlic peel?

Garlic tinctures are excellent tools that help cleanse the intestines and blood vessels. They reduce cholesterol and get rid of helminths, harmful bacteria and toxins. To cleanse the intestines, garlic tincture with lemon is most often prepared. To do this, 400 grams of chopped garlic are mixed with 4 lemons, previously passed through a meat grinder. Take this tincture before meals, a teaspoon 2 times a day. However, garlic cleansing is contraindicated if you have kidney disease or during pregnancy.

How are oils purified?

Castor oil is most often used to cleanse the intestines. It has a mild but quite effective laxative effect and promotes the active removal of toxins. To cleanse, drink 30 ml of oil in the morning and drink only liquid throughout the day - still water, juices or herbal teas. The use of castor oil is not recommended if you have gallstones, colitis, intestinal obstruction and thyroid diseases. The oil is incompatible with antihistamines.

How do water and natural juices cleanse?

Adequate doses of water consumption are the key to a healthy intestine.
Now we know what foods cleanse the intestines, but we should also not forget what we drink. Regular fluid intake improves metabolism and promotes rapid movement of the food bolus. It is believed that a person should drink up to 2.5 liters of plain water without gas. To effectively cleanse the intestines, you can add a small amount of salt. Be sure to drink several glasses of water in the morning on an empty stomach, adding, if desired, lemon juice or honey.

Freshly squeezed juices perfectly loosen the intestines and tone the body. It is important that the juice is prepared at home, without adding sugar or salt. This juice should be drunk a maximum of half an hour after preparation. The only exception is beet juice, which must be infused for several hours. All kinds of drinks are useful for quickly cleansing the intestines. For example, drinks with cinnamon and honey. Powdered cinnamon is poured with hot water and infused for 30 minutes. After this, add a teaspoon of honey.

What exactly is harmful?

The worst option is to “sit down” on tablets like “Mezima”, and think that you can eat whatever you want: with the tablet, the stomach will “digest a horseshoe”, and the intestines will assimilate everything.

Vegetable diet for weight loss

Often people with normal digestion use such “gastrointestinal” drugs, intended for temporary use - when moving and traveling, after operations or before examination - almost constantly, and get constipation and diarrhea, allergies and other “achievements”, and then They criticize doctors and advertising.

But you can maintain intestinal health quite easily by regularly including certain types of foods with a cleansing and laxative effect in your diet. So we come to the main question - what foods are good for the intestines?

How should you cleanse your intestines?

Colon cleanses are contraindicated for pregnant women and children. Strictly prohibited for hemorrhoids, diverticulitis, enteritis and urolithiasis. It is also worth remembering about allergic reactions to products. For example, if you are intolerant to nightshade vegetables, you should exclude tomatoes and red peppers. During cleansing, you need to give up coffee and carbonated drinks. Drink plenty of water, herbal tea and fresh juices. Cleaning procedures should not be carried out too often, and in the period between them, you need to constantly monitor your diet.

Why do you need to cleanse your body?

Diet, bad habits, uncontrolled use of potent medications, and frequent stress cause digestive problems. The problem is aggravated by a sedentary lifestyle and polluted air in megacities.

The result is poor health, sleep and appetite disturbances, irritability, excess weight, and poor skin condition.

If measures are not taken in time, internal organs can also suffer: liver, kidneys, heart.

Proper nutrition and regular cleansing by fasting will help improve the condition.


Bran is the hard shell of grains. They contain a lot of dietary fiber, so they are great for cleansing the intestines.


Bran - the hard shell of the grain

In addition, bran contains a large amount of fatty acids and microelements. A product made from any type of grain can be used as a cleaning agent. They stimulate peristalsis, mechanically clean the walls of the digestive tract from plaque and formations, and improve the condition of the microflora. Regular consumption of bran also helps with high blood pressure, atherosclerosis, diabetes and other disorders. They can be eaten ready-made, washed down with mineral water, or added to other dishes.

Attention! Bran has contraindications. You should read them carefully before use. In addition, only a small amount of the product has a laxative effect (no more than 2 tablespoons per day). Otherwise, the effect will be the opposite.

Useful tips


Foods rich in fiber are a godsend for the body. They not only give a laxative effect, but also force the digestive system to function properly. Dietary fiber is found in varying quantities in fruits, herbs, vegetables, and bran. They accumulate water, increasing in volume, weaken quickly enough and naturally remove “waste”. Fiber produces beneficial bacteria in the intestines, thereby improving digestion.

  • Men: 50 years old -38g, after 50 years old -30g;
  • Women: 50 years old - 25 years old, after 50 years old - 21 years old.

The percentage in the table is considered based on the recommended norm of 25g. If desired and necessary, you can calculate this indicator individually, based on the required norm specifically for you and the fiber content in each product, given in the second column.

#7 – Cayenne pepper

Hot peppers, as it turned out, can also help remove everything unnecessary from the colon. Fortunately, you don't have to eat hot cayenne pepper in its usual form. On the Scoville scale, it is in the range of 30,000 - 50,000 heat units, which makes it very dangerous for our people, who are unprepared for such pungency. To prepare a detox drink, you will need to mix 1/4 tsp. cayenne pepper powder, 2 tbsp. lemon juice and 2 tbsp. honey. Then pour warm water over this mixture and drink. The result is a mild laxative effect. The entire course takes a week, and every day you need to drink 4-5 servings of this mixture.

Ration.TOP - Top 7: products for colon cleansing, cayenne pepper

Fasting cleansing

Refusal of food for cleansing should be carried out for 1 day, 1 time per week. During this time, the digestive tract rests and recovers.

With proper preparation and a calm exit from fasting, there are no health problems.

After a few months, you can begin longer abstinence, without eating for 2-3 days in a row.

On fasting days, be sure to drink plenty of fluids to prevent dehydration and cleanse the digestive system.

Cleansing the intestines before fasting is a mandatory procedure. It will ensure normal well-being and allow you to start the digestion process after finishing the diet.

Folk recipes

These products not only remove excess water and toxins, but also help reduce weight.

The recipe for colon cleansing is simple:

  • Recommended products should be consumed within 1-3 days.
  • Drinks allowed include pure water, herbal or green tea.

Cleaning with garlic

Another recipe for cleansing the body is not suitable for everyone. It is recommended for getting rid of intestinal helminths and their larvae.

The consequences of cleansing the intestines with garlic can be unpredictable; it is better to consult your doctor before the procedure.

For beginners, it is better to try more gentle methods. Oats are much safer for cleansing the liver and intestines.


Tatyana: I regularly spend fasting days to cleanse the gastrointestinal tract - every week I fast for 1 day. I lost 5 extra kg, my health improved, and I had more strength and energy for work.

Peter: I often suffer from constipation and hemorrhoids, so I decided to cleanse my body with buckwheat and kefir. I just ate only these foods for a week (I ate about 200 grams of buckwheat a day and drank 1 liter of kefir). The stool has improved, even lost a little weight, and the lumps have become less of a concern.

Olesya: I am an experienced allergy sufferer, so I have to periodically cleanse my intestines of toxins. I used to take polysorb, but it also removes vitamins, so I switched to natural products and smoothies. I mix apple, celery and rolled oats in a blender - it turns out an explosive mixture that cleans quickly and efficiently.

#4 – Greens and vegetables

Plant foods traditionally cleanse blood vessels and intestines well of malignant bacteria, heavy metals and other external irritants that get inside along with food. Some of the best in this matter are: cabbage, celery, onions, sorrel, cucumbers, lettuce, asparagus and spinach. The fact is that they contain a lot of antioxidants and chlorophyll (it is what colors them green). These substances have a beneficial effect on the health of the gastrointestinal tract and strengthen the immune system. In addition, they create the basis for the prevention of the fight against viral infections.

Ration.TOP - Top 7: products for cleansing the intestines, greens and vegetables

Amount of fiber

ProductFiber (per 100 g)% of daily value (25 g) 1 serving weighing 200 g
wheat bran)43.6g348,8 %
flax seeds27.3g218,6%
dried apricots18g144 %
pistachios, fried without oil or salt10.3g82,4%
peanuts (raw)8.1g64,8%
sweet corn7.3g58,4%
almonds (raw)7g56%
bread (whole grain)6.8-9.2g54,4-73,6%
dried dates6g48%
Oatmeal "Hercules"6g48%
Rye bread5.8g46,4%
green peas5.5g44%
sunflower seeds5g40%
pumpkin seeds4.2g33,6%
Brussels sprouts (boiled)4.2g33,6%
pasta (from durum varieties)3.7g29,6%
buckwheat (boiled)3.7g29,6%
green beans (stewed)3.4g27,2%
Broccoli (boiled)3.3g26,4%
Cashew raw3.3g26,4%
pumpkin (boiled)3.2g25,6%
beets (boiled)3g24%
onions (fresh)3g24%
pear (with peel)2.8g22,4%
fresh white cabbage2 - 2.4g16-19,2%
apple in peel2-4g16-32%
carrots (fresh)2.4g19,2%
stewed carrots, boiled2.4g19,2%
stewed white cabbage2.2g17,6%
potatoes in skin2.2g17,6%
celery stalks1.8g14,4%
boiled brown rice1.8g14,4%
grapes (berry with skin)1.6g12,8%
fresh sweet pepper1.4-1.7g11,2-13,6%
spinach stew1.3g10,4%
boiled sweet potato1.3g10,4%
tomatoes (ground)1.3g10,4%
zucchini (with peel)1.1g8,8%
melon pulp0.9g7,2%
boiled white rice0.9g7,2%
tomatoes (greenhouse)0.4g3,2%
Armenian thin lavash0.2g1,6%

Whole wheat bread

To prepare whole grain flour, unrefined grain is used, so it contains all its components, including bran and grain germ. Regularly adding whole grain bread to your diet helps to increase intestinal motility, and therefore prevent or prevent constipation, lose weight, and is also effective in the treatment of atherosclerosis and diabetes. In addition, this product removes radionuclides, various toxins and heavy metal salts from the body, thus helping to improve the health of the body as a whole, prolong life and preserve youth.

Sample menu for the week

The first 2 days of the cleansing diet are fasting, during which time the intestines are freed from everything accumulated. Despite the fact that there is practically no food, there will be stool, the intestines excrete all the contents.

Mondaygreen tea with honeylarge green applegreen tea
Tuesdaygreen tea with honeyapple or orangegreen tea
Wednesdayoatmeal with water, green teaboiled meat and tomato, juiceboiled rice with soy sauce, tea
Thursdaybuckwheat on water, coffeeboiled fish, saladorange and juice
Fridaylow-fat cottage cheese, grated carrotsbaked vegetables and boiled egg, juiceboiled rice with soy sauce, herbal infusion
Saturdayboiled meat, vegetable salad, teaboiled rice and vegetable salad, juiceLow-fat cottage cheese, yogurt, compote
Sundaypasta, vegetable saladvegetable soup, boiled meatBuckwheat on water, green apple
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