Why do nausea, diarrhea, weakness and abdominal pain occur?


Gastroenteritis is a very common intestinal infection.
It is usually caused by a virus, bacteria or parasite (). Here are the symptoms of gastroenteritis:

  • stomach pain or cramps
  • nausea
  • vomit
  • diarrhea
  • low-grade body temperature
  • headache
  • fatigue

Viral gastroenteritis is the second most common illness and is often associated with ingestion of contaminated food or water ().

Diarrhea due to high or low blood pressure

Diarrhea is characterized by the presence of loose and frequent stools, the cause of which may not only be poisoning.

One of the most difficult reasons for the development of diarrhea is a sharp change in blood pressure. Instability of pressure is inherent in older patients, but in the presence of chronic diseases and poor lifestyle, the disease can also manifest itself in the working population. Blood pressure and diarrhea are interrelated. These two conditions can provoke each other. With a sharp jump in pressure, irritation occurs in the brain centers of the cerebral cortex, which are responsible for the development of diarrhea. In what cases low blood pressure and diarrhea and high blood pressure and diarrhea occur, why this condition is dangerous and how to treat it, we will consider further.

Diverticulosis and diverticulitis

Diverticulosis is an intestinal disease in which pouch-like protrusions form on the intestinal wall. Diverticulitis is the medical name for infection and inflammation of these sacs.

Diverticulitis typically causes pain in the lower left side of the abdomen. Here are other symptoms of this disease:

  • nausea
  • vomit
  • diarrhea
  • blood in stool
  • frequent or painful urination
  • fever

The likelihood of developing diverticulosis increases with age. Researchers currently believe that the main cause is a diet low in fiber ().

Nausea, diarrhea, weakness and abdominal pain: what could it be, symptoms of what diseases?

Nausea, diarrhea, and pain in the abdominal area can be signs of various diseases. All these symptoms indicate disturbances in the functioning of the digestive system.

Causes of symptoms

Each disease is characterized by certain symptoms and the order in which they appear. The causes of poor health may be inflammatory or infectious. At the first stage, it is important to exclude severe pathologies through a thorough diagnosis of the digestive tract.

Nausea and vomiting can be caused by overeating, and diarrhea can be caused by alcohol abuse or intolerance to certain foods. Inflammation in the digestive tract is accompanied by stool disorder for a long period, and requires diagnosis and comprehensive treatment.

The appearance of all symptoms immediately indicates a serious infectious disease. Additional symptoms will help determine the cause:

  • In case of food poisoning, there is a slight increase in temperature and sounds coming from the gastrointestinal tract.
  • Blood in the stool is a sign of an intestinal infection.
  • With a peptic ulcer, in addition to the main symptoms, the patient experiences frequent belching and bitterness in the mouth.
  • During pregnancy, in the early stages, girls often experience stool upset, nausea and vomiting. These are signs of toxicosis.

Pathologies accompanied by symptoms

Nausea, vomiting, and diarrhea can be caused by various pathologies of the gastrointestinal tract and disorders of the digestive system, including:

  • Food poisoning.
  • Intestinal infections.
  • Chronic pathologies of the gastrointestinal tract.
  • Inflammatory diseases of organs.

Often similar symptoms are observed in girls in the first trimester of pregnancy. In rare cases, they indicate serious pathologies.

Intoxication of the body

Eating foods of poor quality and products that have expired, as well as those with a high content of nitrates, can be fraught with poisoning.

A person's temperature can rise to 38 degrees. Abdominal pain may be accompanied by a painful sensation in the epigastric region and vomiting. Diarrhea occurs.

Symptoms usually disappear after the body has completely rid itself of toxins.

In case of mushroom poisoning, the patient’s condition worsens after a couple of hours and is accompanied by severe uncontrollable vomiting, stomach cramps and bloody diarrhea. In case of such poisoning, you need to rinse your stomach and call a doctor. The consequences of intoxication can be the most severe.

In case of poisoning with highly toxic substances, disturbances in the functioning of the central nervous system are detected. The patient has hallucinations and lacks coordination.

Intestinal infections

Most intestinal infections are accompanied by stool upset, vomiting, abdominal pain and general weakness of the body.

Rotavirus infection is common among children and children of primary school age. The patient's stool is loose, mixed with mucus and blood, has a grayish tint, there is pain in the abdomen, and the temperature rises. The disease often occurs with headache. The danger of rotavirus infection is the ability to quickly pass from one member of a team to another.

Dysentery is an acute intestinal infection, which is characterized by pain in the lower abdomen, severe diarrhea with blood and mucus. The patient feels weak and nauseated. The infection must be treated in a hospital setting.

Salmonellosis is a serious intestinal infection, the carrier of which can be a sick person or a healthy person who is a carrier of the infection, as well as birds and animals. Symptoms come on suddenly. First, the body temperature rises, then diarrhea begins, and the stomach hurts. The patient is shivering. After a while, severe vomiting develops.

Early toxicosis

Early toxicosis is a common phenomenon in pregnant women. More often caused by neuroendocrine disorders. A woman’s body is subject to physiological changes and cannot adapt normally to pregnancy, which is why toxicosis occurs. Manifests itself in the form of vomiting. Rarely, diarrhea may occur. Weakness appears and blood pressure drops.

A woman should report all symptoms to her attending physician. Depending on the degree of toxicosis, treatment is prescribed. The first degree does not require drug therapy and is treated by following a strict diet.


Weakness, body aches, temperature above 37 degrees are common signs of colds. Severe forms are accompanied by high temperature, chills and fever. In some cases, adults and children with ARVI experience diarrhea. The cause of loose stools and vomiting during an acute respiratory viral infection is intoxication of the body with viruses and weakened immunity.

Diseases of the abdominal organs

One of the common phenomena among the adult population is gastritis. The reasons for the development of pathology are poor nutrition, infections, stressful situations, and the use of certain medications. Its signs: pain in the stomach immediately after eating food, intestinal upset, nausea, burning in the sternum. The pain is felt in the upper abdomen.

A stomach ulcer is a chronic disease in which a defect appears on the wall of the organ. A symptom of a peptic ulcer is a sharp, stabbing, dull or aching pain that can appear before or immediately after eating. During the acute period, the patient vomits.

Duodenal ulcer is a chronic pathology in which a defect occurs in the duodenal mucosa.

It is characterized by stabbing pains radiating to the right hypochondrium a short period of time after eating. The patient feels nauseous, vomits, feels bloated and has heartburn.

Severe pain reduces appetite. The patient experiences weight loss. During exacerbations, diarrhea develops.

Colitis is an inflammation of the colon mucosa. Dull aching pain in the lower abdomen. Stool disorder in the form of alternating constipation and diarrhea. The patient is worried about weakness, nausea, and a strong smell of stool. Diarrhea in the form of liquid feces with streaks of mucus. After defecation, relief occurs and the pain temporarily subsides.

With pancreatitis or inflammation of the pancreas, the patient has severe pain, localized in different parts: in the right or left hypochondrium, and can involve the lower abdomen. Severe pain provokes painful shock and leads to loss of consciousness. The pathology is often accompanied by vomiting, heartburn, and a temperature above 39 degrees. Loose stools containing particles of undigested food.

Appendicitis is an inflammation of the appendage of the cecum, requiring surgical intervention. Exacerbation of the pathology is manifested by painful sensations in the navel area and a shift of pain to the right.

The patient vomits previously consumed food and bile. The temperature rises to 38 degrees. Diarrhea begins. The pain does not go away, but rather increases. The patient feels dry mouth.

If you suspect appendicitis, you should call an ambulance.

Diagnostic methods

If symptoms do not disappear after a couple of days, you should seek qualified help. First of all, the doctor will try to find out the cause by listening to the patient. The patient should tell about the duration of the manifestations, the color of the stool and consistency, what he ate and the presence of chronic diseases.

The doctor will give directions for examination of the material and hardware diagnostics of organs. You will need to donate urine, blood and feces.

To visualize pathological processes in the organs of the gastrointestinal tract, the doctor will prescribe an ultrasound examination of the abdominal organs or endoscopic ultrasound. For a more thorough diagnosis, a CT or MRI of the organs may be required.

Therapy and prevention

Treatment in most cases should be carried out under the supervision of a doctor, after the cause has been established. But before consulting a doctor, the patient can provide first aid to himself.

In case of poisoning

You need to rinse your stomach to get rid of toxins. Do not stop diarrhea with antidiarrheal tablets. You can take sorbents. It is recommended to drink large volumes of water in small sips.

For diseases of the gastrointestinal tract

Self-medication in this case is contraindicated. If the disease is accompanied by vomiting and diarrhea, you need to replenish the water-salt balance by taking Regidron. Eliminate fatty, spicy, difficult-to-digest foods from the menu. It is worth seeking medical help.

For infectious diseases

The patient must see a doctor and undergo the necessary tests. If the disease is confirmed, the doctor decides to hospitalize the patient in the infectious diseases department, where treatment will take place. Intestinal infections can be contagious and pose a health threat to the family of the sick person. That is why treatment takes place in a hospital.


To avoid pathologies that cause unpleasant symptoms, it is important to follow some rules:

  • You should wash your hands thoroughly with soap after using the toilet.
  • Avoid crowds during epidemics.
  • Choose food products carefully, paying attention to the production date and shelf life.
  • Consume meat and fish only after heat treatment.
  • People with chronic diseases need to undergo a complete examination at least once a year.
  • Carefully monitor the foods you eat; it is better to exclude foods with a high content of preservatives and food colorings, giving preference to natural ones.

Stool upset, weakness and nausea may not be taken seriously by a person. Sometimes, indeed, the reasons that caused such reactions in the body are banal - stress, overeating.

But sometimes the pathology that is accompanied by symptoms can be so serious that untimely treatment can lead to irreversible consequences.

Therefore, the first thing a sick person should do is consult a doctor to find out the causes of the pathological processes.

Source: https://GastroTract.ru/simptom/diareya/toshnota-ponos-slabost-i-bol-v-zhivote.html

Celiac disease

Celiac disease is a chronic autoimmune disease in which eating gluten-containing foods causes the immune system to attack its own cells. This can cause permanent damage to the small intestine.

Here are the symptoms of celiac disease:

  • abdominal cramps
  • diarrhea
  • nausea
  • vomit
  • bloating
  • nutritional deficiency
  • weight loss
  • headache
  • weakness
  • fatigue
  • joint pain
  • easy bruising and bruising

The National Institute of Diabetes and Digestive and Kidney Diseases estimates that 1 in 141 people in developed countries have celiac disease, although many may not be aware of it ().


Pancreatitis is the medical term that describes acute inflammation of the pancreas. The disease usually begins with the sudden onset of severe abdominal pain that radiates to the back.

The pain usually gets worse when a person:

  • takes a deep breath
  • coughs
  • moves

He may also experience additional symptoms such as:

  • loss of appetite
  • nausea
  • vomit
  • diarrhea
  • fever
  • sweating
  • jaundice (yellowing of the skin and whites of the eyes)


Appendicitis is an infection and inflammation of the appendix (appendix). The appendix is ​​a small sac of tissue that is located inside the large intestine. It is located in the right lower abdomen.

The first symptom is usually pain in the middle of the abdomen that spreads to the lower right side of the abdomen. The pain may get worse when the person walks, coughs, or sneezes.

Here are other symptoms of appendicitis:

  • nausea
  • vomit
  • diarrhea
  • bloating
  • fever


Anaphylaxis is a medical term that describes a severe form of an allergic reaction. Anaphylaxis can be caused by medication or food, for example.

Anaphylaxis occurs quickly and can be fatal. Here are the symptoms of anaphylaxis:

  • skin rash or hives
  • diarrhea
  • itchy throat
  • abdominal pain
  • nausea
  • vomit
  • difficulty swallowing
  • dyspnea
  • chest pain
  • dizziness
  • fainting


Persistent diarrhea and vomiting can lead to complications such as dehydration and electrolyte imbalances.

Complications to watch out for depend on the cause of the vomiting, diarrhea, and abdominal pain.

For example, certain diseases of the digestive tract can cause intestinal malabsorption, which prevents a person from absorbing enough nutrients from food. This can lead to nutritional deficiencies and weight loss.

Untreated pancreatitis, appendicitis and intestinal obstruction can cause serious and potentially life-threatening complications such as sepsis, an infection that enters the bloodstream and affects other organs.

Ways to stabilize high pressure

Hypertension is many times more dangerous than hypotension. This is due to the accelerated movement of blood through the vessels, which provokes their stretching and decreased tone.

The main task of antihypertensive drugs is to expand the lumen of blood vessels, which will reduce blood pressure. The most effective of them are:

  • Bisaprolol – 30-40 rubles;
  • Captopril – 7-15 rubles;
  • Enalapril – 9-12 rubles;
  • Furosemide – 20-25 rubles;
  • Verapamil – 30-50 rubles.

Some provoke increased removal of stagnant fluid from the body, others are alpha-blockers. The choice of the right medication depends entirely on the individual characteristics of the patient. You should not spontaneously take advertised drugs, since their mechanism of action can only intensify the manifestation of diarrhea.

If you have arterial hypertension, it is important to adhere to a strict diet that excludes foods with a high glycemic level. The diet for patients with high blood pressure includes the following list of prohibited foods:

  • smoked meats and pickles;
  • sweet confectionery;
  • strong tea and coffee;
  • hot spices and seasonings;
  • fatty meats;
  • offal;
  • alcoholic drinks.

A diet for high blood pressure should be based on the consumption of foods such as:

You should eat smaller meals, avoiding overeating, otherwise your blood pressure may increase and remain high.

Some medicinal herbs can influence blood pressure, reducing it to normal levels. This allows you to fight hypertension in the initial stages of development, as well as enhance the effect of medications in chronic cases.

The most popular herbs for blood pressure are:

  1. Decoction of meadow clover - take 1 level teaspoon of the herb per glass of boiling water. Steam for 3-4 hours, take instead of tea twice a day.
  2. Motherwort herb decoction - take 1 tablespoon of chopped herb for 1 liter of water. Brew in a water bath for 10-15 minutes, let cool. Strain and take 5 tablespoons before each meal.
  3. A decoction of chokeberry fruits - take 1 teaspoon of dry fruits and put them in tea instead of tea leaves. Take 1 time per day, mainly in the morning.

Medicinal tinctures

Alcohol tinctures of some medicinal plants can also fight hypertension. Many patients know that the most effective and affordable (which cannot be said about tablets) are:

  • hawthorn tincture;
  • motherwort tincture;
  • tincture of calendula.

It's no secret that some vegetables and fruits can provoke a decrease in blood pressure. To reduce blood pressure, you can use the following recipes:

  1. Beetroot juice - take a fresh medium-sized root vegetable and pass it through a juicer. Dilute with boiled water in a 1:1 ratio. Take half a glass twice a day.
  2. Spinach and plantain smoothie – take 30 g of fresh plantain leaves and 50 g of spinach per glass of smoothie. Grind in a blender until smooth, adding water.
  3. Sunflower seeds – hypertensive patients should consume a handful of sunflower seeds per day, which are rich in beneficial substances that can provoke a decrease in the level of “bad” cholesterol in the blood.


Proper treatment for vomiting, diarrhea and abdominal pain depends on the cause of these symptoms.

Usually a person recovers within a few days. In the meantime, to prevent and treat dehydration, it is important to get plenty of rest and drink plenty of fluids.

If symptoms are severe or persistent, dietary changes, adjustments to current medications, or treatment may be needed. These procedures may include:

  • medicines for intestinal infections
  • painkillers
  • intravenous fluid administration
  • hospitalization or surgery for serious illnesses such as appendicitis or intestinal obstruction

When to see a doctor

If anyone in the following groups experiences sudden, severe abdominal pain with or without vomiting or diarrhea, they need emergency help (, ):

  • children
  • pregnant women
  • aged people

Anyone experiencing vomiting, diarrhea and abdominal pain, as well as one or more of the following symptoms, should get professional help as soon as possible (, , ):

  • severe vomiting, or if it lasts more than 12 hours
  • bloody vomiting
  • diarrhea that lasts more than 2 days
  • abdominal pain that awakens a person from sleep
  • any symptoms that began after an injury or surgery to the abdomen
  • sudden swelling of the abdomen
  • symptoms of dehydration such as dizziness, dry mouth and lethargy
  • jaundice
  • pain in the chest, arm, neck, or jaw
  • difficulty breathing or swallowing

Ways to stabilize low pressure

Slow blood flow is dangerous because it is not able to fully saturate all tissues with oxygen, taking away carbon dioxide. Metabolic processes slow down, as a result of which waste and toxins accumulate in large quantities in the body.

The most accessible and widely used drugs that increase blood pressure are:

  1. Citramon - 16-20 rubles.
  2. Askofen – 30 rubles.
  3. Fludrocortisone – 600 rubles.
  4. Adrenaline – 60-70 rubles.
  5. Cordiamin – 150-300 rubles.

If necessary, drugs that stimulate high blood pressure can be used continuously (for chronic hypotension).

No matter how paradoxical it may sound, when the pressure is below normal, all “harmful” products are allowed, which in ordinary life are strictly prohibited. These include:

  • sweet confectionery, especially chocolate and honey;
  • nuts of all varieties;
  • smoked meats and pickles;
  • sausages;
  • strong sweet tea and coffee;
  • meat and products made from it.

In the afternoon, doctors advise drinking coffee with a piece of chocolate, which will stimulate the appearance of high blood pressure values ​​close to normal.

Decoctions of medicinal herbs can normalize blood pressure during hypotension without the slightest harm to health. The most popular of them are:

  1. Decoction of wormwood and chamomile - take 1 teaspoon of crushed dry wormwood herb and half a teaspoon of chamomile per glass of boiling water. Steam with boiling water, place in a water bath and bring to a boil. Cool and filter. Take 2 tablespoons before meals three times a day.
  2. Nettle decoction - brew according to the recipe indicated on the package. Take half a glass during the day.
  3. Schisandra decoction - take 3 tablespoons of lemongrass herb per 1 liter of cold water, pour in and place on low heat. Bring to a boil and boil for 3-5 minutes. Cool and take 1 tablespoon 5-8 times a day.

Medicinal tinctures

For many people who cannot take medications for one reason or another, medicinal tinctures become a real godsend.

The most famous tinctures for hypotension are:

  • Rhodiola rosea tincture;
  • ginseng tincture;
  • tincture of Eleutherococcus.

Few people know, but a person’s lifestyle plays a key role in the fight against hypotension. Patients must adhere to the following rules:

  • eat small meals;
  • move more;
  • take a contrast shower, which will help strengthen blood vessels;
  • to refuse from bad habits;
  • reduce stress levels.


Vomiting, diarrhea and abdominal pain are a common combination of symptoms. They often result from gastroenteritis and tend to resolve within a few days without the need for professional care.

However, if symptoms are severe, persistent, or accompanied by other warning signs, consult your doctor. They may be caused by more serious problems that require immediate treatment.

Most causes of vomiting, diarrhea, and abdominal pain are treatable if diagnosed and treated promptly by a doctor.

Should I be afraid?

No. From time to time, all people suffer from nausea, diarrhea and weakness. In 90% of cases, these symptoms indicate food poisoning (ingestion of microorganisms).

Most often, people upset their digestive system with the following foods:

  1. Mayonnaise.
  2. Vegetables.
  3. Meat.
  4. Confectionery.
  5. Dairy products.

Other symptoms of food poisoning include:

  1. Vomit.
  2. Dizziness.
  3. Temperature increase.
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