Vomiting fever weakness in an adult what to do. Nausea, vomiting and fever in an adult: causes, treatment

Vomiting and fever in adults can occur for various reasons. Most often these are diseases of the digestive organs, poisoning with toxic substances or general infectious diseases of the whole body.. No one is immune from such unpleasant conditions; they can begin suddenly, against the backdrop of seemingly complete well-being. A sick person can only guess about the true cause of the disease by comparing previous events. Only a doctor can accurately determine the cause of vomiting, which is accompanied by fever, and prescribe appropriate treatment.

Main causes of elevated temperature

Body temperature from 36.5 to 36.8 degrees is a normal temperature capable of ensuring the vital functions of the human body. An increase in temperature is usually a symptom of diseases such as acute respiratory viral infections, tonsillitis, pharyngitis, tracheitis and others.

Very often, a temperature above normal is observed without any signs of a cold. In such cases, the main reasons are:

1. Vegetovascular dystonia

  • It is one of the most common diseases. Disruption of the nervous system may be accompanied by an increase in body temperature up to 37.5 degrees and, as a rule, remains within these limits throughout the day.

2. Hidden infection

  • The presence of streptococcus and staphylococcus bacteria in the body can cause an inflammatory process accompanied by high fever.
  • One of the symptoms is an increase in temperature to 37.5 degrees, which decreases to normal after treatment with iron supplements.

4. Intoxication

  • Toxic substances entering the human body from the outside (exotoxins) can cause a significant increase in temperature. Endotoxins that are formed in the body often provoke a slight increase in temperature.

5. Beginning of pregnancy, second half of the menstrual cycle.

Causes of nausea and vomiting

Nausea and vomiting are not a disease in themselves, but they are symptoms of many diseases, the main ones being:

  • Gastritis and peptic ulcer. After eating, nausea increases and may cause vomiting.
  • Graves' disease. Thyroid dysfunction is often the cause of nausea and vomiting.
  • Hypertension. It may make you feel nauseous in the morning, and with a sharp increase in blood pressure (hypertensive crisis), nausea often turns into vomiting.
  • . Vomiting is caused by stagnation of blood in the liver.

Diseases whose symptoms are fever and vomiting at the same time

Against the background of general weakness of the body and low immunity, the symptoms of various diseases are very often combined. For example, a person with iron deficiency anemia, accompanied by an increase in temperature, experiences a hypertensive crisis, which will cause vomiting.

But there are diseases whose symptoms are vomiting and fever at the same time. This occurs with intestinal flu, viral hepatitis, appendicitis, and inflammatory processes in the kidneys.

1. Food poisoning

  • Occurs when eating food, the sale, storage and preparation of which are violated sanitary and hygienic standards. The disease manifests itself within 2 to 24 hours. The first symptoms are usually nausea, progressing to vomiting. Chills and fever begin. Poisoning is accompanied by severe diarrhea.

2. Rotavirus infection (intestinal flu)

  • Infection occurs very quickly through airborne droplets. With weak immunity, a few minutes spent next to a sick person is enough. The disease is characterized by fever, vomiting and diarrhea, which can lead to dehydration, dysbacteriosis and dysentery.

3. Viral hepatitis

  • The first symptom of the disease is fever, followed by nausea, which turns into vomiting. Other symptoms characteristic of viral hepatitis appear later.

4. Appendicitis

  • An acute attack of appendicitis is accompanied by severe pain in the right half of the abdomen. Taking an anesthetic can dull the pain, and the patient calms down, ignoring the need to see a doctor. But the appearance of fever and vomiting after an attack is a very serious signal requiring immediate hospitalization.

5. Inflammatory process in the kidneys

  • The main symptom of the disease is aching pain in the lower back, which may disappear after taking another painkiller. If vomiting and fever are associated with pain, you should immediately seek help from a doctor.

Nutrition for fever and vomiting

You should always remember that you should not stop eating completely. It is recommended to reduce nutrition to the minimum that the body can accept. But giving up food completely is dangerous. It is recommended to avoid juices and coffee. Food should not irritate the stomach, so it is better to eat porridge with water (rice, buckwheat, oatmeal). From liquid food, you can eat broth cooked with homemade chicken, and also drink jelly.

An accurate diagnosis based on symptoms such as fever and vomiting is almost impossible to establish. After diagnosing and identifying the disease that is caused by these symptoms, the specialist will prescribe the necessary treatment. Self-treatment at home is fraught with aggravation of the disease and serious complications.

Vomiting and fever in adults can occur for various reasons. Most often these are diseases of the digestive organs, poisoning with toxic substances or general infectious diseases of the whole body. No one is immune from such unpleasant conditions; they can begin suddenly, against the backdrop of seemingly complete well-being. A sick person can only guess about the true cause of the disease by comparing previous events. Only a doctor can accurately determine the cause of vomiting, which is accompanied by fever, and prescribe appropriate treatment.


To prevent weakness, chills, and nausea from recurring, follow the following preventive measures:

  • Take days off (change your environment periodically, don’t get overtired).
  • Take a contrast shower.
  • Monitor your diet (follow the diet rules).
  • Give up harmful habits (smoking, alcoholic drinks, drugs).
  • Take time to walk outside.
  • Periodically clean your home to prevent infectious diseases.
  • Don't neglect your own hygiene.
  • Monitor your health and undergo periodic examinations in the hospital.
  • Exercise.

Practice, including a proper diet, traditional methods, and medications, will help solve the problem, get rid of unpleasant, disturbing symptoms, and return to the previous state.

Possible causes of vomiting in an adult

Vomiting and fever in an adult are quite unpleasant phenomena and indicate problems in the body. Vomiting occurs due to uncontrolled contractions of the muscles of the stomach and intestines, when food in the digestive tract is pushed out. All this is accompanied by acute pain in the abdomen and stomach, as well as belching. Vomiting is preceded by persistent nausea and weakness. People cannot control the process of vomiting; it occurs spontaneously and requires emergency care. The main causes of the gag reflex are:

  • Poisoning with low-quality products and toxic substances.
  • Intestinal infections.
  • Diseases of the liver and urinary tract.
  • Excessive consumption of alcoholic beverages.
  • Brain damage, such as a concussion.
  • Diseases of the digestive tract - gastritis and ulcers. With this pathology, vomit mixed with bile and blood inclusions.

High fever and vomiting in an adult may indicate cancer

, so don’t put off going to the doctor.

With the help of vomiting, the body tries to cleanse itself of harmful substances, microbes and decay products. A fever may indicate dehydration or excess toxins in the bloodstream.

Folk remedies

Alternative medicine recipes are appropriate only when it comes to intestinal infections and stomach diseases. They are allowed to be used only after consultation with a doctor. The most popular of them are the following:

  1. Chamomile decoction (chamomile tea) – cleanses the stomach and intestinal mucosa from pathogenic bacteria, normalizing digestion.
  2. A decoction of St. John's wort and sage helps to cope with nausea caused by dysfunction of the pancreas.
  3. Using a dehydration solution - add 1 tablespoon of sugar, 1 teaspoon of salt and half a teaspoon of soda to 1 liter of boiled water. The solution helps avoid dehydration (especially when vomiting), and also normalizes digestion.

How can I help you

If a person is bothered by nausea, vomiting, or fever, which is accompanied by general weakness, then it is necessary to show the patient to a doctor as quickly as possible. At home, you can provide first aid to prevent dehydration and deterioration of health. The list of what you can do before being examined by a doctor looks like this:

  • If vomiting is a symptom of an intestinal infectious disease or poisoning, then the patient needs to rinse the stomach. This can be done at home, but provided that the person is fully conscious. For the procedure, take up to 7 liters of clean warm water or a weak solution of potassium permanganate. The victim is given up to one and a half liters of liquid to drink at a time, and then vomiting is induced by pressing on the base of the tongue.
  • When the temperature is slightly above 37 degrees, antipyretic drugs are not used. The patient is simply monitored so as not to miss a further increase in temperature. If nausea appears and the temperature exceeds 38 degrees, this is more serious, the patient should be given paracetamol, ibuprofen or any other antipyretic drugs.

When vomiting, antipyretic drugs are given only in the form of tablets, which are pre-crushed or given intramuscular injections. Giving syrups and effervescent tablets is not recommended; they contain a lot of dyes, preservatives and flavors, which is bad for an irritated stomach.

  • To relieve acute pain in the stomach, you can give a person antispasmodics, for example, no-shpa.
  • The patient is provided with plenty of fluids. Drinks are given in small volumes, but very often. It is allowed to give compotes, decoctions of medicinal herbs, teas and rice water with raisins. It is forbidden to give carbonated drinks, concentrated juices and dairy products to a patient with vomiting.
  • A person with vomiting, fever and stomach pain is placed comfortably on his side to avoid choking on vomit. The window is opened slightly to allow fresh air to enter.

It is important to remember that fever and uncontrollable vomiting can be the first sign of such a dangerous disease as appendicitis. The symptoms of this disease are complemented by acute abdominal pain and severe weakness. When palpating the abdomen, you can feel some tension on the right side.

After performing a simple manipulation, appendicitis can be suspected. The patient is asked to pull his right leg to his chest; if the pain increases, then this is a signal to call an ambulance. In this case, you cannot hesitate, as purulent peritonitis may develop, which will not only seriously impair your health, but can also lead to death.

Treatment in hospital

In case of severe pain in the stomach and nausea, which is accompanied by an elevated temperature, the patient is given symptomatic treatment, the order of which depends on the cause of the disease.

If the cause of vomiting and fever is food poisoning, then first rinse the stomach with a tube. After this, they do a cleansing enema and give adsorbents to drink. If necessary, antimicrobial drugs or antibiotics are prescribed. If dehydration is observed, then intravenous infusion of saline and glucose is indicated.

In case of poisoning with toxic substances, the stomach is also washed to remove any remaining poison, then adsorbents are given. The patient is prescribed a number of heart medications and allowed to breathe pure oxygen. Next, symptomatic therapy is carried out.

If the cause of vomiting with fever is liver disease, then hemodialysis is performed according to indications, adsorbents and medications are prescribed that promote the regeneration of liver cells. For gastric or duodenal ulcers, treatment measures are aimed at eliminating internal bleeding and quickly restoring the mucous membrane.

In case of poisoning with plant poisons or drugs, wash the stomach and intestines, give adsorbents and antidotes. For the rapid removal of toxic substances, forced diuresis is indicated.

If nausea, vomiting and fever began after a head injury, then medications are prescribed that restore brain cells and blood vessels. In addition, intravenous infusion of glucose and saline is indicated.

If the cause of nausea and vomiting is appendicitis, then urgent surgical intervention is indicated. The operation is performed under general anesthesia; the prognosis for timely treatment is favorable.

An adult should not self-medicate if nausea, vomiting and fever occur. It is necessary to go to the hospital for a full examination and a correct diagnosis. Only a qualified doctor can determine the exact cause of the ailment and prescribe the appropriate treatment.

Danger of condition

It is important not to let the symptoms go unnoticed, as they can develop into more serious manifestations that will definitely not go away without leaving a trace on the body. If nausea, weakness and high fever persist for more than a day, then you need the help of a doctor, and in some cases even hospitalization. Lack of timely treatment can lead to a lot of negative consequences for the body.

Thus, such manifestations are common to many diseases, which cannot be recognized only by external signs. The earlier treatment is started, the greater the chances of a speedy recovery. In childhood, it is better not to self-medicate at all, giving preference to doctors.

What to pay attention to

There are several recommendations that should be followed when providing first aid to an adult who is suffering from vomiting and fever:

  • If poisoning occurs with burning chemicals, then gastric lavage at home is prohibited.
  • If the body temperature is below 38 degrees, then there is no need to give antipyretic drugs.
  • The patient should not be left unattended even for a few minutes; he may choke on vomit.

When vomiting occurs due to the use of certain medications, you need to save the packaging until the doctor arrives in order to quickly make a diagnosis.

Most adults are not very worried if they start vomiting, which is accompanied by hyperthermia. In fact, you need to see a doctor quickly, as this condition may signal the development of a dangerous disease. In this case, every lost hour costs not only health, but also life.


Vomiting in an adult with a fever indicates the presence of some disease in the body. Modern man has no time for treatment. If somewhere it tingles or hurts, he tries not to pay attention to it. I swallowed the pill and went back to work. And so it continues until a chain appears: nausea, vomiting, fever. And if the temperature is elevated, it means the body has begun to fight the infection and is actively producing substances that try to destroy viruses. Such phenomena can provoke many diseases, but most often the culprits are intestinal infections.


Causes of nausea and vomiting, what to do, what medications to use.

The appearance of vomiting and nausea in an adult against a background of elevated temperature indicates diseases of the digestive system or poisoning. To begin treatment, the doctor conducts an examination, on the basis of which drug therapy is prescribed. It is possible to use folk remedies, but with the permission of the attending physician.

High fever and vomiting that appear in both an adult and a child are very alarming symptoms. It should be noted that they can accompany a number of different pathologies. Therefore, in this case it is very important to quickly make the correct diagnosis. After this, it will be possible to begin treatment, directing the main efforts to combating the root cause, and at the same time relieving unpleasant symptoms.

Why does an adult vomit with fever?

It is often the person’s own fault that the temperature rises and vomiting occurs. If you didn’t wash your hands before eating, allowing bacteria to enter your body, you ate dirty fruit, or a fly sat on the food, leaving behind dangerous pathogens, you have to pay for poor hygiene.

But there are other reasons:

  1. Low-quality products whose shelf life has long passed.
  2. Unboiled or contaminated water.
  3. A sick person from whom you can become infected through airborne droplets. Most often, people with weakened immune systems, chronic diseases, or after serious illnesses suffer from such contact.

There may be a very mild illness, but no one is immune from severe food poisoning.

Typical diseases are:

  • salmonellosis;
  • infections: rotavirus and enterovirus;
  • dysentery.

The signs of these diseases are similar. Abdominal pain occurs, high temperatures up to 40°C appear. And then vomiting begins: first with the food eaten, and then with bile. The patient begins to suffer from chills and diarrhea.

If the infection is rotavirus, then a sore throat is added to these symptoms, the palatine arches become red and inflamed.

Enterovirus differs in that there is redness of the eyes and a pinpoint rash occurs (it is not particularly bothersome).

The throat hurts, a plaque has appeared in it, the tonsils have become inflamed, all the signs of intoxication have appeared: weakness, nausea, vomiting, severe headache, the temperature rises to an alarming level - most likely it is a sore throat. And then the doctor will determine what type of disease the patient has in order to correctly prescribe treatment. If the sore throat is viral, antiviral medications are needed; for bacterial sore throat, antibiotics will help.

Most often, adults rarely pay attention to their diet: dry food, irregular nutrition, plus constant stress. Time passes, and now gastritis has become chronic, and then a stomach ulcer appears. During periods of exacerbation, the following symptoms occur: nausea, fever, the walls of the stomach are inflamed, irritated, and you have to seek help from a doctor.

Over time, constipation can lead to intoxication of the body. If a person cannot empty his bowels at work, the contents of the rectum begin to dehydrate and thicken. Peristalsis is disrupted, and the necessary natural reflex disappears. And when once again there is no way out, the body, full of toxic substances, reacts violently: fever and vomiting.

Why are these symptoms dangerous?

Negative impact. The greatest danger is very acute pain in the abdomen, constant or cramping, especially from the navel to the right, fever, nausea. Most likely, it is the appendix that is inflamed.

If you have a sharp headache, any sounds bother you and the light hurts your eyes, sleep is disturbed, it is difficult to cope with irritability, and at the same time the temperature rises and vomiting begins, then this is how a dangerous disease manifests itself - meningitis. It is necessary to start treatment on time, as this disease in its advanced form can be fatal.

An adult with a fever may vomit due to an allergic reaction.

Most often, this is how the body responds to any medications.

The disease can be determined by the color of vomit in an adult. If it has a yellowish-green tint, then it is possible that it is poisoning. If blood is visible in the vomit, there is likely internal bleeding. Most likely, this indicates that an ulcer has opened or the gastric mucosa has been damaged.

Constant vomiting with elevated temperature has many negative consequences:

  • the balance of mineral salts is disturbed, which leads to dizziness and confusion;
  • dehydration occurs, which causes cramps;
  • weight decreases sharply, and in this case this leads to weakness and loss of strength;
  • there is a feeling of restlessness and anxiety.

Symptoms: vomiting and fever do not just happen. This means that a disease has appeared that needs to be treated, but not with home methods, but under the guidance of a doctor.

Vomiting and fever appear as symptoms in many health disorders. These can be various types of poisoning, exacerbation of chronic gastrointestinal diseases, reactions to stress.

These symptoms are observed during colds and infection of the body with a viral or bacterial infection.

Typically, vomiting is a way to get rid of toxins or foreign bodies in the digestive tract. Temperature indicates some kind of inflammatory process.

Common causes of vomiting and fever

Vomiting and fever are very serious causes for concern. They are most often caused by food poisoning or exposure to toxic chemicals.

The first signs of food poisoning can appear within half an hour. In addition to nausea and high fever, they may be accompanied by abdominal cramps, weakness, dizziness, and excessive salivation.

Reflexive swallowing of saliva can provoke new attacks of vomiting. In acute intestinal infection, high fever and vomiting are accompanied by diarrhea. In addition, abdominal pain may occur.

In addition to eating poor quality foods, excessive alcohol consumption can cause such symptoms.

Caused by an abundance of fatty fried foods, it manifests itself in a similar way. In addition, there is a possibility of protein poisoning, a very life-threatening phenomenon.

It occurs with prolonged consumption of protein foods (any lean meat) and the absence of carbohydrates and fats.

Poisoning with chemicals or drugs, in addition to vomiting and fever in adults and children, is accompanied by dizziness, shortness of breath, confusion, visual disturbances, convulsions, headache, rapid or slow heartbeat.

It must be remembered that toxic substances can enter the body not only with food, but also through the skin or in the form of an aerosol or gas mixture through the respiratory tract.

And a significant part of them may be present on outer clothing and open parts of the body.

Heatstroke or sunstroke can cause symptoms such as vomiting and fever. It is accompanied by a lack of sweating and a high pulse rate.

Headache, confusion, disorientation and loss of consciousness are often associated symptoms.

In addition, vomiting and fever occur in the first trimester of pregnancy. When carrying a child with complications, these symptoms occur in the third trimester of pregnancy.

Possible complications

With vomit, a person loses a lot of water, which threatens the development of dehydration and disruption of the water-salt balance of the body. Such phenomena are dangerous for infants when the loss of 10% of the total volume of fluid leads to serious problems with the baby’s health. As a result of dehydration, the frequency and amount of urine excreted decreases, which can lead to kidney pathology. A lack of electrolytes (potassium, magnesium, calcium, chlorine salts) provokes seizures and disrupts the normal functioning of the cardiovascular system. Prolonged hyperthermia increases the degree of dehydration, leads to blood thickening, blood clots, cerebral edema and damage to the central nervous system.

Avoid leaving infants and unconscious adults unattended—lying on their back can cause vomit to be inhaled and cause suffocation.

Alarming symptoms - nausea and fever - should not be ignored. Taken together, they can mean serious health problems, so you should definitely visit a doctor. What such signs may indicate, as well as a possible treatment plan - all these questions will be answered by the information provided.

First aid to a patient

Nausea, headache, vomiting in an adult and other symptoms require first aid to be provided to him as soon as possible.

It is unlikely that without the intervention of a doctor it will be possible to completely cure the disease, but it is possible to alleviate its symptoms (abdominal pain, cough, etc.).

There are several medications that can be taken before the ambulance arrives:

  • absorbents;
  • antispasmodics;
  • solutions for gastric lavage.

At the pharmacy you can buy various absorbents, such as Polysorb, Enterosgel, Sorbolong, Sorbex, etc. The most affordable is Activated carbon.

This drug should be taken in a certain dosage: for every 10 kg of the patient’s weight, 1 tablet.

Activated charcoal should be taken with plenty of water to prevent constipation, otherwise the reverse process of absorption of toxic substances in the intestines will begin.

The next drug that can be taken before the doctors arrive is an antispasmodic. Abdominal pain and sometimes cough are explained by spasm of the smooth muscles of the internal organs or the diaphragm.

Among the most effective and affordable antispasmodic drugs are No-Shpu, Duspatalin, Drotaverine and Papaverine.

The medication should be taken following the instructions, since the dosage depends on the age and weight of the sick person.

In case of poisoning with low-quality products, chemicals or medications, gastric lavage should be done, and in severe situations, an enema.

At home, before the ambulance arrives, you need to drink 7-8 glasses of boiled water with the addition of potassium permanganate, soda and salt, then, pressing on the root of the tongue, induce a gag reflex.

An enema is done using the same solution. The procedure is carried out until the flowing liquid becomes almost clear and the nausea goes away.

Anti-inflammatory drugs can be used when vomiting and diarrhea are accompanied by a temperature of 38 ° C and a severe headache.

Antibacterial drugs should not be taken without a doctor's permission.

Intoxication of the body

The next reason may be intoxication of the body (or poisoning).

May result from:

  • use of narcotic and alcoholic substances;
  • consumption of spoiled or low-quality food;
  • inhalation of toxic substances;
  • drug poisoning;
  • carbon monoxide poisoning;
  • entry of chemicals into the body.

Symptoms characterizing intoxication of the body:

  • dizziness;
  • shortness of breath;
  • nausea and vomiting;
  • increased body temperature;
  • blood pressure is above or below normal;
  • tachycardia;
  • chills and cold sweats;
  • complete lack of appetite.

Nausea during intoxication indicates the activation of the body’s protective functions, which help remove harmful substances, which also cause this condition. This is why you shouldn’t stop the nausea.

In case of food poisoning, you should rinse your stomach with plenty of water and take absorbent agents such as Polysorb or activated carbon. But it should be remembered that all drugs have contraindications.

Symptoms requiring medical attention:

  • nausea, which is characterized by multiple sharp pains and cramps in the lower abdomen;
  • signs of dehydration, dry mouth;
  • a sharp deterioration in physical or mental activity;
  • dizziness;
  • high body temperature;
  • childhood.

Actions before the ambulance arrives

If the patient experiences nausea, which is accompanied by fever, diarrhea, and vomiting:

  1. He is placed in bed so that his head is higher than his body.
  2. Turn on side.
  3. Place a wet towel on the forehead to reduce the temperature.

If the patient is dehydrated, it is not recommended to give food to him, but it is better to drink a lot and in small portions. Regular drinking water or a glucose-saline solution is suitable for this.

Situations requiring calling a doctor

In situations where vomiting occurs more than 2-3 times, and abdominal pain intensifies, you should definitely call a doctor at home. In severe cases, you need to urgently call an ambulance.

Diarrhea, vomiting, severe persistent cough and headache after injury are very serious symptoms that should raise alarm.

They can indicate many dangerous diseases. This situation cannot be left unattended and self-medicated.

Urgent action is required in cases where a high body temperature lasts for more than a day, the lips and oral mucous membranes are dry, there is diarrhea with bloody mucous impurities, the patient is lethargic, has a strong cough and vomiting that does not allow him to breathe.

Only a specialist can determine the cause that caused the patient’s serious condition after studying the examination results.

Diagnostics includes the following activities:

  • collection of a complete medical history. During the examination of the patient, the doctor analyzes the patient’s appearance and asks about existing symptoms;
  • carrying out laboratory research. To make an accurate diagnosis, the patient must undergo a general blood and urine test, blood biochemistry and feces;
  • ultrasound diagnostics (ultrasound). This study allows you to most accurately assess the condition of internal organs;
  • measuring body temperature. As a rule, the temperature is measured with a thermometer in the armpit, but by doing it orally or rectally, you can get more accurate data. Fever indicates an inflammatory process in the patient’s body;
  • bac sowing Based on the results of this analysis, it is possible to determine the inflammatory nature of the disease and the pathogenic microorganism that caused the inflammation.

Taken together, the results of the obtained studies will make it possible to most accurately determine the cause of vomiting, fever and diarrhea, and begin the correct treatment. It is important to remember that self-medication can be dangerous.


In this case, you will need to consult a gastroenterologist; an infectious disease specialist, parasitologist, and oncologist may additionally be involved.

Primary diagnosis includes examining the patient and taking a medical history. The current clinical picture and lifestyle (especially nutrition, bad habits) are taken into account.

To make a final diagnosis, the following laboratory and instrumental measures can be carried out:

  • UAC and BAC;
  • general urinalysis and general stool analysis;
  • stool occult blood test;
  • endoscopic examinations;
  • Ultrasound of the abdominal organs;
  • Ultrasound of the genitourinary system.

The exact diagnostic program will depend on the data that was collected during the initial examination.

Duration of treatment

The duration of the treatment process for vomiting, fever and diarrhea depends on the cause that caused the development of the pathological condition.

Dysbacteriosis resulting from poor nutrition can be dealt with in 1-2 weeks. Treatment of complicated housing and communal services pathologies, which include vomiting, fever and diarrhea among the symptoms, is a difficult process and can take from 2 weeks to six months.

If their therapy was not taken in a timely manner, then dangerous complications often develop that require longer treatment.

Poisoning can be dealt with in 7 to 14 days, not counting the rehabilitation period.

In the treatment of vomiting, diarrhea, fever and other symptoms, the following drugs are used:

  • antispasmodics;
  • painkillers;
  • anti-inflammatory drugs;
  • antibiotics;
  • immunomodulators.

Headache, cough, vomiting and diarrhea can be caused by a variety of serious and life-threatening reasons for a sick person.

Doing it yourself at home can only reduce the manifestation of debilitating symptoms, but you cannot self-medicate.

Many medications are prohibited for use in some chronic diseases, and some of them have serious side effects.

If you experience incessant vomiting, diarrhea, or a very high temperature, you should seek medical help, since, in addition to serious gastrointestinal diseases, pregnancy, heat stroke, poisoning and concussion, these symptoms may indicate very dangerous infectious diseases: cholera, dysentery , diphtheria or salmonellosis.

Many of the pathogens are contagious, so their carriers should be isolated to avoid spreading the infection.

It is not difficult to avoid vomiting, fever, diarrhea and other symptoms.

You need to monitor the quality of the products you eat, avoid injuries and any other damage to the body. But if a pathological condition does develop, you should consult a doctor.

Fever and vomiting in an adult can occur in several cases. Let's look at the factors that cause these symptoms in more detail.

Botkin's disease (viral hepatitis)

It is quite difficult to independently determine that inflammatory liver damage is “to blame” for loose stools, chills, aches, and nausea. Infectious disease specialists classify pathology as blood-contact diseases. The disease is determined by test results. It can be transmitted through reuse of medical instruments, blood transfusions, etc. Suspicion of hepatitis in a child may arise from dark urine, frequent regurgitation, or refusal to breastfeed.

Character traits

If you are vomiting for no particular reason and your condition is generally worsening, you should contact a specialist. Hepatitis is quite insidious, often “masquerading” as ordinary poisoning.

Among the general symptoms it should be noted:

  • cephalgia;
  • rise in temperature and vomiting;
  • diarrhea;
  • joint pain;
  • the appearance of a rash on the skin.

Feces have an oily, greasy sheen, since Botkin's disease causes excessive fat secretion (steatorrhea).


Pharmaceutical assistance depends on the type of illness. Thus, doctors carry out detoxification therapy for hepatitis A. If hepatitis B is detected, then treatment is carried out with antiviral medications from the alpha-interferon group.

Promote recovery:

  • compliance with the drinking regime;
  • reducing salt intake;
  • fractional meals.

Rotavirus infection

This type of infection is extremely contagious. You can get sick by spending just a few minutes next to a sick person. The incubation period is 1-5 days.

The main symptoms are:

  • diarrhea;
  • increased body temperature;
  • vomit;
  • general weakness.

The danger of the disease is possible dehydration of the body. There is no single method of treatment, as such. You need to drink several tablets of activated carbon or other adsorbent.

Every quarter of an hour, drink one sip of water to maintain your water-salt balance. Antipyretic medications are allowed. It is advisable to drink strong, sweet black tea.

If there are signs of dehydration, you can dissolve one sachet of rehydron in a liter of water and drink 50 ml of the solution every hour.

In the first days you are allowed to eat porridge cooked in water. It is recommended to use weak broths and jelly.

Untreated rotavirus infection can lead to dysbacteriosis or dysentery.

Food poisoning

The most common cause of nausea, vomiting and fever is food poisoning. It occurs when a spoiled product is consumed.

The first symptoms appear a few hours after eating, sometimes within a day. The disease usually goes away within 1-3 days, but abdominal discomfort may persist for several more days.

Main methods of treatment:

  • gastric lavage with boiled water;
  • drinking very large amounts of water, as rapid loss of fluid can cause dehydration;
  • eating food that does not irritate a sore stomach: jelly, porridge;
  • taking adsorbents, for example, activated carbon.

If the following symptoms appear, you should immediately consult a doctor:

  • breathing problems;
  • the presence of blood or mucus in the stool;
  • muscle weakness;
  • signs of severe dehydration;
  • pregnancy at any stage.

When to call an ambulance

Sometimes an elevated temperature accompanied by bouts of vomiting indicate the presence of serious pathologies in the body. Immediate medical attention is required if:

  • it becomes difficult for a person to breathe, shortness of breath appears;
  • there is intestinal bleeding, manifested by severe diarrhea;
  • symptoms of dehydration appear;
  • emptying of the stomach with blood;
  • rapid changes in body temperature to critical values.

When fever, vomiting and other symptoms actively manifest for more than a day, urgent medical attention is required. Poisoning even with yogurt without timely medical help can lead to death.

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