Assortment of household chemicals
Detergent poisoning: symptoms, help, how to relieve?
Nowadays, few people will be surprised by the fact that poisoning with household chemicals is quite possible. She's so
What can a general blood test show in case of poisoning?
Various types of poisoning are common in medical practice. First of all, these are foodborne toxic infections,
Hemlock: medicinal properties, application, poisoning - symptoms, first aid, treatment
Hemlock, also known as conium, omega spotted or speckled, belongs to the category of the most powerful poisonous plants,
What kind of glue can you breathe? What are the symptoms and effects of glue abuse?
Substance abuse in the modern sense was first recorded in the United States in 1960. IN
lactation period;
How a special patch will help get rid of toxins
The use of detoxification patches comes to us from Eastern medicine. The logic here is simple - wise men
What to do if the thermometer breaks? Why is this so dangerous?-800x530
Proper removal of mercury: what to do if the thermometer breaks
The dangers of breaking a mercury thermometer and how to protect yourself Thermometers have long been ours
Chills during poisoning
Time to see a doctor: nausea, stomach pain and chills
Nausea, fever and chills are pathological signs indicating disruptions in the main vital systems
Is it possible to drink expired beer: poisoning and first aid
Supermarkets often organize promotions, selling several beer cans or bottles at once for the price of one.
Nitric acid
Nitric acid Impact on the human body Aqueous solutions of hydrochloric acid pose a danger to humans
What tests are taken for rotavirus infection: types and cost
Rotavirus infection is an acute disease that affects the intestines and disables other
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