Sergey Ivanovich Filonov Dry therapeutic fasting - myths and reality

Should I do it?

Several types are used in clinical practice. These include:

  1. Dry.
  2. Wet.
  3. Combined.
  4. Stepped.

Hunger strike at home should not be carried out. Such things are practiced only within the walls of a hospital and under the strict supervision of a doctor. Cleansing enemas are carried out exclusively during preparation or recovery (in the absence of normal bowel movements). Also for these purposes, laxatives are used, which have a more gentle effect on the gastrointestinal mucosa.

The theory of cleansing the body by fasting

The sedentary lifestyle of a modern person, dry food, and low-quality products lead to the accumulation of toxins. The body is not always able to free itself from toxins, especially when overeating or frequently consuming fatty foods. Fasting is designed to remove harmful substances.

The process of cleansing the body of waste and toxins is performed by:

Digestion occurs in the intestines with the help of enzymes. The mucous membranes absorb microelements, vitamins, proteins, fats, and carbohydrates. If the natural microflora is disrupted or the motility of the loops is weakened, food is poorly digested. Multiplying bacteria cause bloating, and the elimination of toxins is delayed. Cleansing the intestines improves motility and normalizes microflora.

The main organ designed to detoxify the body is the liver. Blood entering the liver through the portal vein from all organs is purified. Hepatocytes neutralize toxic metabolic products and destroy bacteria.

Viral hepatitis and alcohol overload lead to liver dysfunction. She loses her ability to neutralize poisons. Harmful substances are absorbed into the blood and can poison the brain.

The kidneys are a complex blood filter. The paired organ performs several functions:

  • regulates water-salt balance;
  • maintains acid-base status;
  • excretes waste, toxins, and broken down drugs in the urine.

An unbalanced diet and a sedentary lifestyle provoke stagnation of urine, inflammation of the pelvis and ureters. Cleansing the body by fasting helps improve kidney function.

Solution composition options

An enema before fasting is performed to remove accumulated feces, toxins, and internal metabolic products. This manipulation is done in one day. Recommended compositions:

  1. Boiled water with a temperature of up to 37. Cold liquid is not recommended, as it causes severe spasms and discomfort.
  2. Chamomile. A dry plant is used, which is pre-boiled. There are 10 g of flower per 1 liter.
  3. With baby soap. Optimal ratio: 5 g of chips per liter of water.

There are recipes for solutions containing soda, salt, and urine, which should not be used to cleanse the intestines before, during, or after fasting. Such compositions can cause violent diarrhea, cramps, and severe abdominal pain.

The optimal volume for an enema is 1-1.5 liters of liquid.

How to break a one-day fast

After a hunger strike, there is a high probability of failure. You may be drawn to the most unhealthy foods. But be smart and restrain yourself. Follow the rules for getting out of fasting.

Start with breakfast

Breakfast is the best way to get out of fasting.

But it must also be correct. Try not to overeat, although sometimes this can be extremely difficult to do, especially for beginners. If you feel quite light, then it is better to eat a salad and drink tea for breakfast. Thus, you will already have a 36-hour fast under your belt.

If you don’t particularly feel like eating in the morning, you can fast until the evening, that is, 48 ​​hours. However, be careful about your condition. If you feel very weak or have stomach pain, be sure to eat.

With sufficient experience and a suitable constitution, you can carry out “dry” one- or two-day fasts. In other words, do not consume not only food, but also water during these days. There are no big differences between such fasts.

Any person can go without food and water for several days without serious consequences, and only our habits make us die from fear of a lack of food for such a short period.

Minimum consumption of processed and fatty foods

What to eat after a one-day fast? We decided on breakfast - it should be light (preferably fruits and vegetables). Then during the day you should eat more fresh foods, although this may be food that has undergone light thermal processing. The main thing is that the foods you add to your diet after a one-day fast are easy on the digestive system. For example, it is better to choose fish from protein foods, and whole grain products or vegetables from carbohydrates. It is better to avoid cheeses and other animal products on this day. This will help ensure a gradual transition to the usual diet and will not harm the gastrointestinal tract.

Rules for the procedure

Place the solution a few days before fasting. At the same time, they resort to a dietary type of nutrition, which allows you to prepare the body for such a test. The duration of food refusal should not exceed one or one and a half weeks.

An enema during water fasting at the initial stage is done as follows:

  1. In the evening, a few hours before bedtime, you need to prepare the necessary solution.
  2. For the procedure itself, purchase an Esmrach mug, rubber tubes, a tip, and Vaseline oil.
  3. Draw liquid into the device, pressing it slightly so that the water moves to the tip.
  4. Then lubricate it with Vaseline oil, insert it 7 cm into the rectum and gently press.
  5. Extract without releasing your fingers.
  6. Purification is carried out until a clear liquid appears. In the morning after preparation, they begin fasting.

Doing an enema correctly is not difficult. It is necessary to select the solution and time for the manipulation correctly and without harm to health. Also for this purpose, medications that have a laxative effect are used.

Therapeutic fasting is carried out only for medical reasons. It is usually used for people suffering from obesity, chronic diseases, and other pathologies that require this method of therapy.

Independent marathon conditioned fasting according to Marva Ohanyan

Enema is an integral part of the cleansing process during fasting. We will do enemas every day for 14 days. A natural question immediately arises:

- It’s not harmful to do enemas so often, we’ll wash away all the beneficial microflora!

Friends, if you think that you need fasting in order to cleanse your body of toxins and toxins, in order to get healthier, look younger, and lose excess weight, then this is not at all what you think. This is a 100% indicator that your intestines are clogged with pathogenic microflora, and there is very, very little healthy microflora there and there is no opportunity for its growth.

Imagine that your apartment is cluttered with old, dusty things and you bring new beautiful furniture to restore order and comfort. No matter how much you bring new and clean things, the apartment will still be a mess and not pleasant to be in. So, in order to improve the health of the body, it is very important for us to “take out all the old furniture” and only then “bring in new furniture” that will delight your family and you.

After cleaning the intestines, we will populate it with beneficial microflora - beneficial bacteria that will give us good immunity, take our health to a new level and create a good mood. All this is managed by healthy microflora.

Therefore, you should not be afraid of enemas. Moreover, no one encourages you to do enemas every day unless necessary; we will only do them for 2 weeks directly during fasting.

Since during fasting we do not have independent bowel movements, but at this time toxins and wastes will flow from the entire body into the intestines, we will help the body get rid of them with the help of enemas.

Where to buy Esmarch's Mug?

Sold in a pharmacy. The volume should be 2l, 1.5l will not suit us! Moreover, do not trust pharmacists; they may mistake the marking with the number 2 for the volume of the enema. Carefully read the description on the package and buy a two-liter enema.

It’s better to buy 2 in 1: enema + heating pad. You put it under your liver when you drink a laxative. Choose a transparent hose so that you can see the places where there are air pockets. Depending on the configuration, the nozzles are as follows: large hard - for adults, small (sometimes hard and soft) - for children or people suffering from hemorrhoids, the nozzle for vaginal irrigation is the longest, it has several holes at the end. The kit also includes a jumper that clamps the hose, this is very convenient, and later you will appreciate its work.

Before use, rinse the Esmarch mug with nozzles and hose with hot water and soda and boil.

The enema process

We get up at 5-7 am (if you go to work early in the morning and it is inconvenient for you to do enemas in the morning, then you can do enemas in the evening before going to bed). We do light exercises so that the gases in the intestines that have accumulated overnight come out naturally. If this is not done, then gas plugs, if they exist, will interfere with the flow of water into the intestines, create pain, and prevent water from leaving the intestines.

Easy charging:

  1. body tilts: stretch your arms towards the floor without bending your legs
  2. squats,
  3. exercise cat: standing on all fours, we round our back upward and bend downward during the break,
  4. from a lying position on the floor, legs bent at the knees: lifting the pelvis up,
  5. bicycle: lying position - twist your legs in the air
  6. and others you like


We take a fist and pinpoint the stomach clockwise, you need to press quite hard. If your arms get tired, then from a standing position, raise your bent leg to your stomach and try to press on your stomach

So, you closed the tube with a jumper, poured the solution into Esmarch’s mug and hung it at the desired height. Take Vasiline or vegetable oil and lubricate the tip of the nozzle and the anus, the thicker the better. Before inserting the tip, move the jumper and release the air that was in the tube . As soon as a trickle of water starts flowing without interruption, immediately close the jumper. You can place a soft towel under your knees so that it doesn’t hurt to stand on something hard.

A comfortable position is the key to your relaxed state: you will not have cramps in your stomach and back. It is advisable that the bathroom be warm and, of course, no one distracts you from the process by knocking on the bathroom door.

You stood in a knee-elbow position, inserted the nozzle into the anus with one hand and opened the bridge. I warn you right away that you may not be able to do it perfectly right away. I had pain in the abdominal area, as the air moved through the intestines and created spasms, my back hurt due to the fact that I was overly strained while holding the straw, my knees hurt due to the fact that I stood on a hard surface, the water did not come out for a long time and many other nuances. I can tell you my experience, but everyone will have their own. But be patient and after 3-4-5 times everything will work out well and painlessly. Now it’s no problem for me to do everything quickly and comfortably. Of course, there is an option that you will succeed right away with the help of these recommendations, at least I hope so)

For better infusion of water you can:

  • do light rocking of the body back and forth literally 15 cm
  • draw in and inflate the stomach

There will certainly be a feeling of fullness, especially for beginners, bear with it, it lasts literally minutes, remember that as you change your lifestyle and undergo cleansing practices, the intestines will be freed from deprivation, and performing enemas will not cause you pain. You will treat enemas calmly, for example, like brushing your teeth =)

As soon as you have filled everything, you immediately go to the toilet and flush the water. There is no need to wait for anything, no need to push! It is very important! Don't give yourself hemorrhoids! The water will come out on its own, without your help!

If the water is draining in batches rather than all at once, you can help it come out. The abdomen is as relaxed as possible, because if you strain and push, you again create spasms that prevent the passage of water.

What to do to make the water drain as quickly as possible (while sitting on the toilet):

  • place your palm on your stomach and move it clockwise in a circular motion along your relaxed stomach
  • place your fist on the right side of the abdomen (because on the left our intestines end and go to the anus) and tilt the body towards the leg, the fist is as if squeezed between the leg and the stomach, lowered and raised several times
  • exercise “accordion”: the legs are not mobile, we work only with the shoulder girdle and stomach - straighten the back, pull the shoulders towards the ears and straighten the shoulders back, making the back as straight as possible and the abdominal muscles stretched, then bring the shoulders forward and bend the back, squeezing the stomach, straighten and bend several times like an accordion

You can do all these exercises one after another and several times in any order. Find out through experience what works for you.

You do 3 enemas of 2 liters in a row, do the next enema making sure that the water has completely come out of this one. This process will initially take you about 1.5 hours. You can do the rest in 40 minutes, but some people can do all 3 enemas in 20 minutes. But you shouldn’t try to do everything quickly, it’s better to do everything efficiently and without discomfort.

Enemas clean out all the dirt from you and after the enema, in theory, your health should improve, but it may also happen that after the enema you will feel weak and this is also normal. On any days of fasting, if you feel unwell, you can do an emergency enema and your health will improve.

And the last tip on how to make enemas more comfortable: up to 3 enemas of 2 liters, do one small enema of 700-100 ml with the same composition, this will allow the gas plug to go away and subsequent large enemas will be less sensitive for you.

After enemas you need to take a hot shower for 15-40 minutes.

You can make soda baths: 1 package of soda for 1 bath of warm water . Extinguish the soda with boiling water. The bath can be taken 2-3 times a week for 30 minutes. Do not immerse yourself completely in the bath, but to the level of your heart. After the bath, it is good to rinse the soda off the skin because... It can dry out your skin, but if you have an oily skin type, you don’t have to wash it off. The skin after a soda bath becomes soft and smooth. You can wash your hair in the same soda water from the bath. Helps those who have oily hair and dandruff.

I wish you a calm and confident procedure and remember that an enema is an ordinary practice that is also used in traditional medicine, people have been using it for a long time and successfully, for example, in the Gospel of the Essenes it is mentioned as a cleansing practice, I recommend reading it!

Thank the authors of this site for their work for good health!

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Is it possible to fast without enemas?

The healing effect of this technique is to stimulate the physiological regeneration of cells, get rid of toxins, renew and rejuvenate all tissues of the human body. Practiced at home for the purpose of losing weight.

During fasting, in the first days there is a strong desire to eat and rumbling in the stomach. Then headache, weakness, and malaise develop. Skin color changes, blood glucose levels decrease and ketone bodies appear.

To eliminate such manifestations it is recommended:

  • to walk outside;
  • visit the sauna;
  • go for a massage;
  • resort to a water shower;
  • keep your skin clean.

Only such manipulations help remove toxins and ketone bodies faster. In this sense, enemas are not able to improve well-being, since all metabolic products accumulate in the blood and urine. Therefore, during fasting it is quite possible to do without such procedures.

The intestines should be cleansed only in the preparatory stage. If at the time of refusal of food the gastrointestinal tract contains feces, the general condition and well-being will sharply worsen. Already on the second or third day, heartburn, nausea, severe headache and weakness will appear.

What is the result of the procedure?

It is advisable to learn the technique before you begin cleansing. Although there is debate about whether rinsing is necessary during abstaining from food, due to the fact that the body intensively gets rid of everything unnecessary during the period of abstaining from food, it is worth helping it with this.

Even a one-day fast triggers the cleansing mechanism. And Esmarch’s mug will help remove toxic substances.

Therapeutic fasting gives impetus to cell renewal and regeneration. And during this period, this procedure will be especially relevant, from which we receive the following dividends:

  • preparing for food refusal;
  • decreased appetite;
  • restructuring when changing the way of eating (when switching to vegetarianism or live food);
  • normalizes the functioning of the gastrointestinal tract and digestive organs;
  • helps reduce intoxication;
  • eliminates pathogenic microflora;
  • improves well-being: gives lightness, normalizes sleep, increases vital energy:


Fasting treatment is not complete without an enema. It is carried out at the preparation stage and during the recovery period.

It is forbidden to resort to cleansing the intestines in this way against the background of:

  • presence of bleeding;
  • pathology of the rectum;
  • disturbances in nutrient absorption processes;
  • neoplasms;
  • severe pain in the abdomen.

Contraindications to fasting at home:

  • cancer of any location;
  • tuberculosis;
  • severe exhaustion;
  • pregnancy and breastfeeding;
  • children's age and the elderly;
  • diseases of the blood, adrenal glands, thyroid gland;
  • diabetes;
  • systemic pathologies, heart rhythm disturbances, nephritis.

This list also includes peptic ulcers of the stomach and intestines.

It is necessary to resort to fasting and enemas taking into account the above contraindications. Neglecting them increases the risk of harm to health rather than benefit.

What happens in the body

The body takes all nutrients, energy, from the outside every day, breaking down the food that gets inside. Unfortunately, he cannot choose the types of products and menus, otherwise he would only take healthy dishes. Every product has its constituent substances. Some are useful, the body immediately “takes them” where they need them, others are neutral - they are simply digested, and others are harmful. They can poison in large quantities, acting as toxins. Moreover, as part of the product, at first they are quite harmless.

The problem arises at the moment of splitting already inside the body. The remains of such waste are collected from the blood by the liver, deposited on the kidneys during excretion, and accumulate in the intestines. Other substances are heavy, they are more difficult to digest, each time it requires the expenditure of enormous energy and sometimes the body simply cannot process them completely. This is how reserves of the fat layer accumulate, reserves of waste and toxins. Undigested and unexcreted components of many medications consumed by humans are still accumulating.

Any tablet, syrup, or liquid diluted medicine is then broken down and processed by the body. Useful substances go to fight the infection that caused the disease, the liver pulls the rest out of the blood and tries to break it down into safe components in order to then remove it away. This is constant work that lasts for years, the entire life of the body.

During fasting, external food supplies cease. At first, without detecting food, the stomach sends signals to the brain, then the person feels hungry and feels commands to search for and consume food. When this does not happen, the body is forced to turn to internal sources, because for normal functioning the organs need energy, they need minerals, proteins and carbohydrates. Fortunately, with regular nutrition, each body accumulates internal reserves. They are not necessarily expressed by the fat layer. Now, these reserves are gradually being broken down and processed.

This is how extra pounds are removed and the skin is cleansed. This happens only on the 7th or 8th day of fasting; it is a long, even painful process, because the fasting body sends hundreds of nerve impulses that irritate the brain.

There are many different fasting methods proposed by specialists who have tried them on themselves. It doesn’t matter which one you choose, the main thing is to remember a few general rules. Then fasting will pass without complications and will only bring benefits.

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