How valerian copes with headaches, and why it doesn’t help everyone

Valerian is an effective sedative (calming) herbal medicine that helps to quickly cope with various psycho-emotional disorders of the body.

This drug has pronounced antispasmodic, sedative, and also relaxing effects.

The main active ingredients are valerian extract and essential oil, which exhibit good sedative and antispasmodic properties.

Regular use helps normalize the functioning of the gastrointestinal tract, reduces rapid heartbeat (tachycardia), and significantly improves natural sleep, preventing insomnia.

After internal administration, the sedative (calming) effect develops gradually within 10-15 minutes. and continues for 4-6 hours.

Main indications for use of Valerian:

  • nervousness;
  • frequent or prolonged insomnia;
  • moderate pain in the heart area;
  • spasms of the gastrointestinal tract;
  • cardiac tachycardia (rapid heartbeat).

Attention: before taking this product, it is recommended to consult a physician!

Available in the form of soluble tablets and tinctures for internal use.

What is valerian?

The root of valerian, a tall, fern-like plant, has been used for thousands of years as a mild soothing agent. From 1820 to 1942, valerian was included in the American pharmacological list as a tranquilizer. It is widely used in Europe; it is a recognized hypnotic and anxiety reliever. More than 5 million packets of valerian are sold annually in Germany, and about 10 in France. The remedy is also popular and approved as a sleep aid in the UK, as is Belgium, Switzerland and Italy.

Action of valerian

Essential oils and other chemical compounds present in parts of the plant have medicinal properties. These components overcome the barrier of blood and brain, acting on the central nervous system. A slight calming effect develops. The activity of the central nervous system is slightly inhibited, resulting in an anti-anxiety effect. The hypnotic effect is also due to the properties of the active components. The duration of falling asleep and the frequency of night awakenings are reduced. The duration of sleep increases. The overall quality of night's rest improves.

Another important effect of the herbal remedy is the ability to reduce the tone of the smooth muscle fibers of internal organs. These tissue components are primarily present in the digestive tract and are responsible for motility. Increased tone is manifested by abdominal discomfort, stool retention, bloating and other unpleasant symptoms. Tincture or tablets with this active ingredient eliminate spasms.

Herbal alternative

Herbs that help combat the same types of headaches as valerian include:

  1. Blood-red hawthorn (flowers and fruits) is used for pain syndrome that occurs against the background of low blood pressure.
  2. Sweet clover (flowers and herb). The molecular structure of the substances that make up the upper parts of the plant is similar to the structure of analgesics. The effect is appropriate.
  3. Oregano (flowers and herb) has sedative properties.
  4. St. John's wort (flowers and herbs) contains hyperin, a substance that has a positive effect on the nervous system.
  5. Calendula officinalis (flowers) relieves tension headaches and promotes sleep.
  6. Viburnum viburnum (fruits, flowers, bark) improves blood circulation and relieves spasms.
  7. Angustifolia fireweed (flowers and leaves) has a sedative and hypnotic effect. Eliminates headaches caused by a mental disorder.
  8. Melissa officinalis (leaves) fights anxiety and relieves the accompanying symptom of tinnitus.
  9. Mint (leaves) tones the brain and helps restore strength during mental and physical fatigue.
  10. Peony evasive (roots) - tincture relieves headaches caused by insomnia and neuroses.
  11. Motherwort (flowers and herb) is effective in combating migraines.
  12. Creeping wheatgrass (grass and roots) relieves fatigue and slightly increases blood pressure in hypotensive patients.
  13. Passion flower (herb) has antispasmodic and sedative properties.
  14. Yarrow (flowers and herbs) relieves spasms, improves heart function, and normalizes sleep.
  15. Creeping thyme (flowers and herb). To get rid of headaches, you can use a decoction or make compresses.

In some cases, with the help of valerian you can actually get rid of regularly annoying headaches and improve your quality of life.

Active ingredient in tablets

One yellow tablet contains 20 mg of the active substance, it is represented by a thick extract of the valerian plant.

Excipients in tablets

The drug also contains additional components, we list them below:

  • magnesium carbonate,
  • beeswax,
  • potato starch,
  • Aerosil,
  • yellow quinoline dye,
  • food gelatin,
  • sunflower oil,
  • refined sugar,
  • paraffin,
  • titanium dioxide,
  • talc.

special instructions

If taken systematically, caution is required when performing hazardous work and driving.

You should clearly read the instructions before taking the product in order to compare the benefits and harms of taking the product in each specific case.

If the tablets are used over a long period of time, the effect on a person may lead to a decrease in psychomotor reactions. How long it takes for the drug to act in this way depends on the individual characteristics of the body.

When taking the medicine, you should take into account how valerian acts on a person, so you need to carefully drive vehicles, as well as perform other actions that require accurate reactions.

Another name for the plant is cat grass, as it is called because valerian causes a specific effect on animals. Many people are interested in whether valerian is harmful for cats.

You can find out why cats like this medicine by studying its composition. Why the medicine acts this way is explained by the presence of the substance actinidin in its composition.

As a rule, cats behave in a special way after valerian. But, answering the question whether it is possible to give a dog or whether it is possible to give a cat valerian, it should be noted that sometimes veterinarians even prescribe this drug to cats in small doses in order to increase vitality.

Unlike people, cats are not sedated by this remedy. There have been cases where an overdose led to the death of an animal. Sometimes the lethal dose for a cat is a relatively small amount of the drug, so it is advisable not to keep the tablets in places where animals have access.

If valerian is given in tablets to dogs, the product can provoke allergic reactions in the animal.


Before you start taking pills, you should consult a specialist. Valerian can be used in combination with other drugs in the treatment of renal failure, spasms in the gastrointestinal tract, against migraines, hysteria, and depression. In individual cases, tablets are prescribed to lower blood pressure. However, the main indications for the use of valerian are the following symptoms:

  • stress;
  • insomnia;
  • migraine;
  • nervous tension;
  • problems with the cardiovascular system;
  • hypertension;
  • vegetative-vascular dystonia;
  • central nervous system disorder;
  • dysfunction of the gastrointestinal tract.

From related problems

People who regularly suffer from headaches often have many underlying health problems. Valerian is ready to get rid of many of them or seriously alleviate the condition:

  • cardiopalmus;
  • insomnia;
  • nervousness;
  • moderate pain in the heart area;
  • increased sweating (for external use);
  • neurodermatitis (skin diseases arising from nervous system);
  • chronic coronary circulation disorder;
  • climacteric disorders (in complex therapy);
  • convulsions.

Release form

Valerian is available in two forms:

  • Coated tablets or dragees for oral use, yellow or brown, round in shape, containing 200 mg of plant extract. The package contains 10 or 50 tablets. Black (brown) tablet is uncoated, yellow is coated.
  • Valerian tincture is a yellow-red solution with a specific odor. Each bottle contains crushed valerian rhizomes 1:5.

The drug Valerian forte is produced in capsules, which contains 250 mg of the active substance.

For children

When discussing whether this drug can be given to children, it should be noted that valerian can be prescribed to children only according to a doctor’s indications and taking into account age. Tablets are strictly contraindicated for children under 3 years of age; for children under 12 years of age, the dosage can only be prescribed by a specialist.

You should definitely consult with your pediatrician about what valerian is used for, how it affects children, how to take the drug, and whether valerian is harmful in each specific case.

Prescribing Valerian Tincture to children is allowed from 1 year. The pediatrician determines how many drops of the drug to give to a particular child, most often guided by the rule: how old is the number of drops?

Valerian - method of use and dosage

Valerian tablets are used as a sedative for conditions such as sleep disorders, agitation, migraines associated with overexcitation, as well as mild functional disorders of the cardiovascular system and gastrointestinal tract. Since Valerian does not have a strong sedative effect, it can be used before bed to facilitate falling asleep, and during the day in various stressful situations when it is necessary to cope with excitement and anxiety.

The drug should be taken orally before meals. The recommended dosage for Valerian is 1 tablet 2 or 3 times a day. The tablets should be taken with about 100 ml of water. The duration of use of the drug is determined individually. Depending on the indications, Valerian can be taken either once or over a long period of time. The average duration of treatment with the drug is about 4–6 weeks. Long-term use of Valerian requires medical supervision.

Preventing migraine attacks

Of course, there are some standard rules for preventing a migraine attack that you should follow. This means strictly observing your daily routine and especially monitoring your sleep. You should sleep in a well-darkened room, and you should go to bed and wake up at your usual time, strictly following your biorhythms. Avoid stressful situations at all costs. Eat right, exclude foods that can trigger a migraine attack from your diet. These include: chocolate, baked goods, red wine, and drink coffee and strong black tea in small quantities. Observe the drinking regime, drink clean water at least 2 liters per day. Be outdoors more often.

Avoid using in your diet foods containing nitrites (nitrous acid salts), which, unfortunately, are often used in meat processing technology. Include only natural foods in your diet, including vegetables and fruits containing antioxidant vitamins.

Why is vitamin B12 necessary? Currently, there is already evidence that one of the causes of migraine is dysfunction of the cell sources of mitochondria, which vitamin B12 can prevent.

Omega-3 fatty acids, which are found not only in natural, unrefined oils, but also in large quantities in flax seeds, are no less useful for the prevention of migraine attacks. It is recommended to add flax seeds to various dishes, or prepare decoctions or mucus from them.

Preventing migraine attacks is very important, because only taking these measures will help reduce the number and intensity of migraine attacks. But how to relieve a migraine headache if it was not possible to avoid an attack?

Valerian during pregnancy

Pregnancy and childbirth are a time when the nervous system is especially sensitive to various stimuli. Valerian root is prescribed to expectant mothers in the following cases:

  • Insomnia, anxiety, irritability.
  • Heartburn (if it is caused by increased excitability).
  • Early toxicosis.
  • Increased uterine tone and threat of miscarriage.
  • Late toxicosis.

If we are talking about a pregnant woman, you should be especially careful when prescribing valerian and take into account all the above-mentioned features of the action of alkaloids. Of course, in this case, the drug should only be prescribed by a doctor. Although valerian itself does not affect the fetus, its improper use, in particular overdose, can lead to surges in blood pressure, increased anxiety, flatulence and constipation.

How does valerian work?

Rarely does anyone read the instructions for using valerian. After all, everyone knows very well that such a substance has many positive effects on the body.

  1. First of all, the drug inhibits the functioning of the nervous system, thanks to which people fall asleep faster and better.
  2. Due to the calming effect on the nerve endings, the heart rate can slow down and its blood vessels dilate.
  3. The muscles of the digestive and urinary system relax.
  4. Valerian has a choleretic effect and enhances the production of gastric juice.
  5. With constant use of an optimally selected course, blood pressure may decrease by several units.

According to the manufacturers, all effects are better manifested with long-term use of medications. Self-prescription and administration of the drug should be no more than 10 days. The maximum course is up to a month. But many amateurs take this medicinal substance for several months, without taking into account the dosage recommendations and the likelihood of valerian poisoning.

Side effects of valerian

Valerian can cause a slow reaction, absent-mindedness, and lethargy, so you should avoid driving vehicles during the period of treatment.

Main side effects:

  • nausea, heartburn;
  • heart rhythm disturbance;
  • lethargy, drowsiness;
  • muscle weakness.

The consequences for the body of an overdose of Valerian can be unpredictable. If the dose is exceeded 20 times, arrhythmia, bradycardia, severe vomiting develops, and the person may become overly aggressive or fall into a stupor. The lethal dose of tincture for humans is 450 ml; there is no such data for tablets, but this does not mean that they can be taken haphazardly.

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Treatment of valerian addiction

Like any chemical addiction, pharmacy drug addiction is treated in a rehabilitation center, it takes a long time to be treated, because it is not just a bad habit, but a serious illness. It is detrimental not only to internal organs, but also to the psyche. The longer a person uses such a drug, the more effort will have to be made to heal.

But when the patient is determined to undergo treatment, the staff of the rehabilitation center, who are specialists in various fields (medicine, psychology, addiction), will certainly help.

There is a way out; treatment regimens and programs have long been thought out and worked out. Hundreds of people have been cured of drug addiction at the center. And if a drug addict does not understand that he is sick, then psychologists from the drug rehabilitation center Praktik will always find a common language with him and choose the right words to motivate him for treatment.

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