Is methane poisoning dangerous for the human body, symptoms and consequences

Methandrostenolone is banned in the USA, but is freely sold in Russia and the CIS countries under different names. For example, in Russia this drug is called Nerobol, and you can also find it under the name Dianabol or Methandienone. The drug is usually available in tablet form, but sometimes it is given as an injection.

The main effect of taking methane is a rapid and significant increase in muscle mass. This is due to the fact that protein synthesis begins while taking methane. This increases both strength and muscle volume. This also improves appetite (bodybuilders note that after training, the appetite, which is already quite strong, becomes simply ravenous), and fat mass decreases. Due to testosterone, men experience an increase in potency, which, however, disappears after discontinuation of the drug. Another small good side effect is increased bone mass and a stronger skeleton.

How to take methane correctly

Methane for muscle growth is taken within 30 mg per day. Usually the tablets are taken in 2 doses, 20 mg in the morning and 10 in the afternoon. Since methane for muscles, like all steroids and anabolic steroids, is harmful to the liver, the drug should only be taken with or after meals so that the destructive effect is not so strong. And also, athletes should know how much water they need to drink per day to get rid of toxins in the body. The drug is not addictive and does not require increasing the dosage.

The first dose of the drug should not exceed 10 mg. Then, over the course of two to three days, the amount of anabolic steroids is gradually increased until it reaches the normal dose. You should not take more than recommended, so as not to get a whole bunch of side effects along with weight gain.

The full course of taking the drug should not exceed 6 weeks.

After finishing taking methane, there must be post-cycle therapy to negate the consequences and side effects. Therapy includes medications to prevent hormonal imbalances, protect the liver, and prevent the effects of rebound effects.

While taking it, it is imperative to monitor your blood pressure and if it starts to rise, then stop taking methane and start taking blood pressure-lowering drugs.

It is advisable that the course of taking the drug be agreed with the doctor, since methane has a fairly large number of contraindications and side effects. It is especially important to do this if the bodybuilder works in shifts and does not have a constant daily routine, since methane is tied to hormones, and the amount of hormones in the blood depends on the lifestyle.

  • Part of the methane, dissolving in the body, is converted into estrogens, female sex hormones. They are also present in the male body, but in much smaller quantities. Taking methane significantly increases the concentration of hormones in the blood and can cause side effects in men such as gynecomastia (enlarged mammary glands). To prevent this, athletes are advised to take aromatase inhibitors;
  • Liver damage. It is necessary to take methane along with drugs that will cause the outflow of bile, and after finishing taking anabolic steroids, take a course of hepatoprotectors. Due to the effect of the drug on the liver, heartburn and pain in the right side may occur, and digestive problems may worsen;
  • Swelling due to fluid retention. If you don't take aromatase inhibitors, which reduce estrogen levels, your muscles will retain water. Visually, this will add volume to the muscle mass, but after the end of the course, the fluid will be removed from the body, and the muscles will “deflate”;
  • Increased sexual activity while taking steroids and a decrease after withdrawal. Associated with the entry of testosterone into the body;
  • Acne all over the body and possible slight hair loss due to hormonal imbalance;
  • Due to a sharp increase in muscle mass, there may be problems with the heart and circulatory system;
  • In women, methane intake can cause masculinization - a change in the shape of the breasts, active growth of hair on the face and body, changes in the genital organs (hypertrophy of the clitoris), and changes in facial features.

Symptoms of gas poisoning

If acute poisoning occurs with a component of natural gas such as methane, the symptoms will be as follows:

  • Dizziness, tinnitus, drowsiness, general weakness;
  • A state similar to intoxication (loss of coordination, speech impairment);
  • Pain in the eyes, lacrimation;
  • Choking, lack of air;
  • Increased heart rate;
  • Decreased blood pressure;
  • Nausea, paroxysmal vomiting;
  • Cyanosis (blueness) of the skin, mucous membranes;
  • In severe cases - loss of consciousness , convulsions, coma, respiratory and cardiac arrest.

Chronic methane intoxication is manifested by frequent headaches, hypotension, pallor, lethargy, general malaise, decreased performance, and loss of strength. Fainting due to hypotension is not uncommon. Signs of exhaustion of the nervous system may appear - increased irritability, nervousness, poor sleep, decreased cognitive functions (memory, thinking, orientation).

Side effects and consequences from methane:

1. Firstly, “methane” is considered a rather “dirty” drug, as a result of which a number of side effects can be observed. Of course, this is acne, which is especially susceptible to 15-18 year old athletes who are in the stage of puberty.

2. Also, “methane”, being an androgen, quite significantly disrupts the production of testosterone in men’s bodies. Studies have shown that taking 20 mg of methandrostenolone daily for at least 10 days reduces the level of testosterone production in the body by 30-40%. This is explained by the pronounced gonadotropic effect of “methane”, that is, “methane” inhibits the production of gonadotropins, FSH (follicular stimulating hormone) and LH (luteinizing hormone) through the pituitary gland. Another disadvantage of this steroid is that after quitting “methane”, the level of results achieved is quickly lost. This is explained by the fact that the water accumulated in the body during the “course” is removed from it.

3. High-level athletes who regularly participate in competitions do not use methane too often. This drug is especially not used during the “drying” period [fat burning] due to the fact that it strongly aromatizes in the body, as a result of which the process of getting rid of fat deposits slows down. Therefore, I would advise athletes who are starting preparations for a competition or beach season, being, to put it mildly, not in very good shape, to have anything to do with “methane” at all.


Methane poisoning can have negative consequences. With chronic intoxication, due to the effect on the nervous system, a person experiences nervous and mental disorders:

  • depressed mood;
  • disturbance of sleep and wakefulness;
  • prostration;
  • lack of motivation, interests, hobbies;
  • frequent depression and depressed mood;
  • emotional instability;
  • lack of desire to communicate with people.

Physiological complications include damage to internal organs and disruption of their functions:

  • malfunction of the excretory system (kidneys);
  • disruption of the bone marrow and hematopoietic mechanism;
  • chronic failure of the respiratory system;
  • in rare cases, death.

Since methane is odorless, its presence in a room cannot always be detected. To avoid poisoning of employees in production facilities, they must carry out regular measurements of air parameters or install special devices that record the concentration of methane in the air.

Side effects from methane in photographs.

In addition to the positive effect that methane can have on muscle growth, it also has negative effects. Sometimes they are even so frightening that you have to think: “do you need this?”

Way out of the situation: Proviron and its unusual side effect

Instead of Methane, I would advise taking Proviron. Essentially, it is a male infertility drug that is available only with a doctor's prescription. But the side effect that is observed when using the drug is frequent and prolonged erections, I think it will not be terrible. In bodybuilding, Proviron is highly popular, since it is a “pure” drug and at the same time exhibits very good anabolic properties and increases the accumulation of protein in muscle tissue.

Methandrostenolone is an anabolic steroid that is taken orally (i.e. tablets). The drug was released in the USA in the early 60s of the last century by CIBA.

Initially, the drug was used to speed up recovery and treatment of BURNS, as well as by women to increase overall tone. But it soon became widespread in bodybuilding, as a means of increasing muscle mass and strength, until then it was not banned by the US government - the FDA (this is the Food and Drug Administration).

And yet, methane is still available without prescription in some countries, for example:

  • Mexico (trade name of the drug REFORVIT-b)
  • Moldova (Balkan Pharmaceuticals)
  • Romania (Terapia)
  • Poland (Jelfa)
  • Russia (methane is sold as NEROBOL).

As practice shows, a course of SOLO METHANE lasting 6 weeks in dosages of 30 mg per day can increase muscle mass by 8-10 kg, with a rollback (2-5 kg, depending on how correctly you composed the course).


First aid involves immediately removing the victim to fresh air. The victim must be freed from constricting clothing and warmed up by covering the body with heating pads. If breathing is difficult, give oxygen. If there is no breathing, immediately (before the doctor arrives!) perform artificial respiration using the mouth-to-mouth or mouth-to-mouth method. In case of severe poisoning, hospitalization is necessary.

In the hospital, oxygen barotherapy, dehydration therapy, administration of cardiovascular drugs and drugs that normalize metabolism are used, according to indications - hormone therapy, vitamin therapy, and infection prevention.

Other names for methandrostenolone

  • Methane (most common name)
  • Danabol
  • Dianabol
  • Nerobol
  • Let's ask
  • Methandienone
  • DBOL

Less common brands

Bionabol, Metastenol, Anabolin, Dehydromethyltestosterone, Novabol, Perbolin, Perabol, Stenolone, Vanabol, Anaboral and many others.

Steroid profile

  • Anabolic effect: 200% of testosterone
  • Androgenic effect: 50% of testosterone
  • Directions for use: orally (tablets)
  • Duration of action of the drug: 6-8 hours
  • Detection time: up to 120 days
  • Aromatase (conversion to estrogens): yes
  • Hepatoxicity (liver toxicity): yes

Effects of Prim Methane

  1. Rapid increase in muscle mass and strength
  2. Increased appetite
  3. Strengthening the skeletal system
  4. Minor fat burning
  5. Methane, as already mentioned, has a weak androgenic effect (50% compared to testosterone), however, side effects begin to appear, most often when the athlete exceeds the dosage and duration of the course (i.e. more than 30 mg per day, more than 6 weeks).
Side effects from taking methane
  • Gynecomastia - a side effect that occurs as a result of the conversion of part of the methane into estrogens - methylestradiol, and it has a 30% greater affinity for estrogen receptors). To prevent development, you need to take anti-estrogants (tamoxifen, Clomiphene, Toremifene).
  • Hepatoxicity (liver toxicity) is precisely this side effect that many chemists are afraid of. In short, menthane (like other oral steroid drugs) can provoke thickening of the liver wall, as well as impair the conductivity of the biliary tract, and this can lead to BILE stagnation and PAIN in the right side. In order to avoid this, during the course you need to take choleretic drugs (but that’s all, just HOLOSAS), others such as Karsil, Liv-52, Ovesol, Allohol, etc. will only make your situation worse.
  • Fluid retention (the effect is associated with estrogens, water retention occurs mainly in the muscles, therefore the impression of large muscles is created). And after the course, excess water is removed and the weight drops by about 10-15% of what you gained. This is not observed if you took aromatase inhibitors (anastrozole, letrozole) during the course.
  • Increased blood pressure (the problem is easily solved if you use antiestrogens during the course, tamoxifen is best).
  • Testicular atrophy (occurs only when the dosage and duration of the course are exceeded).
  • Increased sexual activity (only during the course, after the course there is a temporary decrease).
  • Acne (pimples) during the course
  • Hair loss (alopecia)
  • In women, masculinization (deepening of the voice, appearance of hair in unnecessary places, etc.)
  • In severe cases, when an athlete abuses or has a genetic predisposition, the development of MYOCARDIAL hypertrophy is possible - this is a symptom that can lead to serious heart disease.

The course is suitable for men over 21 years of age to increase muscle mass. And also if there are no contraindications (for example, heart disease, liver disease, blood pressure, prostate hypertrophy and other diseases) in general, if there are no contraindications.

Dosage no more than 30 mg per day (not recommended to exceed). Take 2-3 times a day (for example, 20 mg in the morning and 10 mg in the afternoon). It is advisable to take the tablets on an empty stomach.

Course duration is 6 weeks.

A week after the start of your course, it is advisable to include aromatase inhibitors (for example, ANASTROZOLE 0.5 mg every 3 days). This will help you reduce the level of conversion to estrogen, and more importantly, eliminate the accumulation of fluid and swelling.

2 days after the end of your course, you need to carry out PCT (PCT) post-cycle therapy: TAMOXIFEN at a dosage of 20 mg, 2 weeks. In the 3rd week, gradually reduce the dosage and stop completely.

Also don’t forget about:

to the entry “Methane poisoning”

  1. Slavik:
    08/16/2018 at 12:24

    Methane is extremely explosive, you don’t even need a spark to cause an explosion! I myself worked as a miner and I know this firsthand! Of course there are sensors for methane, etc., and this may not save you! Thanks to the author, he described everything in detail how They say forewarned is forearmed!


  2. Lyudmila:

    08/24/2018 at 13:20

    Very interesting article. I never thought that methane was so dangerous. children have turned on the camphor several times out of pranks. Now I’ll be on the lookout


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