How to induce vomiting quickly at home - 5 best ways

When to induce vomiting

With the help of timely emptying of the stomach, the amount of toxic substances is significantly reduced. You can induce vomiting at home. Food stays in the stomach for different times, depending on the level of digestibility.

It is easy to understand the need to empty the stomach. It is worth emptying in case of overeating, when there are symptoms of poisoning, the person feels severe nausea and cannot eat. If it feels empty, nausea is present, this happens when a foreign body is swallowed.

Food remains in the body from a quarter to four hours. It is impossible to exist, to live normally at this time. Therefore, vomiting is caused in the following cases:

  • Poisoning from food that has expired.
  • Food that has not undergone a sufficient level of heat treatment.
  • Overeating, stopping the digestive system.
  • Overdose, alcohol poisoning.
  • Taking aggressive medications for medical purposes.
  • Ingestion of a non-sharp small foreign body.

Efficiency of weight loss

The effectiveness of losing weight depends not only on one desire. If you follow the proposed emetic diet, then in order to avoid undesirable health consequences, you must:

  • weigh the capabilities of your body;
  • know concomitant diseases;
  • consult a doctor;
  • include vitamin and mineral complexes in the diet;
  • be able to stop in time.

To maintain a slim figure, you don’t need to torture yourself in such cruel ways, but rather maintain a healthy lifestyle:

  • switch to proper nutrition;
  • with the help of a nutritionist, make a list of foods that promote weight loss;
  • play sports (it helps burn subcutaneous fat): ride a bike, swim in the pool, run;
  • include daily walking in your plan (including to work or home);
  • eliminate a sedentary lifestyle (to begin with, switch to going up and down the stairs without an elevator);
  • fight stress (this is a common cause of excessive “eating”);
  • have sex regularly.

Today, even from the catwalk, the painful thinness of models has disappeared. Slender and healthy girls are ready to tell how they achieved such a result, and inducing vomiting is certainly not the method of their achievements.

When not to call

Inducing a gag reflex is a serious process. You should not empty your stomach for the reasons listed below. Calling for no reason has a negative impact on your stomach and health.

Forced gastric emptying is not recommended:

  • For weight loss. Women obsessed with diets and extra pounds will try different weight loss methods. The method of losing extra pounds is to induce vomiting after eating. Artificial urges after eating can lead to anorexia. Vomiting makes you lose weight at first. Losing weight by emptying the stomach leads to exhaustion of the body, disruption of the functionality of the digestive system, and tooth decay.
  • When swallowing sharp, hard foreign bodies. Common options ingested by people and children include small jewelry, buttons, coins, and small toys. By inducing a gag reflex, a person risks injuring the esophagus. Small parts get into the breathing system and get stuck.
  • If soap or substances that can foam enter the body. The emptying method is inappropriate. Stomach shocks during vomiting will provoke the appearance of foam, the entry of which into the respiratory organs leads to swelling of the lungs and inflammation.
  • In case of poisoning with acids, alkalis, bleaches. The entry of aggressive components into the body is dangerous. You cannot empty the stomach - the person will suffer additional burns to the oral cavity and esophagus.
  • After contact with petroleum products: solvents, gasoline, kerosene. The listed liquids will leave burns after vomiting. There is a risk of penetration into the respiratory tract.

Advantages and disadvantages

It has been noticed that in the first stages such vomiting weight loss does not bring any special problems, the process looks easy and accessible to everyone, because:

  • not accompanied by a constant feeling of hunger;
  • there is no need to absorb foods that are not always pleasant;
  • no need to exhaust yourself with physical activity;
  • you can eat food at any time and often, experiencing pleasure from what you eat;
  • at each meal, the body still receives a small amount of “light” carbohydrates, which cause a feeling of temporary satiety;
  • weight does not increase;
  • after a month of such a diet, a loss of extra pounds is observed (up to 10–15);
  • the method does not require material costs;
  • Instead of expensive nutritional supplements and spending on memberships to fitness centers, you can buy something high in calories, sweet and tasty.

But, as the saying goes, “free cheese only comes in a mousetrap.” For all the advantages of this method of body correction, you will have to pay with immediate unpleasant symptoms:

  • due to a lack of proteins, fats, mineral salts, lipids, and other beneficial substances, a person experiences weakness;
  • a lack of vitamins A, B and PP affects the skin in the form of acne, it becomes dry and saggy;
  • the lack of keratin and calcium causes hair loss and brittle nails, bones and teeth suffer;
  • circles under the eyes appear due to a general lack of nutrients;
  • there is an unpleasant odor from the mouth.

It turned out that the method of maintaining a figure, which was also intended to become more beautiful, demonstrated itself from a completely different side. Problems are gradually joined by disruptions in the functioning of all systems and organs. In this case, the following are observed:

  • disturbance of intestinal microflora;
  • rare bowel movements;
  • formation of constipation;
  • disruptions in the immune system;
  • bone fragility;
  • fluctuations in blood pressure;
  • cardiac dysfunction;
  • dysfunction of the stomach and pancreas (after all, the signal about the arrival of food promotes the secretion of digestive juice);
  • increased acidity in the intestines and esophagus (acid affects the tissues of these organs, causing the formation of ulcers and gastritis).

All of the above symptoms accumulate, intensify, and cause a reaction among themselves. As a result of this, psychological disorders occur (they are considered the beginning of such body pathologies as bulimia and anorexia).

Home methods

Vomiting is provoked by a special center in the brain. To vomit it is necessary to have an effect on it. There are many methods, including special tablets, traditional methods, and special methods.

Two finger method

A common way to induce the urge to vomit is by stimulating the root of the tongue. Performed with two fingers - middle and index. The principle of operation is to put your fingers folded together into your mouth. To get results, try to touch the wall of the larynx. The resulting irritations send an impulse to the head, then to the stomach, to the abdominal muscles, and the diaphragm.

The following instructions will help you correctly provoke vomiting:

  • You need to drink plenty of water (1-1.5 liters of boiled, cooled).
  • Before the procedure, wash your hands and tie your hair.
  • Get up, sit in a comfortable position, so as not to put pressure on your stomach, over the toilet, basin.
  • Insert two fingers into your mouth to apply pressure to the root of the tongue. The gag reflex can be induced by touching the root of the tongue or the wall of the throat. The action should be performed so that the finger touches the laryngeal wall, the root of the tongue.
  • After the urge occurs, you should remove your fingers.
  • Repeat if necessary.
  • After vomiting, rinse your mouth.

Method using potassium permanganate

The method using potassium permanganate is quite popular. To prepare the solution, you need water and several crystals of the substance. When diluting potassium permanganate, you need to ensure that the crystals are completely dissolved. The prepared liquid will be light pink in color. Before use, it is recommended to strain the solution using gauze to prevent undissolved crystals from entering the body. Undissolved permanganate causes a burn in the stomach cavity.

Gradually drink the resulting water and wait for the result. Repeat the procedure if necessary.


A home option for gastric lavage is to drink saline liquid. Place 2 tablespoons of salt in a glass of boiled water. Drink and wait for the results. This method is not the best option for frequent repetition. Consuming salt is harmful to the body.

Soda solution

Water and soda are often used to cleanse the stomach. You need to drink at least 3 liters of soda liquid to get results. Depending on age and gender, the amount of fluid decreases or increases. You should put a spoonful of soda per liter of boiled water.

Water with mustard

A spoonful of mustard or seeds diluted in a glass of boiled water is a way to easily induce vomiting in a person. Infuse a spoonful of seeds in a glass of boiling water for 15 minutes.

other methods

To cleanse the stomach, eat a spoonful of toothpaste with a glass of water. You can stimulate the gag reflex with black tea. You need to make it with the addition of milk and salt. Drinking a couple of glasses cleanses the stomach.

An infusion of calamus root is an effective remedy for nausea and promotes urge. To increase the likelihood of vomiting, you should drink at least 4 glasses of the resulting liquid.


If using the above options it is not possible to induce vomiting, medications come to the rescue. The principle of their action is to influence the center in the human brain responsible for the urge to vomit, or the stomach.

The first includes hydrochloride with copper and zinc sulfate. Ammonia is prescribed for this purpose. It is better to discuss the dose of the drug used with a specialist to avoid problems.

Drugs that irritate the stomach cavity include Levodopa and Digoxin. The listed medications are available only with a prescription.

Specialists also prescribe Morphine. Its properties are to calm the patient’s nervous system. With the help of Morphine, pain of a different nature is eliminated: physical, psychogenic.


There are also medications that cause vomiting. But you shouldn't abuse pills. To induce vomiting, you can use:

  • Apomorphine. While taking the drug, the vomiting center is stimulated. As a rule, cleansing of the stomach occurs after the first tablet. If there is no effect, then a repeated dose will not give any result. Contraindications for use are heart failure, ulcerative pathology of the stomach and duodenum, tuberculosis.
  • Emetic root (ipecac). May be offered in the form of a collection, drops or tincture. Initially, it is an expectorant, but if the dosage is slightly exceeded, it causes severe vomiting.
  • Lycorin. Expectorant tablets. Exceeding recommended doses is accompanied by the development of vomiting.
  • Copper sulfate. A 1% aqueous solution is prepared for gastric lavage. Dose – 15...25 ml. The permissible daily dosage is 50 ml.


The tablets should be taken with plenty of warm water. This is an additional way to stimulate the stomach for spontaneous cleansing. Moreover, the process itself will take place with less discomfort for the person.

Induce vomiting in a child

There are many reasons why a child has to resort to artificial gastric emptying. The baby learns about the world through the senses. Children need to taste everything - it's dangerous. Especially when it comes to small toys that are not hidden away from medical supplies.

The child does not fully understand the essence of what is happening, so he needs help. To avoid harm, a parent must know what to do and where to start. Timely assistance will save him from suffering.

Gastric lavage in a child occurs differently than in adults. Their esophagus is shorter than an adult’s, which allows them to complete the task faster.

The reasons for urgently inducing vomiting in children are identical. Provided that the child is over a year old and conscious. If your baby is nauseous and shows signs of food poisoning, you should immediately rinse the stomach - eliminating the cause will help get rid of the nausea.

Do rinsing for children under 6 years of age without fingers. To eliminate nausea, methods with plenty of drinking are suitable. Undigested food will come out as liquid.


When choosing a treatment method, one should take into account both general contraindications to provoking vomiting and unwanted side effects of drugs. General contraindications include:

  • poisoning with cauterizing liquids;
  • blood in vomit;
  • suspected perforation of the stomach or esophagus;
  • disturbance of consciousness, breathing, swallowing (rinse only through a tube).

Apomorphine should not be used in cases of severe atherosclerosis, pulmonary tuberculosis, acute pathology of the central nervous system, or in old age. The drug is not prescribed to children under 2 years of age.

Moss club is contraindicated for:

  • hypertension;
  • thyrotoxicosis;
  • atherosclerosis;
  • diseases of the cardiovascular system;
  • chronic renal failure;
  • epilepsy and a number of other diseases.

If possible, it is recommended to replace the drug with safer drugs for treating alcoholism with a similar effect (Teturam, Disulfiram).

It is recommended to avoid taking large amounts of table salt if there is an increased sodium content in the blood, a tendency to edema, or hypertension. A relative contraindication to taking soda is gastritis with low acidity. The already small amount of hydrochloric acid in the stomach will be neutralized due to the alkaline environment coming from outside.

What to do after the procedure

Artificially induced vomiting is another stress for the body. To restore normalcy, it is necessary to provide the right way out of the current situation. After doing the work to induce a gag reflex, you need to rinse your mouth, but do not brush your teeth for at least half an hour. Stomach acid softens tooth enamel. To avoid its destruction, it is worth waiting time.

After emptying the stomach, it is necessary to restore the water balance by drinking liquid - water, tea. When an appetite arises, eat foods that are easy for the body. Rice, broth, bananas and oatmeal will do.

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