What is Tenoten, and is it possible to overdose with the drug?

In microbiological research of the brain, in 1965, a revolutionary breakthrough occurred. A family of universal macromolecules of the S100 protein, as well as its isoforms and conformers, have been identified, participating in all brain processes that are responsible for the perception and integration of incoming information. It has been proven that these proteins are not only responsible for the development of innate behavior and the maintenance of various types of memory, but are also necessary for normal general cellular homeostasis, and also determine the immune functions of the central nervous system.

Tenoten: safe or not?

This discovery allowed modern medicine to obtain a range of drugs and diagnostic markers for heart attack, stroke and some forms of cancer.

Information about the medicine

There are two forms of the drug on sale: Tenoten and Tenoten for Children.
These are homeopathic remedies that contain one active ingredient, but in different dosages. The medicine is available in white lozenges. They have a flat-cylindrical shape, beveled edges, and a dividing line. On the side where there is a risk, the name of the manufacturer is printed, on the other side the name of the medication is written in Latin: “Tenoten”.

As the main component, the tablets contain affinity-purified antibodies to the brain-specific protein S-100.

In addition, the drug contains E 572, E 460, and milk sugar as fillers.

The tablets have a calming effect, help cope with causeless anxiety and overcome stress. In case of poisoning, oxygen starvation, conditions after a stroke, taking this remedy reduces the area of ​​damage, improves memory and concentration.

Tenoten suppresses lipid peroxidation and protects tissues from the aggressive effects of free radicals.

What is Tenoten

This drug was created by NPF Materia-Medica Holding (2002), based on research conducted in 1999-2000 by Russian scientists. The ultra-small dose of the main active ingredient has made it possible to classify Tenoten as a drug with a high safety profile for different age groups.

Tenoten is a modern homeopathic (!) neuropsychotropic remedy, available in the form of absorbable tablets with different dosages - for adults and for children. The main active ingredient of Tenoten is artificially obtained, affinity-purified polyclonal antibodies to proteins of the S100 family, which affect the activity of cellular S100 macromolecules, thereby regulating the information and metabolic mechanisms of the cerebral cortex. The tablets are based on a combination of cellulose, lactose and magnesium stearate.

Tenoten is used both independently and as an auxiliary sedative, anti-stress and anti-asthenic agent. A single dose of tablets relieves anxiety, and treatment for 1-3 months helps strengthen the nervous system, improves memory, and helps increase concentration.

In its stress-preventive and post-stress effects, Tenoten is supposedly superior to Diazepam, Seduxen, Fenozepam and Proproten. In addition, unlike other antipsychotics, tablets with S100 protein antibodies do not have anticholinergic, hypnotic-sedative and muscle relaxant effects on the body, therefore they do not worsen well-being, but, on the contrary, increase concentration and level of performance.

It is worth separately noting the advantages of Tenoten - absolute compatibility with any other medications, lack of reactions with the metabolic products of ethyl alcohol in the blood. An overdose of Tenoten is practically impossible, since the drug belongs to the group of homeopathic remedies.

Application area

Tenoten for Children is prescribed to patients aged 3 to 18 years if they are diagnosed with:

  • attention deficit hyperactive disorder,
  • psychoneurosis, which is accompanied by excessive excitability, anxiety, irritability, behavioral problems, and autonomic dysfunction.

Tenoten can be taken by patients over 18 years of age if they have the following pathologies:

  • psychoneurosis,
  • psychosomatic disorders,
  • organic brain lesions of moderate severity, in which mood swings, irritability, memory loss, autonomic disorders are observed,
  • stress syndrome, which is accompanied by irritability, anxiety, nervous tension, and psycho-vegetative reactions.


The complex sedative effect and safe composition of the components have elevated Tenoten to the category of popular pharmacological products used to eliminate various nervous disorders:

  • neurotic and neurosis-like conditions;
  • psychosomatic diseases;
  • mental disorders associated with stress, nervous tension;
  • irritability, anxiety and vegetative reactions;
  • moderately expressed organic lesions of the central nervous system, which are accompanied by instability of the emotional background, decreased concentration and memory.

The drug can be used to prevent nervous disorders in cases where regular psycho-emotional stress is experienced.

Side effects

Tenoten is characterized by a wide range of pharmacological effects on the body. The mechanisms of action on the nervous system make it possible to achieve rapid results of therapy using the safest methods.

  • anti-anxiety (anxiolytic effect);
  • calming;
  • increased resistance to stress (both emotional and mental);
  • nootropic effect (stimulation of blood flow in brain tissue);
  • protection from stress;
  • prevention of brain hypoxia;
  • neuroprotective properties;
  • inactivation of the consequences of intoxication;
  • stimulation of cognitive properties - thinking, attention, learning, memory;
  • antidepressant actions;
  • inhibition of peroxidation processes in nerve tissues (antioxidant effect);
  • activation of the flow of nutrients to nerve tissues;
  • restoration of neurons (cells of the nervous system).

Tenoten is in most cases very well tolerated by patients. Side effects such as dyspepsia and allergies develop extremely rarely. To prevent these side effects, you should follow the rules for using the medicine specified in the instructions.

Tenoten in combination with other agents does not exhibit negative interaction reactions. It is possible to combine therapy with the drug against the background of complex treatment of diseases with other means.


The average price of TENOTEN in pharmacies (Moscow) is 190 rubles.

You can buy the drug without presenting a prescription in almost any pharmacy or online store.

The cost of tablets for children does not differ significantly from the adult dosage.

The average price in Moscow is 253-265 rubles.

You can find out how much Tenoten costs by going to the radar help system page via the Internet.

You can order medicine online. The convenience of this option lies in the possibility of delivering the drug to your home.

Treatment regimen

Tenoten and Tenoten for Children should be taken orally at the same time as food (can be 15 minutes before or 15 minutes after meals). Homeopathic remedies should be kept in the mouth until they are completely dissolved. If the child cannot dissolve the tablet, then, if necessary, it can be diluted in a small amount of boiled, chilled water and given to the child to drink this solution.

A single dosage of Tenoten for Children is 1-2 tablets.

For psychoneuroses, it is given to children 1 tablet once or three times a day for 30-90 days. If necessary, the duration of therapy can be increased to six months; a second course of treatment is allowed 30-60 days after the first course.

Tenoten while driving is possible

For hyperactive disorder accompanied by attention deficit, Tenoten Children is prescribed to the child, 2 tablets twice a day for 1-3 months.

Tenoten for adults should be dissolved 1-2 tablets twice a day. If necessary, the frequency of administration can be increased to 4 times a day. A course of therapy with Tenoten can last from 1 to 3 months. According to indications, it can be extended up to six months or repeated after a 30-60 day break.

If after 3-4 months of therapy there is no effect of treatment, you should consult a doctor.

When should you take the medicine?

The question arises (no matter how carefully the instructions for use of a drug such as Tenoten for Children are studied): “Why do children and adolescents need it?” The need for this tool is due to several reasons. Let's look at them.

Children are more sensitive to stressful situations than adults. They find it difficult to adapt to environmental changes. That is why they are often capricious, withdraw into themselves, and do not respond to requests from adults. In order to help the child, you can choose a medicine for him that will reduce his activity, if it is too great, or eliminate weakness.

Its reception is justified:

At a crisis age these are 3,7 and 14 years. At this time, the child may be most capricious, cry and not accept family routines. This is not a disease, but a completely natural period that any personality goes through on the path of its formation. However, doctors believe that it is at this time that the child’s psyche needs special protection from overexertion. Sedatives will come to the rescue. During the period of adaptation to changed conditions. A child experiences stress when his life changes significantly. This could be the first week of kindergarten or school, moving to a new place of residence, or parental divorce. Guys need help at such moments. A sedative such as Tenoten for Children (the instructions indicate the need to take it in case of depression) will help them overcome stress and relieve mental and emotional stress

It is very important to choose the right medicine. Then its negative impact will be reduced to zero. During periods of mental fatigue from increased stress

The child will be able to better cope with homework and tests, pass a test or exam if he takes medications with a sedative effect. During illness. Many children do not tolerate injections and the need to swallow bitter medicine. They get irritated easily, cry and are capricious. In order to reduce the stress on the psyche, it is recommended to give the child Tenoten tablets for children.

Sedative sedative LLC NPF Materia Medica Holding Tenoten for adults - reviews

Children will easily swallow the medicine if it is completely dissolved in water. The dosage should be prescribed by the treating pediatrician. The recommended dose in this case is one tablet three times a day in between meals.

Children under 18 years of age should take only the children's version of Tenoten. Because it contains a reduced dose of the active substance. The treatment course lasts up to three, and if necessary can increase to six months. The break between two courses is 30 days.

Indications for use

A homeopathic remedy, regardless of the form of release, cannot be treated if its composition is individually tolerated.

Tenoten adult is contraindicated for persons under 18 years of age.

Tenoten for Children is not prescribed to children under 3 years of age.

Women expecting a baby or breastfeeding should take homeopathic medicine with caution, after consulting a doctor.

Due to its tonic properties, you should not drink Tenoten right before bed. The last dose of a homeopathic remedy is allowed at least 2 hours before going to bed.

Tenoten does not slow down the reaction rate, does not cause dizziness or other side effects from the central nervous system, so it can be taken by drivers behind the wheel and people whose activities involve potentially dangerous mechanisms.

A homeopathic remedy rarely causes side effects, only sometimes it can provoke an allergic reaction.

Is Tenoten addictive, patients ask. Tenoten is not addictive or drug dependent.

  • neuroses in various forms;
  • cognitive impairment;
  • increased anxiety;
  • behavioral disorders;
  • sleep disorders (various forms of insomnia);
  • impaired blood circulation in the brain due to dystonia;
  • excessive excitability, which is a symptom of mental and neurological pathologies (epilepsy, etc.);
  • aggression;
  • depression;
  • irritability;
  • acceleration of adaptation processes in a new environment (change of residence, work, study);
  • hyperactivity;
  • damage to the nervous system due to poisoning with toxic substances that negatively affect the nervous system;
  • restoration of neuropsychic processes after traumatic brain injury;
  • eliminating the negative consequences of stress.

It is recommended that Tenoten be prescribed by a doctor after a preliminary examination and the correct conclusion or diagnosis. Self-medication can eliminate and mask the symptoms of serious illnesses.

Tenoten and Tenoten for children do not contain hazardous substances that can negatively affect the health of patients. Among the contraindications for use, the manufacturer in the description of the medicinal product indicates the following:

  1. Allergy to medicine.
  2. Children's age (up to 3 years).
  3. Lactose intolerance (contained as an auxiliary component).

The exclusion of such deviations should be carried out before taking Tenoten.

Tolerability of the drug

Tenoten, according to patients and doctors, has excellent tolerability and virtually no side effects. There are rare cases of allergic reactions to the active substance or auxiliary components of the drug, but patients with similar symptoms account for no more than 1% of the total number of patients treated with Tenoten.

The use of Tenoten in patients with congenital lactase deficiency or lactose intolerance can cause digestive disorders and functional dyspepsia. Typical symptoms indicating a possible disruption of the metabolic processes necessary for the breakdown of galactose into glucose molecules are cramping pain in the stomach and intestines, severe intestinal colic and bloating, gurgling and rumbling in the abdomen, nausea (vomiting is possible). If such signs appear during treatment with Tenoten, you should consult a doctor and exclude possible contraindications associated with metabolic disorders and the digestibility of milk sugar.

Instructions for use

Tenoten is used only orally half an hour before meals. The tablet should be kept in the mouth until it is completely dissolved. Do not chew the medicine and wash it down with water, as this will inactivate its effect and reduce its effectiveness. The wrong method of use can significantly slow down the action of Tenoten.

Tenoten while driving is possible

Depending on the patient’s condition, a single dosage is 1-2 tablets. The number of receptions per day is 2-4 times - in the morning (before lunch) and in the evening (after lunch). Duration of treatment is from 1 to 3 months. After a break of 1-2 months, this course of treatment can be repeated or extended up to six months.

Release form

The medicine is produced in Russia. Release form: lozenges. There are two types of the drug: for children and for adults. Tenoten for children has 3 types of packaging: 20, 40 and 100 tablets, adults produce 20 or 40 pieces.

Sedative sedative LLC NPF Materia Medica Holding Tenoten for adults - reviews

The names of the components of the drug are identical, but the concentration of the active substance in packaging for children is 10 times lower. So, for adults, Tenoten has a dosage of the main substance of 10-15 ng/g, and for children, 10-16 ng/g. The amount of antibodies in different forms of one tablet reaches 3 mg. The excipients contained in the drug are stearic acid, lactose and cellulose.

Treatment and possible consequences of overdose

An overdose of a homeopathic remedy does not lead to serious health problems; treatment is limited to symptomatic therapy.

But if the medicine is individually intolerant, it can cause allergies. In addition, Tenoten contains milk sugar, which is contraindicated for galactosemia, hypolactasemia, impaired absorption of dextrose and galactose. Consumption of lactose in these pathologies can threaten the patient's life. The lethal dose of Tenoten in this case for humans is unknown.

In mild cases of lactose intolerance, taking a homeopathic remedy can provoke the following problems:

  1. Milk sugar accumulates in the intestines and causes fluid retention. This can cause indigestion, increased gas formation, and bloating.
  2. If milk sugar is quickly absorbed in the small intestine, then a large amount of breakdown products are released into its lumen, which is fraught with the development of poisoning, the symptoms of which resemble signs of food intoxication.
  3. Lactose, which is not digested and is not excreted from the body, is a good nutrient medium for the proliferation of pathogenic microflora. This leads to the development of putrefactive processes that negatively affect health.

The homeopathic remedy contains filler E572, or magnesium stearate, which, when entering the body, combines with hydrochloric acid of the stomach, resulting in the formation of magnesium sulfate. If the latter is taken in combination with alcohol, alcohol-containing medications, or energy drinks, then it becomes poison.

What changes in the body occur during VSD?

The doctor orders an examination, during which no abnormalities are found in the body, the internal organs function normally, and no pathology is identified. The reason lies in the fact that the autonomic system cannot cope with its work and begins to give incorrect commands to other parts of the body. Patients are often prescribed Tenoten for vegetative-vascular dystonia; with the help of this drug it is possible to stabilize the patient’s well-being.

The main function of the autonomic nervous system is to control the body's reactions to any provocation of an irritating nature. This department monitors the consistency of the internal environment and is directly involved in responding to such influences. The brain monitors these mechanisms, which can be both psychological and physiological in nature.

There are sympathetic and parasympathetic divisions of the autonomic nervous system, each of them performs specific tasks.

The work of the sympathetic part:

  1. regulation of vascular tone, expansion of the lumen of the artery;
  2. relaxation of the bladder;
  3. decrease in the intensity of salivation;
  4. dilated pupils;
  5. increased heart rate;
  6. inhibition of enzyme synthesis and peristalsis in the intestinal zone;
  7. dilating effect on the bronchi, improves lung ventilation.

There are medications designed to help stabilize the activity of the sympathetic department; Tenoten is one of the representatives of such drugs prescribed for VSD. However, you should not self-medicate; it is better to consult a doctor about taking the medication.

The work of the parasympathetic part:

  • constriction of the pupils;
  • stimulation of saliva production;
  • decrease in the strength and frequency of contractile activity of the heart;
  • dilation of some blood vessels, in particular in the genitals and in the brain;
  • narrowing of the arteries in the heart area (coronary) and in the lung area;
  • contraction of the bladder walls;
  • strengthening the synthesis of enzymes and intestinal motility;
  • decreased ventilation of the pulmonary system, as well as narrowing of the bronchi.

Having studied the functions of the vegetative department in the body, it becomes clear that such a sphere has a lot of reflexes affecting absolutely all parts of the body. If this system fails, causing vegetative-vascular disorders or other unpleasant processes, the person will feel unwell, and any reactions in his body will not be able to occur correctly. Such disorders provoke a large number of different manifestations; symptoms can be very diverse.

Causes of VSD:

  1. osteochondrosis of the cervical spine, as well as scoliosis;
  2. allergic reactions;
  3. connective tissue dysplasia;
  4. diseases of the nervous system;
  5. endocrine pathologies (diabetes mellitus, thyrotoxicosis) and others;
  6. peptic ulcer;
  7. arterial hypertension;
  8. mental disorders;
  9. atherosclerotic lesions;
  10. skull injuries.

Most often, childhood is characterized by an increased risk of dystonia, but the disease also often affects adolescents and women during menopause. There is a direct connection between the development of the disease and the state of hormonal levels. Changes in hormone levels provoke disruptions in the functioning of the autonomic system, so the period of puberty and the menopause stage are especially dangerous in the lives of the fairer sex. The hypotonic type of the disease also occurs. Elderly patients suffer more from this type of disease. Blood pressure problems are a big challenge and doctors deal with them every day.

Manifestation table

Body systemDisorders
RespiratoryDifficulty breathing, constant shortness of breath, attacks of suffocation often occur.
NervousDrowsiness or, conversely, insomnia, decreased performance, lethargy, anxiety.
CardiovascularManifestations of rhythm disorders of the main organ in the form of arrhythmia or tachycardia, changes in blood pressure, the occurrence of heart murmurs.
DigestiveProblems with stool (severe constipation or diarrhea), heartburn, lack of appetite, nausea.
GenitourinaryItching sensations in the genital area (women are more likely to suffer), inflammatory processes in the bladder area, frequent urge to urinate.

In fact, there are many symptoms of vegetative-vascular dystonia, it is difficult to list them all. Some people are very bothered by headaches, intolerance to stuffiness, cold or heat, while others are susceptible to nervousness, depression, as well as changes in the color of the skin - the tint becomes bluish or red. Most of these patients are weather-sensitive and react sharply to every sudden change in weather conditions, with increased symptoms of VSD.

Medicine can offer a small list of drugs that can reduce the activity of the disease and manifestations, and Tenoten is on their list.


Domestic (Russian) and imported analogues of Tenoten (expensive or cheap) in composition are not produced. All replacements with synonyms of the drug in terms of the effects they provide, including homeopathic ones, will have a difference compared to Tenoten.

  • Nervoheel;
  • Persen;
  • Ration;
  • Adonis-bromine;
  • Glycine;
  • Alora;
  • Novo-passit;
  • Adaptol;
  • Phenibut;
  • B vitamins;
  • Antistress;
  • products based on valerian, lemon balm (Russian and imported analogues);
  • Dormiplant.

Tenoten differs in composition and characteristics of its effect on the body. The medicine does not cause lethargy, lethargy, or drowsiness, which is typical for almost all replacement options.

special instructions

For children 3-18 years old, Tenoten for children is used, for older people, Tenoten (usual release form). It is not recommended to take the medicine for persons with lactase deficiency and galactosemia (the drug contains lactose as an excipient).

The medicine has a stimulating and optimizing effect on the body. Therefore, Tenoten is prescribed no later than 2 hours before bedtime (in the evening).

It is important that the medicine can be taken by persons whose work requires increased concentration (drivers, etc.), since it does not cause a hypnotic or pronounced sedative effect. Tenoten is allowed to be taken by adults who are behind the wheel when driving a car.

Tenoten is not addictive and can be used in long courses.

Reviews from neurologists

Clinical studies have proven that when taken as a course, Tenoten has a prolonged effect. During the use of the drug, the processes of “excitation-inhibition” in the nervous system are restored. The body begins to work normally, so the effect of using Tenoten lasts for 1 month after the end of therapy.

My son entered first grade and problems immediately arose due to his hyperactivity. The child could not sit through a single lesson, which interfered with the work of both the teacher and his classmates. I had to seek help from a neurologist, who prescribed Tenoten.

After several days of taking the medicine, it showed its effectiveness. The son not only behaves calmer, but his academic performance has also increased, he has become more collected, and his concentration has improved.

Reviews from adults on forums are mostly positive, which only confirms the high effectiveness of treatment with Tenoten.

I work as an accountant, most of the time I am in a state of stress due to high responsibility and constant mistakes of my subordinates. The nervous disorder reached its climax - I almost stopped sleeping at night.

After seeing a doctor, I decided to take my health seriously. I took a vacation, went to the sea, and began taking Tenoten to stabilize my psycho-emotional background. This, as the doctor said, is an analogue of the famous Deprim.

The tablets are well absorbed and there are no side effects. In a couple of months I brought my mental state back to normal, of course, not without the help of the drug.

I prescribe Tenoten for stress, nervous tension and other disorders.

The medicine is homeopathic, which eliminates a negative reaction from the body. It is convenient to take without interruption from work activities.

The active substances do not cause drowsiness, and there is no addiction to the drug. During therapy, on the contrary, stimulation of mental activity is noted.

A sedative is included in therapy for mental stress, irritability and other nervous disorders that occur due to stress and depression.

To achieve the desired effect, you need to take it in a course. The dosage and duration of treatment is determined by the attending physician.

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