Do you feel nauseous when taking vitamins? Doctors explain what it could be

Gastroesophageal reflux disease (GERD), the main cause of heartburn, is an extremely common chronic gastrointestinal disease. Nowadays, in developed countries, up to 20% of the population suffers from this pathology, which, given the possible complications of the disease, is a rather formidable figure.

The immediate cause of GERD is gastroesophageal reflux

What is the product

Kefir is a fermented milk product that contains bifidobacteria and milk fungi. This delicious drink contains vitamins A and D, as well as riboflavin.

Vitamin A is necessary for a person to have normal vision; thanks to this substance, hair and skin look healthy and beautiful. With a lack of this vitamin, a person develops photophobia.

Vitamin DVitamin D promotes the body's absorption of calcium and phosphorus, which are simply necessary for building bone tissue.
If a child does not have enough vitamin D, this risks rickets and other serious diseases of the skeletal system.
The fermented milk drink contains minerals and ascorbic acid, as well as some iron, which is necessary for hematopoiesis. The combination of various minerals and vitamins makes kefir especially useful for both children and adults.

Kefir has a positive effect not only on the microflora of the digestive tract, but also on the entire body as a whole.

You are taking too much iron

Multivitamins that contain a lot of iron (such as prenatal or "women's only") or iron supplements directly may cause nausea. If you take them separately from food, the discomfort may only intensify.

Iron is a paradoxical element. It is best absorbed on an empty stomach, but under such conditions it is very difficult to retain iron within the body.

Despite the speed of absorption, the feeling of nausea is unbearable for many people. It’s better to take iron with food, without trying to cram a pill into yourself on an empty stomach. Absorption will decrease slightly, but even incompletely absorbed iron will be better than gagging.

What are the benefits of the drink?

The benefits of a fermented milk product directly depend on the conditions of its preparation and shelf life. This can be explained by the fact that even after bottling or other containers, kefir continues to ripen, due to which its properties gradually change.

This fermented milk drink cannot be stored for a long time. About a week after release, it loses all its beneficial qualities. Moreover, the stomach often hurts after kefir, which is stored for more than 3-4 days.

High-quality kefir should be milky-cream in color and have a uniform consistency.

This drink is recommended for both absolutely healthy people and those who suffer from various diseases. This fermented milk drink provides particular benefits for the following pathologies:

High blood pressure

  • acute and chronic gastritis;
  • dysbacteriosis;
  • high blood pressure;
  • avitaminosis;
  • chronic liver diseases;
  • diabetes;
  • tuberculosis;
  • oncological diseases.

Kefir eliminates putrefactive and stagnant processes in the digestive organs, and also improves intestinal microflora. This fermented milk product helps normalize all metabolic processes in the body.

Kefir is almost one of the first to be introduced as complementary foods to infants. This product improves digestion and repopulates babies' intestines with beneficial bacteria.

Useful properties of cottage cheese

Useful properties of cottage cheeseCottage cheese contains beneficial amino acids
Cottage cheese is a concentrated protein product with a maximum total protein content of 20%. This protein is easily digestible, so it is recommended to include it in the diet at any age starting from 6 months.

It contains beneficial amino acids that improve the functioning of the body's circulatory and digestive systems. God's cottage cheese for vitamin composition (A, P, PP, E, B, folic acid, choline) and mineral (magnesium, phosphorus, calcium, potassium, copper, sodium, fluorine, etc.). This is an excellent set of elements for healthy teeth and strong bones.

How do different types of drinks affect the digestive organs?

A fresh one-day product normalizes stool and improves bowel function. It helps remove toxic substances from the human body. However, you need to remember that excessive consumption of this drink can lead to severe diarrhea.

Fresh kefir is considered an excellent means of cleansing the body. To do this, you need to drink at least 500 ml of fermented milk drink every day. You should drink a glass in the morning and evening, and during the day it will be enough to drink only half a glass of an invigorating drink. Regular consumption of fresh produce produces the following positive effects on the body:

Increases overall immunity

  • Intestinal motility improves.
  • General immunity increases.
  • The microflora of the digestive organs is normalized.

The fermented milk product will help you lose excess weight. In addition, it improves the functioning of many internal organs.

In most cases, a fermented milk drink helps get rid of diarrhea and restore normal digestion, but in rare cases, after drinking kefir, the stomach hurts and diarrhea begins.

Before you begin to treat diarrhea, you need to accurately determine the cause of this unpleasant phenomenon.

You take vitamins along with medications

Vitamins are not as harmless as we used to think. In essence, they are much more similar to drugs than we think - they can also interact with each other and with the drugs you are being treated with. It is very important to double-check the combinations and ensure that nothing interferes with the effectiveness of all drugs. And that you're not hurting yourself when you swallow three pills at a time from a nice pillbox: that can happen, too.

Some studies suggest that multivitamins may cause unpleasant side effects when taking hormone therapy to increase estrogen levels (which can also happen with oral contraceptives). Talk to your doctor about all the medications you are taking, including micronutrients.

Why do dyspeptic disorders occur after kefir?

Sometimes people of different ages get sick from kefir. This phenomenon can occur for a number of reasons, which include:

  • violation of technology when preparing fermented milk drink;
  • contamination of products with pathogenic microorganisms during preparation or storage;
  • expired product shelf life, as well as improper storage of kefir;
  • with a history of pancreatitis. In this case, dairy food is not digested normally, and stagnation occurs.

In addition, diarrhea and nausea can be caused by a lack of special enzymes for digesting fermented milk products; in this case, it is better to refrain from consuming kefir.

In rare cases, children have intolerance to cow protein; in this condition, consuming any dairy products is not recommended.

Do you take vitamins on an empty stomach?

Vitamins that are more acidic in nature—such as vitamin C or folic acid—may cause nausea if taken on an empty stomach. A small amount of food creates a so-called buffer effect, and the intake will take place without incident.

Some nutrients are even better absorbed when taken with food. But some supplements do the opposite, and are best taken separately. Fat-soluble vitamins, such as vitamins A, D, E and K, unlike some others, are better absorbed when taken on an empty stomach.

How to prevent disorders

To reduce the risk of digestive disorders when consuming kefir, you should adhere to the following recommendations:

Shelf life of kefir

  1. When purchasing a fermented milk product, you should always pay attention to the production date and the integrity of the packaging.
  2. It is worth storing the opened product in the refrigerator for no more than a day, then it is better to use it for baking.
  3. You should not abuse kefir; drinking 3 glasses a day is enough.
  4. If, after drinking the drink, stool disorder is consistently observed, you should consult a doctor.

Lactase deficiency, which causes indigestion after consuming dairy products, is a genetic disease that cannot be fully cured.

Kefir is a unique product that has a tonic and healing effect. It is recommended to use it for many diseases, but the main thing is to take it in moderation. If the drink is consumed in excess, diarrhea may occur.

Symptoms of cottage cheese poisoning

Nausea, vomiting, weakness, and diarrhea are all symptoms of cottage cheese poisoning.
Food poisoning is characterized by rapid development, which is reflected in the early appearance of the first signs. Therefore, this condition is easy to determine independently. These include the following signs:

  • causeless weakness throughout the body;
  • sudden increase in temperature up to a feverish state;
  • nausea and vomiting;
  • diarrhea with a characteristic odor and pain;
  • acute cramps and colic in the abdominal area.

To calculate the cause of intoxication, you should remember what foods were consumed during the last 24 hours . This information will help you quickly make a diagnosis and start therapy on time. The appearance of the first symptoms of intoxication requires immediate medical attention.

You constantly experience bloating and increased gas production

You will notice quite quickly that lactose is not being absorbed into your body correctly - you will feel bloated. Experts note that bloating and gas formation are associated with a lack of the enzyme lactase, which helps digest milk sugar. If lactase is not present, lactose molecules are sent to the intestines, where the fermentation process begins, causing excess gas formation in the digestive tract. The result is inevitable discomfort, accompanied by noticeable bloating.

You are no longer a child

There are several types of lactose intolerance. Sometimes it appears after birth, sometimes it develops as a result of damage to the small intestine, and in most cases the problem develops over the years. Few people are born without lactase at all. Most often, mild intolerance begins to develop after the age of two years. By the age of twenty, many adults already experience quite pronounced symptoms of lactase deficiency. The older you are, the higher the chance that your body will not have enough enzymes to properly digest dairy products.

Causes of lactose intolerance

Congenital deficiency of the enzyme lactase

, common mainly among people belonging to the Asian race.

A natural decrease in lactase levels, which begins in childhood (after 3 years). How significant this reduction will be depends on the characteristics of the individual person’s body. However, it is safe to say that the older a person is, the more likely it is that he suffers from lactose intolerance


Any disease that affects the cells of the small intestine that produce lactase, such as inflammatory diseases and even. This condition causes “ secondary lactase deficiency.”

" This is a temporary problem that disappears as soon as the disease passes, the damaged cells are restored and begin to produce enzymes again.

Surgery on the stomach and intestines, which can completely destroy the body's ability to produce lactase.

Nutrition for toxicosis: what to eat in early pregnancy?

For most women, the first trimester of pregnancy is accompanied by vomiting and aversion to various types of foods.
While some mothers consider this condition inevitable and give up, others are trying to cope with their new, sometimes very uncomfortable condition. In this article we will try to help you and tell you what to eat if you have toxicosis in early pregnancy and how to fight the disease using folk remedies.

Basic treatment methods for cottage cheese poisoning

Poisoning has several degrees of severity. Depending on this, therapy is carried out. If the patient has a moderate or severe degree, then he must be hospitalized. For mild intoxication, you can treat yourself at home, following medical recommendations. At the first signs of poisoning, the following measures should be taken:

  • drink more liquids (fruit drinks, water), this will help the body cleanse itself faster;
  • take an adsorbent (activated carbon), which will help remove the “poison”;
  • drink a microflora-restoring agent (salted water);
  • if there is no diarrhea, you can give a cleansing enema with warm water;
  • if the temperature “jumps”, take antipyretic medications;
  • peace;
  • Do not take fixative drugs.

The sooner measures are taken, the faster the recovery will occur, and the risk of complications will be minimized.

Vomiting in an infant - causes and what to do

I would like to start with the fact that vomiting in a baby can be harmless, for example, due to ordinary overeating, but it can also be a serious symptom that absolutely cannot be ignored.

First of all, vomiting threatens extreme dehydration of the child’s body. Just think - having lost just 10% of the body's basic water content, the child is in mortal danger.

We will now look at what common causes of vomiting in newborns exist.

  • Overfeeding;
  • Maternal hygiene;
  • Diet of a nursing mother;
  • Changing mixtures;
  • Introduction of complementary foods;
  • Poisoning;
  • Intestinal infection;
  • Appendicitis;
  • Concussion.
  • If the child is vomiting and the child does not want to take the breast/formula, the child is lethargic, the child has vomiting and fever, the baby vomits more than three times a day - in this case, you should not self-medicate, but call an ambulance.


    This is the single most harmless type of vomiting, otherwise called regurgitation. If a child has eaten an amount of food that his stomach is not able to accommodate and digest, the baby will simply vomit some of what he has eaten. Regurgitation from vomiting differs in that it does not splash out with force, but sometimes simply flows out of the child’s mouth.

    What to do in this case?

    Do not overfeed your baby or shake or bathe him or her after eating. Half an hour of quiet time is enough, after which you can engage in active activities and activities with your child.

    Hygiene and diet of a nursing mother

  • Wash your breasts before and after feeding (Basic rules for breastfeeding);
  • Monitor your own proper nutrition.
  • The quality of breast milk - and, consequently, the health of the baby - depends on how the nutrition of a young mother is organized. The mother's consumption of fatty, salty, spicy foods undoubtedly affects the composition of breast milk and can lead not only to vomiting, but also to disruption of the digestive process.

    Therefore, every mother, regardless of how the baby reacts to breastfeeding, whether he has allergic reactions or not, must follow the recommendations for proper nutrition. (Read about nutrition and diet)

    Changing mixtures

    Very often, vomiting in children 1 year of age can be caused by a change in formula. The child’s body, accustomed to the composition of one mixture, may “resist” and not accept another mixture. If you frequently change the milk formula, the problem may be limited not only to vomiting, but also to more serious disorders (allergies, dysbacteriosis, gastrointestinal dysfunction).

  • Choose the most suitable milk formula that the child consumes with pleasure (See the article on how to choose a formula);
  • Try not to change the mixture unless there is a compelling reason;
  • Consult your local pediatrician if you are planning to change the formula.
  • Lactose is one of the complex sugars found in milk and all dairy products. During the digestive process, lactose is broken down by lactase (an enzyme secreted in the small intestine) into simple sugars (monosaccharides and galactose), which are absorbed into the bloodstream. « Intolerance

    " refers to the inability to digest lactose, often associated with
    lactase enzyme deficiency
    . About 30 minutes after consuming milk or dairy products such as ice cream or cottage cheese and cottage cheese, people with lactose intolerance may experience diarrhea (diarrhea) or cramping (stomach cramps) and bloating (increased gas in the intestines). the severity of which depends on the level of enzyme deficiency. However, a person with a mild enzyme deficiency may not experience any symptoms at all.

    It is widely believed that lactose intolerance

    it's for milk.
    In fact, this is not the case, and the difference between these two concepts is very great. People with lactose intolerance
    do not necessarily need to remove milk and dairy products from their diet, but they do need to control the amount of dairy products they consume.
    But people suffering from milk allergies should not consume even minimal amounts of milk. Symptoms of a milk allergy include difficulty breathing, a tight throat, nasal discharge, swollen eyes and eyelids, skin rashes, etc. Lactose intolerance
    manifests itself differently.

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    Cheese, meat, fish. What is the tragedy? I’ve never eaten fermented milk, the sight makes me sick, the smell makes me vomit, and when someone eats kefir, it’s even disgusting to look at that person for a while.

    In this section, only neutral information is published in topics and comments. Topics and comments containing advice, recommendations, promotion of alternative methods of treatment or other actions will be closed.

    You're like crazy with your pregnancy. Why eat something that makes you sick? The body is smarter than its owner.

    My doctor says she doesn’t understand why state housing complexes place such an emphasis on nutrition. She is of the opinion that if everything was ok before pregnancy, why suddenly start cramming foods that you can’t fit into yourself? The same is true at the time of guarding; you should not change your diet suddenly. Of course, during pregnancy you need to approach the issue of nutrition more responsibly. Less smoked meats, sodas, fried foods and all kinds of gastronomic garbage. In general, relax and eat what you ate before pregnancy. Hello girl

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