Colon cleansing with salt water at home: recipe, yoga exercises, reviews, step-by-step instructions

Regular cleaning of the gastrointestinal tract is necessary for the normal functioning of the body, healthy appearance, good health and mood. The intestine is a huge organ that has various bends and secluded places. There, over time, feces are deposited, accumulate there, rot, and release toxins, which are then absorbed into the blood and distributed throughout the body. Cleansing the intestines with salt water will help improve your complexion, remove skin rashes, and add vitality and energy. The length of the intestine reaches 12 meters, and it is not possible to clean it completely with an enema. Cleansing the body is especially important during the transition of the season from winter to spring, because during the cold season the body, under stress, tries to accumulate more calories, stock up on fat, and accordingly, more breakdown products and deposits are deposited in the intestinal tract. Salt is a strong disinfectant that kills many pathogenic bacteria. To cleanse the intestines with water, you must definitely use sea water.

What is the purpose of the procedure? The essence of the salt water cleansing method.

Salt is not only a seasoning for food. It is a natural antiseptic that can inactivate many bacteria. A salt water solution is often used in otolaryngology for rinsing the sinuses and gargling. Sea salt is considered the most useful. Therefore, you should pay attention to cleansing the intestines with salt water.

Water is the second most important necessity for the body after air. Humans are 70% water. Thanks to the balance of water, all organs and systems function, including the digestive system. To pass into the blood through the intestinal tissues, food must interact with water. Water is also needed to remove waste products.

The water-salt solution is thus used for two purposes:

Firstly, as a purely mechanical means of bowel movement. Since salt will not allow water to be absorbed into the blood, the solution will enter the intestines in full. And we will receive cleansing from accumulated food residues saturated with toxins and other impurities.

Secondly, using its antiseptic properties, salt will prevent further active reproduction of pathogenic and opportunistic flora in the intestines.

How to take Epsom salts?

Epsom salts or magnesia have a mild laxative effect. It cannot be used for more than five days.

Magnesium Sulfate is called Epsom salt.

The recipe for preparing a solution based on it is to dissolve 10-20 g of salt in half a liter of water.

Drink the prepared solution at one time, preferably before bed. Epsom salts to cleanse the intestines and lymph begin to act in about 2 hours.

Magnesia has contraindications, and is most often prescribed for serious poisoning. You should not use Epsom salt for more than five days in a row, as this can lead to the development of dysbiosis and other pathologies of the digestive system.

Symptoms and indications for cleansing.

Due to the rhythm of life, a person does not always watch his diet. And unscrupulous manufacturers further aggravate the situation by offering low-quality products. Unfortunately, the modern rhythm of life rarely allows anyone to think about what the causes of his ailments are and how he can overcome them.

  • Feeling worse
  • Fast fatiguability
  • Frequent colds
  • Problem skin
  • Constipation and flatulence

All this may indicate excessive accumulation of toxins.

Internal organs overloaded with debris cannot cope with their functional responsibilities. The intestines especially suffer, as they take the brunt of an irresponsible attitude to diet. Restoring and maintaining intestinal health has a direct impact on the general condition of the body, performance, mood and human immunity. The bulk of human immune cells are concentrated in the intestinal tissues; stable intestinal function is the key to health. Regular cleansing of the intestines is a very relevant procedure today.

Colon cleansing with salt water and lemon according to Malakhov

In addition to Indian yogis, Malakhov also offers colon cleansing with water. Only in this case, you should not drink the water, but do enemas with it. To prepare the required solution, add the juice of half a lemon (this is 1 tablespoon) to 2 liters of boiled water. You can replace lemon with 4-6 percent apple cider vinegar. The prepared substance must be poured into Esmarch's mug. Next, hang it at a height of one and a half meters. The tip of the tube should be lubricated with oil to make it easier to enter the anus.

When preparations for the procedure are completed, you need to take the knee-elbow position, the pelvis should be positioned above the shoulders. Insert the tube into the intestines as deep as possible - 25-50 cm. For a start, 5-10 cm is enough. The stomach should be relaxed, preferably breathing through the mouth. The procedure is best done in the evening before bed or after bowel movements.


The event of cleansing the intestines with salt water has pronounced contraindications:

  • Oncology
  • Chronic diseases of the digestive system
  • Pregnancy and menstruation
  • Unstable body temperature
  • Atrophy of the small intestinal mucosa (celiac disease)
  • Kidney failure
  • Chronic diseases of the heart and blood vessels
  • Post-operative recovery period.

Individual characteristics and previous illnesses should also be taken into account.

IMPORTANT: Before use, you must visit a doctor for consultation, undergo an examination and take tests.

When cleansing is contraindicated

There are contraindications for the procedure of cleansing the intestinal tract using salt water:

  • presence of any diseases;
  • increased body temperature;
  • pregnancy, lactation, menstruation;
  • after diets, fasting days, fasting;
  • for oncological diseases.

Cleaning results. Benefits of cleansing.

Enema and Shank-Prakshalana are cheap and effective methods that allow you to get rid of constipation and increased gas formation, balance the functioning of the intestines and adjacent organs, give a healthy appearance to the skin, and lose excess weight. The simplicity of the cleaning procedure with salt water allows it to be done at home and in a fairly short time.

Cleansing the intestines using a salt solution eliminates toxins and has a positive effect on the entire body:

  • The intestines, cleared of waste deposits, work optimally
  • Microflora returns to normal
  • The organs of the gastrointestinal tract are not overloaded, which allows you to digest and assimilate food well and easily get rid of waste products.
  • Metabolism improves
  • Metabolism accelerates
  • Increased immune system defense responses
  • Body weight is reduced, while the anterior wall of the abdominal cavity is regenerated, preventing the stomach from sagging
  • Skin and hair look healthy
  • Rejuvenation of body cells occurs
  • Normalizes sleep and appetite
  • Allergic reactions pass.

IMPORTANT: But this method should not be considered a panacea! Attentive attention to your diet, lifestyle, as well as a positive attitude when solving all troubles related to your health, will allow you to bring the quality of your life to a noticeably higher level.

How the intestines work

Our gastrointestinal tract can be compared in functionality to a kitchen sewage system. If you pour the residue from washing vegetables and dishes into the sink, a blockage will form in the sewer pipes. Garbage quickly paralyzes the sewage disposal system.

Junk food forms waste on the intestinal walls, which makes it difficult to evacuate waste.

In the human body, the gastrointestinal tract also serves to remove food debris. If it becomes clogged with waste and toxins, then poisoning of the body begins. Firstly, the skin suffers, becoming covered with red dots, flaking, and swelling. Secondly, immunity decreases, which completely depends on the balance of the gastrointestinal microflora. Due to this, the body more often misses viral attacks. Thirdly, internal organs begin to ache.

There are many reasons for poor bowel function. For example, poor nutrition, a sedentary lifestyle, and stress will disrupt the process of food digestion. This will ultimately lead to fewer beneficial microbes. Unfortunately, constipation, heaviness in the stomach, bad breath and other misfortunes will appear.

Signs of intestinal slagging

The reason for cleansing the gastrointestinal tract of toxins is the following state of the body:

  • Fatigue sets in quickly;
  • headaches often;
  • the skin becomes dull and begins to peel off;
  • sweat appears for no reason;
  • liver pain periodically;
  • constantly makes you sleepy;
  • mood depressed;
  • Depression often sets in.

Salty water. Two cleaning methods.

The system of colon cleansing using water and salt belongs to yogis from India. And it is called Shank-Prakshalana, literally - “action of the shell”. Flowing through the intestines, water and salt are practically not absorbed. Under the influence of water, the remnants of the digestive process and old impurities are completely washed away, washing them out of the folds of the intestines. And salt, in turn, has a slight therapeutic bactericidal effect.

To apply the yoga technique, you should choose sea salt: Caribbean pink, iodized, Himalayan or ocean. There are two ways to cleanse yourself at home using salt water:

  1. Rectal (enema) - the use of an enema for forced cleansing of the intestines.
  2. Drinking salt water followed by a set of physical exercises to remove waste from the body naturally.

Set of exercises

In order for the saline solution to pass along the entire length of the gastrointestinal tract, cleansing the intestines, you need to do the following:

  1. Tilts the body to the sides. Take a position - the person stands straight, legs are at a distance of 15 cm from each other. The body is tilted with a straight back to the right and left (12 times each), without pauses. The pelvis and legs remain motionless.
  2. Rotation at the waist. The position is strictly vertical, the lower limbs are shoulder width apart. The right arm is extended horizontally, the left is bent at the elbow, touching the collarbone with the fingers. The rotations are made alternately in different directions (12 approaches each) with a corresponding change in the position of the hands.
  3. Massage of the abdominal area. The person squats, the left knee drops to the floor, and the body turns to the right. Return to the starting position and perform the exercise in a mirror manner, 12 revolutions in each direction.

You can also use the cobra pose, jumping in place, bending forward and backward. All elements of gymnastics that affect the abdominal area will help move fluid sequentially through each section of the gastrointestinal tract. After the procedure, it is advisable to drink two glasses of water with salt or soda and induce vomiting.

Enema. Step-by-step instruction.

The method is carried out not only to cleanse the intestines of waste from the digestive process and old deposits of toxins, but also to remove parasites. The procedure is carried out in two stages:

  1. For 2 liters of water, take 2 tablespoons of salt. Water should correspond to the normal body temperature of a healthy person.
  2. The solution is administered rectally, followed by bowel movement. Ideally, it would be good to use distilled water. If you don’t have it on hand, use boiled water and, of course, cooled.
  3. When all the contents are released and the urge to go to the toilet ends, it is necessary to perform another enema with clean water without salt, 2 liters in volume. This is done in order to remove remaining salt from the body.

Do not overuse rectal cleansing. Once or twice a week will be enough. Afterwards you should take a week break. If, when introducing a salt solution, a strong burning sensation occurs inside the body, you should reduce the amount of salt, leaving the volume of water the same.


Mikhail: “I cleansed the intestines with black salt. I took saline solution for 3 weeks. Upon completion of the course, I noticed a significant improvement in my general well-being - chronic fatigue disappeared, the functioning of the digestive system improved, and my mood became much better. Now I would like to evaluate how French salt acts on the body.”

Elena: “I drank salt water, as Malakhov recommends, but this method of cleansing the intestines did not work for me. “Dizziness, diarrhea and abdominal pain are just some of the unpleasant symptoms I experienced.”

Doctor's opinion:

“Despite their availability, saline solutions have a considerable number of contraindications. They can be used only after consulting a specialist and after identifying all pathologies that may be a reason to abandon this method of cleansing. It is especially important to follow these rules if you have diseases of the heart, liver, blood vessels and kidneys.”

Cleansing with salt water and exercise. Step-by-step instruction.

The method is more complex, but also more effective. When using it, you should strictly follow the Shankri-Prakshalana technique. It comes down to competently performing several simple exercises.

By drinking pure salt water, we use exercise to help it most thoroughly empty our intestines. The goal in this method is to obtain the same clean water at the outlet as at the inlet. You will need to monitor the quality of bowel movements. Of course, as in any serious matter, preparation plays an important role here. In this case, we insist that you pay proper attention to the preparatory stage of cleansing. If you do not neglect our advice, you will feel better before the procedure begins.


During the salt water cleanse, you should not consume heavy food, alcohol or carbonated drinks. If swelling appears, the enema procedure must be stopped and not repeated in the future.

The ideal solution would be to start eating fresh vegetable salads with olive or flaxseed oil as a seasoning 1-2 days before cleansing. Instead of meat and bread, eat freshly cooked porridge in water without sugar or salt. Then you will approach the cleansing fully armed and sufficiently prepared.

IMPORTANT: Prepare all the ingredients for the solution in advance and take care of the conditions for the procedure. You must have easy access to the toilet.

How to make a solution? Recipe.

For purification, we will need to use only clean (preferably distilled) water, which should be filtered and boiled in advance. The salt must be of high quality, so it should be purchased at the pharmacy. Salt consumption: 30 gr. per liter jar of water. To cleanse the intestines you will need from 2 to 2.5 liters.

The water should be slightly warmed up to approximately body temperature, the water should not be hot. That is, the optimal water temperature should be 36-37 degrees.

IMPORTANT: Temperature is an extremely important parameter for us, compliance with which will allow us to avoid problems.

To make the solution easier to drink, it is recommended to use it with lemon (freshly squeezed juice). Cleaning is done in the morning on an empty stomach.

  • Prepare salted water and drink 250-300 g.
  • Afterwards you need to perform physical exercises corresponding to the system.
  • Alternate between taking the solution and physical activity until all the liquid is gone.
  • The intestines will begin to free themselves first from digested food, then from dirt, then just water will come out. It is up to this point that purification should be carried out.

Important: salt water causes itching in the anus, so after emptying, wash the anus with water and lubricate it with a rich cream or any oil.

A set of exercises. Shank Prakshalana. Video.

The physical exercises that must be performed between salt water intakes are simple, but they should be performed carefully and in a certain order as prescribed in yoga. This is done so that water moves properly throughout the body and leaves it in a timely manner, taking in all the contents of the intestines.

IMPORTANT: Exercises play a major role in this cleansing method, so treat them with attention.

Exercise No1:

Give your body a vertical position, with your feet shoulder-width apart. Clasp your hands together and extend them upward, turning your palms toward the ceiling. Inhale while rising onto your toes. As you exhale, lower down. Repeat 6 times.

Exercise No2:

Without changing your posture, do 8 tilts to the left and 8 tilts to the right, alternating. This rocking will allow the intestines to become active.

Exercise No3:

In a given position, position your legs a little wider. Place your right hand on your left collarbone, and extend your left hand parallel to the floor. Without leaving your place, make 4 turns of the body to the left. Next, change the position of your hands on the contrary, and make 4 similar turns to the right.

Exercise No4:

Take an emphasis lying on outstretched arms. Lean on your toes. Turning over your shoulder as much as possible, try to see your heels. Perform four turns in each direction.

Exercise No5:

Take a squatting position. Knees and feet should not touch. Turn your body to the right, pressing the knee of your left leg to the floor. Place your hands on your knees. Perform this twisting 8 times, alternately pressing on the left and opposite sides of the abdomen.

At the end of the emptying process, you need to drink 500 ml of plain warm water and forcefully induce vomiting. This will cleanse the stomach of excess salt.

Immediately after the procedure. First food and drink.

After applying the Shank-Prakshal cleansing, you should take a horizontal position on your back and relax as much as possible. Lie down for an hour. No food should be consumed. Drinking water is also prohibited. The first meal should take place no earlier than an hour later, and consist only of peeled, boiled rice, without salt and sugar. Rice porridge should be cooked in water.

It is allowed to add a small amount of ghee. After eating, you should not drink water or any other liquid for two hours. During this time, the rice will absorb the remaining salt water that has lingered. Three hours after eating rice porridge, you can eat, but do not overeat. The diet should consist of stewed vegetables and cereals.

A little cheese is allowed. Fish, meat, sweets, coffee must be excluded. You can return to proper nutrition two to three days after the colon cleansing procedure.

Diet after cleansing

Once a person has rested for 60 minutes, he needs to eat. Optimally, rice cooked in water with a teaspoon of high-quality butter. You can add salty juice from tomatoes or, alternatively, boiled lentils or carrots.

The following foods should be eaten during the first 24 hours:

  • Wheat, durum pasta, oats.
  • Vegetable soups or stews.
  • Grain bread.

It is forbidden to eat:

  • Dairy products (kefir, sour cream, yogurt, fermented baked milk, cottage cheese).
  • Pepper and seasonings.
  • Everything is sour.
  • Raw vegetables and fruits.

You can drink only after the first meal. It is recommended to drink plain water, herbal infusions, teas, still mineral water, but not alcohol. It will also be useful to take a probiotic prescribed by your doctor in the evening, for example, Linex. This is done in order to normalize the microflora, the balance of which may be disrupted during the cleansing process.

Diet to Maintain Gut Health Before Your Next Treatment

To stay in good shape for many months after flushing, it is important to adhere to the principles and rules of a healthy diet. This will consolidate the positive effect.

Diet goals:

  • Stabilize and rationalize the function of the gastrointestinal tract.
  • Launch metabolic processes in the body.
  • Stimulate weight loss or gain of normal body weight.
  • Even out the balance of microflora in the gastrointestinal tract.
  • Minimize the risk of recurrence of indications for cleaning.
  • Strengthen the effect of the procedure.
  • Stabilize blood sugar and lipid levels.
  • Improve the functioning of the cardiovascular system, lower blood pressure.

If you do not follow the diet, the effect of cleansing will disappear within a week and the torment due to it will be in vain.

Healthy to eat and drink:

  • Everything is fermented milk.
  • Vegetable soups and weak meat (fish) broths.
  • Vegetable salads.
  • Seafood.
  • Poultry dishes, steamed or boiled, stewed.
  • Olive, linseed oil.
  • Green, herbal and weak black tea, mineral water, smoothies, various decoctions and compotes.

Not recommended:

  • Salt, sugar, herbs, spices - keep to a minimum.
  • Alcoholic drinks except dry wine (in moderation).
  • Semi-finished products, fast food, smoked meats, canned food.
  • Mayonnaise and ketchup are not homemade.
  • Sweets, culinary products, baked goods.

You need to eat up to 6 times a day, in small, but satisfying portions. The priority is food that is home-cooked and as fresh as possible.

If you follow these recommendations, then repeated cleaning with salt water may not be necessary at all.

A short summary of the entire process.

To consolidate our understanding of the Shank Prakshalana procedure, let’s draw up a brief diagram of this method:

  • Drink a glass of the prepared solution
  • Perform 5 exercises carefully and one by one
  • Then drink the next glass and again do 5 Prakshalana exercises.
  • After the sixth glass of salt water solution, you visit the toilet and wait for the first bowel movement. At this stage, you can help yourself with a small enema.
  • Then we return to the sequence of a glass of salt water - exercises and, after several repetitions, we visit the toilet again.
  • Our task is to obtain the same color of liquid at the output as at the inlet.
  • Then we rest for at least an hour and follow the instructions for eating and drinking after the cleansing procedure.

Frequency of performing Shank-Prakshalana procedures

  • Cleansing with salt water is necessary when necessary. Its average frequency is four times a year, each time the season changes.
  • To cleanse even very heavily polluted intestines, you will have to do 2-3 procedures. Then they should be repeated at least once a year.
  • Some yogis suggest cleansing the body with salt water once every 15 days, but only the most inveterate enthusiasts can do this.
  • It is useful for people suffering from constipation to do this procedure every week, but only with 6 glasses of water. Then harmful substances will be released within 1-1.5 hours.
  • Shank-Praklashana is also used instead of enemas as needed.

Preparation for the procedure

Colon cleansing with saline solution should be done in the morning on an empty stomach. Before starting the procedure, it is important to prepare the body, for this:

  1. A week before cleansing, they switch to vegetarianism.
  2. If the first point is difficult to complete, meat, fish, dairy products, baked goods, and sweets are excluded from the diet.
  3. Before cleansing, stop smoking and stop drinking alcoholic beverages.

The patient should have a day free from work and any important matters. Before cleansing the intestines, it is important to stock up on cream for treating the anal sphincter, toilet paper, and ensure constant access to the toilet. In addition, you need to properly prepare the solution. For it, take 2 liters of clean still water, 2 tbsp. l. table or sea salt. In the second case, it is important to buy a composition for medical purposes (without dyes, flavors and other foreign additives).

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