How to drink and brew oats to cleanse the body? Recipes and reviews

The beneficial properties of oats have been actively used by folk doctors and healers for a long time. Oats were used for mental and physical exhaustion, gout, insomnia and various skin diseases. Not so long ago, scientists made the discovery that oat grains are capable of excellently cleansing the body of toxins, toxins and metabolic products. Regular consumption of oats for 2-3 months causes a noticeable improvement in overall health.

Composition of oats

Oats contain a large amount of protein, fats and minerals, which have a positive effect on:

  1. Composition of oats
  2. Medicinal properties of oats
  3. The benefits and harms of oats for the human body
  4. Oats for cleansing the body - recipes for decoctions and infusions
  5. How to take oats for weight loss?
  6. Reviews and recipes for using oats to cleanse the body and lose weight
  • gastrointestinal tract;
  • saturate blood cells with oxygen;
  • strengthen hair and nails;
  • The iodine contained in oats has a preventive effect on the thyroid gland;
  • zinc helps speed up the healing process of wounds and microcracks in the skin, it is especially important for older people.


Many who have experienced the cleansing and healing properties of oats are satisfied with the product:

Anna, 35 years old : “Oatmeal infusion is simply a miracle! I have never seen a better “cleaner” in my life. I followed a diet and drank oatmeal infusion, which my grandfather had prepared. By the way, he lived to be 90 years old! During the cleaning, pain appeared in the kidney, it turned out to be sand. The doctor did not forbid us to continue. As a result, after a two-week cleaning, an ultrasound showed that there was no more sand. “I am very pleased, my general condition has improved, my facial skin has become cleaner, my hair is shiny and does not fall out.”

Natalya, 29 years old : “I drink oatmeal because of problems with sugar. I have been using and following the diet recommended by my doctor for several months now. The result makes me happy: my sugar has returned to normal and is no longer rising. I grind the remaining oats from brewing in a blender - it turns out to be an excellent scrub for the body and face. The skin became smooth and silky.”

Elena, 31 years old : “Oat decoction is an excellent remedy for the beauty of skin and hair. I take it in courses twice a year and am satisfied with the effect. It is important that the cereal contains fewer chemicals and is whole, in the husk. Of course, preparing a decoction is troublesome, but the result is worth it.”

Medicinal properties of oats

Let's find out in more detail what oats contain, its medicinal properties and contraindications, how to prepare decoctions and infusions from it to cleanse the body and lose weight.

Oats are recommended for people who have undergone serious operations, protracted illnesses and infections.

Rolled oats, whole oat grains and oatmeal are used to treat a number of diseases:

  • skin diseases (dermatitis, eczema);
  • liver diseases (cirrhosis, hepatitis);
  • respiratory tract diseases;
  • diseases of the genitourinary system;
  • breast tumor;
  • diabetes;
  • for the treatment of Parkinson's disease;
  • nervous exhaustion and stress.

Among other things, oats help fight nicotine and alcohol addiction.


The body needs to be prepared. 2 weeks before the procedures, adjust your diet. A number of products must be excluded from the diet: dried products, smoked meats, pickles, marinades, sausages, fatty meats, foods high in starch - potatoes, corn. Eat fresh vegetables and fruits daily. All types of cabbage are useful - white, cauliflower, red, broccoli, kohlrabi. The diet should include apples, nuts, raisins, dried apricots.

Hot dishes cooked in vegetable oil - sunflower, corn, olive - are healthy. Increase physical activity to normalize metabolism. Cleansing the body at home will be more effective. It is important to know how to brew oats correctly. Eliminate or minimize the consumption of alcohol and cigarettes.

The benefits and harms of oats for the human body

The benefits and harms of oats for the human body are not known to everyone, so let’s look into this issue.

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Benefits of oats for the body

The main benefits of oats for the human body lie in its properties:

  1. The main healing property of oats is its diuretic effect. The silicon it contains helps increase urine levels in the bladder and remove uric acid from the body. Due to this property, oats are prescribed as the main food for gout and urinary problems.
  2. Oats also , as they have a positive effect on the lungs and help remove mucus from the pulmonary tract and bronchi.
  3. The dietary properties of oats help in the process of losing weight ; in addition, it is useful for diabetics, as it does not cause obesity.
  4. The aphrodisiac properties of oats help improve the sex life of men.

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Despite the fact that oats have a whole range of beneficial properties, their use is not recommended for everyone. Oats are widely used in folk medicine.

Harm of oats

  1. People with celiac disease (gluten enteropathy) are strictly prohibited from consuming oats as food, like other cereals.
  2. In addition, oats should not be consumed daily!!! , as it promotes the removal of calcium from the body and can also lead to vitamin D deficiency.

It is recommended to consume oatmeal once every four to five days, not more often.


Cleaning with oats benefits the entire body, but during this procedure many systems begin to function more actively. Therefore, it is important to make sure there is no harm.

General contraindications to the use of oat products:

  • allergic reaction to cereal or individual intolerance to it;
  • breastfeeding or pregnancy;
  • urinary and cholelithiasis;
  • kidney pathologies;
  • gastritis and celiac disease;
  • heart disease;
  • cholecystitis.

Such remedies are not used by those who do not have a gallbladder , or immediately after or immediately before surgical interventions (without the advice of a specialist).

Oats for cleansing the body - recipes for decoctions and infusions

Eating oatmeal is of course the easiest, but to achieve the maximum effect of cleansing the body of harmful substances, it is best to use whole grains. There are a lot of recipes for preparing whole oats, so everyone can choose the most convenient option for preparing this cereal.

1. Oat decoction recipe: medicinal properties and contraindications

“How to drink oats to cleanse the body and how to brew it?” - these are the two most common questions among those who have just started using oats to cleanse the body or for weight loss.

To prepare a decoction of oats to cleanse the body, you need to pour a glass of whole grains with water (1500 ml) and put on fire. Boil the oats for an hour, after which you should strain it through a sieve or cheesecloth and drink half a glass up to 5 times a day, chilled. You can drink the decoction for a long period of time, as it does not cause habit and has a beneficial effect on the entire body as a whole.

Recipe for Nastya from oats

To cleanse the body, it is recommended to infuse oats in warm water for 15 hours, in a ratio of 1:2. Use the infusion half a glass 2 times a day, you can also give the infusion to children 1 tablespoon.

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Method of cleansing the body by Dr. Jean de S. Catherine

Dr. Jean de S. Katerin was able to live a whole century thanks to a unique method of cleansing the body using oatmeal decoctions and infusions. According to his method, you need to drink 2 glasses of oat infusion or decoction in the morning before meals, 2 hours before lunch and three hours after lunch. This cleansing course should be carried out over two weeks in autumn, spring and summer.

How to steam oats to cleanse the liver?

You can cleanse the liver with oatmeal broth in just two weeks. To do this, you need to prepare an oatmeal broth: take 150 grams of unpeeled whole oats, add 1500 ml of water and boil for fifteen minutes. Then the decoction must be infused for two hours. Take the prepared decoction 500 ml three times a day before meals for two weeks. This decoction will also help heal the stomach, and the course of treatment will last a month.

How can diabetic patients cleanse their body with oats?

For diabetes, it is recommended to cleanse your body with a special decoction of oats , which helps eliminate cholesterol and strengthen the cardiovascular system.
In order to prepare oatmeal broth, you need to pour a glass of whole oats into a saucepan and fill it with 1000 ml of water. Boil for one minute, then reduce heat and simmer until thickened. Then the resulting consistency must be filtered and diluted with hawthorn juice in a 1:1 ratio. It is recommended to take the decoction for 60 days, 200 grams 3 times a day.

Side effects

If you use high-quality raw materials, follow the schemes and recipes, there should not be any unpleasant sensations . Abuse of funds and neglect of contraindications have the opposite effect and can even worsen the situation. Problems also arise when cooking technology is not followed.

Painful sensations occur when sand is washed out of the kidneys . If the pain is severe or prolonged, consult a doctor immediately. The appearance of bloating, nausea, stool upset, general malaise, weakness is another reason to consult a specialist.

Carefully! With large stones in the kidneys and gall bladder, the condition worsens. Their movement is very dangerous, as it leads to blockage of the ducts.

How to take oats for weight loss?

In order to achieve the maximum effect from the oatmeal diet, it is recommended to consume oatmeal for 10 days.

Such a diet will not only lead to weight loss, but also improve intestinal motility, improve the condition of the pancreas and digestive tract processes. In addition, during the diet, the body will be cleansed of harmful substances and toxins, the skin will acquire a healthy appearance and a beautiful color.

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During a diet, it is necessary to prepare oatmeal before eating. And best of all, pour the rolled oats flakes with cold water and leave for 9 hours so that they swell well. After the flakes swell, you can add prunes and start eating. During the oatmeal diet, you need to drink as much fluid as possible:

  • still water;
  • not sweet green tea;
  • Apple juice;
  • in addition to oatmeal, use oatmeal broth.

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To prepare the decoction, you need to pour a glass of oat grains with water in a volume of 1500 ml, put on fire, bring to a boil and cook for 20 minutes. Then you need to strain through a sieve and consume with lemon or natural honey.

In addition to oatmeal, oatmeal jelly . To prepare it you will need:

  • oatmeal -300 grams;
  • kefir-200 grams;
  • sour cream -1 tbsp. spoon;
  • bread crust - one piece;
  • drinking water – 2 l.

Mix all the products and place them in a glass container, leave in a warm place for three days. Then the fermented infusion must be squeezed out and, putting on fire, boil. Take the resulting oatmeal jelly 3 times a day before meals, half a glass, or a little throughout the day.

Another way to lose weight using oats...

Boil a glass of whole oats for 30 minutes in 5 glasses of water and do not strain. Drink instead of the usual tea, coffee and compote, limiting your consumption of rich foods and sweets. Continue the course for at least two months.

How it cleanses: principle of action

The cleansing properties of cereal have long been known to mankind. Oats rejuvenate and normalize metabolic processes . Cleaning occurs gently, without stress to the body.

Oat husks are rich in plant fiber , which gently cleanses the intestines and absorbs harmful substances. Oats remove waste and toxins, salts, cholesterol from the body, cleanses blood vessels, and gets rid of sclerotic plaques. Oatmeal decoctions wash sand from the kidneys and gall bladder and remove excess fluid from the body.

Oatmeal – anti-cholesterol remedy

Typically, a therapeutic set of techniques for combating excess weight includes the use of oatmeal jelly. This is an extremely simple remedy that is effective in normalizing weight. Oat jelly can restore lipid metabolism and remove “bad” cholesterol from the blood, that is, cleanse blood vessels.

How to prepare oatmeal jelly? It's really very simple:

  • You need to take 4 full glasses of oatmeal and rinse them in running water.
  • Then pour 2 liters of clean water over the oats, maybe boiled but cooled.
  • Leave the flakes to steep for 24 hours, then strain.
  • Take the resulting jelly approximately half a glass twice a day.

In addition to the fact that this remedy will help fight excess weight, remove cholesterol, cleanse blood vessels, it will also improve the condition of the digestive system and will be an excellent preventive measure for diseases of the stomach and intestines.

To improve the taste of oatmeal jelly, you can add fresh berries, fruits or honey.

Power structure

Before the cleaning process, you need to carefully plan your daily diet. In the morning, after yoga, it is best to drink a small amount of warm water. After this, you cannot eat or drink for half an hour.

Sample menu:

  • breakfast – oatmeal with bran and butter;
  • second breakfast - fruit;
  • lunch - vegetable soup with bran bread;
  • snack – fruits, dried fruits or nuts in small quantities;
  • dinner - vegetables (stewed, boiled, steamed, baked or fresh seasonal).

Using fresh vegetables and fruits

You can use fresh seasonal vegetables and fruits:

  • bananas, apples, mangoes, avocados, carrots, legumes, beets, tomatoes;
  • berries: strawberries, raspberries, blueberries, blueberries, cranberries.

Fruits and vegetables should be consumed in small quantities. If they are not seasonal, they must be heat treated.

Using vegetable oil

The oil can be used in small quantities by adding it to porridge, soup or vegetables. You can replace it with butter, but this is a last resort. Vegetable oil is more useful and necessary for the body. Its fats play a significant role in the full functioning of the human body.

Oat diets

This diet helps you lose extra pounds and rid your body of harmful substances.


The diet includes:

  • oatmeal;
  • oat decoction.

You can supplement it with a small amount of fruits and vegetables. It is recommended to drink only drinking water and green tea. This diet lasts 12 days.


The main dish is oats. A decoction is prepared from it, and the softened grains are eaten as porridge. In addition to oats, you can eat lean meat, vegetables, fruits, and add vegetable oil. Drink plenty of water. But, most importantly, stick to the regime and diet.

If a person has certain diseases, and especially chronic ones, then before cleaning with oats it is better to consult a doctor.

Most reviews from the use of these grains are positive. For many years, people have been using this technique to cleanse the body. Despite its benefits, we must remember that it may not be suitable for every person.

Oat decoction, according to traditional medicine recipes, helps rid the body of toxins and waste. But in order for the remedy to really help and a person’s well-being to improve after a course of procedures, it is necessary to understand how to brew oats to cleanse the body and how to take this remedy.

How to brew and drink oats correctly?

The first thing to consider is that to prepare the product you must use only fresh whole grains, since from low-quality raw materials you can only make an equally low-quality decoction. Therefore, purchase this component only from reliable and trusted retail outlets.

Now let's talk about how to brew oats to cleanse the body, it's easy to do, take 200 g of grain, pour 2 liters of boiling water over it and put the mixture on the fire. Carefully watch how the broth heats up; as soon as it starts to boil, reduce the heat and start stirring the mixture. The product should be boiled for 45 minutes, all this time the broth should be stirred with a spoon. Upon completion of this process, remove the pan from the stove and strain its contents using gauze. You can store the product in the refrigerator, but you can drink it only after it has been warmed up.

Scheme for cleansing the body with oats - a folk recipe

Oats contain fiber, so cleaning with oats according to folk recipes is carried out strictly according to a certain scheme, otherwise you can provoke the onset of diarrhea.

  1. Before taking the product, for 2-3 days, try to follow a diet, do not eat fatty foods, give up alcohol, strong tea and coffee, the same diet should be followed during the cleansing course.
  2. Next, for 1 week you need to drink half a glass of the decoction 3 times a day, this is done 3 hours before meals, so it is not advisable to take the infusion in the morning, because you cannot skip breakfast.
  3. It is recommended to take the last portion of the product shortly before going to bed; by the way, this will help get rid of insomnia and anxiety.
  4. After a week, you need to stick to the diet described above for another 2-3 days, after which you can return to a more familiar diet.

Experts advise monitoring your well-being throughout the course of cleansing; if you feel weak, allergic reactions or painful sensations occur, you should immediately stop taking the product and consult a doctor, remember that each body has its own characteristics and its reaction to even the most harmless means can be unpredictable.


When cleansing the body with oats, different recipes and schemes are used, taking into account the purpose of cleansing. Use oats for cleaning:

  • liver;
  • kidney;
  • cleansing the lungs;
  • blood;
  • intestines;
  • type 2 diabetes mellitus;
  • colds, flu;
  • initial stage of hypertension;
  • losing weight, strengthening the immune system.

How to brew oats to cleanse the body? There are several ways.

How to brew using the classic method : rinse 2 cups of grain, add a liter of cold water, leave for 24 hours. Then boil the contents over low heat for half an hour. Leave for another day and strain the broth.

A quick way to brew oats . Pour a liter of water into a container, pour in a glass of grain, boil over low heat for half an hour, drain the oat broth, and put in the refrigerator.

It is recommended to cleanse the body with oats using infusions and decoctions of unrefined grains.

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