Managa (managua): poisoning and effects on the body

Most recently, RastaMaster wrote about the combination of marijuana and contraception. Today we want to develop the topic by talking about the interaction of cannabis and antibiotics.

When taking any medications, it is important to know about possible side effects and the compatibility of this drug with other drugs and substances. Probably, almost all of us have heard about the dangers of alcohol while taking antibiotics. But how do antibiotics and marijuana work together?

Imagine that, for one reason or another, the doctor prescribes you a course of antibiotics. Even aside from our doctors' virtually zero knowledge of medical cannabis, do you trust your doctor enough to ask him about combining your prescribed medications with cannabis?

Consequences of use

Long-term use of managa has a more detrimental effect on the human psyche:

  • Depletion of energy resources
  • Lethargy
  • Dropping out of the social world
  • Chronic psychoses

It has been scientifically proven that regular use of drugs can lead to severe disability. This is all due to the development of abnormalities in the brain. Blood flow in the vessels is often disrupted, dementia develops, and edema occurs.

The effect of the drug and signs of mephedrone use

It is quite easy to distinguish a drug addict, because the effects of mephedrone and most of the symptoms are obvious. Relatives or friends should be more careful and pay attention to the following signs:

  • flushed face;
  • dilated pupils;
  • the mood rises;
  • heavy sweating;
  • the user begins to move actively, he is drawn to entertainment, communication and fun;
  • the emergence of delusional ideas.

When using meow, the following changes occur in the human body:

  • dizziness;
  • tachycardia;
  • blood pressure rises;
  • consciousness becomes cloudy;
  • loss of appetite.

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Managa poisoning

Drug poisoning is quite common. When intoxicated, nerve cells shrink, which changes the structure of neuron nuclei.

Destructive processes occur in:

  • cerebellum
  • subcortical structure
  • cerebral cortex

If you continue to use the drug, toxic-dystrophic encephalopathy will occur. In addition to all this, the use of managa leads to disruption of the functioning of internal organs, the drug is highly addictive.

The following pathological disorders are often observed in drug addicts:

  • reaction slows down
  • decreased activity of the eyeballs
  • coordination and color perception are impaired
  • retinal atrophy occurs

It is important to know that managa is a dangerous narcotic substance, the use of which provokes the development of mechanical hepatitis, gradually turning into cirrhosis of the liver. In the presence of chronic diseases, drug addicts die suddenly.

The drug "Mephedrone" - what is it?

This synthetic drug combines two powerful components:

  • cathinone (a naturally occurring amphetamine found in the leaves of Kata, an African shrub);
  • amphetamine.

“Mef” looks like a white powder with a yellowish tint and no odor. It is most often found in capsule, tablet, or liquid form. That is, you can drink it, smell it, swallow it. In rare cases, the drug is administered intravenously.

How addiction treatment works:

  • MOTIVATION Recommendations of a psychologist Visit of a specialist Guarantee of results
  • DETOXIFICATION Home visit (in hospital) Cleansing of the body Diagnostics by a psychiatrist
  • REHABILITATION Social program Standard program Individual program
  • SOCIAL ADAPTATION Employment opportunity Job training Outpatient support
  • SUPPORT FOR RELATIVES Self-help groups Webinars (online) Individual consultations

Impact on the body

Managa abuse can lead to serious illnesses:

  • Angina pectoris
  • Breathing problems
  • Arrhythmia
  • Endocrine system disorders
  • Problems with the reproductive system
  • Oncology
  • Weakened immunity, which leads to frequent colds
  • Exacerbation of existing chronic pathologies
  • Lack of sexual desire

In case of hemp milk poisoning, it is important to provide the patient with timely assistance. It is important to know the symptoms of intoxication:

  • High heart rate
  • Pupils stop responding to light
  • Red face
  • Dry mucous membranes
  • Chills
  • Drowsiness
  • High blood pressure
  • Chest pain
  • Lost in time and space
  • Convulsive manifestations
  • Tremor of limbs
  • Hearing impairment
  • Lethargy
  • Psychosis

Most often, during an overdose, several of the above symptoms appear at once, but sometimes the signs appear separately. An overdose of managa can lead to the death of a drug addict; death occurs due to the formation of blood clots or disruption of the cardiovascular system.

Particularly emotional people under the influence of drugs are prone to commit suicide.

So is it possible to mix cannabis with antibiotics?

In summary, there are no additional risks associated with the simultaneous use of antibiotics and marijuana. All you face is an increased chance of experiencing side effects from the medication. “We, at the Medical Cannabis Research Center, often have patients who are prescribed antibiotics. At the same time, we do not prohibit them from using medical marijuana, says Terry Roycroft.

Doctors recommend using an ordinary grapefruit as an indicator. It has properties similar to cannabis. If consuming grapefruit along with any medication is not recommended, you should also refrain from mixing these medications with cannabis.

Prepared from High Times materials

Help with overdose

If symptoms of an overdose are detected, you should immediately begin providing assistance:

  • Try to calm the patient down and don’t stop talking to him.
  • Turn on calm music
  • Open the window, take off tight clothes
  • You can put a wet cloth on your forehead
  • Clean the stomach using adsorbents
  • If you feel that the addict may lose consciousness, you should lay him on his side and try to keep him awake. For this purpose, you can pat the victim on the cheeks or pinch
  • Give warm tea with lemon to drink

However, before carrying out the above measures, you should definitely call an ambulance. If experts consider that the condition is not critical, the patient is administered haloperidol. If the patient’s condition is serious, doctors will insist on hospitalization.

It is advisable that a person “high” should not be left alone, because he may commit rash acts.

Interaction of cannabis with antibiotics

To save you from such questions, High Times magazine consulted Terry Roycroft, president of the Canadian Center for Medical Cannabis Research. Terry is not only a cannabis enthusiast, having been studying and promoting medical cannabis for over a decade. As president of the Canadian Center for Cannabis Research, he works with a large number of physicians who practice medical marijuana. He, like no one else, is as competent as possible in this matter.

According to Mr Roycroft, the combination of cannabis and antibiotics is much more “peaceful” than it might seem at first glance. “Many everyday things may not work well with a range of medications without us even realizing it. For example, 82 medications interact with caffeine in one way or another. The degree of their influence can vary from mild to quite severe,” he explains.

The UK National Health Service recommends avoiding alcohol while using antibiotics. However, only 2 antibiotics common in the UK interact negatively with alcohol. Even seemingly harmless things like grapefruit can have a bad effect if used together with antibiotics. This fruit is capable of interfering with the metabolism of a number of drugs, including antibiotics used in the treatment of respiratory, digestive and other infections.

In addition to studying medical marijuana, Mr. Roycroft is actively involved in educational work. The freeze frame shows a fragment from his interview with CTV News Channel.

“In real life, very few drugs can interfere with marijuana. Antibiotics are not included in the list of contraindications for cannabis use,” says Terry Roycroft. All observed interactions were very mild and did not cause any tangible harm to the body. Moreover, doctors are currently exploring the possibility of enhancing the effects of certain antibiotics by prescribing them to patients along with cannabis.

“At the moment, such therapy is prescribed to patients taking painkillers along with antibiotics. When prescribing cannabis for them, doctors reduce the dose of medication by half. At the same time, thanks to marijuana, the drugs continue to have their full effect.”

How to avoid intoxication

Managa is most often used by teenagers. They take the drug for self-affirmation or to experience new vivid emotions.

Timely preventive measures will help avoid the formation of addiction:

  1. It is necessary to tell the teenager all the negative effects that occur when taking drugs.
  2. If you suspect that a child is taking illegal substances, it is important to contact a narcologist. It is advisable to start treating addiction at an early stage
  3. Parents should ensure that cannabis is not grown at home
  4. It is important to know who your child is friends with

Excessive vigilance of adults and attention to children will help avoid serious trouble.

What about taking CBD?

The effectiveness of CBD has so far been proven only when used externally.
An interesting fact is that research shows that CBD has antibiotic properties. Not long ago, Australian scientists discovered the fact that cannabidiol kills a number of bacteria. These include those considered resistant to traditional antibiotics. But, of course, there is still a long way to go before replacing antibiotics with CBD.

“We're still not sure exactly how it works. CBD appears to have a mechanism to fight bacteria that have become resistant to other antibiotics, but we don't know anything about it,” says Mark Blaskovich, a researcher at the University of Queensland's Institute of Molecular Biology.

“So far, we have only been able to prove the effectiveness of CBD when applied externally, on the surface of the skin. To definitively confirm its usefulness, we will have to show its ability to treat systemic infections such as pneumonia or complex tissue infections. In this case, cannabidiol would have to be administered orally. The earliest studies have not yet shown that it works in these more complex cases.”

Other plant-based milks

People who are vegetarians and do not consume traditional milk today do not have problems with alternative nutrition - the food industry produces a wide variety of milk mixtures from various plants. Everyone can choose the product that fully satisfies their individual taste preferences.

Rice milk

It is an excellent substitute for cow's milk, not inferior to it in nutritional value and vitamin content. It is made from rice by boiling it, grinding it and then grinding it through a sieve. However, you should not feed infants with such a mixture - it still does not contain enough calcium and vitamin D, which can negatively affect the development of babies.

Find out what rice milk does for your body.

Almond milk

This delicious nutty drink is vaguely reminiscent of a soy mixture. Since almonds are one of the healthiest nuts, their milk (obtained by grinding and pureing almonds) also contains a rich set of beneficial microelements.

Recipe for making almond milk at home.

Coconut milk

This sweet drink, which, unlike other plant-based dairy products, is produced naturally (it is contained inside a ripe coconut) is loaded with vitamins and is an excellent immune booster. It does not contain cholesterol and is recommended by doctors for consumption as a substitute for traditional cow's milk.

Oat milk

Oatmeal milk is made by pureeing soaked cereals. This milk has a slightly sweet taste, it has a good effect on the digestive tract, strengthens the heart and removes toxins from the body.

Poppy milk

This famous poppy seed product has been used since ancient times as a narcotic painkiller drink, which has been successfully used in various surgical operations since the Middle Ages. Contains several times more calcium than animal milk. This product does not harm the body: it has been proven that during heat treatment, dangerous alkaloids die and only truly useful components remain.

Dependence and withdrawal from the drug mephedrone

The main danger of this stimulant is that even one dose causes severe addiction. Despite the difficult “departure”, a person wants to experience euphoria again. The inability to find a new dose leads the addict to a state of depression. He is always tense, aggressive and angry.

What can mephedrone addiction lead to?

  1. A drug addict cannot exist without another dose in larger quantities. To get what they want, such people are ready to take drastic measures:
  2. Selling all your belongings (gold, equipment, car, etc.);
  3. Theft of money from relatives (parents, brother, acquaintances);
  4. Loans from collectors and banks (secured by real estate);
  5. Robbery of shops or innocent people on the street (sometimes even with murder).

If you still can’t find money to buy synthetic cocaine, addicts go crazy. The limiting point and the saddest development of events is suicide.

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Why is marijuana so common?

One of the reasons for the popularity of cannabis is its ease of use; weed is simply smoked.
People are deceiving themselves, and sellers are advertising marijuana as a harmless thing that only brings peace of mind. Marijuana is the most common drug; in some countries where the authorities were unable to fight this scourge, they decided to legalize it. The fashion for inhaling cannabis smoke comes from ancient times, when Scythians threw the herb into the fire and inhaled its smoke. Later, the calming properties of the herb were learned in China, India, and other countries in Asia and Africa. The drug came to Western countries in the 19th century, and became widespread about a hundred years ago. Sometimes, to enhance the effect of a drug, they not only smoke it, but also add crack or cocaine.

Types of cannabis for smoking

Marijuana is the most popular of the illegal drugs and is usually smoked in joints or pipes. Less commonly, it is taken with food, brewed, or used as a “blunt”, replacing tobacco with hemp in cigars. Stronger drugs (wee-wee, crack, cocaine) are mixed into joints and blunts.

Popular street names for marijuana:

  1. Anasha, weed, joint, hashish.
  2. Masha, Maryivanovna, Green Uncle.
  3. Smoke, plan, straw, herbs, parsley, dill.
  4. Warmer, piece, Khimka, Khanka.
  5. Jah, dagga, dope.
  6. Dung, hemp, hydroponics.

The effect of marijuana manifests itself in the form of rapid heartbeat, impaired coordination of movements, concentration, and a surreal state of mind (dreamy). All this lasts a maximum of 30 minutes. in the first few uses of cannabis. Then the effect weakens, with subsequent doses it lasts only 2-3 minutes, the addict has to “catch up” with new portions of dope.

Long-term retention of smoke provokes the rapid development of lung diseases, inflammation of the mucous membranes of the throat, and chest pain. Marijuana has a negative effect on the brain, causing dementia and structural damage to brain tissue.


Another name is buds, buds, or inflorescences of hemp; it is in them that the highest THC content is concentrated. But not all flowering racemes turn into a cone, and it does not always become a sensimilla. The active bud is obtained only from the female inflorescence, and it is unpollinated; it contains a larger amount of THC, the maximum that the plant can “give out”.

If you plant only feminized cannabis seeds, you will get female bushes, and therefore more buds.

Cannabis buds are used for smoking

When entering the body after a single smoking, most of the metabolites are eliminated from the body within 3-4 days. They cannot be detected in the blood after 4 days, in the urine on the 9th day. With long-term use of marijuana, everything depends on the content of metabolites, but not less than after 3-4 weeks.


These are leaves, flowers or stems of marijuana (cannabis) dried in a special way. In 10-20% of cases, it causes addiction, therefore it is considered a soft drug (hallucinations, psychoses). A carcinogen, side effects can occur immediately or with long-term use, it all depends on the strength of the human body. Among the reactions from the plan are:

  • Inhibition, impaired motor functions.
  • Increased heart rate, risk of heart attacks and strokes.
  • Panic attacks, inappropriate behavior.

Smoking hemp is addictive

The smoke from a cigarette with a plan is specific, reminiscent of the smell of a bathhouse, fresh tomatoes, skunk, and sweetish undertones. But one thing is stable - it is very corrosive, persists for a long time, saturates clothes, hair, furniture.


Another name is charras, anasha, plasticine, ganja, it is often confused with marijuana due to the similarity of the action. This is a dense mixture, a mass, made from different varieties of hemp and parts of the plant, and can be in solid or liquid forms. It is stronger than marijuana and contains more THC and active substances. More often, hashish looks like a dense, sticky brown-brown block.

Hashish oil is a concentrate of cannabis resin, it contains a lot of psychoactive substances, its use gives a strong, pronounced and long-lasting effect. The oil is added to food or impregnated in cigarettes. You cannot buy it legally, only on the black market.

Regular use of hashish changes the functioning of organs and systems, a person changes as a person, becomes pathologically active, talkative, and has hallucinations. Coma, acute psychosis, and twilight stupefaction may develop. The drug addict looks inhibited, autistic with an increased appetite. Redness of the skin is visible, dry mouth and throat, and constant thirst are felt.

Cannabis in the form of hashish for smoking

There is a chemical compound called JWH or synthetic hashish. This is a white fine powder, mixed with any viscous, plastic base - ground coffee, chocolate, prunes, hookah tobacco. When making decoctions, molasses and starch are added, the aroma from such hashish resembles the base (sweet, coffee), there is no herbal undertone.


To prepare hemp milk at home, you need:

  • Pour 1 cup of unpeeled (unprocessed) hemp seeds with water for 6-8 hours (it’s best to do this at night);
  • after 6 hours, drain the water and rinse the seeds thoroughly with running water;
  • pour the swollen seeds into a blender, add 3 cups of clean water, puree until smooth;
  • pass the resulting mixture through a sieve (it is better to use a coffee filter).

The drink is ready! It should be stored in the refrigerator, covered, for no more than 2 days.

Hemp milk: what is it and where does it come from?

Hemp is a plant that has been used for thousands of years. It is used to make ropes, fabrics and even food products.

Hemp milk is gaining more and more popularity among people who lead a healthy lifestyle and refuse animal foods. But before you change your eating habits, it’s worth learning more about the benefits and harms of the fashionable drink.

Hemp is a plant that has long been used for economic purposes by residents of many countries. But if fiber was used on the farm, the seeds were actively used both in cooking and in medicine.

Hemp is a virtually waste-free plant, because you can use both its seeds and fibers

The digestive and genitourinary systems were treated with tinctures of hemp seeds.

At the end of the twentieth century, hemp fell out of favor and began to enjoy the glory of a narcotic plant. Many countries have banned its planting both on an industrial scale and for personal use.

Today, it is gradually regaining its popularity. Industrial hemp does not contain narcotic substances, so its plantations can be found not only in Europe and the USA, but also in the powers of the former Soviet Union.

Hemp milk is very popular in foreign countries. American and European companies make multimillion-dollar profits by manufacturing and selling this product.

Alas, Russia is still grazing the rear, although we also have enough fans of this tasty and healthy drink.

Composition and nutritional value

Hemp milk is made from unpeeled hemp seeds by pureeing - the absence of heat treatment allows you to preserve all the beneficial properties of the product. It has a sweetish taste, similar in appearance to traditional animal milk. The smell has a nutty note, there is a slight sourness. The consistency is liquid, but there may be unprocessed parts of the seeds.

The composition includes more than 400 components.


  • elain - 12%;
  • linoleic – up to 57%;
  • stearic – up to 5%;
  • palm - 6%.


  • fat-soluble - A, B2, B6, E, K;
  • chlorophyll;
  • beta-carotene;
  • sterol;
  • cannadibiol.

It also contains various bactericidal and tanning components.

The nutritional value of 1 glass of milk is:

  • proteins - 5 grams;
  • fats - 2 grams;
  • carbohydrates - 4 grams.

The calorie content of 100 grams of milk is 212 kcal. By consuming just 2 glasses of hemp milk, you can provide your body with a daily dose of zinc and potassium.

Did you know? There is one of the most unusual museums in the world - marijuana and hemp. It contains ancient finds and evidence of the use of hemp in everyday life, medicine and the food industry of ancient people - this data is used in modern scientific research.

Doctors' answers

Both alcohol and drugs negatively affect the use of antibiotics and treatment in general. Whether you smoke or not is up to you, but I would recommend that you abstain until the end of the course of treatment, and if possible, then quit completely. Systematic use causes persistent addiction. This is far from a harmless weed, and many are mistaken when they think that it will be easy to quit. Usually after it they switch to harder drugs and then that’s it. There is no way back without losing your health. That's your business.

    2019-01-06 17:04:26

Svetlana Mishina
Dear doctor, you have stereotypical thinking! You have studied at least a little bit of the question, you look very incompetent!

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Dangerous consequences of cannabis consumption

The consequences of regular consumption of hemp milk are quite serious. So, after the drug effect ends, a depressive state and a pessimistic mood persist for a certain time. Memory and intellectual abilities deteriorate significantly, albeit temporarily. With constant use of managa, mental disorders become chronic, and eventually a person develops schizophrenia. This most often happens to people who have a genetic predisposition to this disease.

A person in the stage of excitement after drinking narcotic milk should not be left alone.

The work of all important organs is disrupted - the heart, liver and lungs. Reproductive function also suffers in both men and women.

Fomyagin D.L., 3 years and a fine of 5,000 rubles; Nikonov A.A., 3 years and a fine of 7,000 rubles.

The court found the following.

In Nikonov A.A. there was a criminal intent for the illegal acquisition and storage of a narcotic drug – cannabis (marijuana). Illegally acquired narcotic drug Nikonov A.A. intended to use cannabis oil (hashish oil) for personal use for the illegal manufacture of a narcotic drug.

Realizing his criminal intent, Nikonov A.A. suggested to Fomyagin D.L. jointly and illegally acquire and store the narcotic drug cannabis (marijuana), for further illegal manufacture, storage of the narcotic drug - cannabis oil (hashish oil) for personal use by A.A. Nikonov. After Fomyagin D.L. agreed, they, for the purpose of illegal acquisition, storage and further production of a narcotic drug for personal use by Nikonov A.A., entered into a criminal conspiracy among themselves. Implementing a joint criminal intent, deliberately, through joint efforts, by collecting wild hemp plants on a site, they illegally acquired a narcotic drug - cannabis (marijuana) in dry terms, weighing at least 128 g, which is a particularly large size. They jointly illegally kept the specified amount on their person without the purpose of sale, until the moment of illegal production of the narcotic drug - cannabis oil. Further, they deliberately, through joint efforts, illegally produced a narcotic drug - cannabis oil, weighing at least 11.69 g, which is a particularly large size. And then jointly, illegally kept with them without the purpose of sale, for personal use by A.A. Nikonov.

Defendants Nikonov A.A. and Fomyagin D.L. guilty of the charge of committing crimes under Part 2 of Art. 228 of the Criminal Code of the Russian Federation, part. 2 tbsp. 228 of the Criminal Code of the Russian Federation was fully recognized.

The defendant Nikonov testified at the court hearing that he decided to cook “managa.” He had previously heard the recipe for making “managa” from someone. Having met D.L. Fomyagin on the street, he invited him to go with him to pick hemp and cook “managa”, since he knew where hemp grew and where in the forest there was a saucepan with a lid. Fomyagin agreed to help make the brew, but refused to try it after it was made. In his opinion, Fomyagin understood that they were producing a narcotic drug and that their actions were illegal. Nikonov tried the resulting liquid, but Fomyagin refused. He put the bottle of “managa” in his bag. Nikonov was carrying a bag containing a bottle of mixture. He then threw the bag containing the drug into the bushes. At this time, a car drove up, it immediately stopped behind the forest and police officers got out of the car and said that they knew that he and Fomyagin were producing a narcotic drug. They told the police officers about all the circumstances of the case and showed the place where they collected hemp and cooked “managa”.

Defendant D.M. Fomyagin testified at the court hearing that he met A.A. Nikonov, who invited him to pick hemp and cook “managa.” Nikonov A.A. He said that he had milk and he knew where in the forest there was a saucepan with a lid. I agreed out of curiosity. He did not try the resulting narcotic drug, but he understood that they had produced a managa drug. When we were walking to the village, we saw that a car was driving, and Nikonov threw away the bag with the bottle. They did not understand that these were policemen, because... the car was not a police car and the officers were in civilian clothes. They found out that it was the police when the car stopped, and the police officers came up to them and said that they had seen everything. He and Nikonov told them everything, showed them the place where they tore the hemp and made “managa”, including pointing out the scattered hemp plants that they threw away as unnecessary and the place where Nikonov threw away the bottle with the narcotic drug.

The guilt of the defendants as charged is confirmed by the testimony of witnesses: an investigator at the Mokrousovsky Department of Internal Affairs and a criminal investigation officer (hereinafter referred to as employees).

Employees testified at the court hearing that on that day they saw through binoculars two young men tearing hemp in the field. Afterwards they recognized them - it was Nikonov A.A. and Fomyagin D.L. Having picked up the hemp, Nikonov and Fomyagin went towards the forest, carrying something similar to a bag or package in their hands. When Nikonov and Fomyagin entered the forest, the employees saw smoke coming from the forest. Later, the officers returned to the place in the forest where they saw Nikonov and Fomyagin. Having left the forest, they saw Nikonov and Fomyagin about 50 meters from the car. Nikonov had a bag in his hands. The employees drove a little ahead and left the car there. At the same time, Fomyagin and Nikonov disappeared from sight for a few seconds. The officers got out of the car and approached Nikonov and Fomyagin. Nikonov no longer had the bag in his hands. They offered Nikonov and Fomyagin to hand over narcotic drugs, as well as the package they were carrying. They refused and generally claimed that they did not and never had any drugs. The fact of manufacturing narcotic drugs was denied. When asked to tell what Fomyagin and Nikonov were doing in the forest, they claimed that they had gone to mow. Only after a long conversation, which lasted about 40 minutes, after they were put in a car and told that they had observed Nikonov and Fomyagin preparing a narcotic drug, and they were asked to go to the police station to take swabs from their hands and produce other investigative actions, Nikonov and Fomyagin admitted that they had picked the green mass of hemp and made “managa” from it. The employees called the investigative and operational group (IOG). Upon arrival, SOG Nikonov and Fomyagin explained the circumstances of the case and showed where the hemp was collected. Nikonov and Fomyagin indicated the place where they brewed the “managa”, told how they did it, how they poured the “managa” into a polymer bottle, specially brought for this purpose by Nikonov. A fire pit was discovered at the site where the drug was manufactured. Nikonov showed where he threw the bottle of managa, explaining that they wanted to use the rest of the managa later, before the disco. During the inspection of the crime scene, fingerprints were taken from the surface of metal and glass jars onto fingerprint film. Swabs were taken from the hands of Fomyagin and Nikonov. All specified items are packed in the presence of witnesses.

<The guilt of the defendants is confirmed by written materials of the criminal case.

- An expert’s conclusion, from which it follows that on cotton swabs with washes from the hands of Nikonov A.A. contain trace amounts of the drug tetrahydrocannabinol, which is the narcotic active component of cannabis. On cotton swabs with washes from hands Fomyagin D.L. No narcotic active components of cannabis were detected within the sensitivity of the research methodology used (vol. 1 pp. 61-62);

- An expert’s conclusion, from which it follows that the fatty fraction of the liquid is a narcotic drug - cannabis oil (hashish oil). The mass of cannabis oil in this liquid is 11.69 g.

When examining and assessing evidence:

The court did not find any grounds for excluding any evidence in the case, since it did not find any violations of the criminal procedural law when collecting it.

At the court hearing it was established that the defendants committed guilty acts related to drug trafficking:

— collected wild narcotic hemp plants, thereby acquiring narcotic drugs;

- after the acquisition, the defendants intentionally possessed the acquired narcotic drugs (parts of hemp plants) with them, transferred them from the place of acquisition to the place of manufacture of the narcotic drug, that is, they stored the narcotic drug - cannabis (marijuana);

- further, from previously acquired narcotic-containing hemp plants, they obtained another ready-made narcotic drug - cannabis oil (hashish oil), thereby producing the narcotic drug;

- after production, the defendants deliberately possessed the manufactured narcotic drug - cannabis oil (hashish oil), keeping it with them until, due to the prevailing circumstances, they threw it in the forest, thereby storing the narcotic drug.

The listed actions related to drug trafficking were committed by the defendants without the grounds required for this established by regulatory enactments, that is, illegally.

Having examined the evidence presented in its entirety, the court believes that the preliminary investigation authorities did not correctly apply the criminal law, which resulted in the division of a single crime into two separate episodes. Actions to acquire, store, manufacture, without the purpose of selling narcotic drugs, form one crime under Art. 228 of the Criminal Code of the Russian Federation. The production and storage of the narcotic drug cannabis oil (hashish oil) is a continuation of the criminal actions of the defendants. The actions of the defendants in the acquisition, storage of a narcotic drug - cannabis (marijuana), manufacturing, storage of a narcotic drug - cannabis oil (hashish oil), without the purpose of selling narcotic drugs, committed on an especially large scale, the court qualifies under Part 2 of Art. 228 of the Criminal Code of the Russian Federation as a single crime.

The court qualifies the actions of Nikonov A.A. and Fomyagin D.L. according to Part 2 of Art. 228 of the Criminal Code of the Russian Federation - illegal acquisition, storage, production of narcotic drugs committed on an especially large scale.

The court finds no grounds for applying the notes to Art. 228 of the Criminal Code of the Russian Federation, since there are no mandatory conditions for terminating a criminal case on this basis. Narcotic drugs were seized from A.A. Nikonov. and Fomyagin D.L. after their arrest by police officers who had reasonable grounds to suspect the defendants of acquiring, storing and manufacturing narcotic drugs. The defendants refused the offer of the police officers to voluntarily hand over the drugs immediately at the time of arrest; moreover, when they saw the car in which the police officers found them, they threw away the drugs they had in their possession, trying to hide it.

The defendants initially denied that they had committed a crime, agreed to hand over drugs and assist in the investigation of the crime only when they realized that they had been completely exposed. The court believes that under these circumstances, the delivery of narcotic drugs by the defendants cannot be recognized as their voluntary delivery.

When assigning punishment, the court takes into account the general goals and principles of sentencing, the socially dangerous nature and degree of social danger of what the defendants have done, their personality, the presence of mitigating and aggravating circumstances.

Defendants Nikonov A.A. and Fomyagin D.L. at the place of residence are characterized positively (vol. 1pp. 190, 205). Nikonov A.A. was brought to administrative responsibility (vol. 1pp. 207).

A circumstance mitigating the punishment of the defendant Nikonov A.A. and Fomyagin D.L. is to actively contribute to the detection and investigation of a crime, thanks to their testimony, all the circumstances of the crime committed, the location of the criminal actions were established, and material evidence was seized.

An aggravating circumstance is the commission of a crime as part of a group of persons by prior conspiracy.

The court sees no grounds for special leniency towards the defendants and application of the provisions of Article 64 of the Criminal Code of the Russian Federation.

Taking into account the circumstances of the case, the nature of the crime committed, and the financial situation of the defendants, the court sentences them to imprisonment with a fine, because believes that a less severe punishment would not achieve his goals.

The court believes that correction of the defendants is possible without real isolation from society and imposes punishment on them using the provisions of Article 73 of the Criminal Code of the Russian Federation - a suspended sentence with a probationary period during which the defendants must prove their correction by their exemplary behavior.

The court also considers it necessary to impose on the defendants the performance of additional duties, the fulfillment of which, in the opinion of the court, will serve to more fully correct the probationers and prevent them from committing other crimes.

Based on the above, guided by Art. Art. Art. 307, 308, 309 Code of Criminal Procedure of the Russian Federation,


Fomyagin was found guilty of committing a crime under Part 2 of Art. 228 of the Criminal Code of the Russian Federation, and sentence him to 3 years of imprisonment with a fine to the state in the amount of 5,000 (five thousand) rubles.

Nikonov was found guilty of committing a crime under Part 2 of Art. 228 of the Criminal Code of the Russian Federation, and sentence him to 3 years of imprisonment with a fine to the state in the amount of 7,000 (seven thousand) rubles.

Based on Art. 73 of the Criminal Code of the Russian Federation imposed punishment on D.L. Fomyagin. and Nikonov A.A. in the form of imprisonment shall be considered suspended with a probationary period of 2 years.

Collect from Nikonov A.A. procedural costs - amounts to be paid to the lawyer participating in the case during the trial as a defense attorney appointed by the court in the amount of 1,372 rubles 52 kopecks.


Composition of hemp milk

Hemp milk is highly nutritious and rich in protein and healthy fats.

In fact, it contains more protein and healthy fats than other popular plant-based milks, including rice milk and almond milk (,).

Compared to whole cow's milk, hemp milk contains fewer calories, less protein and carbohydrates, but about the same amount of fat ().

One cup (240 ml) of unsweetened hemp milk contains approximately ():

  • Calorie content: 83 kcal
  • Carbohydrates: 1.3 g
  • Protein: 4.7 g
  • Fat: 7.3 g
  • Calcium: 2% of recommended daily intake (RDI)
  • Iron: 7% of RDI

In addition to these natural nutrients, commercially sold hemp milk is often fortified with calcium, phosphorus, and vitamins A, B12, and D. However, it may also contain added sugar, salt, thickeners, or other additives ().

Most of the fat in hemp milk is unsaturated essential fatty acids, including linoleic acid (omega-6) and alpha-linolenic acid (omega-3), which are essential for creating new tissues and membranes in your body ().

Moreover, hemp milk contains protein that your body can easily absorb and use. It is one of the few complete plant proteins because it contains all the essential amino acids that people need to get from food (,).

Finally, hemp milk is naturally free of soy, lactose, and gluten, making it a good option for people who need to avoid consuming these ingredients.


Hemp milk contains more healthy fats than most other plant milks and is considered a complete protein. This is a good option for those avoiding soy, lactose or gluten.

Marijuana and medicine

Cannabis was first used by Chinese healers even before our era - they smoked the sick to relieve their pain and bring calm. At that time it was believed that this was how they drove away evil spirits from the sick bed. The Egyptians used the herb as an aphrodisiac, and in India, hemp tincture was used to disinfect wounds. In recent years, interest in the medical use of marijuana has increased, but so far the side effects outweigh the benefits, so doctors prescribe it as a medicine only to hopelessly ill patients in order to relieve patients of the fear of death and relieve severe pain.

Marijuana contains the following components that are beneficial to the body.

  • Essential oils.
  • Minerals.
  • Alkaloids.
  • Fats.
  • Complex of vitamins.

harm of marijuana

What medicinal properties does marijuana have?

  • Heals wounds.
  • Relieves pain.
  • Strengthens physical condition.
  • Expectorant effect.
  • An excellent choleretic agent.
  • Sedative.
  • Slows down the growth of cancer tumors.
  • Helps with rheumatism.
  • Used for eye diseases.
  • The seeds are used as a diuretic.
  • Used in the treatment of tuberculosis and other respiratory diseases.
  • Helps with epileptic seizures.
  • Treats herpes, hemorrhoids, jaundice, removes worms.

Most of the healing properties occur not by smoking hemp leaves, but by consuming seeds or tinctures from this plant. In the United States, medical cannabis preparations are used to treat anorexia. Also all over the world, medicines are produced from some varieties of hemp for the treatment of malaria, fungus, Staphylococcus aureus

Is your loved one addicted to marijuana? Our specialists are ready to help you!

Smoking marijuana during treatment (with antibiotics)

Date: 01/24/2008Author: AnyaAge: 23
Question:Hello, I have a question. Around December, I started smoking weed, not very often, about once every 2 weeks (but I smoked quite a lot each time). I never had any “side” effects (I didn’t feel sick or dizzy). On January 15, I started treatment (for cytomegalovirus and gardenerellosis): I was prescribed cycloferon injections (2 cc 12.5% ​​intramuscularly every other day), and from 21 In January, I started taking Trichopolum at the same time. On January 18 and 19 (i.e., when I already had the injections), I smoked a lot of grass, hashish and pollen, even smoked a little, and then for several days I sometimes felt slightly dizzy and nauseous. On January 23, I smoked one joint, and then I felt slightly dizzy (when the effect of the weed had already worn off). My main question is whether smoking weed affects the effectiveness of treatment. For example, I know that you shouldn’t drink when you’re taking antibiotics, but they don’t say anything like that about grass. In addition, if the herb only affects me in such a way that I feel dizzy and nauseous, and the pills work as they should, then this is one thing, but if the herb makes it so that pills and injections do not help me, then this is completely different. I would be very grateful if you could clarify the situation. Thank you in advance!
Answer:Hello, Anya! Smoking weed causes chemical dependence, i.e. drug addiction Psychoactive substances suppress the immune system, affect the functioning of many body systems, and have a destructive effect on the body. Concomitant diseases worsen the situation. Read about drug addiction treatment.

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