Research work “The effect of chips on the body” biology project (8th grade)

Chips are flavored snacks that have become a very popular delicacy among young people. Despite the fact that many of us have heard about their dangers, not everyone will be able to resist enjoying a tasty, aromatic and crispy slice. Potato snacks are good both on their own and as a snack with beer, although this does less harmful to the human body

The first time potato slices were prepared in the 19th century was by the American chef J. Crum, when railroad magnate Vanderbilt came to his restaurant and ordered “french fries” for dinner. The cook served the potatoes in the form of thin and even slightly transparent slices, fried in hot oil. To Crum's surprise, Vanderbilt ate the new dish he had prepared and did not express any displeasure, and over time, the tycoon began mass production of crispy potatoes, packaged in portions in bags. Today, chips have acquired universal proportions; every inhabitant of our planet could not help but hear about them, much less try them. They are sold everywhere: in small kiosks and in large grocery supermarkets. They are consumed as a quick snack, snack or instead of a main dish. They are used to prepare salads, canapés, breading for chicken meat, etc. But why is such a popular product also so harmful and unsafe for human health?

Production and composition of chips

Let us briefly consider the features of the production of potato snacks on an industrial scale. Even in the beginning, they were made from potatoes: the tubers were cut into slices and fried in a special way. Therefore, there is an opinion that they cannot cause harm, because potatoes are present in the diet of most people every day and no one has ever died from them. After all, what's the harm from fried potatoes? But this opinion is wrong!

Just recently, in the late 90s of the last century, chips began to be made from a complex culinary-chemical mixture, which consists of ordinary wheat or corn flour and modified soy starch and which is fried in boiling oil. That is why this product contains so many carcinogens and is therefore so harmful.

After potato snacks enter the body, the starch contained in them is converted into glucose and, if eaten regularly, excess glucose will accumulate in the liver, which is guaranteed to lead to obesity.

The taste of this delicacy is far from potato. Therefore, manufacturers use various flavorings and additives, chemical dyes, artificial flavors and preservatives that extend the shelf life of such “goodies.”


In addition, the chemical composition of the chips includes:

  • Monosodium glutamate, which is not known for its nutritional value for the human body. When regularly introduced into the body, it causes persistent addiction to the product and causes cellular mutations;
  • trans isomers of fatty acids are a dangerous additive that is harmful regardless of the amount consumed;
  • acrylamide is a toxic substance that causes mutations;
  • Glycidamide is a chemical that causes cancer cells to grow and destroys DNA.

How much salt do they contain? It tends to retain water in the body, disrupts metabolic processes, inhibits normal bone growth and causes disturbances in the functioning of the cardiovascular system. And this is a direct path to obesity. Therefore, chips do not meet the requirements of the concept of a healthy diet, but their effect on the body and harm should be assessed soberly.

Poisoning from chips and potatoes in a child - what to do?

Children are one of the most active and avid consumers of chips, as well as potatoes in any form (especially fried). Delicious crispy products become a tasty, although not particularly healthy, addition to the daily diet.

All types of intoxication, especially when it comes to food poisoning, are much more severe in a child than in an adult . If a healthy man can get away with only a slight illness, then a similar amount of consumed spoiled products in a child often causes serious pathological symptoms.

If a child is suspected of being poisoned by chips or potatoes, it is imperative to call an ambulance so that qualified doctors can assess the little patient’s condition and make the right decision regarding the potential possibility of hospitalization.

Before the specialized specialists arrive, try giving the child water (1 liter) to drink, and then induce artificial vomiting by pressing your thumb on the root of the tongue. If the child is very young and this procedure is impossible, then you should immediately proceed to the use of sorbents, having previously calculated the required dosage based on the available instructions.

In case of excessive vomiting and diarrhea, children must be given regular drinks in small doses to prevent rapid dehydration of the body.

The harm of chips

Potato snacks and chips are considered the same fast food as hamburgers, cheeseburgers, nuggets and other fast food dishes. Their negative impact on the body when consumed is primarily due to the high content of calories and easily digestible carbohydrates in these foods. And in combination with sweet carbonated drinks or beer, they especially contribute to weight gain and even obesity.

Please note: For people who are overweight or obese, potato snacks are completely contraindicated - every 100 g of product contains more than 30 g of carcinogenic fats, which is harmful to humans.

If a person consumes chips and similar products regularly and in large quantities, then he has:

  • there is an excess of cholesterol and the formation of plaques in blood vessels, which leads to blockage of blood vessels and the development of cardiovascular diseases;
  • metabolism decreases;
  • Gastrointestinal diseases develop, heartburn, gastritis and intestinal diseases appear;
  • obesity begins;
  • calcium metabolism in the body and the formation of bone tissue are disrupted;
  • cancerous tumors may form;
  • immunity decreases;
  • new growths appear on the skin in the form of poorly healing pimples and boils;
  • mental activity deteriorates;
  • The reproductive functions of the body decrease.

It is possible to avoid the occurrence of such dangerous consequences and reduce their harm, but only by completely refusing to use this product or by reducing the frequency of their use to a minimum.

Consequences of intoxication

With properly carried out first aid and timely provision of qualified therapy by doctors, long-term negative consequences after poisoning with potatoes or chips can usually be avoided. However, in case of severe intoxication, the following problems may develop:

  • Persistent pathologies of the gastrointestinal tract;
  • Liver and kidney dysfunction;
  • Complex allergic reactions;
  • Secondary bacterial infections;
  • Other pathologies, diseases and negative conditions, the “trigger” for which can be classic food poisoning from potatoes or chips.

Are there any benefits to eating chips?

The only thing that can be cited as an argument about the benefits of this product is that the chips are delicious. If you occasionally treat yourself to crunchy, melt-in-your-mouth slices of Lay's or Pringles, this will help relieve the stress of restriction and calm your body a little. But this is only in case of minimal consumption - once a month and no more than 100 g! Otherwise, obesity will not keep you waiting! In addition, chips, together with other snacks and crackers, are suitable as a fairly filling snack, can quickly satisfy hunger, are ready to eat and easy to transport. Therefore, they are suitable for quickly organizing a party, friendly get-togethers, or cozy watching an evening movie.

But remember: a moment’s pleasure from consuming a product can cause major and serious health problems!

And if you don’t have the strength to give up eating this delicacy, try making your own chips from natural deep-fried potatoes. The benefits and harms of homemade potato chips are not comparable to the harm caused by industrial products.


Popular scent

The composition of Lay's chips looks a little different (sour cream and herbs). Basically, they differ only in E-additives. The new product contains E330 (citric acid) and E621 (flavor enhancer). It is with their help that one gets the feeling that the package contains fried potatoes, seasoned with delicate sour cream and fragrant herbs.

Of course, there is no benefit in this. Yes, there is no talk about her. The main goal of production is to achieve a specific aroma and imitate the desired taste. And the additional components cope with this task very well. In addition, the desired effect is achieved through barley malt extract, which adds special sharpness and originality to the taste. Although most often this ingredient is used in the form of an additive identical to the corresponding natural aroma. This method is quite often used in the production of chips. This allows us to create products with new flavors by combining synthetic components.

Why are chips harmful for children?

Many parents buy chips for their children just because. Can this really be explained by simple ignorance of how chips affect human health? Or is it a reluctance to know anything?

Many scientific studies prove that chips pose a particular danger to a growing body, causing:

  • allergies and asthma;
  • obesity and diabetes;
  • muscular dystrophy;
  • hormonal disorders;
  • destruction of intercellular membranes and the formation of cancerous tumors.

Therefore, in order to wean your child from eating chips and foods high in carcinogens, first of all, limit yourself, start preparing tasty and healthy food, and then your children simply will not know what chips are.

First aid

When the first symptoms of intoxication of the body appear, you need to call a doctor, and while he is driving, you need to provide first aid to the patient. First of all, you should rinse your stomach; to do this, you need to drink a lot of warm, slightly salted water (at least 700 ml) and induce vomiting. These manipulations should be carried out several times, and then give the child a laxative. The victim is given bed rest, he should stay warm and drink a lot of water or other liquid with the exception of dairy products and various juices, they only enhance the effect of poisoning. It is best to give the patient weak tea. The body must receive plenty of fluids, since constant vomiting and diarrhea lead to dehydration. If problems with breathing and heart function begin, you must urgently perform artificial respiration and call an ambulance. It is also important to understand that most of the symptoms of poisoning are very similar to the signs of other diseases - appendicitis or intestinal obstruction. In these situations, only surgical intervention will help the victim. If a child is poisoned, do not feed him or her for at least 24 hours, only give him water or a weak decoction of tea without sugar. As a last resort, you can give some dried white bread. During treatment, you should avoid fatty, sweet and spicy foods, so as not to overload your already weak stomach.

Important! If you complain of abdominal pain, you should never apply a heating pad - if there is inflammation, heat will only speed up the process, which can lead to dangerous peritonitis.

Harm of chips for pregnant women

Pregnant women often experience changes in their tastes and desires, and they often have a desire to eat something salty or spicy. But constant consumption of salty and spicy foods can lead to edema, increased blood pressure and the development of kidney diseases. And chips are even more dangerous for pregnant women than for ordinary healthy people.

Please note: If a mother abuses potato chips and other dangerous foods during pregnancy, her unborn child will most likely be born with allergies or have a severely weakened immune system.

We can draw a logical conclusion that chips are the most harmful and dangerous food product that has ever been invented by man. The whole body suffers from their use. But sports and healthy eating can be the key to your health and an excellent replacement for bad habits.


History of appearance

Why are chips harmful to human health?

Once in an American restaurant, a dissatisfied customer returned coarsely chopped potatoes a couple of times. The chef decided to play a joke on this client by cutting the potatoes too thin and frying them in oil, making them crispy.

The visitor liked this version of the dish, and the head of the establishment added it to the menu. Subsequently, such a snack began to be sold in bags.

Effect on the body

The harm of chips to the body is determined by the quantity, as well as the regularity of consumption. If you eat one or more packages daily, digestive problems will appear within a month.

After a few months, problems with other organs and systems may appear:

When thinking about the harm from chips, we must not forget about the carcinogenic effect. The risk of developing cancer when consuming the product increases several times.

In addition to all of the above, you can be poisoned by chips; all you need to do is buy an expired or improperly prepared product.

Main symptoms

The most common signs of intoxication:

  • vomit,
  • diarrhea,
  • heat,
  • fatigue,
  • lethargy,
  • drowsiness.

In these cases, you can still cope on your own, but if the following symptoms appear, medical help should be urgent:

  • dyspnea,
  • excessive vomiting that could not be stopped using normal methods,
  • cold extremities,
  • dark urine,
  • blood in the stool.

So, what can you do if you are poisoned by chips or other food? In such cases, it is important to know how to provide first aid before doctors arrive and not harm the victim.

Trapped by sugar

Chips, crackers, chocolate bars and sweet soda should not be sold on school grounds, says Deputy Chairman of the State Duma Committee on Health Protection, Doctor of Medical Sciences Leonid Ogul. He proposed to prohibit at the legislative level the sale of these and other harmful products on the territory of educational institutions. According to the parliamentarian, school canteens should have juices, fruits, vegetables, dairy and fermented milk products, and treats should include marmalade and marshmallows.


fruits, nuts and sandwiches for school breakfast
Photo: Depositphotos/adriaticphoto

Diet menus may appear in schools

The regions proposed to include in the law a requirement for special nutrition in educational institutions

Obesity is one of the problems that is increasing every year. Ogul cited figures according to which 2 million Russians received this diagnosis last year. According to the Endocrinological Research Center of the Ministry of Health, 5–8% of schoolchildren suffer from this disease. For comparison, in the 1990s this figure was 2–3%. Now problems with excess weight are observed from the first years of life in 7% of Russian children, said the scientific director of the Federal Research Center for Nutrition and Biotechnology, Viktor Tutelyan.

Children themselves do not know what is harmful and what is not, emphasizes the deputy chairman of the State Duma Committee on Health Protection. How can a small child resist the sugar-filled sodas, chips, crackers and chocolates that surround him?

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