- Black radish juice cleanse
- Cleansing with parsley root and milk
- Cleansing with potato water
- Cleansing joints with a decoction of bay leaves.
- Cleansing joints with rice
- Procedure diagram
Oh, this pain in the joints, crunching in the knees, swelling and poor mobility of the ankle!
Many middle-aged and older people are familiar with these unpleasant phenomena. And this is due to salt deposits, wear and tear of the periarticular bursae, and all kinds of bone growths... But these and many other problems can be avoided if you cleanse and normalize your joints in a timely manner. After all, slagging of the joints and, in particular, the deposition of salts in them occurs gradually, slowly at first, completely unnoticeably and painlessly. At this stage, when there are still no noticeable changes, it’s time to start cleaning the joints. But if there are changes, this does not mean that it is too late to engage in cleansing; on the contrary, it is all the more indicated, although it may be more difficult, with some pain. So be prepared for this and don't be scared. Dip 5 g of bay leaf in 300 g of water and boil for 5 minutes, followed by infusion in a thermos for 3-4 hours. Drain the solution and drink it in small sips for 12 hours (you can’t do everything at once - you can provoke bleeding). Repeat the procedure for 3 days. After a week, it can be repeated for another 3 days. On treatment days, the diet is vegetarian.
Clean the joints in the first year - once a quarter, then - once a year and always after cleansing the intestines. Uncleaned intestines can become a source of allergic emissions under the influence of bay leaf decoction.
Black radish juice cleanse
Keep in mind; if there are old joint pathologies and significant salt deposits, this method may cause some pain. There is nothing wrong with this; such pain will only indicate that the cleaning process is going normally. But if you do not tolerate physical pain well, it is better to avoid this cleaning method. And if the salts have tormented you so much that you are willing to endure to get rid of them, then take a chance: black radish juice can cure even the most severe and serious joint pathologies!
Take 10 kg of black radish, rinse, remove the roots and, without peeling, pass through a meat grinder and squeeze out the juice. Pour the juice into a jar, close the lid tightly and place in the refrigerator.
The juice should be taken 3 times a day, regardless of diet, no more than 2 tablespoons at a time. Do this every day until the juice runs out. During the cleansing period, you must completely exclude baked goods, fatty foods, meat, eggs and foods containing starch from your diet.
General rules
In order for joint cleaning, which is planned to be carried out at home, to be successful, you must adhere to a number of simple rules. Compliance with them guarantees a positive result of therapy.
During cleaning you need to do the following:
- Before starting a treatment course, it is imperative to cleanse the intestines, kidneys, liver, lymph and blood of harmful deposits. If these channels become clogged, then waste products will not be able to exit the body normally. This will cause serious harm to human health.
- Throughout the therapy, the patient will have to adhere to proper nutrition. Without a special diet, recovery will be much more difficult to achieve. It is also advisable for the patient to lead a healthy lifestyle and avoid increased physical activity,
- If you have bad habits, especially smoking and alcohol abuse, you will have to completely give them up,
- Do not interrupt the cleansing process in the middle. It should be carried through to the very end.
A serious approach to therapeutic therapy is a guarantee of improving the general condition of blood vessels, as well as protecting the tissues in the joint from the negative effects of adverse factors.
Cleansing with parsley root and milk
This method is very strong and quite complex, it is often quite difficult for the body to tolerate: dizziness and cardiac arrhythmia may occur. If you are prone to this kind of ailment, refrain from this cleansing. In addition, skin irritation and joint pain are possible. This method is strictly contraindicated for pregnant women, as it can cause miscarriage. And if you have no contraindications, but you feel like a strong and courageous person and also want to properly train your will, then this method is for you. Prepare 2 kg of ordinary garden parsley roots, rinse thoroughly, and pass through a meat grinder. Pour the resulting slurry with 3.5 liters of fresh milk and cook over low heat for 1.5 hours. The result should be a mass that has the consistency of porridge. This “porridge” should be distributed over 3 days and eaten 3-4 times a day at regular intervals. Apart from her, there is nothing else to eat during these 3 days. It is advisable to purchase a diuretic mixture at the pharmacy and drink it during these three days. Salts will be washed out of the joints and excreted in urine. Thus, not only the joints are cleaned, but the entire skeletal system.
Preparing for cleaning
Before cleaning, you need to carefully prepare for it. Only in this case will you be able to get the full effect of the procedure.
The main methods of preparation include the following manipulations:
- Eliminate junk food from your diet and adjust your diet
- Try to eliminate bad habits as much as possible, they cause great harm to the body.
- It is recommended to cleanse the kidneys and liver
- Complete colon cleanse
Try to carry out all these manipulations a few days before cleaning your joints, so as not to subject your body to more stress.
Cleansing with potato water
This method cleanses joints well and relieves inflammation in arthritis. In addition, the intestines are also cleansed in this way.
Potato water is the liquid that remains after boiling potatoes in their jackets. Just before boiling the potatoes, rinse them thoroughly. Drink this water 3 times a day: in the morning on an empty stomach, in the middle of the day and just before bed - for two weeks, then take a break for 2 weeks, then repeat the course.
For polyarthritis, a fairly effective remedy is potato decoction: rinse 1 kg of unpeeled potatoes thoroughly, cut into small pieces, cook for 1.5 hours, then strain and squeeze lightly. The amount of decoction and the time of its intake is determined according to desire and well-being - individually by the person undergoing the cleansing course.
How long do “salts” stay in the body?
The danger of using the designer drug “bath salts” lies not only in its ability to deplete the nervous system and change a person’s mental state. The substances included in their composition are poorly degraded in the body and remain in it for a long time.
According to scientists, traces of cathinones in the blood are detected over several weeks, and when studying hair, they are detected even after several months. The highest concentrations of narcotic substances are found in the following places:
- fatty tissue (subcutaneous and visceral);
- brain tissue and nerve fibers;
- secretory organs;
- parenchyma of the kidneys, liver, spleen.
Content in blood
When it comes to “bath salts”, its determination in the body environment is difficult, since the composition of this drug is constantly changing. The most well-known and widespread substances in scientific circles, which are most often included in the composition of synthetics and determine its effect on the body, can be identified. These include MDVP, methalone, α-PVP, mephedrone and some others. After taking blood from a drug addict, these compounds are detected in it for 12-24 hours from the moment of the last use.
With regular use of the drug, complete removal from the blood occurs within three days.
Modern laboratory diagnostic methods make it possible to determine not only the substances themselves and their metabolites. Chronic intoxication of the body is confirmed by the detection of antibodies that the drug addict’s immune system produces in response to the administration of a psychoactive drug. Protein compounds remain in the blood for 30 to 60 days, and in some cases can circulate for up to six months.
In urine and other media
With a single use of “salt”, traces of it in the urine are detected within a week. And with constant use of prohibited substances, they can be detected within 2-3 months. It is most difficult to find synthetics in the saliva of an addict, so it is rarely taken for analysis.
A urine test to identify prohibited substances, their metabolites and antibodies is the most informative. This is due to the high concentration of toxins in urine after the blood is filtered by the kidneys.
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Cleansing joints with a decoction of bay leaves.
Those new to this procedure should cleanse their joints once every three months in the first year. In subsequent years - once a year. Procedure diagram:
- Grind 5 g of bay leaf and add 300 ml of warm water. Boil the solution for several minutes and let it brew in a thermos for 6 hours.
- Drink a teaspoon of the decoction for 12 hours with mandatory breaks to avoid bleeding. Carry out the procedure for three days in a row. Then a break for a week. After this, cleansing the joints can be repeated again.
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Discussion: 3 comments
- Igor:
11/16/2017 at 00:12In my opinion, black radish and rice are what you need to cleanse your joints. Is it true. It is not clear how long the deposits will disappear. Once separated from the joints, how will they come out?
- Igor:
11/16/2017 at 00:13
In my opinion, black radish and boiled rice are what you need to cleanse your joints. True, it is not clear where the deposits will disappear after detachment from the joints, how will they come out?
- Irina:
02/11/2019 at 13:11
I remember how my mother used every available means to treat her joints. In the Healthy Lifestyle newsletter I found recipes about cleansing joints with rice and bay leaves. Rice in portions in several jars was in the refrigerator. We did not see any obvious effect.
Jeanne Nickels Blog | Food is like medicine
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Most people notice changes in their joints at a young age: cartilage tissue wears out, its elasticity is lost, salts accumulate, which leads to severe pain and loss of mobility.
The main reason for the deposition of salts in the joints is eating artificial foods (margarines, which can be found in many products, refined oils) and denatured fats, i.e. fats subjected to heat treatment, which are not absorbed by the body and, as a rule, are not excreted, but contribute to the conversion of organic calcium into inorganic. The chemical composition of salts deposited in tissues and joints consists mainly of inorganic calcium, uric and bile acid salts, urates and phosphates.
As a rule, white phosphate (alkaline) salts are deposited in the upper part of the body, causing osteochondrosis.
Urate salts accumulate in the lower extremities, causing gout.
Oxalate salts are stored in muscles throughout the body, since the bones are already full of them. Their deposits often lead to osteoporosis.
To understand what type of salt metabolism in your body is disturbed, you need to independently carry out the following diagnostics. Collect morning urine in a jar and leave it for a day.
If a white precipitate appears at the bottom of the jar, then these are calcium alkali salts.
If reddish crystals the color of grated brick are deposited on the walls of the jar, then these are urates - salts of uric acid.
And if dark red and black crystals appear on the bottom and walls, this indicates the presence of oxalates.
Cleaning joints with folk remedies should be carried out not only when pain appears, but also as a prophylaxis to prevent such painful conditions as osteochondrosis, polyarthritis and gout.
The fact is that salt “bumps” grow gradually and painlessly, so people, as a rule, do not notice these changes and mistakenly believe that everything is fine with them and there is no need for cleaning.
Therapeutic diet
A special diet is used to cleanse the body of salts. The diet should be selected by a qualified specialist. However, there are general rules:
- Limit salt consumption - it can be replaced with seaweed, soy sauce and other natural spices.
- Reduce sugar consumption - this is due to the fact that this product provokes the accumulation of uric acid.
- Exclude meat, canned food, smoked meats from the menu.
- Limit consumption of legumes, radishes, pickles, mushrooms, sorrel, celery.
At the same time, doctors allow you to eat the following foods:
- milk, fermented milk products;
- some vegetables - potatoes, carrots, cucumbers, beets, tomatoes, onions;
- seafood;
- vegetable oils;
- cheese, eggs, butter;
- citrus fruits, berries, nuts, honey;
- mineral water, natural juices, compotes without sugar.
It is very important to maintain a drinking regime. You need to drink at least 1.5-2 liters of liquid per day. You need to drink water between meals.
It is important to consider that if there is an accumulation of salts in the joints, it is forbidden to starve or overeat . Therefore, you need to eat 4-5 times in small portions. When preparing dishes, you should give preference to boiling or baking.
Long-term use of “bath salts” leads to wear and tear on the nervous system, and many drug addicts have disturbed sleep. Therefore, the patient is given sedatives or hypnotics. If the mental state changes, which often happens with the abuse of synthetics, the doctor adds tranquilizers or antipsychotics to the treatment. As world drug treatment practice shows, the benzodiazepine group of anxiolytics has a good effect in this case. But it should be taken only under the supervision of a doctor.
The following are also used as an adjunct to general therapy:
- vitamins and microelements;
- hepato- and cardioprotectors;
- blood thinners;
- analgesics and antispasmodics;
- sleeping pills;
- means for reducing pressure and temperature.
The recommended dose and duration of tranquilizer therapy should not be exceeded, since in this case there is a risk of replacing one addiction with another.
Adherents of the concept of cleansing believe that salt deposits in the body are almost the main prerequisite for diseases of the kidneys, liver, joints, and, in addition, a general deterioration of health. What do these mysterious salts suggest and how can they be deduced? When is a special diet suitable for eliminating salts from the body, and in what cases is it necessary to use medications?
Before choosing the necessary methods and moving on to their implementation, you should understand that diseases that are associated with excess salts in the body are provoked by pathologies in mineral metabolism.