Fast acting laxative at home

When selecting a laxative, you need to take into account the characteristics of its effect on the intestines, the duration of the effect on the body, as well as the duration and time of onset of the laxative effect after taking it. It is worth noting that there are separate groups of laxatives for different age groups of the population (children, adults, and the elderly). How to take such medications, where can I buy them, how much do they cost? The editors of the YaNashla website, based on reviews and recommendations from most customers, have prepared for you a review of the best laxatives as of 2020.

Herbal preparations

  • Medicinal decoctions

The first place among laxatives at home is occupied by medicinal herbs. By brewing them separately or in certain consistencies, you can significantly improve your health and get rid of constipation; they stimulate intestinal motility well and help dilute stool.

The most common of them:

  • rhubarb;
  • buckthorn bark;
  • dandelion roots;
  • licorice;
  • yarrow leaves;
  • common nettle;
  • root of arable (field) steelweed;
  • senna leaves.

The recipe for preparing these products is almost the same - 2 tablespoons of raw materials per half liter of boiling water. Let it brew. It is better to take in the morning before breakfast or in the evening before going to bed. The effect will be in approximately 4-8 hours.

  • Herbal infusions

- dandelion root, yarrow herb and licorice. It has a gentle effect and is used in children and pregnant women;

- for severe and prolonged constipation, use calamus, tansy, valerian root, St. John's wort. Decoctions are consumed before meals;

- aloe juice with honey will be a good helper for chronic stool retention. Pour one spoonful of honey and juice into a cup with warm water and consume twice a day for a month;

Fast acting laxative at home for children

For children from 2 years old

Take 2 drops of valerian and motherwort, glucose, magnesium sulfate 2 tablespoons, ascorbic acid powder in one and a half glasses of baby water.

Take a dessert spoon in the morning and evening.

For babies

For very young children with constipation, you can brew dill seed, this will soothe an aching tummy and ease colic. Use 100 grams three times a day.

The use of herbal laxative folk remedies has not been recommended for a long time, because their effect is reduced and addiction occurs.

  • Vegetables and fruits - helpers for soft stools

Not least important in the fight against constipation are the following foods: beets, pumpkin, prunes, dried apricots, apples, peas, beans, spinach, seaweed.

Regular consumption reduces the risk of stool retention and improves bowel function immediately when a problem occurs.

Fruits and vegetables make delicious laxatives.

  • So, for example, by grating pumpkin and prunes, we get a healthy and appetizing puree for correcting stool.
  • Compote is made from prunes, apples and dried apricots, drinking it throughout the day.
  • For lovers of borscht and vinaigrettes, the risk of constipation is very low. Vegetable juice from beets and spinach in a 1:1 ratio, diluted with water, is suitable as a quick-acting laxative.
  • Peas are eaten both raw and dry; by grinding a spoonful of dry peas into powder and drinking water, you can get results in just a couple of hours. Apply in the morning.
  • Sea kale is a storehouse of vitamins and fiber; consuming it for constipation will quickly eliminate the problem of going to the toilet.
  • Bran. They contain a lot of fiber and vitamin D; by including products containing bran in your menu, you can normalize the functioning of the digestive system in general and the colon in particular. Bran is found in bread products, yoghurts, or you can add it to your diet by pouring boiling water over a small amount in advance.

In general, fiber-rich foods are very effective in combating constipation.

  • A very simple way to relieve bowel problems is cabbage juice. It is sometimes replaced with raw potato juice, cucumber brine or sauerkraut. Apply twice a day.
  • Flax seeds, green tea with milk, and black currants also have a laxative effect.

Enemas for bowel problems

Enemas are used when other methods do not have an effect, or when constipation needs to be eliminated immediately. This is the best laxative, or rather, a method that immediately after use causes bowel movements. There are three types of enemas, which affect the specifics of the procedure.

  • Osmotic. The injected liquid contains salt, which, by creating osmotic pressure in the intestine, attracts water into it. The stool becomes soft, the intestines, irritated by salt, contract, and defecation occurs. To perform such an enema, you need about a glass of water and regular salt in the amount of 15-25 grams. The effect can be expected in 15-20 minutes.
  • With butter. You can use any oil with a volume of about 0.1 liter. Once in the intestines, it envelops the feces, and they move more easily to the exit. The result is usually obtained after 10 hours.
  • Cleansing. In this case, instead of a pear, an Esmarch mug is used. Water helps cleanse the intestines mechanically. The effect will occur in 10-15 minutes, which you need to wait so that the water can thoroughly wash the accumulated excrement.

A laxative like an enema also has contraindications:

  • pregnancy;
  • hemorrhoids in the period of exacerbation;
  • volvulus;
  • acute inflammatory processes in the intestinal tract.

Important! Frequent administration of enemas can lead to constipation becoming more frequent.

Oils for laxative effect

Oils are a good way to ease the intestines. They act quickly, in about 3-4 hours.

Having chosen the oil to your liking, take it in the morning on an empty stomach, one tablespoon at a time: sunflower oil, olive oil, almond oil, Vaseline oil, castor oil and others.

Essential oils are not fast-acting homemade laxatives, so they should not be consumed.

Rating of the best manufacturers

Which brand of medicine is better to buy, what mistakes to avoid when choosing? Before purchasing a laxative, it is recommended to pay attention directly to the manufacturer of this medication. After all, the criteria for their effectiveness, as well as safety for humans, depend on the pharmaceutical companies that produce such drugs. Some of the best manufacturers of laxatives are:

  1. Hemofarm. Is an international pharmaceutical company that was founded in 1960. This manufacturer is represented by nine modern factories, which are located in Serbia, Russia, Montenegro, Bosnia and Herzegovina.
  2. Ipsen Pharma. Popular French manufacturer of medications. The company was founded back in 1929. Today, the production facilities of this company are located in France, Great Britain, and the USA.
  3. Abbott Laboratories. A popular American chemical and pharmaceutical company that was founded in 1888. It produces pharmaceuticals, diagnostic products, baby food, nutritional formulas, as well as stents and artificial heart valves.
  4. Losan Pharma. A popular company that produces medications intended to treat diseases and disorders of the digestive system. Also admits herbal laxatives.
  5. Moscow pharmaceutical factory. It is a modern enterprise that is included in the list of the best domestic pharmaceutical manufacturers. It produces medicines, dietary supplements, various cosmetics, and medical products.

Fermented milk products with laxative effects

Fresh or one-day kefir and yogurt have another laxative effect. Kefir by itself does not eliminate constipation and has weak emollient properties, but it can improve the process of bowel movements and, with regular use, reduce the occurrence of constipation to a minimum.

Kefir works quickly with the addition of a spoon of vegetable oil, literally in an hour.

Important! Fresh and one-day kefir

has a slight
effect on the intestines, and 3-4 days

Bran for colon cleansing

Cleansing the intestines with bran is a method that has also proven itself on the positive side. It has long been used by representatives of traditional medicine. To cleanse with bran, you need to eat it before eating in the amount of 2 tablespoons, that is, during the day - 6 tbsp. l bran. This amount will be enough.

Due to the fact that bran is a grain shell, it is rich in fiber and therefore cannot be digested by the human body. Getting into the stomach, and subsequently into the intestines, they absorb and remove from the intestines all the decay products that have accumulated there. And given that they can increase the movement of bile, it is recommended to take them before cleansing the liver.

When taking bran, you must remember that water consumption must be mandatory and such purification should be carried out throughout the month.

Proper nutrition that regulates stool

To normalize intestinal function, you need to follow the correct diet.

Those who constantly experience constipation should include drinking water in an amount of about two liters and vegetable juices in their diet.

In the morning, it is best to eat different cereal porridges for breakfast: oatmeal, barley, wheat.

Lunch should always include all kinds of soups and broths.

Throughout the day, instead of snacking on sandwiches, it is better to give preference to fruits and vegetables. You should also limit or completely eliminate fruit juices, soda, strong tea and coffee from your diet.

It's time to cleanse your intestines

First, let's find out why pollution occurs. It depends primarily on nutrition. Snacks on the run, foods with strange additives, and a small dose of fiber cause us great harm. Junk food, once in the stomach, is poorly digested, but rots well, poisoning the body.

How do you know if your colon needs a cleanse? There are several signs by which one can judge the degree of contamination of the body.

  1. Deterioration in health.
  2. Decline in performance.
  3. Frequent colds due to decreased immunity.
  4. Frequent bloating, flatulence, diarrhea alternating with constipation.
  5. Rashes on the face.
  6. The skin loses its natural color, acquiring a gray tint.
  7. Excess weight.
  8. Thick coating on the tongue.
  9. Unpleasant body odor even with careful hygiene.

In order not to harm the body, you should consult a doctor and then start cleaning. This procedure cannot be carried out if you have diseases such as:

  • Tumors in the pelvic organs.
  • Exacerbation of hemorrhoids.
  • Exacerbation of gastrointestinal diseases.
  • Diverticulitis, Crohn's disease and others.

With caution in case of hypertension, diabetes mellitus, heart disease

Tips for choosing


To choose a good product for your own use, you need to pay attention to:

  1. Osmotic action. Preparations of this type retain water in the intestinal lumen, which leads to softening and increasing the volume of feces. A large volume of mass increases the osmotic pressure on the intestines, which leads to an active influx of water from adipose tissue and blood plasma.
  2. Irritating effect. In most preparations, the main active substance is of plant origin: castor oil, rhubarb root, etc. By irritating receptors located in the colon, these drugs stimulate peristalsis.
  3. Volumetric. An optimal combination of plant and synthetic components that can cause an increase and swelling of natural waste, contraction, due to the growth of masses, of the intestinal walls and pushing out into the outlet at an increased speed.

Negative consequences

Stimulation of the intestinal system can lead to poor absorption of nutrients entering the body with food. Some types of laxatives have a negative effect on the heart and blood vessels, and in women, on the uterus.

The systematic use of special means for emptying can provoke addiction.

If cleansing procedures are abused, diarrhea may occur. In addition, patients may experience pain in the abdominal area, water-salt imbalance, and lack of organ peristalsis. Sometimes the drugs provoke a change in the color of urine, deterioration of the digestion process, skin rashes, and tachycardia.

Comparison of the presented funds

The table below contains brief characteristics of the samples discussed above.

MeansActive substanceConditions for dispensing from pharmaciesExpiration date (months)Price, rub)
Mukofalkplantain ovalover the counter6from 848 to 1,115
Guttalaxsodium picosulfateover-the-counter36from 212 to 477
Lavacolmacrogoalover the counter60from 197 to 203
Normazelactuloseapproved for use as an over-the-counter product36from 253 to 279
Microlaxsodium citrate, sorbitolover the counter60from 440 to 495
Weaksodium picosulfateover the counter36from 164 to 169
Exportallactitol\over-the-counter60from 239 to 560


The digestion process can be improved with the help of foods

Prebiotics include food components that are not digestible in the body. The structure of their structure cannot be digested by the organs of the gastrointestinal tract. Entering the intestinal environment in an unchanged state, they stimulate the reproduction of the microflora found in it. This category includes products called lactulose and drugs containing fructo-oligosaccharidose groups. All of these drugs are good laxatives, as they contribute to the complete restoration of intestinal function throughout its entire length.

Prebiotics retain the water necessary to liquefy feces and ensure complete intestinal motility. Their effect occurs in the large intestine, and the duration of action is minimal. The use of prebiotics in the early stages can stimulate the formation of flatulence in the body. Drugs in this group are prescribed to patients for acute as well as chronic manifestations of constipation. Sometimes these drugs are prescribed to patients before undergoing any kind of surgical intervention. We looked at several groups of laxatives, which have their own advantages and disadvantages.

When purchasing this or that drug yourself from a pharmacy chain, make sure it belongs to a particular class and carefully read the instructions provided for it. Taking laxatives should be accompanied by appropriate consultation with your doctor. Self-medication, especially for pregnant women, can be unpredictable.

You can learn more about laxatives from the video:

Read along with this article:

  • Proper treatment of constipation in adults: methods and methods
  • Mild laxative, for what, effectiveness, selection criteria
  • Before treating constipation in adults, you need to determine its cause.
  • Laxatives should be taken with caution during pregnancy
  • What to do when you are constipated? How to solve a problem?
  • What causes constipation: causes, symptoms and features...
  • Laxative medicine: tablets, drops, irritating suppositories
  • Why does belching occur after eating air?
  • Diagnosis of volvulus: symptoms and treatment

Why is this happening?

What are the causes of constipation? Experts say that this is caused by changes in the functioning of the intestines - it is clear that these changes are far from positive.

Perhaps in this case some kind of chronic disease develops - for example, a peptic ulcer, or polyps have appeared in the intestines - there are many options. So, if constipation is persistent and long-lasting, you need to see a doctor, undergo an examination and make a diagnosis - otherwise self-medication can cause considerable harm.

The most common reasons causing negative changes in intestinal function are: limited movement - physical inactivity; improper diet; eating refined foods and abusing animal proteins - eggs, meat, and the quality of these products is also not the highest.

And if you also start resorting to the help of laxative products and remedies, and give yourself cleansing enemas without a doctor’s recommendation, then constipation becomes habitual, and in order to achieve free stool, you have to make incredible efforts.

Meanwhile, constipation can be treated not only with pills and other laxatives, and even laxative herbs for weight loss - folk remedies - are also optional - you just need to start eating so that the intestines can work on their own. This does not happen right away, but it is laxative foods that are the best and safest remedies for constipation when necessary, and they gradually make this ailment recede.

The benefits and harms of colon cleansing

There are two conditional groups of cleansing procedures:

  1. Oral – this group includes the use of laxative medications, adsorbents, freshly squeezed juices and a special diet.
  2. Through the anus - a colon hydrotherapy procedure in a clinic, or using an Esmarch mug at home.

Carrying out any type of cleansing procedure brings healing to the body, but there are also some side effects.

The benefits of cleansing proceduresHarm from the use of cleansing procedures
1. Effective in the treatment of chronic constipation and intestinal blockages.
2. Freeing the intestines from harmful substances, rotting products, and parasites.

3. Peristalsis, absorption of nutrients and vitamins contained in food improves.

1. With prolonged use of cleansing enemas or laxatives, dependence on the procedures occurs, intestinal motility weakens, and natural bowel movements become extremely difficult.
2. Frequent use of enemas disrupts the ratio of beneficial and harmful bacteria in the intestines, which leads to the occurrence of various diseases. The period of restoration of intestinal microflora may take several months.

3. Carrying out the hydrocolonoscopy procedure by unqualified medical personnel can lead to serious intestinal injuries, including through perforation and serious complications.

Features of physical treatment methods

In addition to internal remedies for constipation, which are easy to prepare and just as easy to use, the complex of home restoration of intestinal activity includes a number of exercises. Gentle physical activity helps relieve spasms that accompany retention of bowel movements and strengthens weakened intestinal walls.

A set of therapeutic exercises is performed 3-10 times a day, gradually increasing the load.

Exercise therapy includes the following classes:

  • protrusion of the abdomen as you inhale and retraction as you exhale;
  • bending forward, touching the opposite knee with the elbow;
  • “bicycle” movement while sitting on a chair.

Fast acting laxative at home

Regular exercise helps normalize intestinal tone. The absence of spastic phenomena facilitates the movement of feces through the intestines and prevents constipation.

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