Vitamins "Revit": benefits and harms, contraindications. How to take them correctly?

Category: Drug poisoning

Revit is a complex of vitamins A, B and C, intended for children and adults. Any schoolchild can buy it, because it is inexpensive and sold without a prescription. The availability and pleasant taste of the drug mislead people: they eat it like regular refreshing candy, not paying attention to the dose. Despite the fact that an overdose of Revit is not life-threatening, this condition can be accompanied by a number of unpleasant symptoms. In addition, in the presence of certain diseases and during pregnancy, abuse of this drug leads to serious consequences.

Description of the drug Revit

Revit is available in the form of bright orange dragees with a sweet taste. The drug is packaged in plastic or glass jars with lids. One tablet contains 2500 IU of retinol almitate (vitamin A), 0.001 g of vitamins B1 and B2 and 0.035 g of vitamin C.

In addition to the above active substances and vitamins, Revit contains such auxiliary components as: sugar, wheat flour, wax, talc, starch, sunflower oil and peppermint leaves.

The drug is used to compensate for the lack of vitamins due to an unbalanced diet and during periods of intensive growth in children and adolescents, as well as to accelerate the recovery of the body after serious illnesses. Revit helps strengthen the body's defenses during acute viral diseases, improves immunity and intensifies the healing process.

pharmachologic effect

Multivitamin preparation. The pharmacological effect of the drug is determined by the active substances included in its composition. The drug regulates metabolic processes and normalizes metabolism.

Vitamin A (retinol) contributes to the proper functioning of the body, plays an important role in normal tissue regeneration, synthesis of proteins, lipids, enzymes (lipase, trypsin). Necessary for the formation of bones, epithelial cells (skin, mucous membranes of the eyes, respiratory, digestive and urinary tracts). Retinol is a necessary component for the normal function of the retina of the eye, is involved in the processes of photoreception (shadow adaptation), and has a positive effect on the function of the lacrimal, sebaceous and sweat glands. Necessary for normal gonadal function and embryonic development of the fetus; for interaction, division of immunocompetent cells, normal synthesis of immunoglobulins and other factors of protection against infections. Provides a high level of antioxidant protection for the body.

Vitamin Bi (thiamine hydrochloride) is the most important coenzyme in the metabolism of carbohydrates and is necessary for the normal functioning of the central and peripheral nervous systems, cardiovascular and endocrine systems.

Vitamin B2 (riboflavin) is a component of enzymes that play an important role in redox metabolic reactions, cellular respiration and visual perception (color, light, dark adaptation), takes part in the formation of DNA, hemoglobin synthesis, and tissue regeneration. Vitamin B2 is necessary for the normal functioning of the liver, hematopoiesis, fetal development during pregnancy and for the growth of children.

Vitamin C (ascorbic acid) takes part in many redox processes in the body, hemoglobin synthesis, tissue regeneration, collagen synthesis, maintaining the colloidal state of the intercellular substance, affects amino acid metabolism, accelerates the absorption of iron from the gastrointestinal tract, increases nonspecific resistance of the body, activates synthesis antibodies, interferon, phagocytosis. Vitamin C is necessary for the growth and formation of bones, skin, teeth and for the normal functioning of the nervous and immune systems.

How does poisoning occur?

Despite the fact that Revit can be freely purchased at any pharmacy without a prescription, you should not self-medicate. An excess of vitamins is just as harmful as their deficiency. Therefore, before starting treatment, it is advisable to consult a specialist.

The doctor will advise the optimal dosage and duration of therapy, and also adjust the diet: often the body is oversaturated with vitamins as a result of the combined use of Revita and other multivitamin complexes with a high content of active components. For example, if you supplement Revit with other sources of vitamin A (for example, retinoids), the risk of hypervitaminosis will significantly increase.

How many Revita tablets do you need to eat to become poisoned? Even large doses of the drug are easily absorbed and quickly eliminated from the body. You can get poisoned by Revit only if you simultaneously take a truly huge dose of the drug - 300,000-1,000,000 IU or 150-400 tablets (one tablet contains 2500 IU of retinol).

How long does it take for the first signs of poisoning to appear? 5-6 hours after taking an excess amount of the drug, a person begins to worry about the unpleasant consequences of an overdose.

In children

The sweet taste and beautiful color of Revita make it attractive to children. Having reached the jar, the baby can eat it whole, mistaking the vitamins for candy. At the same time, the permissible dose of the drug in children is significantly lower than in adults; accordingly, poisoning will occur faster.

To avoid such situations, the drug (like the rest of the first aid kit) must be stored in a safe place, out of reach of children.

Often hypervitaminosis in a child is caused by excessive parental care. Trying to “boost immunity” and improve health, they systematically give the baby a lot of dietary supplements and multivitamin complexes, thereby “feeding” him unreasonably large doses of vitamins.

During pregnancy

The use of the drug during pregnancy and lactation is permissible only on the recommendation of a doctor. During this period of time, women already take multivitamins and minerals; accordingly, additional intake of Revita will be unnecessary.

Elevated levels of vitamin A in the mother's body can lead to disturbances in the development of the fetus. This point must be taken into account when planning pregnancy: women who have been taking large doses of vitamin A for a long time (over 10-15,000 IU) should wait 7-12 months before conceiving.

Revita price, where to buy

The cost of these vitamins is 30-50 rubles. It depends on the region and pharmacy chain.

35-51 rubles is the price (for package No. 100) in Russia for Revit vitamins; the price in Ukraine for similar packaging ranges from 6 to 12 hryvnia.

  • Online pharmacies in RussiaRussia
  • Online pharmacies in UkraineUkraine
  • Online pharmacies in KazakhstanKazakhstan

Pharmacy Dialogue

Europharm* 4% discount using promo code medside11

  • Revit n100 tablets Pharmstandard-Ufimsky

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  • Revit N80 dragees PAT "Kiev Vitamin Plant", Kiev, Ukraine


  • Revit etc. No. 80 Ukraine, Kiev Vitamin Plant PJSC
  • Revit etc. No. 100 Ukraine, Tekhnolog ChAO
  • Revit etc. No. 75 Ukraine, Tekhnolog ChAO

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  • Bark 50 ml cream-gel revitalizant 5 factors of skin youth (3510/3511) Fitoprom LLC (Russia)
  • Revit No. 100 tabletsAltaivitamins (Russia)

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Causes and symptoms of poisoning

Vitamin A belongs to the group of fat-soluble vitamins.
It accumulates in tissues and therefore has a more toxic effect on the body than water-soluble vitamins (B1, B2, C). An overdose of this vitamin is accompanied by dyspeptic disorders and a number of other unpleasant consequences. Symptoms of intoxication:

  • Intense headaches, confusion and dizziness;
  • Temporary diplopia – bifurcation of the contour of visible objects;
  • Dryness and the appearance of painful ulcers in the mouth;
  • Bleeding gums;
  • Dyspeptic disorders: nausea, vomiting, diarrhea;
  • Lethargy and apathy;
  • Peeling of the lips and skin (in particular the palms and interdigital areas).

If you are intolerant to certain components of the drug, an allergic reaction is possible. It is accompanied by severe swelling of the face (especially the lips and eyelids) or body, redness and profuse itchy rashes on the skin.

Water-soluble vitamins C, B1 and B2 do not accumulate in tissues and do not harm the body. Excess vitamin B1 is excreted in the urine in its original form or in its metabolite form (pyramidin). Riboflavin is excreted unchanged.

A single overdose of vitamin C can cause diarrhea. Long-term excess doses of ascorbic acid contribute to the development of urolithiasis, caused by dense, insoluble oxalate stones in the kidneys.

Reviews about Revit

Alisa Ardova, 36 years old, Makhachkala, bought vitamins for her daughter on the advice of a pediatrician. The child was sick almost every month. After a course lasting 2 months, the situation improved significantly. My daughter, of course, is still sick, but not as severely and often as she was before. A pleasant bonus was the improvement in appetite while taking Revit tablets. Maria Tikhomirova, 28 years old, Vladivostok Due to constant drowsiness, weakness and frequent respiratory diseases, she decided to consult a local physician. The doctor recommended that you first take a course of Revit tablets and, if that doesn’t help, then get tested. To my surprise, after 3 weeks of regular use, I noticed that my sleep had returned to normal, my general condition had improved, and lethargy and apathy had almost disappeared. Did you find this article useful? Not really

What to do if you overdose on Revit

An overdose of Revit does not pose a danger to the body and does not require special treatment.

First aid includes complete withdrawal of the drug and combating unpleasant symptoms. No specific antidotes or serious manipulations are required.

First of all, you need to provide the victim with rest and plenty of fluids: this will remove the drug from the body much faster.

You can drink plain or mineral water at room temperature, dried fruit compote or rosehip decoction, herbal tea (chamomile, St. John's wort, string).

What contraindications does this product have?

Any vitamins may have their contraindications for use; if you do not pay attention to them, even a small dosage of substances can provoke an overdose and worsen the patient’s condition. For example, it is strictly forbidden to take Revit if there is an increased amount of vitamin A in the body; you should also refuse to take it if a person has acute fructose intolerance. It is worth saying that doctors ask you to pay attention that if there is a violation of the metabolism of copper and iron in the body, the patient should not use such a vitamin complex as treatment, and hypersensitivity may also occur to some components of Revita.

If a person has been diagnosed with sarcoidosis, then taking vitamins can only be agreed upon with the attending physician, and Revit is completely prohibited for this disease. In addition, it is better not to give such tablets to children under three years of age, not only to avoid an overdose, but also to prevent the baby from choking on small round tablets. There are also cases when patients are prescribed Revit in a reduced dosage, but if the patient takes more than the required dose of the drug, this can lead to an overdose.

Well, since the components of this vitamin complex include wheat flour, this drug must be used with celiac disease with extreme caution, this also applies to those people who suffer from allergic reactions.

Consequences and prevention

In the absence of serious systemic diseases (for example, fructose intolerance, glucose-galactose malabsorption, diabetes), Revit is well tolerated by the body and is quickly absorbed without causing any side effects. Even a significant excess of the dosage, provided that it was a one-time dose, does not pose a danger.

Long-term use of excessive doses of the drug can cause malfunction of the kidneys and pancreas. You should not take Revit together with other multivitamin complexes, because in this case, an excess of vitamins A and C is inevitable.

The unpleasant symptoms that accompany revit poisoning completely disappear after discontinuation of the drug.


Vitamin A: absorption in the duodenum and ileum, requires the presence of bile acids, protein lipases and dietary fat. Biotransformation in the liver. Communication with blood proteins

Vitamin Bj: complete absorption in the duodenum; biotransformation (phosphorylation) in the liver; active metabolite - thiamine diphosphate (cocarboxylase). Communication with blood proteins is low. Elimination: by the kidneys (metabolites and unchanged) and intestines.

Vitamin B2 and its active metabolites are easily absorbed in the small intestine. Phosphorylation of riboflavin to active forms occurs in the intestinal wall, liver and red blood cells. Distributed throughout all organs and tissues, deposited in muscle tissue, liver, spleen, kidneys and myocardium. Plasma protein binding - 60%. Excreted by the kidneys.

Vitamin C: absorption - in the duodenum (partially in the ileum), decreases with increasing dose (>200 mg); bioavailability when taken orally - 50-20%. Biotransformation in the liver. Communication with blood proteins - 25%. Depot in the body ~ 1.5 g: leukocytes, platelets, endocrine glands, liver, ocular epithelium, lungs, kidneys, intestinal wall, heart, muscles. Elimination - by the kidneys in the form of metabolites.

Video: instructions for use

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When can you take vitamins?

It is very important to remember that although Revit is the simplest and cheapest vitamin complex, it still has its own indications for use; it is not recommended to prescribe this complex to yourself or a child on your own.
Most often, doctors use this vitamin complex for various physical and psychological stresses on the body that deplete a person, then the patient is advised to take an additional vitamin complex. It is also allowed to use such vitamins during the body’s recovery from illness, for colds, in order to increase the body’s protective functions. In some cases, if a person lives in unfavorable conditions and does not eat properly, then he is prescribed Revita in a certain dosage. But every patient must understand that using this complex of vitamins without a doctor’s prescription can lead to serious consequences, ranging from intolerance to some components to hypervitaminosis. It is very important to consult a doctor so that the specialist can determine the need for this vitamin complex.

First aid

Most often, an overdose of Revit is observed in small children who eat several vitamins at once, as they are very sweet and tasty. If the child has really taken a lot of pills, the first thing parents should do is give him more liquid and induce vomiting, and after that they should seek help from doctors to make sure that everything is fine with the baby. When an overdose is caused by the patient’s hypersensitivity to the components of this drug, it is important to immediately give the patient more water and antihistamines, then call an ambulance.

It is worth remembering that an overdose of vitamins does not appear immediately; if the patient takes the drug for several days and the first symptoms of an overdose begin to appear, you should immediately stop using this vitamin complex. In severe cases, the patient requires plenty of fluids, or intravenous fluid drips; in addition, patients in rare cases require medications to maintain the functioning of the heart and blood vessels.

Since it is quite difficult to notice an overdose, especially for small children, it is worth taking the dosage of vitamins more seriously, and it is also worth remembering that no vitamin complexes are taken for treatment without a doctor’s prescription.

Today, an overdose of Revit occurs more often if patients do not carefully read the composition of the complex, not paying attention to the additional components, namely, some additional substances can cause a sharp allergic reaction in the body. There are also often cases of overdose of only a certain vitamin, although there are not so many vitamin substances in this complex that an overdose would occur; some patients do not take into account other drugs taken in combination with Revit. Quite often, other types of tablets may contain vitamins A or B, it is important to pay attention to this.

Revit is a complex of vitamins A, B and C, intended for children and adults. Any schoolchild can buy it, because it is inexpensive and sold without a prescription. The availability and pleasant taste of the drug mislead people: they eat it like regular refreshing candy, not paying attention to the dose. Despite the fact that an overdose of Revit is not life-threatening, this condition can be accompanied by a number of unpleasant symptoms. In addition, in the presence of certain diseases and during pregnancy, abuse of this drug leads to serious consequences.


Revit according to the instructions is contraindicated in case of an excess of vitamin A, fructose intolerance, chronic glomerulonephritis, copper and iron metabolism disorders, nephrolithiasis, glucose and galactose malabsorption syndrome, and hypersensitivity.
Patients who have previously been diagnosed with sarcoidosis are not recommended to take Revit.

Revit is not prescribed for children under 3 years of age.

Patients with acute nephritis, decompensated cardiac activity, chronic pancreatitis, cholelithiasis, diabetes mellitus, allergic diseases, celiac disease (among the excipients of vitamins include wheat flour) should take Revit vitamins under supervision.

A woman who has taken high doses of vitamin A (retinol) - more than 10 thousand IU - can plan a pregnancy only six months or a year after stopping taking the vitamin. Large amounts of retinol can negatively affect fetal development.

It is not advisable to combine Revit with other multivitamin preparations, as well as with cholestyramine, nitrites, retinoids, streptomycin, and sulfonamides.

In addition, when using Revit, it should be taken into account that the drug reduces the effectiveness of glucocorticoids, lincomycin, oxytetracycline, erythromycin, doxycycline, tetracycline, indirect anticoagulants, and heparin.

The absorption of vitamin C is reduced by oral contraceptives.

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