Is it possible to drink energy drinks if you have problems with blood pressure and how do they affect the heart?

Energetic drinks

Drinks that stimulate the nervous system are called energy drinks. After consuming such compounds, relief is observed, and a desire to work at an increased level appears. An overdose of energy drinks provokes a rapid depletion of the body's natural resources, causing irreparable harm to health. Abuse of products containing caffeine leads to disruption of the functionality of the cardiovascular, nervous and digestive systems.

Composition of drinks and their effect on the human body

You should clearly understand what energy tonics are, which are so popular among today’s youth, and how harmless they are for humans.
Today, the shelves of numerous supermarkets are filled with an abundance of various drinks, which are popularly called “energy drinks.” As a rule, invigorating liquids are packaged in special containers with a volume of 0.33 liters, sometimes they come in 0.5 liters. container.

In many countries, at the legislative level there are restrictions on the sale of energy drinks, for example:

  1. The USA, since 2010, has had a ban on their sale in all its states.
  2. In some European countries, invigorating drinks can be purchased exclusively in pharmacies.
  3. In Russia, according to the law, the production and sale of these products is prohibited from January 1 of this year.

Why such strict actions regarding these invigorating drinks, what exactly is the reason for this? In order to understand why there are such strict restrictions, you should pay attention to their composition.

The main components of energy tonics What effect do they have?
Caffeine (alkaloid)Present in all available energy drinks. It is a major brain stimulant.
Is a strong diuretic.
Leads to increased heart rate.
Prevents the flow of oxygen into the blood and heart.
It is addictive and creates excessive stress on the heart muscle.
Provokes vasoconstriction.
At normal dosage and in its natural form (coffee), it can provide benefits for the heart.
CarnitineRelieves muscle fatigue.
Activates the oxidative reaction of fatty acids.
Taurine (amino acid)Exhibits anticonvulsant effects.
Accelerates metabolic processes in the body.
Causes arrhythmia.
MateinReduces the feeling of hunger.
Promotes weight loss.
Guarana (extract)Tones.
Helps remove lactic acid from muscles.
SugarIt has a destructive effect on blood vessels and the entire body.
EthanolHas a toxic effect on the body.
Sodium benzoate (E211)Damages the liver and nervous system.
Causes cancer and Parkinson's disease.
Changes the structure of DNA.
Dye (E129)Refers to carcinogens.
Banned in nine European countries.
Causes the growth of malignant cells.

In addition to the main components, each brand of drink contains B vitamins (B6, B3 and B9), but they are not able to form a complete balanced complex in the body. Carbonic acid, present in all energy drinks, has an extremely aggressive effect on the mucous walls of the stomach, especially when drinking a tonic liquid on an empty stomach. As a result, a stomach and duodenal ulcer develops.

The effect of energy drinks on the body lasts at least four hours. For example, one can of a drink with a volume of 0.25 liters. equivalent to two cups of espresso coffee.

It is worth emphasizing that energy drinks and energy products are not the same thing. These are completely different products with their own components and purpose.


  1. The choice of energy drinks is huge. Everyone can find an energy drink that will fully suit their tastes and preferences. Some drinks may be fruit flavored while others may be plain. There are drinks with a high content of vitamins, and there are those with a high caffeine content.
  2. Energy drinks can lift your mood in a matter of minutes; they can also quickly improve mental activity.
  3. Energy drinks are a real lifesaver for students, workaholics, drivers and athletes.
  4. Many energy drinks contain added glucose and various vitamins. Glucose gives strength and energy, and the benefits of vitamins are known to absolutely everyone.
  5. The energy drink lasts about 4 hours, which is 2 times longer than the effect of a cup of coffee. Moreover, energy drinks begin to act much faster than coffee.
  6. Energy drinks are convenient to drink: you can always keep them in your bag or car. Energy drinks are always at hand!

Why are energy drinks dangerous?

Energy drinks can not only eliminate thirst, but also increase the activity of the central nervous system, that is, they have antisedative properties. However, not everything is so simple - the consumption of energy tonics can provoke pathological processes in the cardiovascular system and seriously disrupt the correct functioning of many body mechanisms:

  1. High concentrations of caffeine and sugar lead to cardiac arrest.
  2. High acidity is harmful to the brain, bones and muscles.
  3. Pathological dependence develops, like from cigarettes and alcohol.
  4. Blood pressure increases, which leads to the appearance of hypertension.

A frequently encountered negative consequence of consuming energy drinks is the development of tachycardia, which is characterized by the sudden onset of pain in the heart and increased heart rate. This disease requires serious and long-term treatment.

The risk group includes:

  • Children.
  • Teenagers.
  • The youth.
  • Old men.

Also at increased risk are people with undiagnosed cardiovascular pathologies, that is, those who do not know about their illness.

The likelihood of cardiac arrest increases several times even in completely healthy people when combining energy drinks with alcohol or when taking them immediately during physical activity. The specific dosage of the energy drink, which can lead to a complete cessation of cardiac activity, is not precisely known to medicine, but experts call 2 cans of 250 ml each. This volume is quite sufficient for the development of a situation with a fatal outcome.

Failure to observe such caution leads to significant deterioration in health. As medical practice shows, it is observed:

  • Change in heart rhythm - the interval of heart beats increases by 10 ms.
  • A decrease or increase in blood pressure by 3.5 units.

In addition, invigorating drinks also have contraindications for their use. It is forbidden to take them for the following diseases: hypertension, angina pectoris, cardiac arrhythmia.

Appearance of a problem

What kind of attachment do energy drinks evoke: it all starts with a harmless desire to cheer up for a couple of hours; over time, a dependence on energy drinks forms on a physical level. A person can no longer imagine life without this drink. This is due to the characteristics of the composition. Caffeine and guaranine are neurostimulants, which in large quantities lead to a sharp change in blood pressure, the production of the happiness hormone, which leads to the formation of addiction.

When considering the constituent components, it can be noted that in reasonable quantities they do not cause harm and increase the tone of the body. An energy drink is a cocktail of various substances, the dosage of which is significantly increased.

Rules for the use of energy drinks

To avoid any pathological consequences, the following rules must be observed:

  1. Under no circumstances should you drink energy drinks together with strong tea, coffee or medications.
  2. Do not drink more than two cans of the drink (unless there are contraindications).
  3. Do not take during excessive physical activity, training or while on the dance floor.
  4. Do not drink drinks in the morning immediately after waking up.

If, after drinking an energy drink, you suddenly experience painful discomfort and tingling in the heart, such a clinic should be taken seriously. First of all, stop taking it, thereby avoiding unnecessary stress on the heart.

If you feel slightly unwell, sleep will help normalize your condition. If your pulse beats more than 100 beats per minute, you can try to normalize your well-being by:

  • Suspending breathing for 10-15 seconds. The exercise should be performed after each inhalation for 10 minutes.
  • Take a cold shower or rinse with cool water.
  • When the pulse is 150 beats per minute, take Diphenhydramine or Corvalol.

If your health suddenly deteriorates, urgent medical attention is needed - it is recommended to call an ambulance.

Treatment methods

Treatment should be mandatory; statistics show that more than 200 cases of addiction have resulted in death.

Alternative medicine

The first step on the path to health is to recognize the presence of a problem; this increases the success of treatment and the chances of a full recovery. You can start treatment with traditional methods; they delicately cleanse the body of harmful substances.

  1. Detoxification. A decoction of bergamot is ideal. It normalizes the functioning of the nervous system and increases vascular tone.
  2. Replenishment of microelements. It is necessary to consume honey. It will help remove residual harmful substances and speed up metabolism.

Having completely cleansed the body, you need to forget about energy drinks forever; they should be replaced with drinks with low caffeine content. Traditional medicine helps to cope with the initial stages; to treat subsequent stages, it is necessary to turn to medications.

Traditional medicine

Modern methods allow you to painlessly get rid of the disease, eliminating the risk of withdrawal symptoms. The first step, as in traditional medicine, is detoxification of the body. After cleansing the body, drugs are administered that block opioid receptors, relieving the patient of physical dependence.

If such a pathology is detected at the psychological level, cognitive behavioral therapy is carried out. It is aimed at joint work between the psychiatrist and the patient, the result of which will be a change in life habits.

How do invigorating drinks affect the heart and blood vessels?

So, does energy drink raise blood pressure or lower it? The energy drink stimulates the central nervous system, increases performance, eliminates drowsiness and leads to an increase in blood pressure. However, not everyone knows that energy tonic, in addition to its positive benefits, can be dangerous to human health.

Clinical studies have shown that the effect of energy drinks on blood pressure is completely negative:

  1. They contribute to a rapid jump in blood pressure and blood sugar.
  2. They lead to exhaustion of the body, which is explained by the intake of high doses of caffeine and B vitamins.
  3. They provoke angina pectoris, tachycardia, arrhythmia and other cardiovascular pathologies, as well as tremor.
  4. Causes the development of gastritis.
  5. They disrupt the water-salt balance.
  6. Promote the manifestation of depression and irritability.
  7. Provoke uncontrollable nervous breakdowns.

Experts emphasize that daily consumption of two cans of energy drink stimulates the appearance of hypertension and diabetes, and also leads to an exacerbation of other diseases present in the patient.

If a person regularly drinks such a drink for seven days, the heart rate increases by 7.8%, and after two weeks this figure will increase to 11%.

What changes occur in blood pressure from taking energy drinks?

It has long been proven that energy drinks increase blood pressure, especially the following brands:

  • Red Bull.
  • 5-Hour Energy.
  • Monster.

Studies have shown that one jar of energy tonic contains about 70-200 mg. caffeine, which is much lower than the dose that a person receives from 250 ml. brewed coffee. Drinking two cans of energy drink per day can lead to a sharp jump in pressure to the most critical numbers, as indicated by:

  1. Strong headache.
  2. A sharp deterioration in health.
  3. Manifestation of nausea.
  4. General malaise.
  5. Impaired blood supply.
  6. Development of hypoxia of nerve cells, accompanied by insomnia.
  7. Unreasonable aggression and anxiety.

Due to the presence of tonic neurostimulants (caffeine and taurine) in energy drinks, the sympathetic nervous system is activated, which is responsible for the dilation or constriction of blood vessels. Due to compression of the vascular lumen, there is a delay in the flow of blood fluid and a rapid rise in blood pressure.

Long-term consumption of drinks in this category contributes to the emergence of an addiction syndrome, forcing a person to increase their dose. Increasing the daily dosage leads to exacerbation of hypertension due to the inability of blood vessels to dilate in a timely manner. As a result, the flow of blood fluid slows down and blood pressure increases.

Due to the negative effect of caffeine on arterial blood levels, the blood becomes more viscous and sticky, which is dangerous for the formation of blood clots, which are the culprits of heart attacks and strokes.

Is it possible to drink energy drinks with low blood pressure?

Very often people with hypotonic pressure are interested in whether it is possible to use energy tonics with low blood pressure? Doctors emphasize that in the event of a sharp drop in blood pressure, such drinks can be used as an emergency aid to normalize it. In this situation, you are allowed to drink no more than 50 ml. energy. Within about 30 minutes, the pressure will begin to increase, but experts warn against their systematic use as a permanent remedy for hypotension.

The reason for the ban is explained by the fact that low blood pressure is a consequence of impaired functioning of the nervous system, and regular intake of such liquids additionally contributes to its depletion, as a result, blood pressure decreases even more.

The maximum daily intake of energy drinks for hypotensive patients is no more than 100 ml, but not every day.

In conclusion

Whichever drink you prefer, it's worth remembering that these are just the carbonated equivalent of a cup of coffee. Energy drinks can harm the body.

The vitamins and substances that make up energy drinks can be found in juices, fruits and chocolate.

Think, maybe it’s better to drink a cup of strong and aromatic coffee with a piece of dark chocolate than to poison your body with energy drinks?

Are there any energy drinks that are harmless to health?

Energy tonics of artificial origin, including drinks, are a real poison for people in good health. However, are there alternative options, such as natural options with an invigorating effect? According to doctors, natural stimulants really exist and, if used correctly, can become an excellent source of vigor and healthy energy throughout the day.

However, it would be wrong to consider them completely harmless. There are many factors that can negatively affect human health, for example:

  • Overdose.
  • Allergic reaction.
  • Interaction with medications.
  • The presence of certain diseases for which they are contraindicated.

The most famous natural stimulants are:

  1. Eleutherococcus.
  2. Golden root.
  3. Ginseng.
  4. Coconut milk.
  5. Thyme.
  6. Ginger.
  7. Sagan-dailya.
  8. Spiraea.
  9. Green tea.
  10. Ephedra.
  11. Schisandra chinensis.

Before using decoctions and tinctures from these plants, you should consult your doctor. Doctor's advice is especially necessary for people who have a history of serious illnesses.

Water, but not the same

The general rule is to take medications with boiled water at room temperature. And although there are exceptions to any rule, nevertheless, other drinks should be used only if this method of consumption has been recommended by the attending physician. Therefore, unless your doctor specifically states this point, use medications only with plain, filtered and boiled water.

Even mineral water is not always suitable for this purpose - it can interfere with the absorption of certain medications. However, non-steroidal anti-inflammatory drugs, aspirin, analgin, many sedatives, iodine preparations and other drugs that irritate the gastric mucosa are even useful to drink with mineral water with a high alkaline content. But under no circumstances should you use sweet soda for this. No matter how great the desire to sweeten the bitter pill, it is better to refrain from this method - since such a combination creates insoluble compounds in the body.

Negative effect

As mentioned earlier, energy drinks are slowly but surely destroying your health. Disorders in both the psychological and physical components of health are possible.

  1. A large dose of glucose contained in the drink leads to problems such as: caries and enamel damage, excess weight, increased blood cholesterol; which leads to the development of coronary heart disease, a weakening of the immune system (any cold is suffered with particular severity), an imbalance of intestinal microflora (acne appears).
  2. The central nervous system is also affected. Sudden changes in mood lead to a weakening of the nervous system, which threatens mental disorders.
  3. Exhaustion of internal organs. The components of the composition stimulate and enhance the functioning of many body functions. With uninterrupted operation, organs wear out and early aging occurs.
  4. Adrenal fatigue. Excessive consumption of caffeine or other “invigorating” drinks causes disruptions in the functioning of the sympathoadrenal system.
  5. Disability, death. Statistics say that due to the abuse of such drinks, 168 cases of illness, 8 cases of disability, and 25 deaths were recorded.

Symptomatic picture

Symptoms of addiction are obvious and easy to identify:

  • mood swings, nervousness, possible depression and complete detachment,
  • lack of healthy sleep: interrupted sleep, no deep phase,
  • problems with the gastrointestinal tract, possible diarrhea, constipation, vomiting,
  • tired appearance: a person believes that he is full of strength, but this is self-deception, the body is exhausted, there are dark circles under the eyes, the face becomes elongated,
  • rapid pulse, tremors of arms and legs, darting pupils,
  • sudden change in body temperature: high fever is replaced by low temperature,
  • there are auditory and visual hallucinations,
  • frequent urination.

The harm of energy drinks

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