Mephedrone: consequences for men and girls, how to quickly remove it from the body

Mephedrone: consequences of use and effect on the body - Verimed Clinic
The variety of modern drugs is so wide that you don’t have time to remember the names. New ones appear every day. Moreover, even more “cooler” than previous analogues. The names simply sparkle with extravagance, for example: “ice”, “Dima”, “crocodile”, “Nastya”, “Atom”. This article is devoted to a narcotic drug, which in youth slang is known as “meow-meow.” Scientific name: mephedrone. How mephedrone works, is it possible to “get off” it, what are the consequences of use – we’ll talk about this below.


The picture shows the formula of mephedrone
C11H15NO the chemical formula of mephedrone. 4-methylephedrone or 4 methylmethcathinone is the chemical name of the drug. Externally, when no impurities are added, mephedrone looks like a colorless powder or crystalline substance that has no odor or even color. But due to the peculiarities of preparation, the drug can turn yellow; most often, the synthesized prohibited substance is transformed into dirty light colors.

To enhance the effect, “craftsmen” add to the composition of 4-methylephedrone:

  • Cocaine
  • Amphetamine
  • Ketamine

It is worth noting that mephedrone itself is often included in other narcotic drugs. Mephedrone can be distributed not only as powder, but also as capsules or tablets.

Drug mephedrone - composition

Mephedrone is a powerful psychotropic substance synthesized from cathinone. It is classified as an alkaloid and is a natural amphetamine extracted from the leaves of the evergreen khat shrub, which grows primarily in Africa and the Arabian Peninsula.

Young khat leaves are used to synthesize potent narcotic drugs, and are also consumed in their pure form. So, about 80% of the Yemeni population chew these leaves to feel euphoria, which allows them to escape from more pressing problems (for example, a national disaster).

In Russia, mephedrone is widely distributed under the following street names:

  • Meow meow,
  • meow,
  • mef,
  • crystallius,
  • cat urine,
  • crazy cow,
  • bubbles,
  • bath salts

Note! Mephedrone is one of the main components of any “salt”, so there is no significant difference between these drugs.

Impact on the psyche after consumption

After using the drug, a person feels short-term euphoria, sexual desire, and increased mood.

But the pleasant sensations do not last long, after which they are replaced by:

  • Increased pressure
  • Excessive sweating
  • Increased heart rate

Other sensations from mephedrone

  1. Desire to help others
  2. Increased sociability
  3. Improved physical performance
  4. Stimulation of mental function
  5. The whole world seems bright and good

When taken orally, the effect of the drug lasts approximately 2-4 hours. Much depends on the composition of the drug and the general well-being of the person. After taking the dose, the effect begins to appear within 15-40 minutes (if the person has not eaten before, the drug begins to work faster). But if you inhale, the effect of the drug begins within a couple of minutes after entering the body, the maximum effect occurs after 30 minutes. The action will be maintained for two hours. Intravenous administration of mephedrone provides euphoria within a minute. In this case, the pleasant sensations last about a couple of hours.

Dangerous uses

Methods of use directly depend on what form of the drug a person takes. In the case of the liquid form of mephedrone, drug addicts administer it intravenously, capsules and tablets are taken orally, and some drug addicts manage to drink them with alcohol or other drinks.

Many drug addicts inhale the drug through their nose, mixing it with other illegal substances. This method of using mephedrone is one of the most dangerous. If mephedrone is mixed with other narcotic substances when taken, the body's reaction can be extremely unpredictable. But most often there is an overdose and severe intoxication.

Health care

The extent of specialized treatment depends on the severity of the overdose. Patients are under 24-hour medical supervision. If their condition worsens, they are transferred to intensive care wards or intensive care units. Coma with respiratory depression is an indication for immediate tracheal intubation with connection to a ventilator (artificial pulmonary ventilation).

To draw up tactics for providing assistance, the doctor needs to know the type of substance taken. Unfortunately, mephedrone cannot be determined by standard test systems. Pharmacological agents are selected in accordance with the symptoms of target organ damage. Detoxification therapy is also carried out.

Consequences of use

Videos and photos before and after use:

How does a person’s appearance change after using mephedrone for several years? Stimulating the body with mephedrone causes all vital organs to work in emergency mode. Regular use of the drug will not allow the body to recover. Disturbances in the functioning of internal organs and systems will begin, and mental disorders will also occur.

What the consequences of use will be depends on the age of the drug addict, his initial health and experience and frequency of use.

Combining mef with other narcotic drugs worsens the consequences.

The main negative consequences that occur after abuse of mephedrone:

  • hallucinations
  • psychoses
  • aggressiveness, irritability, which often manifests itself for no reason
  • paranoia
  • schizophrenia
  • hypertension
  • rave
  • hepatitis
  • cirrhosis
  • cerebral edema due to the development of hypertemia
  • blood poisoning
  • gangrene
  • heart problems
  • short-term amnesia
  • decrease in intellectual activity
  • exhaustion
  • oncology
  • suicidal tendencies
  • overdose - the outcome is death

— an integrated approach to the treatment of drug addiction

Not every drug treatment center provides treatment for mephedrone addiction. In ours you can count on the most effective means of combating this type of drug addiction. Our specialists use already classic techniques, as well as proven innovative and original approaches to treatment.

All addictions are different and have their own characteristics both during the course of the disease and during its treatment. But there is also an unchanging component in them, which we value very much. This is a comprehensive approach to addiction treatment that helps eliminate all manifestations of the disease and return a person to normal life without the risk of relapse.

We always recommend that addicts and their loved ones seek help as early as possible. The mere fact that most drug addicts die from overdoses tells us that the addict risks his life every day. In addition, the deeper the addiction, the more complex and expensive the treatment will be.

That is why it is worth finding out about treatment without delay. With just one call, you can clarify all questions regarding the treatment course and find out its approximate cost. Just imagine, now you can begin to solve the problem that is preventing you from living.

Our call center consultants work around the clock, calls to us are free, even from mobile numbers. You can also fill out any feedback form on the page, and the consultant will call you back. The consequences of using mephedrone are increasing every day, so don’t hesitate, start treatment today.

How to quickly remove it from the body

Various cleansing methods will help remove mephedrone from the body. Some detoxification methods can only be carried out in an inpatient setting at a drug treatment clinic, but there are also those that are used at home. It is important to note that both methods of detoxification require complete abstinence from psychostimulants. The main goal of detox therapy is to remove the drug from the blood and restore the acid-base balance. However, it is worth knowing that detoxification only temporarily clears the body of the drug. It does not help relieve cravings for illegal substances.

Home cleansing

  • Drink plenty of water, you need to drink at least 2.5 liters of water per day. Drinks high in vitamin C are also beneficial.
  • Diet. It is advisable to exclude fatty and sweet foods and canned food from the diet. Opt for fresh vegetables and fruits
  • Moderate physical activity (running, aerobics, cycling)
  • Baths and saunas help quickly remove toxins through the pores. After heavy sweating, it is useful to take a shower and drink cranberry juice.

Detoxification in hospital

  • Drip administration of medicinal solutions
  • Forced diuresis, helps eliminate toxins through urine
  • Hardware cleanup


If the patient is interested in how to “get off” the “salt,” all doubts are drowned out by a new dose. Family members begin to sound the alarm when they notice signs of drug use and, unlike the drug addict himself, understand perfectly well the consequences of the disease.

The narcologist will explain in detail how to get rid of addiction, and will tell you that treatment consists of several stages:

  1. Detox Therapy - Land
    Detox therapy to relieve withdrawal symptoms and cleanse the body of artificial cathinone and toxic products of its metabolism. They put in IVs with vitamin supplements, metabolic stimulants, diuretics, and sedatives to relieve withdrawal symptoms. The procedure is designed to relieve physical cravings.

  2. Minimizing harm from toxins and recovery using cardioprotectors, nootropics, adsorbents, hepatoprotectors and other drugs.
  3. Motivational intervention if a person doesn’t care much about how to quit mephedrone and he categorically refuses hospitalization in a specialized clinic.
  4. Psychotherapy. The patient must realize his drug addiction and understand that the only chance to cope with the disease is to show willpower. This desire can be supported by coding according to the Dovzhenko method, hypnosis, and the prescription of antidepressants and other medications. The psychologist also works with relatives, explains how to move away from the usual pattern of behavior (accusations, reproaches, scandals, blackmail) and help overcome addiction.
  5. Social adaptation and physical recovery on the basis of a rehabilitation center. It is important to learn how to cope with any stressful situations without taking mephedrone. They can be replaced by sports, hobbies, walks - anything. The main thing is to “pull” the patient out of his previous social circle.

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Addiction, withdrawal

The statement that mephedrone is a mild drug that is not addictive is fundamentally incorrect. Drug addiction develops rapidly, and it is almost impossible to cope with it without the help of narcologists. When the drug is withdrawn, a strong withdrawal syndrome occurs.

Pathological craving for drugs develops in 4 stages:

  1. First dose. All problems are forgotten, life seems bright and interesting. A person wants to spend more time in euphoria. When stopping the drug, withdrawal symptoms do not yet appear
  2. Regular use. In the first stage of the disease, a person can use the drug only occasionally. In the right company. But, at this stage, to repeat the feeling of bliss, mephedrone begins to be taken more often, about 4 times a week. Regular use relieves physical discomfort and the first symptoms of withdrawal. All the money starts going to drugs
  3. An increase in the dose, due to the fact that tolerance to the drug has increased and dependence has formed. The addict independently increases the dose to experience incredible pleasure, but at this stage there is a high risk of overdose
  4. Living for a drug. A drug addict cannot live even a day without a dose. Now the euphoria is no longer felt, but the symptoms of withdrawal are very strong. In the case of abrupt withdrawal, the addict may experience excruciating pain for several weeks until a dose is obtained or appropriate treatment is initiated.

Formation of addiction

If mephedrone is taken intranasally, addiction develops as quickly as when taking cocaine.
A sign of addiction is tolerance and, as a consequence, the need to constantly increase the dose to achieve the desired effect. A person is ready to do anything to experience the feeling of euphoria again. Without another dose of psychostimulant, withdrawal begins, which is accompanied by:

  • Without a psychostimulant, fatigue increases - Ugodiye

  • sleep disorders;
  • decreased concentration;
  • sudden mood swings, touchiness;
  • unreasonable anxiety up to paranoia.

Mephedrone withdrawal is also characterized by nasal congestion, migraine-like pain, tachycardia, tremor, increased or, conversely, decreased temperature, and chills. Withdrawal symptoms reach their peak on days 3-5, and the acute condition can last up to 2 weeks (without professional help).

Withdrawal syndrome

Withdrawal from mephedrone can last a whole month. Especially seriously ill patients in the second week of withdrawal symptoms.

Withdrawal symptoms:

  • For the first days after discontinuation of the drug, no special occurrences are expected.
  • On the fourth day, general depression appears, as the mef has already completely left the body. There is a strong need for a new “portion”
  • In the second week of withdrawal symptoms, a person experiences an irresistible desire to take a new dose. He can't think about anything other than the drug. Right now, tremors of the limbs, increased heart rate, convulsions and vomiting, and severe muscle pain begin to appear.
  • After the second week, the physical symptoms of withdrawal begin to subside, even the desire to take a new dose is eliminated

In the following weeks, the addict begins to think sanely. However, if a new dose is taken, the whole vicious circle will repeat.

History of origin

The first sales of the drug began in 2003. However, there is information that it was first invented in the early 20s of the last century, but remained on laboratory shelves for many years, and was reinvented in the early 2000s.

Selling under the guise of food - Verimed Clinic
In the early years, the sale of mephedrone was completely legal - under the guise of plant foods. It was then sold as a common fertilizer, detergent additive, or bath salt. Very soon, meth becomes one of the most common drugs among young people.

After its sales are banned, each manufacturer tries to circumvent the ban by creating its own unique composition and offering new variations of the drug.

Overdose: causes, symptoms

Causes of overdose:

  • It is difficult for beginners to choose the right dosage
  • Due to tolerance, there is a need to take a higher dosage
  • Due to health problems, even the usual dose becomes lethal
  • The quality of mephedrone, if a person has previously used a drug with impurities, then taking pure mephedrone also leads to an overdose

Taking the drug together with other stimulants increases the risk of overdose.

Overdose symptoms:

  • Panic attacks, delirium
  • Hallucinations
  • Forced reduction of the jaw
  • Impaired coordination and speech
  • Convulsions
  • Man loses consciousness
  • Memory loss

If you have symptoms of an overdose, it is important to call an ambulance as soon as possible; before it arrives, first aid must be provided. The harm of mephedrone is very great for the body; an overdose can be fatal.


  • kidney and liver diseases (development of kidney and liver failure);
  • hypertension (risk of crisis, stroke);
  • ischemia, previous heart attacks (repetition of ischemic attacks);
  • arrhythmia (cardiac arrest);
  • head injuries;
  • mental disorder (depression, suicide);
  • stomach ulcer (possibility of bleeding).

Concomitant use of mephedrone with antidepressants leads to death from serotonin syndrome (tachycardia and fever).

Harm of consuming mef

While the drug is in effect, the body has to work harder, which leads to rapid wear and tear.

Harm of mephedrone:

  • Veins die, risk of blood clots arises
  • The respiratory system is affected
  • Severe kidney and liver damage
  • Problems with the gastrointestinal tract
  • sore joints and fragile bones

There is no benefit from mephedrone, like from any other drug. But short-term euphoria and improved performance can be considered positive qualities.

Signs of a drug addict

A person who is under the influence of a drug has a characteristic appearance. His pupils are dilated, his face turns red or blotchy, and in some cases there is severe chills and goose bumps. There is uncontrollable motor agitation, which is caused by visions that arise under the influence of mephedrone.

In the period between doses of the drug there are no specific signs of mephedrone addiction. Relatives notice changes typical for any drug addict: loss of interest in work and family, secrecy, emotional hardening.

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