An effective remedy for poisoning with alcohol and its surrogates

Alcohol poisoning can occur due to low-quality surrogate drinks or excessive consumption of alcohol-containing drinks in alcoholism. Intoxication causes nausea, vomiting, headache, and loss of consciousness. And besides this, it has a destructive effect on vital organs: heart, kidneys, liver.

When starting detoxification, it is important to remember that self-treatment is a last resort when it is not possible to call a doctor at home. But in this case, before taking medications, you need to consult a specialist and carefully read the instructions.

The effect of alcohols on the human body

Depending on what and how much an alcoholic drinks, you can determine how quickly alcohol intoxication will occur and its characteristic symptoms will appear: cell necrosis and dystrophy will be observed in the liver, bile stagnation, the heart and blood vessels will suffer from excess cholesterol and the formation of blood clots , reduction of red blood cells and improper functioning of the myocardium. With every glass of alcohol drunk, the microflora of the intestines and stomach is destroyed, the body loses important vitamins, calcium and minerals, and a person begins to have problems with the endocrine system and the musculoskeletal system.

The mechanism and speed of the destructive effect of various alcohols on people who abuse alcohol are different. Ethanol, which breaks down into compounds like acetic acid and acetaldehyde, is dangerous in amounts of 3-5 ppm and above. To do this, it is enough for a person to drink 1-1.5 bottles of vodka, cognac or 40% vol. diluted medical alcohol, 3-4 liters of wine or 15 liters of beer. The lethal dose of methyl alcohol is 100 ml, and ethylene glycol is only 50 ml. And medications are useless in 90% of cases, since the victim becomes severely poisoned within 20-30 minutes, and death occurs within 12-48 hours.


You should not neglect your body, knowing the general symptoms of alcohol intoxication, you should try to avoid it in every possible way. This is achieved through banal control over the amount of alcohol consumed.

Also pay attention to the quality of the product consumed. If you really cannot live without drinking alcohol on a holiday or occasion, then preference should be given to more expensive and high-quality alcohol.

Remember that your liver has the ability to regenerate, but with age, the liver loses control, like the rest of the body. But some not only reduce, but rather increase the load on the liver.

The amount of alcohol consumed increases in inverse proportion to the deterioration of health. This leads to the fact that sooner or later cirrhosis of the liver develops or, even worse, toxic hepatitis.

The use of medications in case of alcohol intoxication should be regulated by a specialist. You should not abuse drugs whose properties you know nothing about.

After all, taking some medications can lead to more severe consequences. Take pills to get rid of hangover and alcohol poisoning strictly as prescribed.

When treating alcohol poisoning, do not forget about good sleep and a healthy diet. Some foods sometimes help better than pill packaging. Diuretic herbs, drinking plenty of fluids and tea with honey will help remove toxins from the body and restore water balance.

Fermented milk products are better than probiotics in restoring the microflora of the digestive system. Freshly squeezed lemon juice will provide the body with vitamin C and improve overall tone.

Give preference to walks, sports activities and a healthy diet - this will bring your body back to normal, improve your well-being and increase the quality of your life.

Drugs for alcohol intoxication

To avoid becoming a victim of unscrupulous alcoholic beverage manufacturers, it is better to avoid unknown brands of alcohol. In other cases, at the first signs of alcohol poisoning, such as gastrointestinal tract disorder and nervous system disorders, dizziness and loss of consciousness, it is recommended to call a doctor and try to cleanse the body of ethyl alcohol yourself.

"Metadoxil" . Anti-alcohol agent. Participates in the metabolism of ethanol, accelerates the process of removing acetaldehyde from the body, helps relieve the severity of mental and somatic symptoms that arise from a hangover. The drug restores the liver and normalizes its detoxification function. Dosage per day is 600-900 mg intravenously.

"Glutargin Alcoclean" . Accelerates the elimination of ethanol metabolites, activates the liver, prevents the effects of alcohol on the central nervous system and promotes the formation of succinic acid, reduces the manifestations of withdrawal syndrome. To treat alcohol intoxication, 1 sachet of the drug should be drunk every 1.5-2 hours on the first day. For the next couple of days, limit intake to 2 times.

Available “Activated carbon” for alcohol poisoning is an excellent sorbent that has a detoxification and antidiarrheal effect without irritating the mucous membranes of the stomach and intestines.
Method of preparing the solution: dissolve 20 teaspoons of the crushed drug in 150 ml of water and drink. After gastric lavage, repeat the dose.

Detoxification Methods

Most methods of cleansing the body require qualified medical care and special equipment, since blood, lymph, plasma, and intestines need to be cleansed. However, some actions can be carried out independently before the ambulance arrives, which will determine whether hospitalization is necessary, or whether the procedure can be performed at home. You can cleanse your body in case of poisoning in the following ways:

  • conservative methods that can actually be done at home: forced diuresis (use of diuretics in parallel with fluid replacement), gastrointestinal absorption (take activated carbon and its analogues);
  • active methods: hemodialysis, blood ultrafiltration, artificial liver connection, exchange blood transfusion, hemofiltration;
  • plasma: plasmodialysis, plasmapheresis, cryoapheresis;
  • lymphatic: lymphpheresis, lymphodialysis, etc.

What to take in case of poisoning with surrogate alcohol

The risk of death after taking various solutions and impurities that contain ethanol or other types of alcohol is quite high. Only by contacting a medical facility or ambulance in time is there hope for saving the victim. Unfortunately, there is no effective remedy for poisoning with surrogates and low-quality alcohol.

The correct decision would be, in this situation, to provide the person with emergency assistance before the arrival of specialists. When ingesting methanol, which forms strong poisons such as formic acid and formaldehyde, poisoning is inevitable. The only antidote to methyl alcohol is ethanol or vodka.

In case of toxic effects of brake fluid, ethylene glycol, which quickly decomposes to oxalic acid, it is better not to use ethyl alcohol. The destructive effect on the kidneys and biliary system manifests itself instantly. The victim should drink a soda solution and try to rinse his stomach.

First aid

If there are obvious signs of poisoning, call an ambulance. While the hospital staff are on the way, you need to turn the person onto his right side if he has lost consciousness and try to bring him to his senses.

Mustard plasters applied to the back of the head or calves will help greatly, use ammonia or a cold (preferably from the freezer) towel.

After the person comes to his senses, you must try to wash out his stomach. For this, a water-salt solution (at least 1 liter) is prepared, and a laxative should also be given.

This is done to quickly cleanse the body of poisons that have not yet been absorbed.

Medicines to restore the liver

The ability to neutralize and remove toxins, poisons and toxic substances entering the body occurs in the biliary system, which is why alcohol intoxication of the liver is observed in the first place. To facilitate and normalize its functional work, it is important to know what to take to cleanse the liver.

"Methionine" . After alcohol poisoning, it normalizes the synthesis of phospholipids from fats, activates the action of hormones and vitamins. Helps remove toxins from the bile ducts. Daily intake of 1.5 grams.

"Essentiale forte N" . Normalizes the detoxification function of the liver, regulates carbohydrate metabolism, eliminates the effects of poisoning by toxins and alcohol products. Take 2 capsules twice a day.

"Thiotriazolin" . A potent hepatoprotective and immunomodulatory drug, which is prescribed for toxic liver damage of alcohol origin. Increases the rate of bile excretion, prevents cell necrosis, stimulates protein, carbohydrate, and lipid metabolism. Take one tablet 3-4 times.


Drugs in this group are not among the drugs that can certainly relieve you of intoxication. They serve to quickly and efficiently remove harmful substances from the body.

When it enters the human body, the sorbent has a binding effect; it, like a sponge, absorbs the remains of alcohol and its breakdown products, and then leaves the body with them.

It is a kind of garbage container that removes unnecessary trash outside of your body. These drugs include: Smecta, Enterosgel, Karbolen, Activated and White Carbon, Polypefan and many other drugs.

Alcohol poisoning of the stomach: remedies for nausea, diarrhea and vomiting

An allergic reaction to toxic substances that penetrate the gastrointestinal tract due to a person’s careless attitude towards their health naturally causes a protective response from the body. Before deciding what to drink for alcohol poisoning, nausea and how to stop vomiting, it is better to read the instructions and indications for medications.

"Motinorm" . Blocks the motor activity of the gastrointestinal tract, eliminates nausea and vomiting, heartburn and belching. For severe dyspeptic symptoms, a dose of 10 mg is prescribed 3-4 times a day.

"Passengers" . Increases the motor activity of the stomach, soothes nausea, and is an effective remedy for vomiting of various origins. For severe gastrointestinal disorders, drink 20 mg 3-4 times.

"Loperamide" . Tablets for poisoning and diarrhea reduce the tone and motility of the intestines, strengthen the tone of the anal sphincter, and reduce the frequency of feces. The daily norm is from 4 to 16 mg.

"Imodium" . Prescribed for disorders of metabolism and intestinal absorption. Increases the time between bowel movements. The anti-diarrhea drug should be used in an amount of no more than 16 mg.

Folk remedies

It is important to remember that home remedies do not provide the same pronounced effect as medications. You should take them only after making sure that you are not allergic to natural ingredients.

  1. Honey water. Proportion – 2-3 tsp. per glass of water. Glucose restores strength, and honey enriches the body with useful microelements.
  2. Brine is a popular folk remedy for hangovers. For example, cabbage brine is rich in vitamin C, relieves headaches and nausea.
  3. Traditional healers claim that tansy decoction is an effective remedy for recovery from ethyl alcohol poisoning. You need to do it like this: heat 50 grams of tansy flowers in the oven, then pour in 500 ml of boiling water. Add 20 grams to the cooled broth. chamomile The herbal mixture is brought to a boil, infused and filtered. Dosage for use – 1 tbsp. per 1 kg. weight. You should drink the herbal cocktail with meals. There is a simpler recipe: half a lemon, 1 tbsp. spoon of sugar, glass of water. Mix the ingredients and drink in one gulp.
  4. Herbal infusions speed up detoxification. The following plants are suitable for this purpose: thyme, horsetail, linden, mint. They remove excess liquid and ethanol breakdown products.
  5. A decoction of lemon balm flowers and leaves helps relieve nausea. 1 tsp Pour boiling water over the herbs and leave for 10-15 minutes. Drink half a glass before each meal.

If there is no improvement in the condition after home treatment, you should immediately call an ambulance to admit the patient to a hospital.

Cure for headaches after drinking alcohol

Brain damage manifests itself in attacks of unbearable headaches, which are often observed with a hangover. Based on which headache pills to take after alcohol, the restoration of the central nervous system depends.

"Picamilon" . Vasodilator, nootropic drug. Improves the condition of the brain, normalizes cerebral circulation, relieves severe migraines. To relieve ethanol intoxication, 100-150 mg per day is prescribed.

"Sibazon" . Relieves dizziness, migraines, feelings of anxiety and tension, reduces tremors, inhibits the transmission of nerve impulses to the central nervous system during withdrawal symptoms. Prevents the occurrence of delirium and hallucinations. Take 2 times a day, 5-10 mg.


When a doctor chooses which medicine for alcohol poisoning is needed in a particular case, there is a chance that antibiotics will be prescribed. This is necessary when the intestinal tract is infected against the background of the development of a colony of pathogenic microorganisms. If intoxication is accompanied by loose stools, fever, the discharge contains inclusions of blood, the patient vomits a dozen times a day, or even more often, it is unlikely that it will be possible to do without antibiotics. As can be seen from the reviews of doctors, medications for alcohol poisoning in the classic case are a program without including representatives of the antimicrobial class, but exceptions are possible. If you have already chosen such treatment, you will have to strictly abstain from drinking alcohol for the entire period - such drinks significantly reduce the effectiveness of medications.

Among antibiotics, a representative of fluoroquinol drugs, Ciprofloxacin, is quite often prescribed. If the need for medication arose due to poisoning, 0.5-1 g is prescribed per day, this volume is divided into two portions, and used with pauses of 12 hours. The duration of the course can be up to two weeks. The doctor, explaining which medicine will help in case of alcohol poisoning that has caused an intestinal infection, will immediately clarify whether there are any severe kidney or liver diseases - these are categorical contraindications for therapy. Treatment may cause temporary tremors and migraines. Because of the medicine, sometimes the head hurts and feels dizzy, the person gets tired quickly, and is drawn to sleep.

Drugs for seizures due to alcohol intoxication

Aminobutyric acid, GABA receptors responsible for transmitting nerve impulses to parts of the brain, partially lose their functions after reacting with acetaldehyde, and an increase in the CRH hormone under the influence of ethanol provokes a disorder of the nervous system in the form of neuroses, depression and stress. With such symptoms and convulsions, we will consider what medications need to be taken.

"Clonazepam" . It has a muscle relaxant, anticonvulsant and sedative effect. Reduces the excitability of the subcortical structures of the brain, reduces emotional stress, eliminates feelings of fear, anxiety, inhibits motor nerves and muscle function. For acute alcohol withdrawal syndrome and delirium, the daily dosage should not exceed 20 mg.

"Radedorm 5" . Sedative, sedative, anticonvulsant medicine for damage to the central nervous system and neuroses. Reduces the irritating effect of emotional, autonomic and motor sources, suppresses the spread of epileptic activity, and inhibits motor nerves. Recommended amount is 5-10 mg 2-3 times a day.

"Carbamazepine" . Indications: alcohol withdrawal syndrome, anxiety conditions. Has analgesic and anticonvulsant effects. Per day - 200 mg 3 times.


When choosing which pills to take for alcohol poisoning, you should take a closer look at enzyme medications. They are effective against various forms of food poisoning, including those caused by alcohol, and reduce the aggressive effect on the pancreas. The most commonly used is Mezim. This medicine protects the stomach walls from the influence of hydrochloric acid, increases the rate of digestion of foods and alleviates the symptoms of infection of the intestinal tract. The medicine can be used by persons over three years of age. The drug is used during a meal, one or two capsules are taken at a time, washed down with clean water without additives. Mezim should not be used if you have pancreatitis, an allergic reaction to the ingredients of the medicine, or intestinal obstruction. The use of the composition can cause bronchial spasm and increased lacrimation. There is a risk of skin reactions and stool disorders, stomach pain. The cost of one pack is about 200 rubles.

An equally well-known name for a medicine against poisoning (alcohol and various foods) is “Festal”. The product is considered effective due to its combined composition. It is intended for short-term use; long-term use can cause pancreatic dysfunction. Dose – one or two tablets after a meal. The cous can take up to a week. You cannot use the medicine if a person is sick with hepatitis, pancreatitis, or stones are detected in the gall bladder. Contraindications include intestinal obstruction and a tendency to loose stools. "Festal" can cause allergies and dyspepsia. The cost of one package is up to 350 rubles.

Vitamins for alcohol poisoning

In order to restore the body, poisoned by toxins and toxic substances, it is necessary to compensate for the deficiency of minerals, micro and macroelements, and be sure to take vitamins for alcohol intoxication.

Folic acid . B vitamins are synthesized by intestinal microflora. Widely used for gastrointestinal diseases caused by alcohol addiction. Daily intake - 5 mg.

"Pantovigar" . Replenishes the body's need for vitamins, minerals, microelements after intoxication, stimulates the immune system, and normalizes metabolic processes. Take 1 capsule 3 times a day.

Norms and parameters

To make it easier to navigate the dangers, ppm was introduced - it is in them that the permissible alcohol levels for a person are calculated. Promille is a thousandth part of the content of a substance. For drivers in our country, 0.16 ppm is allowed. To find out how much you drank, you can test your blood or urine in the laboratory, or you can use a tester that gives instant results - this is a special device that determines the level of alcohol content in the exhaled air.

It has not yet been possible to find out who needs medication more often after alcohol poisoning, and which gender is more resistant to alcohol. They say with confidence that the danger of death is especially high with severe intoxication, if a person is in advanced years, if this is a child, a pregnant woman, as well as the fetus she is carrying. Increased dangers are associated with heart, vascular, and stomach diseases.

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