The benefits of cherry pits. Home remedies using cherry pits



Cherry fruits are very valuable , because the juicy sour pulp contains vitamins A, E, C, H, PP and almost everything from group B. Add to this composition a few more important minerals and you will be convinced that your favorite cherry dumplings will not only be tasty, but also very healthy. What about the seeds? When you are going to make jam, bake a pie, add berries to jelly or jelly, the seeds will certainly go in the trash. Oh, you shouldn't do this, you shouldn't.

cherry pits

Home remedies based on cherry pits have anti-inflammatory, diuretic and restorative effects. The small core contains fluorine, potassium, fats and copper, pantothenic acid, tocopherols and phospholipids. They can be used to make oil that improves metabolism. Sauces and compotes, fruit drinks and various liqueurs are also prepared from fresh seeds.

Benefits for a variety of pathologies

It is the rich composition that makes cherry seeds a very useful product. Since ancient times, folk healers have prepared various home remedies to help people cope with a number of ailments:

  • Gout
  • Uric acid diathesis
  • Arthritis
  • Diabetes
  • Bowel dysfunction
  • Kidney stone disease
  • Joint disease
  • Pneumonia
  • Avitaminosis
  • Heart diseases

To prepare a healthy infusion of cherry pit kernels, pour 200 ml of boiling water over 5 g of crushed kernels. Leave for 15 minutes. Then simply strain. Drink 10 ml three times a day.

We are used to throwing away seeds from fruits and berries. They contain the substance amygdalin, which, under the influence of gastric juice, breaks down into glucose and hydrocyanic acid. Many people are afraid of this very hydrocyanic acid, but if the bone is not broken, amygdalin will not enter the stomach. Therefore, cherry pits found in berries in jam or compotes are safe! Simply, under the influence of elevated temperatures when preparing food for the winter, amygdalin collapses and the formation of hydrocyanic acid does not occur.

Currently reading: Thyme medicinal properties

Why you shouldn't throw away your cherry pits!?Bookmark 75

Don't throw away your cherry pits!

A linen bag thirty by twenty centimeters and 700 grams of dry cherry pits (that’s about 15 kg of fresh cherries) and that’s all! In appearance, everything is very prosaic.

Poetry begins later, as your acquaintance with the “cherry talisman” continues. – a pleasant smell, not only of cherry pits, but also from the linen bag. Linen fabric has been known since ancient times. They made clothes from it for both peasants and pharaohs, sewed bed linen and sails for ships. Linen fabric absorbs moisture very well and dries quickly, is very durable, is a very good conductor of heat and has low electrical conductivity.

The smell of flax is the smell of a hot country summer, the smell of the sun and wide Russian fields with their flowers, singing birds and chirping grasshoppers, the smell is memories, the smell of youth. – rustling of bones – you won’t confuse that sound with anything. It resembles the whisper of reeds by the river, the rustling of hay, the sound of the wind in the treetops, the sound of a distant waterfall. - tactile sensations in your hands when you knead a bag of hot seeds, while inhaling this aroma and listening to the mysterious rustling of the talisman, puts you in a state of complete relaxation and bliss... - the warmth emanating from heated cherry seeds is much calmer, deeper, more pleasant than from the bag with heated salt, sand, cereals, paraffin and other substances and objects that are usually used for these purposes in folk medicine. – parts of the body that come into contact with the heated bag with particular pleasure are the neck and shoulders, lower back and sacrum, feet and hands.

A pouch is the recommended form. It allows you to very comfortably embrace the body anywhere on three sides, and the freely flowing bones easily adapt to the body shape of any person. The idea of ​​using dry heat to warm and treat various diseases, especially chronic ones that accompany pain and muscle spasms, is certainly not new. It has been used in different versions from ancient times to the present day.

However, there is one twist: it’s all about the filler. Fundamental difference from other sources of dry heat: – absolute safety – anti-allergenic – reusable – does not cause burns – easy to store and transport – does not break when dropped or misused – easy to wash and dry – not dangerous for children – does not stain clothes – does not emit unpleasant odors - treatment is accompanied by a quiet, melodic rustling - can be used for hot and cold compresses - in a sitting position stabilizes the cervical and lumbar spine - in a lying position - relieves the same parts - easily heated in a microwave oven, oven on the lid of a pan, on a hot heating radiator - easily cooled in the freezer or on the balcony in winter - can be used as an orthopedic pillow for sleeping - can be used as a massage toy for small children with impaired motor skills of the fingers and toes - used for a huge number of diseases where a person is bothered by the cold , fever, pain and cramps - if you do it yourself, the talisman is practically free

But the most important thing is the confidence that you have your own “cherry talisman”, which will always help in difficult times.

One small addition. If you have a “powerful physique” and you want to lose a couple of three kilograms in one session and win, perhaps the first victory in your life, over cellulite and excess weight, stretch your shoulders, back and legs well - don’t be lazy to make yourself a couple of small bags with cherry pits weighing 200 - 300 grams, and into a bathhouse, a Russian bathhouse with good steam. Ask your friends to give you a good kneading and a special pat (which is more important!). The result will pleasantly surprise you.

Heat treatment is an old time-tested method of treatment, very simple and understandable. Illness comes from the word pain. Old, dull pain is treated with heat, and acute, hot pain is treated with cold. This was the case a thousand and ten thousand years ago.

A little history about the “cherry talisman”.

For centuries, cherry has been considered a magical tree. This is one of the few trees in which all its components were used to treat humans: flowers, berries, berry stalks, juice, leaves, bark, branches, wood, resin, roots, even ash. Oil was made from cherry grains. And now you have learned that you can use even cherry pits to great benefit.

The blossoming Japanese cherry tree, sakura, is a symbol of the Land of the Rising Sun. The cherry was considered the emblem of the samurai: the short, fleeting life of a flower, a bright berry full of joy and the juice of life, a powerful, deeply hidden fortress of a cherry seed, in the depths of which a new life is hidden and reliably protected. Delicate sakura flowers are the souls of deceased ancestors who care for their descendants. In the Christian religion, the cherry fruit is considered a symbol of life and joy. Cherries are even called the berry of paradise, since Christ was often depicted on icons with a cherry in his hands.

It is interesting that many peoples have such a sign: to see yourself picking cherries in a dream is a sign of prosperity and a successful turn in fate, and if you dream of a cherry blossom, then happiness is already close. In Britain, there has long been a belief: if you want to find out whether you are destined to get married and when this will happen, after eating cherries, count the pits, saying: “This year, next year, someday, never.” The last bone will give you the answer.

For many peoples of Eastern Europe, cherries have long been considered a symbol of fertility, so ash, resin and juice from cherries were added to newlyweds’ food and drink, cherry pits were sewn into the bride’s clothes, wedding clothes were embroidered with the image of cherries, and cherry branches were hung over the newlyweds’ bed. There was also a custom that if a woman could not get pregnant or for the birth to be successful, she needed to “roll” in the grass in the morning dew under a blooming or fruiting cherry tree with ripe berries. Wands for love magic are made from cherries, and to make love spells “more reliable,” three dried cherry pits from the church garden were placed in a specially drilled channel.

It is believed that some trees attract spirits, especially cherries and thorns. There is a lot of wishful thinking in the book on health. Look in your home medicine cabinet - there is a lot of things there that you believed in, then bought and tried on yourself or on your loved ones. Maybe this remedy helped you, or maybe time healed you. Who knows?

Throw away expired medications, they are either poison or useless. Place the cherry talisman in the vacant space. Believe me, it will help you stay healthy and vigorous better than many medications. Remember: there are diseases, and there is a painful condition. So, doctors treat diseases, but you can cure a painful condition yourself. Good health and good luck to you!

Jul 15, 2017Olga

Cherry seed medicinal products


You can prepare aromatic oil from the seeds of the berry, which has a beneficial effect on human skin. When it comes into contact with the skin, this oil forms a protection that reduces the harmful effects of UV rays. And consuming oil internally helps prevent cholesterol from accumulating in the body, which reduces the risk of vascular and heart diseases. In addition, the oil is indicated for diseases of the gastrointestinal tract, liver, pneumonia, influenza, etc.

Traditional medicine uses cherry seeds to prepare medicines. The recipes have been around for many years, but to this day they are a priority among people. Using the products, you can treat malfunctions of the urinary system, gout, anemia, diabetes, pneumonia, joint pain, vitamin deficiency, etc.

Content of hydrocyanic acid in plants

How much hydrocyanic acid does the seeds contain?

The specific gravity of amygdalin, from which the toxic substance is released in the peeled seeds, is:

  • bitter almonds - 2.5–3%;
  • apricot - 1–1.8%;
  • peach - 2–3%;
  • plum - 0.96%;
  • cherry - 0.82%;
  • cherry - 0.8%;
  • apple tree - 0.6%.

Consequently, apple seeds contain the least amount of hydrocyanic acid, so the risk of poisoning from these fruits is 4–5 times less than from bitter almonds.

Almond. Harm of almonds

Almonds are considered a dry fruit and not a nut, as many people think.
It has a unique taste and is one of the most popular ingredients in preparing desserts and other dishes. The most fragrant is bitter almonds, which contain poisonous cyanide. This is why bitter almonds are usually processed to remove the poison. Additionally, heating also destroys the venom.

In some countries, such as New Zealand, the sale of bitter almonds is prohibited by law.

Cashew nuts. Harm of cashews

Cashews are seeds, not nuts, that grow from the fruit or “apple” of the cashew.

The cashews sold in the store are not raw and are pre-steamed. This is because raw cashews contain a substance called urushiol, which can also be found in the poison ivy plant and causes allergy symptoms.

Consuming large amounts of urushiol can be fatal. Although cashew poisoning is rare, workers who peel the nut often experience unwanted side effects such as skin irritation.

How to use a heating pad

A heating pad for a warm compress is prepared in the following ways:

  • the bag of kernels is heated in the oven for 5 minutes at 150 degrees;
  • can be heated in the microwave - 3 minutes at 600 W;
  • put it on the battery for 40 minutes.

A warm pillow should be applied to the place where you want to relieve pain or spasm.

cherry pits benefits for the body
To prepare a cold compress, place the pillow with bones in the freezer. In winter, a bag of cherry kernels can be taken out onto the balcony.

Foot massage

What medicinal herbs are collected in August?

Using berry seeds, a stimulating foot massage is performed. Here are active points associated with all organs. Therefore, this procedure strengthens the immune system, improves blood flow, and improves overall well-being. It is especially useful to do such a massage for those who are often susceptible to colds and sore throats.

Foot massage is carried out by walking for several minutes on a layer of berry seeds. To prevent them from scattering all over the floor, make a special mat. The washed and dried bones are laid out on a thick cloth coated with glue.

Mushrooms. Edible and poisonous mushrooms

Mushrooms are considered a delicacy in many countries around the world where they are grown commercially. But, as you know, there is also a family of poisonous mushrooms.

Many people believe that there are telltale signs of poisonous mushrooms, such as a ring on the stem, an unpleasant odor, and bright colors. However, the only sure way to distinguish an edible mushroom from a poisonous one is to know and understand mushrooms well.

Signs of mushroom poisoning may appear after 1-2 hours, sometimes after 8-12 hours, and include abdominal pain, vomiting, nausea and diarrhea. You can also be poisoned by poorly prepared and spoiled edible mushrooms.

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