Crocodile | Desomorphine is the drug of poor drug addicts

Like heroin or morphine, desomorphine is an opioid. It belongs to the class of powerful painkillers. Only, just like its other two brothers, it causes rapid addiction. This narcotic substance was first synthesized in America in 1932 by the outstanding scientist Small. But it was patented only two years later.

It is worth noting that Small worked under the direction of the National Research Council. Money came from there to finance his research. The scientist and his leadership had one goal - to create a drug that would be endowed with all the best properties of opioids, but would not cause drug addiction. Even in those early years, the American government was concerned about the growth of drug addiction among the country's population.

It was assumed that medical dependence on the drug would be reduced. And this will allow to reduce its production significantly. Scientist Small was inspired by the example of novocaine, which is a safe analogue of cocaine. After all, it does not provoke the development of addiction. It was planned to do the same with morphine. Small's research led to the development of the following drugs: desomorphine, monoacetylmorphine and methopone.


Experiments have shown that desomorphine is approximately 9 times more effective than morphine. And it was required an order of magnitude less to relax tense muscles, relieve pain and cause enveloping euphoria. It was also possible to reduce the risk of respiratory depression. Only later it turned out that the drug, despite such impressive indicators, is capable of causing even greater affection than morphine, which it was created to replace.

At the beginning of 1940, Roche produced the first batch of desomorphine to order. Only now it was released for sale under the name Permonides. This drug was used only for patients in the postoperative period. Permonides had one significant drawback - a short storage time. Therefore, after 12 years it was removed from production. True, the life path of desomorphine does not end there.


  1. Why "crocodile"?
  2. Dangerous mixture
  3. Symptoms of desomorphine addiction
  4. "Crocodile" action
  5. Consequences of using the drug "krokodil"
  6. Treating addiction on your own
  7. How desomorphine addiction is treated in a drug treatment center

Desomorphine - LandRecently, the drug desomorphine has become increasingly popular in youth circles.
Its unofficial name is “crocodile”. He came to Russia around 2000. At first it was used only for medical purposes, when helping people with cancer. The product worked well as a pain reliever. Scientists created desomorphine as a replacement for morphine.
They tried to develop an analgesic that would not cause drug addiction. Unfortunately, they didn't succeed. Later it turned out that, like morphine, “crocodile” contributes to the development of drug addiction. Therefore, they stopped prescribing him as an oncology treatment. But drug addicts, having learned about the new product, were delighted. For them, it became a great way to get an inexpensive high.

Desomorphine: history, appearance and composition

Today “Krokodil” is a cheap drug that is not difficult to prepare.

It appeared in the thirties of the last century and was initially supposed to become a safe and effective substitute for morphine. This drug had a strong analgesic property, but subsequently drew people into a tenacious drug addiction.

During a series of experiments with the morphine molecule, scientists obtained several similar substances, the most promising of which were desomorphine and methadone.

The first was obtained by reacting codeine with thionyl chloride. After a few laboratory tests on animals, it was desomorphine that proved to be a faster and stronger anesthetic. For some time it was used abroad to reduce postoperative pain.

But desomorphine did not take root in medicine for long. Subsequent studies made it clear that dependence on this substance developed much faster than on morphine, and the analgesic effect was not long enough - about four hours.

Drugs desomorphine: statics, infographics

The biggest danger of desomorphine is availability. As anti-drug sanctions tightened, cocaine and heroin became harder to come by. Therefore, drug addicts began to look for replacements for them.

As a result, a homemade drug, “crocodile,” appeared on the market. Why artisanal? But because, until recently, all the components for its production could be bought at any pharmacy without a prescription. They weren't expensive. From these, through simple manipulations, in approximately 2 hours a person could obtain the desired potent narcotic substance.

The main ingredient of “krokodil” is drugs containing codeine. To prepare one dose of the drug, just 10 tablets are enough. Codeine is an opium alkaloid. In combination with other substances, it is used in the manufacture of some antitussive and painkillers. When used consciously, codeine is quite safe.

Amphetamine overdose

In the manufacture of drugs they use:

  • any codeine-containing medications (“Codelac”, “Pentalgin”, “Piralgin”, “Sedal-M”, “Sedalgin-Neo”, “Terpinkod”, “Tetralgin”, “Solpadein”, etc.);
  • technical acids and solvents;
  • phosphorus;
  • match sulfur;
  • alkalis;
  • iodine.

Almost all of the above products are highly toxic and contain heavy metals. Therefore, the injection site of desomorphine immediately becomes inflamed, suppuration appears, the skin around it cracks and becomes covered with scabs that look like scales. It was the condition of the skin that gave the drug its second name – “crocodile”.

In terms of its effects on the human body, desomorphine is 5 times stronger than heroin and 20 times more toxic than morphine. Dependence on it occurs after the first administration and is accompanied by terrible withdrawal symptoms (withdrawal) that last up to a month.

Dangerous mixture

The consequences of taking desomorphine are very dangerous to health. Today this drug is prepared at home. Whatever is added to the mixture to make it more fun. In action are:

It’s even scary to imagine what effect this mixture has on the human body. The age of information technology only aggravates the situation - today you can find many different recipes for preparing the drug on the Internet. Therefore, any person with basic knowledge of chemistry can make himself a “hellish mess” with minimal financial investment.

The saddest consequence of desomorphine is death. And it occurs quite often in drug treatment practice. This is not surprising, because of all the active compounds, only iodine and sulfur can be taken internally. All other ingredients have a strong toxic effect on the drug addict’s body.

Symptoms of desomorphine addiction

At the very beginning of the disease, no terrible changes in the patient’s health state occur. At the injection site, reddened and slightly inflamed skin is visible. But it’s not easy to notice - the addict hides “problem” areas from loved ones.

A little later the following symptoms become noticeable:

  • The patient constantly smells of medicine. Moreover, the smell is very persistent and does not disappear even after changing clothes or taking a shower. Even eau de toilette cannot overcome it. This happens due to the fact that the body is literally saturated with harmful toxins and dangerous compounds.
  • Inability to sleep at night - Ugodiye
    Inability to sleep at night. The drug addict constantly complains of insomnia. Because of this, he is lethargic during the day and often wants to sleep during the working day.

  • Weight is decreasing. Even thin people lose weight. Appetite completely disappears. The reason for this is severe poisoning.
  • Constricted pupils. Against the background of dark “pupil dots” you can also notice the reddened whites of the eyes. The gaze of an addict is also frightening. It becomes "empty".
  • Closedness. If the patient was previously active and sociable, then gradually he turns into a very withdrawn person. His behavior seems strange to his relatives. A person is not interested in what is happening around him. At the same time, he often borrows money or even starts stealing.
  • Inflamed veins. This consequence of using desomorphine cannot be excluded. Veins react very sharply to the fact that toxic compounds are injected into them. They turn red, swell, and become painful to the touch.

People taking desomorphine often get colds. Their immunity is greatly reduced.

Signs of a drug addict

It is quite simple to identify a person who uses such hard drugs; too serious changes occur. Since opiates have a strong “inhibiting” effect, this is manifested in the external behavior of the addict - his speech becomes very drawn out and unhurried, his behavior is sluggish, and there is drowsiness. Another clear sign of a person using desomorphine is a constricted pupil.

It is worth paying attention to the general appearance - systemic use of opiates does not improve appearance. The condition of the skin worsens, in severe cases ulcers and ulcers appear, teeth fall out and crumble. If a person brews the drug himself, then a sure sign is the characteristic smell of iodine from his clothes.

"Crocodile" action

To describe the principle of action of desomorphine, you need to describe in detail what changes occur in the human body from the moment of using the first dose:

  • Toxic components that enter the blood have a destructive effect on the walls of blood vessels. Numerous small internal burns form. Reflexively, the veins begin to narrow. Some are completely clogged. Blood can no longer flow through the affected veins. To administer the next doses, the addict is forced to look for other places.
  • All areas where injections were given turn into ulcers. The skin dies off - it literally begins to rot. The more often a drug addict injects, the more dead zones there are on his body. The arms and legs are most often affected.
  • Carried by the bloodstream - Land
    Since the narcotic drug is carried through the bloodstream throughout the body, it destroys internal organs. Soon the addict is diagnosed with multiple organ failure. This means that the liver, kidneys, heart, lungs, pancreas, stomach, brain are working to the limit of their capabilities and gradually fail.

The result of all these changes is painful death. Desomorphine addicts rot for several months and then die.

First aid for overdose

In order to save a person in case of an overdose of desomorphine, it is imperative to call an ambulance and send the victim to the intensive care unit. The hospital administers the drug Naloxone, which is considered an antidote to desomorphine.

Basic first aid methods:

  1. Give the victim a few glasses of water with activated carbon or other sorbent.
  2. Press your fingers on the root of the tongue, causing the person to vomit.
  3. You can give the victim a saline laxative.
  4. He needs to be woken up by any means, if this is not possible, turn the victim onto his right side, placing a hand bent at the elbow under his head.
  5. The person needs to be covered with a blanket or clothing, warming his body until the doctor arrives.
  6. If there is no breathing, artificial respiration can be attempted.

All other methods of emergency assistance in case of an overdose of desomorphine are provided by the ambulance team.

Consequences of using the drug "krokodil"

Among the complications that arise from the moment of using a prohibited substance:

  • vein thrombosis;
  • formation of ulcers, gangrene;
  • putrefactive tissue changes;
  • abscesses;
  • formation of benign tumors;
  • Hepatitis C - Land

  • hepatitis C;
  • the appearance of scales throughout the body;
  • severe renal, cardiac and pulmonary failure;
  • stomach ulcer;
  • muscle pain.

Quitting desomorphine is not easy. If the patient tries to stop taking the drug, he develops painful withdrawal symptoms. It is almost impossible to cope with it without qualified drug treatment. As a result, the patient cannot stand it and gives himself another lethal injection.

How desomorphine addiction is treated in a drug treatment center

The beginning of therapy is aimed at cleansing the patient’s body of poisons and toxins. For this purpose, detoxification drips are placed. Particular attention is paid to the physical condition of the addict. To relieve symptoms of withdrawal, doctors use special medications and physical procedures.

Psychotropic - Land
During the course, emerging diseases of internal organs are eliminated. Additionally, mild psychotropic, sedative, and hypnotics are used. A psychotherapist actively works with a drug addict. If a client comes to the center with an overdose, cardiopulmonary resuscitation and drip detox are performed on an emergency basis.

You shouldn't joke with desomorphine. Despite the fact that it is affordable and quite easy to prepare in artisanal conditions, it is better to never try it. One dose can divide life into “before” and “after”. And no one knows how this “after” will end. But the forecasts are unfavorable.

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