Polysorb is a new generation drug. The new product is a gift from Russian scientists. Polysorb is an excellent remedy specifically for domestic latitudes, where they often suffer from hangovers and live in environmentally unfavorable places. The active ingredient is silicon dioxide. There are no additives. Dilute with water or other liquid. Polysorb is effective for any type of intoxication. The action is aimed at a bunch of molecules.
By taking Polysorb as a suspension, you can expect that the product will remove allergens, toxins, bacteria, and viruses from the body. The drug is not absorbed into the blood and does not remain in the organs. It works only in the stomach and intestines, elimination is delicate. Polysorb can be used even by children. The effect is noticeable after half an hour.
Operating principle
In the dry language of the instructions, the drug Polysorb is a product based on colloidal silicon dioxide, an inorganic substance that ensures the ability of the enterosorbent to absorb molecules of biological origin. Silicon dioxide particles are so small (less than 0.09 mm) that when they enter the digestive tract, they surround and “bind” toxins that enter the digestive tract without any health consequences. This drug is not metabolized and is not absorbed into the intestinal walls - it, along with “captured” toxic molecules, is released naturally. The mechanism of action of Polysorb allows it to equally effectively combat alcohol intoxication, food poisoning and allergies.
So, we found out how to take Polysorb for a hangover. The drug is therefore almost absolutely safe and harmless when used correctly.
But, of course, like any other medication, this drug also has contraindications. You should not take this sorbent, for example, if you have ulcers and various types of bleeding in the gastrointestinal tract or intestinal atony. Also, of course, treatment with Polysorb is not carried out if you are allergic to silicon dioxide.
About positive qualities
Polysorb, as the most modern enterosorbent, is not only safe for health (which is especially important during hangover overload of the body and individual internal organs), but is also able to treat the painful consequences of drunkenness by eliminating the very cause of the painful condition, that is, alcohol intoxication.
This is one of the most effective hangover remedies. There are several reasons for this:
- speed of action;
The drug begins to have a therapeutic effect within the first hour after administration
- the strength of the effect produced;
- ability to act as a preventative measure.
As user reviews show, this drug begins to have a therapeutic effect within the first hour after administration, and after 1-2 hours the patient already feels normal. The principle of its operation is the detection and absorption of products of the body's processing of alcohol components with their subsequent elimination. Polysorb acts in the intestines, where the listed “waste” enters through a network of small blood and lymphatic vessels along with bile, pancreatic secretions and other substances sent by the body for processing. This is what allows the product to quickly “eliminate” hangover symptoms such as nausea and vomiting, diarrhea, and headache.
The effect of Polysorb, as stated by the manufacturer, is stronger than the effect on a hangover of similar means. It not only performs its functions faster than its analogues, but also “works” several times stronger, providing a full range of services for removing alcohol toxins from the blood and internal organs with a minimum dose. Moreover, this enterosorbent is an absolutely harmless medicine based on natural silicon compounds.
High-quality prevention is the key to health or, at a minimum, high-quality, fast and painless treatment. If you take Polysorb before a planned feast, the removal of ethyl alcohol processing products from alcohol will begin when the alcohol first enters the body. After all, a hangover is formed exactly this way: drinking an intoxicating drink:
- absorbed into the blood;
- spreads throughout internal organs;
- begins to be processed, in the process attacking the cardiovascular, digestive and nervous systems.
When taken on time, the drug prevents the development of alcohol intoxication and protects the body from the harmful effects of ethanol.
It is obvious that Polysorb is useful and effective, and the fact that the list of contraindications for this remedy is vanishingly small also speaks in its favor.
It is not recommended to take the drug for people diagnosed with acute peptic ulcer of the stomach or duodenum
Rules of application
It is recommended to take the medicine for hangover syndrome for 2 days according to the regimen indicated in the instructions.
On the first day, you need to use the medication 5 times, diluting 2 tablespoons of powder in 1/2 glass of water.
The solution can be consumed at regular intervals. The optimal interval is 1 hour.
On the second day, the drug should be consumed in a smaller volume - 4 times. In this case, the time intervals between doses should be somewhat longer.
The medication can be chewed for single use to avoid complications after the feast. The amount of powder is selected depending on body weight.
Admission rules
It is very easy to avoid painful symptoms in the morning after a feast if you use Polysorb to quickly remove metabolites of drunk alcohol from the body. The recipe for “good morning” with this component is simple: prepare the drug according to the instructions and drink before the feast. It is advisable to repeat the medication after finishing the libations (preferably before bedtime) and in the morning after waking up. It is especially important to finish drinking alcohol with the drug - it will not only provide a “milder” hangover without a lot of painful and humiliating symptoms, but will also protect against low-quality drinking.
Even in cases where Polysorb was not used for prophylactic purposes, it can also be drunk to recover from a hangover, only in different dosages. The basic principles of administration are the same - stir and drink the mixture in one sip. If the symptoms do not go away, enterosorbent should be taken in the permitted portions every two hours until the person returns to normal health (but no more than 5 times a day).
Reviews on the forums show that Polysorb can also be used to restore health during acute withdrawal syndrome, and this can be done quite easily by selecting the correct dosage and application regimen. It is advisable to combine the intake with plenty of fluids and other drugs with an action similar to the enterosorbent, for example, activated carbon. Also, in a state of severe withdrawal, combining the drug with more effective measures to overcome a hangover is indicated.
Additional measures to combat hangover
The drug helps reduce the manifestations of hangover syndrome. But the harm it causes to the body can also be reduced. For this purpose it is necessary:
- give preference to high-quality alcoholic drinks in sealed containers;
- observe the conditions and temperature of storage of the drink;
- choose the right products for alcoholic snacks;
- follow the rules for drinking each type of alcohol;
- stop in a timely manner;
- Do not mix different alcoholic drinks with each other, the only exception being the creation of cocktails according to an established recipe.
READ Polysorb instructions for use for children
If you follow these recommendations, you can minimize the likelihood of poisoning and get even more pleasure from the process of drinking alcohol.
Contraindications and indications
The effectiveness of Polysorb is emphasized by the fact that it has virtually no contraindications. It is not recommended to use it in the fight against a hangover only for people diagnosed with:
- individual intolerance to the drug;
- acute peptic ulcer of the stomach or duodenum;
- damage to the mucous membranes of the intestines;
- obstruction.
In other cases, the maximum side effect that can be feared is constipation, which has been recorded in isolated cases of using the drug. With long-term use of the medication, not only harmful substances are removed from the body, but also some minerals (mainly calcium) and vitamins. This can be avoided by adjusting the course of treatment and adding appropriate vitamin and mineral complexes to the diet.
This medication is indicated both to speed up the recovery of the body during a hangover, and to strengthen the body during poisoning. You can fight hangover syndrome with Polysorb if you have the following symptoms:
- nausea and vomiting;
You can combat hangover syndrome with Polysorb if you have symptoms such as dizziness, shortness of breath, sweating, etc. tremor.
- dizziness;
- dyspnea;
- sweating;
- tremor.
Also, the indications for the use of the drug include the situations already described:
- preventive protection of the body before drinking;
- rapid removal of alcohol from the blood after abuse;
- support and assistance in restoring health after binge drinking.
Due to its ability to absorb harmful breakdown products of alcohol, Polysorb is effective, and since it contains the natural component silicon, the drug is completely eliminated from the body over time without accumulating.
Most people respond well to Polysorb. Sites that conduct user voting, determine the rating and popularity of drugs, give the drug high ratings.
Most of the stories involve allergies and food poisoning. Finding hangover stories is difficult, but the good reviews outweigh the bad ones by a factor of a hundred. Some users, however, having listened to low-quality advertising or misunderstood the properties of the medication, use it for “general cleansing of the body,” meaning preventive use of the drug in a course to improve well-being. Unfortunately, significant results are not expected. Polysorb cleanses the intestines, but will not help against dirty air and gas emissions. Additional means are used to cleanse the lungs.
Positive reviews
Oleg: Excellent for poisoning and hangovers. It cleanses the intestines well in case of food poisoning. Relieved symptoms of poisoning, nausea and fever. It is easy to drink, the consistency is like jelly, has no taste, and does not irritate.
Anna: Great medicine to prevent a hangover! We swam - we know. I feel bad after New Year's feasts with alcohol, I drank Polysorb beforehand. Having accidentally mixed two types of champagne, I woke up in the morning without a hint of a headache or nausea. Inconvenient shape and packaging. It does not close well, and the powder is dusty; swallowing this dust with your nose is not useful. There are no complaints about the drug. I think it's worth keeping at home.
Mikhail: Great thing, it’s good for treating alcohol intoxication. My wife gave me some pickle instead of the classic one, and in the end there wasn’t a trace of alcohol, I definitely didn’t drink it. I slept great.
Olga: I used Polysorb for various reasons. Overall an excellent sorbent. If the hangover is in full force, it is useless. It will definitely improve the condition for two or three hours, but then the headache and nausea will return.
Arkady: I react poorly to alcohol, it acts quickly and strongly if I drink a little. They recommended Polysorb, it really helps if you drink it in advance, you will feel less intoxicated and there will be no hangover.
Nikolay: Effective. If you dilute two full spoons in water and drink it before alcoholic gatherings, you won’t experience a hangover, even if you’ve drunk a lot. I try to play it safe with this remedy; I try not to drink alcohol without it. If it were cheaper, there would be no price...
Claudia: I saved my husband from alcohol intoxication more than once. At feasts, low-quality alcohol is not uncommon, no matter how much you drink, it will be bad. I use it to treat food poisoning. Promotes weight loss. My son found it useful for his allergies. A good drug for the family. Worth keeping on hand. I think everyone who lives in large cities should drink Polysorb - there is a lot of rubbish in the air, the body should be cleansed regularly. But it’s better not to overdo it, especially for people with gastritis, otherwise your stomach will hurt.
Neutral reviews
Irina: Indispensable after festive feasts - it helps and improves the condition. But if you decide to cleanse your body, the result is very doubtful. My husband and I drank for three days after New Year’s week - there was no effect. It is much easier to drink than activated carbon. You don't have to swallow tons.
Elena: My husband drank while he was drinking too much at the table. He says it helps. I haven't tried it myself.
Roman: The effect is good, it helped quickly, but the packaging is large and inconvenient to drink. In my opinion, it is difficult to drink: the consistency is unpleasant. And the price is quite high, considering how quickly it is used up. Enterosgel is better.
Negative reviews
Oksana: The drug acts on my body like sandpaper, it’s hard, there’s no effect. I took it, and there was a feeling that something was tearing at my stomach and intestines. When I had a severe hangover, I tried to drink Polysorb again, but the vaunted enterosorbent did not help.
Users vs Producers
Manufacturers of enterosorbent claim that the action time of their product is only 4 minutes - during this time Polysorb should begin to neutralize the alcohol entering the body. Manufacturers also claim that the ability of this drug to absorb and make ethanol safe in strength and speed is 60 times greater than that of activated carbon. User reviews do not always agree with the creators' statements, although there are practically no negative opinions regarding the product:
Olga, Moscow: “The drug helped me on New Year’s Eve from poisoning. In two hours I eliminated nausea and stomach pain. And in the morning I took it for a hangover (it was very bad). He helped, which I’m very happy about.”
Kristina, Samara: “I’ve been familiar with the drug for a very long time. My brother also advised me during his student years. Until now, I always have it, like activated carbon, in the first aid kit. The method of application is simple, so if you need to overcome a hangover, then this is exactly the drug you were looking for!
Irina, Voronezh: “I had to buy this drug for my wife against a hangover. In general, he rarely drinks alcohol with me, but the last time he was very ill. I wanted to call an ambulance for him, but a friend advised me to try Polysorb treatment first. My husband suffered for several more hours after taking it, and then everything just went away. Thanks to domestic pharmaceuticals!”
A logical conclusion can be drawn: although the effectiveness and safety of Polysorb are not refuted by the reviews of those who have already tried it, the “power” and speed of action of the drug are still called into question. However, this is not a reason not to try this remedy if necessary.
Main signs of alcohol poisoning
If after a feast you need to go to work the next morning, then the first question you are interested in is how long the smell of fumes will last and when the period of cleansing the body will end.
It depends on many factors. After all, bad breath, like other unpleasant symptoms, is the action of fusel poisons, which are processed and removed gradually, through sweat, saliva, urine and even feces.
The time depends on how severe the poisoning turned out to be. Experts distinguish several stages:
- easy, in which you can safely go about your business in the morning;
- moderate, when the symptoms of a hangover are expressed in nausea, headache, dry mouth and thirst, and general malaise;
- severe, in which the functioning of the cardiovascular system and respiratory organs is disrupted. A person can lose consciousness, fall into a coma, or simply die. And this requires serious medical attention.
First aid is to remove toxins from the body as quickly as possible. This means it should be cleaned. Then the smell of fumes will quickly go away.
Review analysis
It turns out that Polysorb is a drug that acts in the intestines: it cannot neutralize substances raging through the blood, but it can interfere with the absorption of new substances and their interaction with the body. Negative reviews about the drug or about the low effect occur because people took the drug too late: there were practically no harmful substances left in the intestines.
It is more appropriate to take Polysorb for alcohol poisoning:
- Before the feast, so that less ethyl alcohol is absorbed through the mucous membranes.
- After a feast, before bedtime, so that less ethanol is absorbed.
- After waking up, neutralizing the symptoms of a hangover. If more than six hours have passed since drinking alcohol, the effect may be temporary (the hangover will return).
The first method is recognized as the most effective based on the mechanism of action of the drug on the body and according to reviews of people who have taken the drug. Users note: the medication does not completely block the sensations of alcohol, but prolongs the sober state during the holiday. The second method only reinforces the effect of the first and allows you to completely avoid a hangover in the morning. Taking it in the morning will keep a person in good shape and allow him to think more clearly after a hangover, consolidating and completely neutralizing the effect of alcohol taken last night.