How to cleanse the intestines with activated carbon: instructions and reviews from doctors

Activated carbon is a sorbent of natural origin in the form of black tablets or capsules, sold in pharmacies. It is necessary to cleanse the intestines with activated carbon in case of stool upset, flatulence, consumption of poor-quality food, or alcohol intake. You can clean the gastrointestinal tract (GIT) at home after prior consultation with your doctor.

Activated carbon tablets

Cleansing rules

Intestinal obstruction

The fact that the intestines are clogged can be determined by certain signs. Doctors identify the following symptoms:

  • Whitish coating on the tongue.
  • Skin rashes on the lower part of the face, as well as on the neck.
  • Constipation and rare bowel movements indicate very poor functioning of this organ. A person should defecate at least once a day. Gastroenterologists think so. If stool is rare, then it should be stimulated. Otherwise, the remaining feces will decompose and poison the body.
  • A tired face also indicates poor bowel function.
  • Often such a patient experiences bloating and general weakness.
  • Bad breath indicates that this organ is clogged.

If feces remain in the intestines for a long time, they begin to decompose and be absorbed into the blood. Gradually, various growths, mucus and even mold appear.


Like any other drug, activated carbon has its own direct indications for its use in a specific clinical situation. Considering that in this case a person uses enterosorbent not for the purpose of treating toxic poisoning, but to cleanse the intestinal cavity, it is recommended to use this medication in the following cases:

  • a feeling of heaviness inside the abdomen, which is localized closer to the navel or solar plexus area (indicates that over many years of life, a large amount of slag formations and metabolic products have accumulated inside the intestines, which prevent its normal functioning);
  • pale skin, the presence of dark circles under the eyes, the origin of which could not be established even with the help of a comprehensive examination of the body;
  • unpleasant odor from the mouth, reminiscent of rotten eggs;
  • physical weakness and rapid fatigue after performing habitual actions or any type of work;
  • frequent allergic reactions, manifested in the form of skin rashes, eczema, hives and other red spots that have not previously been observed on the human body;
  • sleep disturbance, which is expressed in insomnia at night and increased sleepiness during the day;
  • poor appetite, rapid onset of a feeling of fullness in the stomach when a very small amount of food has been eaten;
  • periodic intestinal disorder, expressed in the appearance of sudden liquid diarrhea or prolonged constipation (both clinical situations are pathologies that require cleansing of this organ);
  • poor digestion of food eaten, when an excess amount of fiber and food particles are found in the stool that have not been sufficiently digested;
  • increased gas formation, which bothers a person, both on an empty and full stomach;
  • premature aging syndrome with a large number of facial wrinkles on the surface of the face, when their severity and depth do not correspond to the patient’s biological age.

It is important to remember that each person is an individual with his own characteristics and specifics of the functioning of the gastrointestinal tract , therefore it is possible that there may be other direct indications for the use of activated carbon to cleanse the intestinal cavity in order to restore the active functioning of the digestive system and rejuvenate in general .

How to cleanse the intestines

Recently, all kinds of internal organ cleansing have become popular. You can hear a lot of advice on how to cleanse the liver, stomach, blood, and so on. But for some reason everyone forgets that any cleansing and rejuvenating procedures should begin with the intestines. The most popular methods are the following:

  • Sour apples have proven themselves to be excellent. Doctors advise spending one day on an apple diet. To do this, eat only sour apples during the day and drink enough clean water. You cannot eat any more foods on this day. Feces usually begin to pass within 3-4 hours. Sometimes this process lasts until the night. This method will not only get rid of toxins, but also saturate the body with vitamins and microelements. Apples are a source of antioxidants, pectins and huge amounts of iron. They refresh and rejuvenate the blood composition, which immediately affects the appearance.
  • Cleansing with bran is a fairly gentle and safe method. For it you will need two tablespoons of wheat bran, poured with one glass of warm boiled water. The mixture is infused for three hours and drunk in small sips.
  • You can also mix bran with kefir in the evening, and drink the resulting mixture on an empty stomach in the morning before meals. True, this method does not work for everyone. Sometimes it is not possible to stir up a lazy stomach with kefir.
  • Flaxseed oil and flour from this plant are also great for getting rid of toxins in the intestines. They are consumed as follows: in the morning on an empty stomach, eat one spoon of flour and after 20 minutes drink 2 teaspoons of oil. This remedy will not only saturate the body with such important substances as polyunsaturated acids omega-3 and omega-6, but will also help improve the functioning of the gastrointestinal tract. The course of treatment is usually 2-3 days. In the future, they simply keep the intestines clean and do not allow toxins to accumulate.
  • To stimulate gastric motility, eat cabbage salad, generously seasoned with vinegar and sunflower oil.

Sometimes it can be difficult to stick to any kind of diet or exhaust yourself by eating apples throughout the day. The most optimal way, according to experts, is to cleanse the intestines using activated carbon. You can learn from specialists how to do this correctly.

Features of nutrition during treatment with charcoal

During the course of cleansing, and for 2-3 weeks after it, the patient must follow a therapeutic diet. It is necessary to avoid heavy meat foods, fried, sour, salty and pickled foods. The emphasis should be on consuming fruits and vegetables, cereals, light soups, and foods rich in vitamins and minerals.

Your diet should include fermented milk products rich in lactobacilli. This will compensate for the loss of beneficial microorganisms in the intestines and avoid many problems associated with microflora imbalance.

During the treatment period, you need to ensure that meals do not coincide in time with the intake of enterosorbent. This will reduce the effectiveness of the drug and the degree of absorption of nutrients from food. You need to take charcoal 1.5-2 hours before or after meals.


You can also use pharmaceutical products to clean this organ. For example, drugs that irritate the gastric mucosa and cause an attack of bowel movements. These include Metamucil and Citrucel. As well as various laxatives containing herbal ingredients or salt. Their beneficial effect appears 4 hours after the start of administration. To soften feces and then remove them from the intestines, medications with oils are used.

In emergency cases, use laxatives. In case of an overdose, diarrhea and stool upset may occur for several days. They should not be taken more than once or twice as they cause dehydration.

Historical background

How to drink activated charcoal correctly for effective and safe colon cleansing

In the 3rd millennium BC, ancient India began to use coal powder to purify water. In the 15th century AD, the Egyptians began to use burnt charcoal for medicinal purposes - for poisoning and intestinal disorders.

In Russia, activated carbon received huge demand in the 18th century, and it was like this: residents of the northern regions in winter took large portions of seal fat, which caused them to often have bouts of diarrhea.

Initially, “earthen sour cream” was used to cleanse the stomach - a mixture of white clay and porous zeolites, and soon the product was replaced with burnt charcoal from birch and larch.

From the end of the 18th century to the present day, activated carbon has become the most popular sorbent for removing harmful components from the body at home, as well as for filtering spring water.

The highest quality raw materials for the drug are obtained from burnt coconut shells. In Europe, charcoal tablets made from beech and birch are more popular.

During the combustion of wood, black powder is obtained, and talc, starch, white clay or sodium salt are added to the substance to form dragees.

Properties of activated carbon

Charcoal tablets

This sorbent is considered an absolutely safe drug that can be used by children and pregnant women. It is often used for various poisonings, although in most cases this is absolutely futile. If toxins enter the bloodstream, activated carbon will not be able to remove them. It copes well with diarrhea, stabilizes the condition of intestinal infections and prevents poisoning from low-quality products. In a word, at the slightest discomfort that arises after eating, take this sorbent.

Activated carbon is a sorbent that has been proven over the years

Activated carbon has been used as a sorbent by traditional and alternative medicine for hundreds of years. Its healing properties were known to the ancient Greeks and Egyptians. And today, probably, there is no person who would not be familiar with this drug. We take this medicine at the first signs of poisoning, flatulence, diarrhea, after a stormy feast and in other situations that require timely detoxification of the body.

To produce activated carbon, environmentally friendly charcoal, coal and petroleum coke or other carbon-containing organic materials are used. The raw materials are charred and processed (activated) by thermochemical method, carbon dioxide or superheated steam. As a result of such actions, the pores are actively opened, which will subsequently allow the successful absorption of toxic substances.

Contraindications for use

There are diseases for which the use of activated carbon is prohibited:

  • It is highly undesirable to constantly use the sorbent for stomach ulcers. It will irritate the mucous membrane and cause an unpleasant sensation to the patient. Therefore, before cleaning your intestines with activated charcoal, you should go to the doctor.
  • You cannot take any other drugs at the same time as the sorbent. Because of this, their beneficial effect is noticeably reduced, since activated carbon does not allow medications to be fully absorbed into the walls of the stomach. In a word, coal will absorb all components of the drug.
  • If internal organs are bleeding, it is not possible to cleanse the intestines of toxins with activated carbon.

When completing the course, it is extremely important to use the sorbent correctly, and then no problems will arise. On forums on the Internet you can find many positive reviews about how to cleanse the stomach and intestines with activated carbon.

The benefits of coal

Coal in capsules

It helps pregnant women cope with toxicosis and also cleanse the intestines of toxins. Activated carbon for diseases of the gastrointestinal tract relieves the patient of excess hydrochloric acid. It is used for bloating and gas formation. Doctors recommend consuming charcoal for diabetes and gallstone disease.

More recently, scientists have discovered another property of activated carbon. This product is capable of binding and removing radionuclides, as well as carcinogenic substances.

Disadvantages of the method

Like any method of treatment, cleaning with activated carbon has its disadvantages and advantages. Before you cleanse your intestines with activated charcoal (doctors' reviews are given below), you should find out about them. For example, the sorbent should not be taken for too long, as it prevents the absorption of not only harmful substances into the walls of the stomach, but also useful ones. Ultimately, a person stops receiving the required amount of vitamins and microelements. Sometimes regular intake of activated carbon leads to intolerance and rejection by the body.

Who should not practice this type of cleansing?

It is important for everyone who is going to do it not to overdo it with cleansing. Even healthy people should not drink activated carbon for too long, as this can lead to exhaustion of the body and also disrupt metabolic processes. If this medicine is abused, there may be a significant deficiency of minerals and vitamins in the body. The development of diarrhea or constipation and nausea is likely.

If you take this drug for too long against the background of a deficiency of vitamins and minerals, quite serious consequences can appear: deterioration of the immune system, aging of the skin, deterioration of vision and dental condition, heart damage.

Long-term use of charcoal can provoke allergic reactions.

But if healthy people should carefully monitor their health during the period of taking charcoal, then those who suffer from serious illnesses should not practice this method under any circumstances.


  • peptic ulcer;
  • bleeding in the stomach or suspicion of such a condition;
  • nonspecific ulcerative colitis;
  • pregnancy and lactation;
  • high sensitivity to the drug.

How to cleanse the intestines with activated charcoal


Reviews say that the number of tablets is calculated based on body weight. Only one sorbent tablet is taken per 10 kg of human weight. Rounding is done downward. For example, if your weight is 74 kg, then you will need 7 tablets. Take them daily, but not more than one month. To treat constipation and cleanse the intestines, it is recommended to use a double dose of the drug. That is, the same number of tablets is taken in the morning and evening. To lose weight, it is enough to use the drug once a day.

Instructions for use

Black Coal Tablets

In addition to the usual method of use, there are several other methods of application:

  • Take tablets as they increase, starting with two tablets per day and ending with 12. After which the intake is stopped and resumed again after 3 days.
  • For one week, use a double dose of activated carbon, divided into three parts, after which they take a break for 2 weeks and continue treatment again. The dosage is calculated based on the patient's weight. One tablet per 10 kg. Thus, a patient weighing 60 kg will take 4 tablets in the morning, 4 at lunch and 4 before bed. Before cleansing the intestines with activated carbon, dosages are calculated individually.
  • There is another method. You can cleanse the intestines with activated charcoal and tea made from cleansing herbs: St. John's wort, nettle, echinacea or chicory. In such cases, you will need no more than 3-5 pieces of coal per day. Herbal tea is drunk twice a day: morning and evening.

Food during cleansing should be as fortified as possible. Since the sorbent removes useful substances from the body, they should be obtained with food in much larger quantities. Before cleansing the intestines with activated charcoal before an ultrasound, consult your doctor.

White coal

White coal

Now on sale you can find white coal, which, according to manufacturers, absorbs only harmful substances, leaving all the useful ones. Its main component is silicon dioxide. The drug is indicated for the following diseases:

  • Stomach dysbiosis.
  • Acute infection.
  • Worms.
  • Allergy.
  • Poisoning by drugs and food.

It is sold both in powder form for preparing a solution and in tablet form. The powder is a very convenient form of the drug and is often used to treat children. The scheme for using white coal is practically no different from black coal. Before cleansing the intestines with activated carbon, doses are calculated in the same way as with black. For the treatment of children, no more than three tablets per day are used, and for adults the norm is calculated depending on weight.

Advantages and disadvantages

Activated carbon

Summarizing the information, we can highlight the positive and negative aspects of such cleansing.

  • This method is quite simple and most economical.
  • It is not difficult to practice.
  • It allows you to effectively cleanse the body of harmful substances.
  • After using it, a number of positive aspects are noted: general well-being improves, lightness is felt in the body, complexion and hair condition become much better.


  • Along with toxic substances, beneficial elements are removed from the body, which leads to impaired absorption of beneficial substances. As a result, immunity and metabolism deteriorate.
  • Intestinal motility slows down, which can cause constipation.
  • Worrying signs of toxic poisoning: nausea, vomiting.
  • Long-term use of charcoal can cause the development of dysbiosis, since during the removal of toxins, beneficial microflora is also suppressed. As a result, inflammation develops in the intestines, leading to dysbiosis.
  • Another serious disadvantage is that long-term use of charcoal tablets removes magnesium and potassium from the body. These elements are important for the normal functioning of the heart muscle. Their deficiency can negatively affect the condition of the heart.

When to clean

Sometimes it becomes simply necessary to cleanse the body. Doctors recommend doing this regularly, but, unfortunately, not everyone listens to the advice of specialists. The following symptoms may be indications for the use of activated carbon:

  • Poor skin and hair condition. Due to slagging in the stomach and intestines, pimples and blackheads appear on the face, and hair becomes dull and lifeless. Oily hair seborrhea is also one of the signs of poor functioning of the gastrointestinal tract.
  • If you feel tired and drowsy throughout the day. Very often, this condition becomes a reason to cleanse the entire body. After the procedure, general health improves noticeably, energy and performance appear.
  • Slagging leads to headaches. After the procedure, many note a noticeable stabilization of blood pressure.

It is not recommended to clean with activated carbon for people under 30 years of age. Usually at this age there are no problems with metabolism and the body itself copes with accumulated waste.

General information

The realities of the modern world are such that unfavorable environmental conditions and unsatisfactory quality of products often provoke various diseases and pathologies even among those who lead a relatively healthy lifestyle.
In order to improve the condition of the body, various cleansing methods are practiced, many of which have been known for a long time, but still remain in demand due to their effectiveness. One of these methods is the well-known charcoal tablets, which can be used to effectively cleanse the body. Natural sorbents, one of which is activated carbon, are able to cleanse the body of accumulated harmful substances. To achieve this effect, it is important to use the correct cleaning regimen. How to do this will be discussed in this article.

Diet for the intestines

Colon cleansing diet

To completely cleanse the intestines, in addition to activated carbon, it is advisable to spend 8 days on a special diet. This will completely get rid of slagging in the stomach and intestines, as well as improve the health of the gastrointestinal tract and restore their function. The diet is quite strict, but very effective:

  • The first day is considered the strictest. Only green apples and herbal tea are allowed.
  • On the second day, in addition to apples, you can drink honey and still mineral water.
  • The third day begins with a bowl of oatmeal. For lunch, eat a small portion of boiled beef with tomato. For dinner, rice boiled in water with a small amount of vegetable oil is recommended. During the day, you can drink tea with lemon or rosehip infusion.
  • During the fourth day, you are allowed to eat oatmeal, oranges, apples, bananas and other fruits, but only in small quantities. The total weight of all fruits eaten should not exceed 1 kg.
  • On the fifth day, salads are prepared from cabbage, carrots and fresh herbs. Dishes are seasoned with vegetable oil and lemon juice. For lunch or dinner, rice porridge is prepared in water.
  • On the sixth day, eat oatmeal or rice porridge. Drinks allowed include coffee or tea without sugar.
  • On the seventh day of the diet, you can eat vegetable soup and cottage cheese.
  • On the eighth day, cook the boiled fish and finish the soup.

After detoxification of the body, you may notice weight loss.

Reviews from doctors

To find out how to cleanse the intestines with activated carbon, you should seek a recommendation from a gastroenterologist. Doctors believe that any cleansing is a kind of stress. Ideally, the body should cleanse itself. To do this, it is enough to lead a healthy lifestyle, do not overeat and do not drink alcohol. Unfortunately, most people cannot, for various reasons, adhere to these recommendations, and therefore have to resort to emergency measures.

In order to avoid constipation, it is recommended to drink as much still water as possible. If a person is undergoing any treatment, then taking sorbents is highly not recommended. In such cases, they wait until the end of the course and only after it begin to cleanse the intestines. Doctors recommend that you first go to the clinic for a general analysis of your health and only then proceed to various cleansing procedures.


How to drink activated charcoal correctly for effective and safe colon cleansing

Only a specialist (therapist, gastroenterologist) can tell you exactly how to correctly carry out the procedure of cleansing the body. Moreover, the doctor’s recommendations are individual for each patient.

Before starting cleaning, you need to take a general blood test, urine test, do an ultrasound of the abdominal cavity, and a number of other studies. And only based on the results obtained, the doctor will be able to say whether the home technique will be beneficial.

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