Top 8 beneficial properties of berries for humans according to scientists

Rye is a healthy and ancient grain, without which almost all northern peoples cannot imagine their cuisine. Bread, jelly, and rye-based decoctions are not only a source of energy, but also natural medicines that allow you to recover from injuries, cure a sore stomach, or reduce asthmatic attacks in a child.

The article will tell you about the beneficial properties of rye, its use in folk medicine and contraindications for use.

Composition and calorie content of rye

In folk medicine, they often use not flour or flakes, but whole and sprouted grains or bran - they retain the maximum amount of useful substances.

Rye contains:

  • high-quality dietary fiber necessary for the intestines;
  • vitamins A, PP, group B;
  • betaine;
  • sterols;
  • phosphatides;
  • macroelements: potassium, calcium, sodium, phosphorus;
  • trace elements: iron, manganese, copper, selenium;
  • amino acids: arginine, tyrosine, valine, leucine, isoleucine;
  • Sprouted and whole grains contain fatty acids: folic, palmitic, stearic, linoleic, omega-3, omega-6.

The calorie content of whole and sprouted rye grains is a little more than 280 kcal.

Botanical description of cilantro

Externally, coriander is somewhat reminiscent of parsley. The plant has a small spindle-shaped root and a bare, erect stem that branches at the apex. The above-ground part of cilantro reaches 70 cm in height.

The plant has 3 types of leaves:

  • basal - long-petiolate, tripartite with wide lobules and a jagged edge;
  • located in the lower part of the stem - sitting on short petioles, twice pinnately dissected;
  • located in the upper part of the stem - pinnately dissected, sessile.

The plant blooms in mid-summer with small pink or white flowers, collected in complex umbels at the tips of the peduncles. Cilantro fruits are hard, ovoid fruits with 12 straight and 10 sinuous ribs. The seeds of the crop ripen in early autumn.

Useful properties of rye

Whole grains contain pantothenic and folic acids - these compounds strengthen the human cardiovascular system. Flakes, bran and cereal products have antioxidant and anti-inflammatory effects.

Doctors recommend consuming healthy cereals for patients suffering from diseases of the stomach or esophagus, kidneys, and bladder.

Important! Be sure to include rye in the daily diet of people suffering from diabetes.

Cereal improves hormonal levels in women after 40 years of age, restores strength after stress, operations and injuries.


  • Botanical description of cilantro
  • The nutritional value
  • Vitamins in cilantro
  • Useful elements in coriander
  • Energy value of cilantro
  • Useful properties of cilantro
  • Contraindications and harm of coriander

Cilantro, coriander, or Chinese parsley is a plant from the Apiaceae family.
The homeland of this spice is the eastern part of the Mediterranean coast. Thanks to the ancient Romans, cilantro very quickly spread throughout Western and Central Europe. Later, in the 1st century AD, Roman conquerors brought the seeds of this plant to Great Britain. Coriander came to America, New Zealand and Australia much later, during the era of geographical discoveries (approximately in the 15th-17th centuries). It began to be grown in Eastern Europe only in the 18th century: this is evidenced by a number of literary sources.

Today, cilantro is cultivated in most countries of the world with a temperate climate. The fruits and leaves of this plant are used to flavor fish, meat, marinades, bread, liqueurs, beer and confectionery, and are included in soups and salads. In addition, Chinese parsley is used to treat a whole range of diseases.

Use in folk medicine

In addition to preparing healthy foods (bread, cereals, jelly), rye is actively used in folk medicine. Properly prepared grains help fight diabetes, vascular and gastrointestinal diseases, and alleviate colds.

For bronchitis, pneumonia and cough you will need:

  • 2 tbsp. l. rye bran;
  • 0.5 liters of cold water.

The bran is poured with water and boiled over low heat for about 10 minutes. The decoction, steeped for an hour, can be taken immediately warm, in the amount of 2 tbsp. l. every 4 hours.

For diarrhea

The recipe is almost the same as for bronchitis, but instead of bran you will need 3-4 tbsp. l. whole rye grains. A decoction of grains is given to the patient every hour until symptoms are relieved, then every 3-4 hours until complete recovery.

From parasites and worms

Children have been treated with rye for parasites and worms for decades. For this, 1 tbsp. l. bran is soaked in warm milk and given to a child a third, to an adult - 0.5 cups twice a day for a week. Then take a break for 6 days and repeat the treatment.

For cardiovascular diseases

For diseases of the heart and blood vessels, doctors recommend consuming rye in any form.


  • whole wheat bread;
  • sprouted grains;
  • crispy rye bran, which is consumed in the morning with juice instead of cereal;
  • infusions of whole grains.

Vitamin B6, which cereal is rich in, improves protein digestibility, accelerates metabolism, releases energy from glycogen, thereby alleviating the condition of cardiovascular diseases.

Phosphorus, which is perfectly absorbed from any rye product, helps the functioning of the heart muscle.

To prevent heart failure

Traditional medicine doctors recommend that patients eat 2-3 slices of whole rye flour bread daily to prevent heart failure. Bread is included in the diet of patients who have suffered a stroke or heart attack - phosphorus, B vitamins, potassium and fatty acids have a positive effect on vascular restoration.

Reference. Research on the effects of rye on patients with cardiovascular disease was conducted on 21,000 volunteers at Harvard over 20 years. In men who ate porridge containing rye grains for breakfast every day, the risk of developing heart failure decreased by almost 30%.

For allergies

Seasonal allergies and allergic dermatitis are softened by a decoction of rye bran:

  • rye bran – 50 g;
  • hot water – 1 l.

How to cook:

  1. Pour the bran with hot but not boiling water.
  2. Cover the vessel in which the medicine is being prepared and leave to infuse overnight.
  3. Strain the broth, add to the bath and lie in it for about 20 minutes.

Repeat the procedure every evening for 7 days.

For healing wounds and burns

The stalks and grains of rye are thoroughly ground in a blender with lard in a 1:1 ratio. The resulting mixture is boiled over very low heat for about 10 minutes, then cooled. Apply to affected areas of the skin twice a day.

For diabetes

Grains boiled in hot water can normalize blood sugar levels.

Those suffering from diabetes are recommended to eat a handful of bran from a healthy cereal every day, and also prepare a decoction: a glass of rye with 1.5 liters of water.


  1. The grains are poured with boiling water.
  2. Simmer over low heat for about an hour.
  3. The infusion is filtered, cooled and stored in the refrigerator.

It is better to take the infusion in the morning on an empty stomach, 0.5 tbsp, then three times a day, 2-3 tbsp. l. an hour before meals.

For edema

For swelling caused by kidney problems, an infusion of cereal stems helps.

You will need:

  • rye stalks - 2 tbsp. l.;
  • hot water - 2 tbsp.

Stems and grains ground in a blender or coffee grinder are poured with boiling water, left for an hour, then filtered.

Drink three times a day before meals, 0.5 tbsp.

For weight loss

Rye bran helps to reduce weight, reduce appetite and get rid of many problems associated with obesity.

Rich in B vitamins and fiber, bran swells in the stomach and creates a pleasant feeling of fullness for a long time. Coarse fiber is an excellent nutrient medium for beneficial microflora, stimulates peristalsis and cleanses the intestinal walls.

Reference. You can eat bran in the form of crispy flakes for breakfast or dinner with any unsweetened fermented milk product.

To prevent gallstones

To avoid slagging your body and prevent the appearance of gallstones, eat a handful of crunchy rye fiber flakes every day or add a spoonful of ground flakes to a glass of natural yogurt.

Doctors say that with such a diet, the risk of developing stones is reduced by 20%, but if you add green vegetables and red fruits to your diet, by more than 50%.

For postmenopausal women

Women suffering from diabetes and heart disease, as well as those susceptible to the development of benign tumors, must consume rye flakes, sprouted grains and bran during menopause.

Rye normalizes hormonal balance, which makes it easier for women to feel better during a difficult period for women.

Reference. According to a study conducted in the USA in 2000, women who consume rye products daily in old age are significantly less likely to suffer from stenosis and atherosclerosis, as well as from problems associated with gastrointestinal diseases.

To prevent tumor diseases

Many scientists, including Professor Rui Hai Liu, MD, of the American Institute for Cancer Research, believe that a diet high in rye fiber reduces the risk of colon cancer. Research on this issue continues today, but its effectiveness has not been proven.

Fiber from grains and fruits protects against breast cancer

In the UK, studies were conducted on almost 36 thousand women who ate foods rich in fiber for several years. After 10 years, it turned out that, unlike their peers who did not consume whole rye and additional servings of vegetables, the study group of women had a reduction in the risk of breast cancer by almost 40%.

Reference. In women predisposed to the disease due to genetics or hormonal problems, who ate rye bran and vegetables, the risk of tumors decreased by 50%.

Whole rye grains and fish for asthma in children

Every year more and more people suffer from asthma, among whom the number of children, including very young ones, is growing.

International studies of allergies and asthma in children have found that an increase in whole grain rye and fresh fish in the diet leads to a reduction in the risk of disease by 50%.

This is interesting:

How to make moonshine from rye at home.

What kind of cereal is made from rye and its beneficial properties.

Possible harm

Despite the abundance of medicinal properties, if consumed in excess, or in the presence of certain individual characteristics of the body, berries can cause harm.

Possible side effects include:

  1. Allergic reactions. Increased sensitivity of the body (especially in conditions of increasingly unfavorable environmental conditions) is becoming more common. Allergopathologies can manifest themselves in different ways: from simple itching to anaphylactic shock.
  2. Thinning of tooth enamel. The berries contain special chemicals that cause destruction of the surface layers of tooth enamel and activation of carious processes.
  3. Irritation of the mucous membranes of the gastrointestinal tract. Eating berries in the morning on an empty stomach or in the presence of chronic diseases of the digestive system (gastritis, duodenitis, peptic ulcer) can lead to an acute process.
  4. Dyspeptic disorders . Excessive intake of fiber causes disruption of intestinal motor activity, which manifests itself in the form of constipation, increased gas formation, nausea, and cramping pain in the lower abdomen. It is especially important not to eat berries right before bed.

The consumption of berries should be approached carefully due to the possibility of developing undesirable effects.

Cooking sprouted rye grains, recipes

The composition and content of active microelements changes during the emergence of sprouts in cereals. Fats are slowly converted into fatty acids, and carbohydrates are converted into light sugars.

It's easy to germinate grains. For this you will need:

  • whole, high-quality grains, unparboiled;
  • saucer;
  • gauze;
  • warm water.

The grains are washed with running water, placed on a saucer, and covered with gauze. The fabric is sprayed with a spray bottle every 10-12 hours. After 24 hours, the grains can be washed and eaten.

Second way:

  • the grains are washed with running water;
  • placed in a small jar;
  • pour lukewarm water;
  • The neck of the jar is covered with gauze.

Every 8 hours the grains are washed and filled with fresh water. After 3-4 days, cereals with young sprouts can be eaten.

Everything needs moderation

Controlling the saltiness of food you prepare yourself can sometimes be very difficult. The point is that taste buds get used to the concentration, even if it is very high. And the usual saltiness of the product will seem insufficient for one person, but for another it may seem like it’s over-salted. Although salt is not a drug, the threshold of tolerance can increase significantly. To remove the “freshness” of dishes, you can use a little trick - replace them with other spices. Use lemon, zest, turmeric, and various types of vegetables in cooking.

The benefits of chocolate

Chocolate is good for the heart
It is already known for certain that chocolate, and high-quality dark chocolate without any additives, benefits blood pressure and heart function

, if consumed daily in small quantities. Cosmetic companies have also long realized that chocolate is good for the skin, so they add it to their products.

The most interesting facts from the world of chocolate

If you consume small amounts of chocolate regularly, you can boast of healthy skin: it becomes protected from the sun and very smooth.

Chocolate contains antioxidants
- beneficial substances that can also be found in wine.
Chocolate also helps improve muscle function and recovery
after training.

There are many more studies confirming the benefits of this product, but they all emphasize that dark chocolate (preferably without sugar) helps improve health

. But in small quantities.

Honey varieties

Linden is the most common type; it smells like linden inflorescences and has a pale yellow tint. Very often, linden honey is used for therapeutic and prophylactic purposes. It boasts expectorant, bactericidal, anti-inflammatory and tonic properties.

Acacia is the best and properly balanced variety of honey. This is exactly the product you can see on store shelves. The composition of acacia honey is predominantly glucose rather than fructose.

Mint - tastes good and has a minty smell. It is recommended for use by categories of people with nervous disorders, because its main property is to calm. Peppermint honey increases the flow of bile and is considered an excellent antiseptic and antispasmodic. Peppermint honey contains more ascorbic acid than its counterparts.

Clover honey - the main difference between this honey and all others lies in the pleasant refreshing smell of green grass. Honey has virtually no color, is moderately liquid and translucent. Used for the prevention and treatment of vitamin deficiency.

Heather - it is characterized by a specific smell that can repel many people. But this does not mean that heather honey lacks beneficial substances. The product is tart, purely “male”, aimed at improving the functioning of the reproductive system.

Raspberry is pleasant in every way. Ideal for preventing seasonal viral infections, as well as replenishing the deficiency of useful elements due to vitamin deficiency. Children especially loved this honey.

Chestnut - this type of honey differs from others in the pleasant aroma of chestnuts, a bitter aftertaste, and a dark shade. The product gained particular value due to its bactericidal and expectorant properties. Also, chestnut honey accumulates a lot of iron, which is useful for the treatment and prevention of anemia.

Buckwheat - as the name suggests, nectar is collected from buckwheat. Honey has become famous due to its large accumulation of magnesium, potassium, and iron. It is useful for heart patients to eat the composition. In appearance, buckwheat honey is brown-red, moderately thick and not always homogeneous.

Honeycomb - honey in combs has 2-3 times more benefits than all other varieties. Honeycombs themselves are endowed with a lot of therapeutic qualities. In combination with nectar, they heal the body on all fronts. This product is eaten slowly, chewed, then spat out.

benefits and harms of propolis

The benefits of popcorn

Popcorn reduces the risk of cancer
Popcorn is a popular fast food dish, without which a trip to the cinema is incomplete. Few people know that popcorn can save your life.

Popcorn contains antioxidants called polyphenols
, which reduce the risk of cancer as well as heart disease.

The dark side of popcorn

One serving of popcorn has more polyphenols than several servings of fruits and vegetables

. Of course, the processed oil that can be stuffed into popcorn is not beneficial, so if you have the opportunity to cook this dish without harmful oil, then the effect will be much better.

The benefits of ice cream

Italian ice cream replaces a full meal
Italians call their ice cream gelato

and are very proud of it, considering it a national dish, so it is not surprising that this product has been studied many times by scientists.

Scientists have discovered the secrets of ice cream

Gelato has many health benefits and is also rich in protein, fat, sugar and calories.

. These same substances are found in a full lunch portion. This way, you can safely eat a scoop of ice cream instead of lunch.

Preparing the decoction

Flax decoctions are incredibly beneficial for the body. They strengthen the immune system, coat the gastric mucosa, relieve inflammation during gastritis and ulcers, and help with constipation. Classic recipe:

  • pour a spoonful of ground seeds with two glasses of boiling water, put on the fire and simmer on low flame for half an hour;
  • remove from the stove, wrap in a towel and wait until the liquid has cooled;
  • drink a glass of decoction twice a day before breakfast and dinner, warm.

A decoction is also useful for lowering glucose levels, but it is made differently. You need to take flax, blueberry leaves, and bean leaves in equal proportions. Grind, take a large spoon, pour 250 ml of boiling water and simmer for 10 minutes. Leave for about an hour, filter and drink a quarter glass before each meal.

It is useful to gargle with a healing decoction when you have a cold. The procedure must be carried out every few hours for 2 days.

Flax for purulent acne

Boils cause a lot of pain and are difficult to get rid of. Poultices made from grains accelerate the maturation of acne and relieve pus. To do this, you need to heat the seeds, place them in a bag made of natural fabric and apply them to the affected area.

There is another way. Grind the flax with a blender. Steam with boiling water, drain off excess water and put the mixture into a bag. Apply to the pimple until the poultice cools. Repeat the procedure several times a day.

Structure of bee venom

The composition of bee venom is truly unique. Despite constant research by scientists, the poison and its effect on humans have not yet been fully studied. There is still a lot to discover! Today, we know that the poison contains protein compounds - polypeptides, protein hydrochloride, acid lipids, toxins, amino acids (18 of which are considered essential), biogenic amines, enzymes (phospholipase A2, hyaluronidase, acid phosphatase, lysophospholipase, a- glucosidase), aromatic and aliphatic compounds and bases. We should not forget about carbohydrates, fructose, glucose, magnesium, calcium, hydrogen, nitrogen, manganese, phosphorus, sulfur, iodine, hydrogen, chlorine and many other elements.

If we consider the composition from the point of view of inorganic acids, then the poison contains: formic, hydrochloric, orthophosphoric, as well as acetylcholine. They are responsible for the strong burning sensation when an insect bites.

The entire chemical composition of bee venom is a consequence of the formation of compounds with pronounced biological properties, each of which has its own specialization, but act integrally, reinforcing and complementing each other.

How to grind grains?

It is easier to make healing decoctions and infusions from crushed flaxseed. This reduces the preparation time of recipes. In addition, flax powder can be used to enrich vegetable salads, cereals and other dishes. Delicious breads are made from ground grains, which are very useful for a healthy diet.

It is not advisable to buy ground flax in the store. Most likely, it lacks most of the beneficial substances, and possibly contains carcinogens. It is best to purchase whole grains and grind them as needed. This can be done easily with any household appliance. You can use a regular mortar, blender or coffee grinder.

If after preparing the decoction you still have unused ground grains, place them in a dark glass container, seal it tightly and store in the refrigerator until next time.

First aid for a bee sting

If an unpleasant incident happened to you and you were bitten by bees, you need to act quickly and competently! What needs to be done?

  1. Use tweezers to remove all stings.
  2. Lubricate the bite areas generously with ammonia, vodka, iodine, onion juice, wormwood, garlic, honey, parsley juice (to some extent destroy the poison).
  3. Take antihistamines (diphenhydramine, suprastin) orally. If you don’t have the necessary medicines on hand, give the victim milk or kefir to drink.
  4. Apply ice to the bite site. If there is no ice, a towel soaked in cold water will do. Cold will relieve pain and swelling. If you have been stung by a bee in your mouth, ice cream is just what you need!

To avoid having to deal with the consequences, you need to know the rules of behavior in bee habitats. First, don't wave your arms violently to ward off the bees. Do not move around the apiary too vigorously. Behave calmly, let all your movements be monotonous and not too sudden. Secondly, do not enter the apiary with alcoholic beverages or while completely intoxicated.

Bees cannot tolerate the smell of alcohol, petroleum products, garlic and the smell of poison from dead insects.

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