How methane affects the human body - MedPomosch24/7

The demand and prevalence of methane in bodybuilding is due to three main facts:

  1. Methandrostenolone is sold in pharmacies in the form of tablets, which are an oral steroid, very convenient for internal use, which differs from injections of any kind. Although, if you think about it, there is no difference from the form of release of the steroid.
  2. Low cost.
    The cost of this anabolic steroid drug is not very high when compared with other drugs of the same similar effect on the body. For a monthly course of taking methane you will have to pay about 800 - 1200 rubles. It should be remembered that it is necessary, in parallel, to take complexes of potassium with magnesium, and also to undergo a course of therapeutic restoration of the liver, which usually suffers after taking such pharmacological agents.
  3. Popularity and fame.
    The term methane, as a drug - a steroid, is always on the lips of many; you can hear about it everywhere: in swimming pools and gyms, in sports centers and beaches.

    The drug enjoys unprecedented popularity among amateurs and athletes, despite the fact that in modern pharmacology there have long been other steroids that have a more gentle effect on the human body than the ancient methane.

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Methandrostenolone is an anabolic steroid that is taken orally (i.e. tablets). The drug was released in the USA in the early 60s of the last century by CIBA.

Initially, the drug was used to speed up recovery and treatment of BURNS, as well as by women to increase overall tone. But it soon became widespread in bodybuilding, as a means of increasing muscle mass and strength, until then it was not banned by the US government - the FDA (this is the Food and Drug Administration).

Methane (danabol)

And yet, methane is still available without prescription in some countries, for example:

  • Mexico (trade name of the drug REFORVIT-b)
  • Moldova (Balkan Pharmaceuticals)
  • Romania (Terapia)
  • Poland (Jelfa)
  • Russia (methane is sold as NEROBOL).

As practice shows, a course of SOLO METHANE lasting 6 weeks in dosages of 30 mg per day can increase muscle mass by 8-10 kg, with a rollback (2-5 kg, depending on how correctly you composed the course).

Other names for methandrostenolone

  • Methane (most common name)
  • Danabol
  • Dianabol
  • Nerobol
  • Let's ask
  • Methandienone
  • DBOL

Less common brands

Bionabol, Metastenol, Anabolin, Dehydromethyltestosterone, Novabol, Perbolin, Perabol, Stenolone, Vanabol, Anaboral and many others.

Steroid profile

  • Anabolic effect: 200% of testosterone
  • Androgenic effect: 50% of testosterone
  • Directions for use: orally (tablets)
  • Duration of action of the drug: 6-8 hours
  • Detection time: up to 120 days
  • Aromatase (conversion to estrogens): yes
  • Hepatoxicity (liver toxicity): yes
Effects of Prim Methane
  1. Rapid increase in muscle mass and strength
  2. Increased appetite
  3. Strengthening the skeletal system
  4. Minor fat burning
  5. Methane, as already mentioned, has a weak androgenic effect (50% compared to testosterone), however, side effects begin to appear, most often when the athlete exceeds the dosage and duration of the course (i.e. more than 30 mg per day, more than 6 weeks).
Side effects from taking methane
  • Gynecomastia - a side effect that occurs as a result of the conversion of part of the methane into estrogens - methylestradiol, and it has a 30% greater affinity for estrogen receptors). To prevent development, you need to take anti-estrogants (tamoxifen, Clomiphene, Toremifene).
  • Hepatoxicity (liver toxicity) is precisely this side effect that many chemists are afraid of. In short, menthane (like other oral steroid drugs) can provoke thickening of the liver wall, as well as impair the conductivity of the biliary tract, and this can lead to BILE stagnation and PAIN in the right side. In order to avoid this, during the course you need to take choleretic drugs (but that’s all, just HOLOSAS), others such as Karsil, Liv-52, Ovesol, Allohol, etc. will only make your situation worse.
  • Fluid retention (the effect is associated with estrogens, water retention occurs mainly in the muscles, therefore the impression of large muscles is created). And after the course, excess water is removed and the weight drops by about 10-15% of what you gained. This is not observed if you took aromatase inhibitors (anastrozole, letrozole) during the course.
  • Increased blood pressure (the problem is easily solved if you use antiestrogens during the course, tamoxifen is best).
  • Testicular atrophy (occurs only when the dosage and duration of the course are exceeded).
  • Increased sexual activity (only during the course, after the course there is a temporary decrease).
  • Acne (pimples) during the course
  • Hair loss (alopecia)
  • In women, masculinization (deepening of the voice, appearance of hair in unnecessary places, etc.)
  • In severe cases, when an athlete abuses or has a genetic predisposition, the development of MYOCARDIAL hypertrophy is possible - this is a symptom that can lead to serious heart disease.

Methane course (SOLO)
The course is suitable for men over 21 years old to increase muscle mass. And also if there are no contraindications (for example, heart disease, liver disease, blood pressure, prostate hypertrophy and other diseases) in general, if there are no contraindications.

Dosage no more than 30 mg per day (not recommended to exceed). Take 2-3 times a day (for example, 20 mg in the morning and 10 mg in the afternoon). It is advisable to take the tablets on an empty stomach.

Course duration is 6 weeks.

A week after the start of your course, it is advisable to include aromatase inhibitors (for example, ANASTROZOLE 0.5 mg every 3 days). This will help you reduce the level of conversion to estrogen, and more importantly, eliminate the accumulation of fluid and swelling.

2 days after the end of your course, you need to carry out PCT (PCT) post-cycle therapy: TAMOXIFEN at a dosage of 20 mg, 2 weeks. In the 3rd week, gradually reduce the dosage and stop completely.

Also don’t forget about:

Combined course of METHANE

Due to the different pharmacodynamics of drugs, combining drugs can reduce the frequency of side effects, as well as increase the effectiveness of your course.

To gain muscle mass, methane can be combined with:

  • Methane + Nandrolone (the best option)
  • Methane + Sustanon
  • Methane + Testosterone
  • Methane + Primobolan
  • Methane + Trenbolone

Best regards, administrator.

First aid for methane poisoning

Methane does not stay in the body for long and is quickly and easily removed from the body.

If a person has received acute poisoning, he must be taken out of the affected area (premises) into fresh air. Free yourself from restrictive clothing - tie, scarf, unbutton the top buttons of your clothing.

There is no specific antidote. Therefore, the victim must be quickly taken to the hospital. If nausea and vomiting occur, place the person on their side to avoid aspiration of the respiratory tract.

If a person is unconscious, you need to constantly monitor his breathing. You can smell the vapors of ammonia. If there is no pulmonary activity, immediately begin artificial respiration and cardiac massage for the victim.

In case of chronic poisoning, it is important to determine the source of constant intoxication of the body and eliminate it. The patient is prescribed symptomatic treatment, depending on the degree of damage to the body:

  1. Cardiac glycosides are indicated to maintain cardiac activity. They compensate for heart failure.
  2. For gastrointestinal disorders - antiemetic, antidiarrheal, antacid drugs.
  3. To relieve pain symptoms - antispasmodics.
  4. To stabilize the emotional background - sedatives, calming drugs.

Natural testosterone

This is the drug "Sustanon", containing 4 forms of the hormone testosterone. Fractions of one hormone have different absorption rates, which allows you to maintain a constant concentration in the body (available in ampoules) and allows you to gain up to 5 kg of muscle per month. Appetite and blood formation increase. Due to the increase in the number of red blood cells, the body receives more oxygen, and this increases overall endurance significantly. An important effect of Sustanon is a significant increase in libido or sexual activity. However, there is also a downside: due to the fact that the hormone comes into the body from the outside, its own synthesis is sharply reduced. One of the side effects of Sustanon is testicular atrophy. There are other side effects with excessive dosage. These are baldness, prostatic hypertrophy and acne or acne. But with the right dosage, the best drugs for gaining muscle mass are sustanon and methane.

Reviews about this particular combination are more common than others.

Acute methane poisoning

Signs characteristic of methane poisoning in high concentrations vary in severity. Initially, the person experiences suffocation.

Shortness of breath appears due to lack of oxygen, blood circulation is impaired. Gradually the symptom increases. This can cause a person to have an attack of panic or fear.

The victim assumes a forced body position - leaning forward, leaning on his knees. Breathing characteristics:

  • noisy;
  • frequent;
  • sometimes with a whistle;
  • exhalation is heavier than inhalation.

Then a cough occurs, and there may be increased secretion of the bronchial mucosa. Therefore, copious discharge of sputum is sometimes observed. The pulse becomes frequent, the load on the heart increases. Due to a false feeling of lack of air, a person takes deep breaths.

Against the background of general intoxication and damage to the central nervous system, the effect of methane on the human body manifests itself in impaired coordination of movements. Fine motor skills are especially affected. Signs of brain poisoning:

  • euphoria is replaced by severe headaches, disruption of breathing cycles;
  • lack of sleep, the victim has difficulty falling asleep;
  • loss of appetite, constant nausea, sometimes vomiting;
  • disturbances in the functioning of the sensory organs;
  • symptoms of dehydration - dry mouth, water-salt imbalance.

In severe cases, which are rarely recorded (in the elderly, people with poor health or chronic diseases), severe pain is observed in the temples and back of the head, the tongue is coated, and a dry cough develops.

Vomiting occurs after every meal. The functionality of the gastrointestinal tract is disrupted - pain in the epigastric region, diarrhea, dyspepsia and other intestinal disorders. The skin becomes pale with a blue tint.

Body temperature rises by 1-2°, causing aching bones and chills.

In the most severe cases, pulmonary edema develops.


In the laboratory, it is prepared by heating soda lime (a mixture of sodium and calcium hydroxides) or anhydrous sodium hydroxide with glacial acetic acid.

2 N a OH + CH 3 COOH → ot N a 2 CO 3 + H 2 O + CH 4 ↑ {\displaystyle {\mathsf {2NaOH+CH_{3}COOH{\xrightarrow[{}]{^{o}t }}Na_{2}CO_{3}+H_{2}O+CH_{4}\uparrow }}}

The absence of water is important for this reaction, which is why sodium hydroxide is used, since it is less hygroscopic.

It is possible to obtain methane by fusing sodium acetate with sodium hydroxide[14]:

CH 3 COON a + N a OH → CH 4 ↑ + N a 2 CO 3 {\displaystyle {\mathsf {CH_{3}COONa+NaOH\rightarrow CH_{4}\uparrow +Na_{2}CO_{3}} }}

Also, for laboratory production of methane, hydrolysis of aluminum carbide or some organometallic compounds (for example, methylmagnesium bromide) is used.

Biological production of methane is also possible, see Biogas

First aid and body recovery

Anyone who has inhaled the gas should immediately call an ambulance and, while it is on the way, take urgent measures to remove methane from the body as much as possible. To do this you need:

  • Take the victim out onto the street, balcony, terrace;
  • Unfasten the collar, clothes on the chest, belt;
  • Raise the leg end of the body so that the head is below the level of the legs, this is necessary to prevent brain hypoxia;
  • Put cold on your forehead (a cloth moistened with water, an ice pack);
  • Give plenty of fluids (mineral or purified water, warm tea);
  • Turn your head to the side (in case of vomiting).

If breathing has stopped and the pulse in the carotid artery cannot be detected, you need to perform closed cardiac massage and artificial respiration. If possible, you need to give the victim oxygen to breathe (a canister or an oxygen bag from a pharmacy).

Treatment of methane poisoning in a hospital depends on its degree and the characteristics of the clinic. Oxygen inhalations, intravenous infusion of detoxifying fluids, cardiac and diuretic drugs, respiratory stimulants are carried out, vitamin therapy, and antihistamines are prescribed.

Properties of methane

The gaseous compound CH4 is a simple hydrocarbon. Methane is a gas that, at room temperature, normal humidity and atmospheric pressure, is odorless and colorless. It is poorly soluble in water. The substance is not toxic. In a closed space it accumulates and becomes explosive.

Methane is the second most important and abundant greenhouse gas in the atmosphere after carbon dioxide. It is produced in conditions of absence of oxygen (in soil, swamp), and is released during the life of microorganisms.

The largest reserves of the substance in nature are found in permafrost areas, in the seabed. In industry, methane is made from coal.

Due to its wide distribution, there is a classification of methane according to its origin:

  • bacterial - a gas that is formed as a product of the metabolism of living microorganisms;
  • biogenic - methane as a result of chemical reactions between various organic complexes;
  • abiogenic - gas as a product of the combination of inorganic chemical elements with water;
  • thermogenic – methane is formed during chemical reactions under the influence of high temperatures.

Gas is used in the chemical industry for the synthesis of organic substances, and in the space industry as rocket fuel.


In November 1776, Italian physicist Alessandro Volta discovered methane in the swamps of Lake Maggiore on the border of Italy and Switzerland. He was inspired to study swamp gas by Benjamin Franklin's article on "combustible air." Volta collected gas released from the bottom of the swamp and in 1778 released pure methane. He also demonstrated the ignition of gas from an electric spark.

Sir Humphry Davy studied firedamp in 1813 and showed that it is a mixture of methane with small amounts of nitrogen N2 and carbon dioxide CO2 - that is, that it is qualitatively identical in composition to swamp gas.

The modern name “methane” was given to the gas in 1866 by the German chemist August Wilhelm von Hoffmann[11] and comes from the word “methanol”.

Symptoms of gas poisoning

If acute poisoning occurs with a component of natural gas such as methane, the symptoms will be as follows:

  • Dizziness, tinnitus, drowsiness, general weakness;
  • A state similar to intoxication (loss of coordination, speech impairment);
  • Pain in the eyes, lacrimation;
  • Choking, lack of air;
  • Increased heart rate;
  • Decreased blood pressure;
  • Nausea, paroxysmal vomiting;
  • Cyanosis (blueness) of the skin, mucous membranes;
  • In severe cases - loss of consciousness, convulsions, coma, respiratory and cardiac arrest.

Chronic methane intoxication is manifested by frequent headaches, hypotension, pallor, lethargy, general malaise, decreased performance, and loss of strength.

Fainting due to hypotension is not uncommon.

Signs of exhaustion of the nervous system may appear - increased irritability, nervousness, poor sleep, decreased cognitive functions (memory, thinking, orientation).

Chronic intoxication of the body

Methane in small concentrations has a narcotic effect. It acts on the principle of anesthetic drugs - sensitivity and blood pressure levels decrease. Slight excitability is observed. Then the harmfulness of methane is manifested by disorders of the autonomic nervous system:

  1. Oculocardiac reflex - by pressing on the eyeballs with the eyelids closed, the number of heart contractions sharply decreases to 4-8 beats per minute. This is due to inhibition of impulses of the vagus and trigeminal nerves. Complications of the symptom are persistent bradycardia, disturbance of rhythmic heart contractions (asystole).
  2. Hypotension - a stable decrease in blood pressure, constant drowsiness, physical weakness, lethargy and weakness, pallor of the skin, shortness of breath, worsening with movement. As hypotension develops, the victim experiences fainting, especially when the person is in an upright position for a long time (in a stuffy vehicle or room). Due to daytime sleepiness, the quality and duration of night sleep is disrupted. During the day he does not feel cheerful. Frequent symptoms are dizziness and nausea.
  3. A sharp atropine test is a diagnostic method that allows you to identify disturbances in the functioning of the heart and other internal organs.


Methane poisoning can have negative consequences. With chronic intoxication, due to the effect on the nervous system, a person experiences nervous and mental disorders:

  • depressed mood;
  • disturbance of sleep and wakefulness;
  • prostration;
  • lack of motivation, interests, hobbies;
  • frequent depression and depressed mood;
  • emotional instability;
  • lack of desire to communicate with people.

Physiological complications include damage to internal organs and disruption of their functions:


  • malfunction of the excretory system (kidneys);
  • disruption of the bone marrow and hematopoietic mechanism;
  • chronic failure of the respiratory system;
  • in rare cases, death.

Since methane is odorless, its presence in a room cannot always be detected. To avoid poisoning of employees in production facilities, they must carry out regular measurements of air parameters or install special devices that record the concentration of methane in the air.

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