Checking radiation without a dosimeter at home

The word “radiation” is usually associated with Hiroshima, Chernobyl, Fukushima and other catastrophic events in human history.

But unfortunately, the danger of radioactive exposure awaits people not only at nuclear energy facilities, but also within the walls of their own home. Is this threat really that serious? Only awareness of this issue can give a correct assessment of the radiation level in your home.

What influences this level and how? Are we able to protect ourselves and our loved ones from its harmful influence?

Normal background radiation in a living space

In his apartment, a person rests, eats, sleeps, and also hides from bad weather and negative external factors, so few people want the radiation in the apartment to be higher than normal.

Radiation is found everywhere. It is very important that in a room where a person is constantly present, it should not be higher than 25 µR/h . Moreover, the specified level should not be exceeded in any of the areas of the apartment. Exceeding the threshold value is fraught with negative consequences for the body. The person himself may not feel them, but they will certainly affect their descendants.

How do you know if the radiation in an apartment is too high? First you need to figure out where it comes from.

Normal radiation reading

Home is the place where a person relaxes after work and spends time with loved ones. In addition, it protects it from various natural misfortunes, for example, hot or, conversely, cold weather, wind or frost. But there is also radiation. It is invisible, but exists everywhere.

A level of harmful radiation (radiation) not exceeding 25 µR/h is considered normal. This value is the maximum. The measurement results should be less than this anywhere in the house. If the norm is exceeded, a person may develop deviations in the functioning of all body systems. In addition, this can negatively affect the health of future offspring.

Home Radiation Sources

Modern people have heard a lot about the negative effects of radioactive radiation, so no one will place objects carrying it in their home. Increased background radiation can occur for a variety of reasons. There are a number of sources of such radiation:

  • Construction materials containing radon.
  • Ancient interior items or antiques.
  • Dubious children's toys.
  • Granite-based materials used for finishing.

All of these sources can emit harmful waves, which a person does not immediately feel on himself, since they are not visible to the eye and do not produce any tactile effect . You can detect them in other ways.

How to check radiation in a house or apartment?

You can check background radiation without a dosimeter using a smartphone by installing a special application. It is not recommended to perform such a radiation test without a dosimeter, because the results obtained usually have nothing to do with the real state of affairs.

At the same time, phone camera matrices have an increased level of sensitivity, but they are capable of recording only radiation that is significant from the point of view of radiation safety. Therefore, checking radiation without a dosimeter using a smartphone is only possible in places where there is a high probability of dangerous background radiation to accurately determine this circumstance.

Measuring harmful radiation levels

The only way to reliably measure radiation levels at home is with a dosimeter or radiometer. These devices differ in that information about the radiation dose for a given certain time period appears on the dosimeter display. Therefore, this device is more suitable for taking measurements in an apartment.

Checking radiation in an apartment with a radiometer is not practical, since it is better to use it to measure contamination of small objects, for example, food, toys, and others.

Background determination can be carried out by a dosimeter-radiometer device, which includes both functions . Such devices are adapted for daily use at home. Anyone can purchase a household dosimeter.

How to measure alpha radiation?

Alpha radiation is corpuscular, so checking such radiation without a dosimeter is impossible. The measurement process includes the following stages:

  1. Take a sheet of paper and cover the item being tested with it.
  2. The device measures the level of ionizing radiation.
  3. The second time, measurements must be taken without a sheet of paper.
  4. If the readings differ significantly, this indicates that the source is strongly emitting alpha rays, because this type of radiation is retained by the paper.

When checking radiation without a dosimeter, no changes will appear.

What to do if there is no device

It is possible to check radiation without a dosimeter. Currently, professional companies take measurements at your request . They carry out diagnostics of building components, machines, and residential premises. Inspection of an apartment by such a company includes several components.

  1. Detection of radon levels.
  2. Detection of all sources of dangerous waves.
  3. Elimination of radiation sources.

As you know, the walls of an apartment can protect against radiation by 90%. The material from which they are made plays a big role. Thus, concrete has the minimum throughput, which means it provides the best protection. Wood has the maximum ability.

When decorating the inside of a house, marble and granite are used.
Granite itself is not very dangerous, but when it is heated, the radiation increases. If you want to make a fireplace, it is better to use marble. Everyone knows the division of building materials into classes. So, first class materials are the safest, and they should be used in construction.

It must be said that if you don’t have a dosimeter at hand, you can take measurements in another way. This method is not accurate, but with its help you can get at least approximate information about the danger. For this you will need photo paper. A sheet of such paper is passed through the air several times, after which the photograph is developed. Stripes appear on the paper, from which a person with extensive experience can almost accurately determine the strength of the radiation.

Modern mobile phones can be equipped with an application that the supplier claims can help diagnose radiation levels .
It is difficult to judge the accuracy of such measurements; you can try to compare them with the indicators of precision instruments.

How to measure radiation in food?

An unsafe dose of radiation may be present on any food product. Usually, berries, mushrooms, fruits, meat products, and wild fruits are most susceptible to infection. It is most rational to take a pocket dosimeter with you (checking radiation without it is impossible in outdoor conditions).

To ensure that food is safe, you need to bring the device as close as possible to the object being measured. If the results are 50% higher than the acceptable standards, you should not purchase this product.

DIY device

For handmade lovers, there is an option to make a device for measuring radiation levels with your own hands, and it will take no more than three minutes.
First you need to take a container, the volume of which should not be less than one and a half liters. You will also need a single-pole tester. Such a tester is taken, placed in a container, after which a conductor is connected. The next important component is the open structure capacitor. It is necessary to make a hole in the container for a copper knitting needle, after which all structures are secured with insulating tape. When the tester is connected, the signal from the spoke will be transmitted to the resistor, and the radiation power will be displayed on the device .

You can make a device from an ordinary can of canned food if you first prepare a capacitor and a tester. In this case, the container will not be needed. A hole for the spoke is made in the bottom of the can, and a capacitor is placed in its cavity. The resistor is connected directly to the tester. The final step is to fix the knitting needle in the hole of the can.

Basic knowledge of radiation measurement

Today, many people have household dosimeters at their disposal, but not everyone knows how to correctly measure radiation. Operating instructions for dosimetric instruments are difficult to understand for people who do not have basic understanding of radioactive radiation and its effect on living organisms and humans. Meanwhile, in order to use a dosimeter correctly, you need to know what types of radioactive radiation exist in nature. It is also important to understand the capabilities of the measuring instrument and correctly interpret the results obtained from the measurement.

Science knows four main types of radioactive radiation: alpha, beta, gamma and x-rays. Alpha radiation, produced during the decay of radioactive substances, is a stream of heavy particles, helium nuclei, with speeds of up to 20 thousand km/s, high energy and destructive force. Due to their large size, they cannot fly a distance greater than 10 cm in the air. When faced with obstacles, alpha particles give them their energy and destroy them. The penetrating ability of these particles is low - a simple sheet of paper completely blocks this type of radiation. For humans, the greatest danger is internal alpha irradiation, when the radiation source enters the lungs with inhaled air or the gastrointestinal tract with food. Exposed skin also requires protection. None of the simple household dosimeters are capable of detecting alpha particles.

Some professional devices of a similar class are capable of detecting alpha radiation. Such devices contain alpha-particle-sensitive gas-discharge Geiger-Muller counters. For example, the MKS-01SA1 and MKS-01SA1M dosimeter-radiometers have a Beta-1-1 end-type sensor installed, which can detect alpha particles with an energy of at least 3 MeV and from a distance of no more than 2 mm to the sample under study. A modern version of the dosimeter is also produced for the general consumer - Radiascan-701. It does not require metrological verification and is intended for use for domestic purposes.

Beta radiation is a stream of particles, electrons and positrons, a product of atomic decay. The speed of particle movement can be different, from minimal to near-light speed, 300 thousand km/s. Beta particles have an average energy that strongly depends on their own speed, and have a mass 7500 times less than alpha particles. Due to their small size, the free path in air can reach 10 m. They penetrate 10 mm into biological tissues and 5 mm into the thickness of aluminum. Completely shielded with a lead screen. A person should beware of both external and internal radiation that affects the skin, mucous membranes of the eyes, lungs, stomach and intestines. All Geiger counters installed in household dosimeters can detect beta radiation. However, most models have a Geiger counter wrapped in lead foil, which makes it impossible to detect beta particles.

Gamma rays, emitted during the decay of radioactive material, have both the properties of particles and the properties of electromagnetic oscillations, propagating at a speed of 300 thousand km/s. Since the electromagnetic wave here is pulsed in nature, it is customary to say that the dosimeter registers quanta or photons of gamma radiation. This type of radiation has the highest penetrating power. Gamma rays can penetrate 150 mm into the human body, and in the air they can easily cover distances of 100 m or more. Completely protecting yourself from gamma radiation is a difficult task. A 10 mm thick lead shield reduces radiation by 2 times. To reduce its impact by 100 times, you will need a 70mm lead plate. Gamma rays pose a danger to all organs and systems of the human body. All household dosimeters are capable of measuring this type of radiation.

X-rays are also high-frequency electromagnetic waves and have similar properties to gamma rays. If the oscillation frequency of gamma quanta extends to 3 trillion gigahertz (remember that the operating frequency of a microwave oven magnetron is only 2.45 gigahertz), then the frequency of x-ray irradiation is thousands of times lower. This is also a high frequency, which provides good penetrating ability. There are two known sources of X-rays: natural radiation coming to Earth from the depths of space, and artificial, created by man in the form of technical devices, for example, X-ray machines, cathode ray tubes, monitors and old-style televisions. The effect of X-rays on humans is similar to gamma rays, but milder due to the reduced frequency. This type of ionizing radiation can be recorded by any dosimeter.

After this brief excursion into the theory of the microworld, any owner of a household dosimeter will have a clearer idea of ​​what his device measures and how to treat the results appearing on the display.

How to protect yourself and loved ones

We have figured out how to determine radiation, now we need to figure out how to protect ourselves from it. It has already become clear that the main source of harmful radiation in an apartment is radon gas, especially if the apartment is located on the first or basement floor. The gas concentration increases when the living space is left closed for some time and not ventilated , for example, during a vacation or business trip.

This heavy gas is colorless and odorless and penetrates into the room from the ground and construction materials. Accumulating in the apartment, it causes irradiation of the room. Scientists have proven that radon is second only to smoking in its ability to provoke the development of lung cancer.

In fact, everything is not so hopeless. There are a number of measures that will help protect yourself from deadly radiation:

  • It is imperative to regularly and very thoroughly ventilate your home.
  • Maximum insulation of the foundation from the ground is required, as well as the elimination of cracks that have formed in the basements.
  • Water from wells must be boiled, which eliminates gas from it.
  • All building materials used must be certified.
  • There is no need to keep antiques at home.

By following these simple rules, you will protect yourself and others from harmful rays.


Laboratory tests carried out in Moscow show that up to 50% of the total radiation dose a person receives by inhaling ordinary air. Another portion of radiation can be found in tap water, well water, and soil. It is impossible to detect it with conventional Geiger counters.

To study, you must have at least: a laboratory, highly qualified experts, accreditation, equipment for sampling.

To get an idea of ​​the quality and seriousness of the work, here is an example of how a radiological test for radon is carried out:

  1. Water is taken from various sources.
  2. Special devices determine the presence of alpha and beta radiation.
  3. The specific activity of uranium, polonium, lead, and radium is determined.
  4. The volumetric activity of radionuclides is revealed;
  5. Radon flux density.

At RosEcology you are guaranteed quality and the use of all the necessary capacities for your health, life and financial peace of mind.

Who needs such a radiation measurement?

Measurement for individuals.

Testing for negative effects from radiation and electromagnetic radiation will help our clients identify threats to human health and life in a particular room. It is possible that many health problems were caused by exposure to radiation and electromagnetic fields. Thus, the check will help get rid of the source of many troubles associated with your health. Therefore, the analysis can be carried out:

  • In apartments
  • In private homes
  • In summer cottages
  • In separate living quarters
  • Individual objects and devices are analyzed to identify differences in radiation radiation

Measurement for legal entities.

Among our regular customers are many large companies that are interested in checking the premises for radiation and the presence of negative radiation. Therefore, our company offers its corporate clients to check radiation at the following facilities:

  • Development land
  • Warehouses
  • Office workstations
  • Separate mechanisms and devices

Permissible radiation standards for humans

Since radiation is an integral part of people’s daily lives, it is necessary to clearly understand in which case the background radiation present will not have any effect on your well-being, and in which case the environment becomes your sworn enemy.

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